Senate Bill S2009C

Signed By Governor
2017-2018 Legislative Session

Enacts into law major components of legislation which are necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2017-2018 state fiscal year

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Archive: Last Bill Status Via A3009 - Signed by Governor

  • Introduced
    • In Committee Assembly
    • In Committee Senate
    • On Floor Calendar Assembly
    • On Floor Calendar Senate
    • Passed Assembly
    • Passed Senate
  • Delivered to Governor
  • Signed By Governor

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Bill Amendments

2017-S2009 - Details

See Assembly Version of this Bill:
Law Section:
Budget Bills
Laws Affected:
Amd Various Laws, generally

2017-S2009 - Summary

Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2017-2018 state fiscal year; relates to the school tax reduction credit for residents of a city with a population of one million or more; repeals section 54-f of the state finance law relating thereto (Part C); relates to authorizing partial payments of property taxes (Part F)

2017-S2009 - Sponsor Memo

2017-S2009 - Bill Text download pdf

                     S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
     S. 2009                                                  A. 3009
                       S E N A T E - A S S E M B L Y
                             January 23, 2017
 IN  SENATE -- A BUDGET BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to arti-
   cle seven of the Constitution -- read twice and ordered  printed,  and
   when printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance
 IN  ASSEMBLY  --  A  BUDGET  BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to
   article seven of the Constitution -- read once  and  referred  to  the
   Committee on Ways and Means

 AN  ACT  to amend the alcoholic beverage control law, in relation to the
   creation of a special license to sell alcoholic  beverages  at  retail
   for  consumption  off  the  premises  (Part A); to amend the alcoholic
   beverage control law, in relation to alcohol in certain motion picture
   theatres,  and  providing  for  the  expiration  and  repeal  of  such
   provisions  upon the expiration thereof (Part B); to amend the tax law
   and the administrative code of the city of New York,  in  relation  to
   the  school  tax reduction credit for residents of a city with a popu-
   lation of one million or more; and to repeal section 54-f of the state
   financial law relating thereto (Part C); to amend  the  real  property
   tax  law,  in  relation to the maximum amount of tax savings allowable
   under the STAR program (Part D); to amend the real  property  tax  law
   and  the  tax  law, in relation to making the STAR income verification
   program mandatory; and  repealing  certain  provisions  of  such  laws
   relating  thereto  (Part  E);  to  amend the real property tax law, in
   relation to authorizing partial payments of property taxes  (Part  F);
   to  amend  the  tax  law,  in relation to the STAR personal income tax
   credit (Part G); to amend the real property tax law and the  tax  law,
   in  relation  to  the  applicability of the STAR credit to cooperative
   apartment corporations; and repealing certain provisions  of  the  tax
   law  relating  thereto  (Part  H); to amend chapter 540 of the laws of
   1992, amending the real property tax  law  relating  to  oil  and  gas
   charges,  in  relation to the effectiveness thereof (Part I); to amend
   the state finance law, in relation to the  veterans'  home  assistance
   fund  (Part J); to amend the economic development law and the tax law,
   in relation to life sciences companies (Part K); to amend the economic
   development law,  in  relation  to  the  employee  training  incentive
   program  (Part  L); to amend the tax law, in relation to extending the
   empire state  film  production  credit  and  empire  state  film  post
   production credit for three years (Part M); to amend the labor law and

2017-S2009A - Details

See Assembly Version of this Bill:
Law Section:
Budget Bills
Laws Affected:
Amd Various Laws, generally

2017-S2009A - Summary

Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2017-2018 state fiscal year; relates to the school tax reduction credit for residents of a city with a population of one million or more; repeals section 54-f of the state finance law relating thereto (Part C); relates to authorizing partial payments of property taxes (Part F)

2017-S2009A - Bill Text download pdf

                     S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
     S. 2009--A                                            A. 3009--A
                       S E N A T E - A S S E M B L Y
                             January 23, 2017
 IN  SENATE -- A BUDGET BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to arti-
   cle seven of the Constitution -- read twice and ordered  printed,  and
   when  printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance -- committee
   discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
   to said committee
 IN ASSEMBLY -- A BUDGET BILL, submitted  by  the  Governor  pursuant  to
   article  seven  of  the  Constitution -- read once and referred to the
   Committee on Ways and Means --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,
   ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
 AN  ACT  to amend the alcoholic beverage control law, in relation to the
   creation of a special license to sell alcoholic  beverages  at  retail
   for  consumption  off  the  premises  (Part A); to amend the alcoholic
   beverage control law, in relation to alcohol in certain motion picture
   theatres,  and  providing  for  the  expiration  and  repeal  of  such
   provisions  upon the expiration thereof (Part B); to amend the tax law
   and the administrative code of the city of New York,  in  relation  to
   the  school  tax reduction credit for residents of a city with a popu-
   lation of one million or more; and to repeal section 54-f of the state
   financial law relating thereto (Part C); to amend  the  real  property
   tax  law,  in  relation to the maximum amount of tax savings allowable
   under the STAR program (Part D); to amend the real  property  tax  law
   and  the  tax  law, in relation to making the STAR income verification
   program mandatory; and  repealing  certain  provisions  of  such  laws
   relating  thereto  (Part  E);  to  amend the real property tax law, in
   relation to authorizing partial payments of property taxes  (Part  F);
   to  amend  the  tax  law,  in relation to the STAR personal income tax
   credit (Part G); to amend the real property tax law and the  tax  law,
   in  relation  to  the  applicability of the STAR credit to cooperative
   apartment corporations; and repealing certain provisions  of  the  tax
   law  relating  thereto  (Part  H); to amend chapter 540 of the laws of
   1992, amending the real property tax  law  relating  to  oil  and  gas
   charges,  in  relation to the effectiveness thereof (Part I); to amend
   the state finance law, in relation to the  veterans'  home  assistance
   fund  (Part J); to amend the economic development law and the tax law,
   in relation to life sciences companies (Part K); to amend the economic
   development law,  in  relation  to  the  employee  training  incentive