Assembly Bill A7290

2019-2020 Legislative Session

Relates to establishing Earth day; repealer

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Archive: Last Bill Status - Stricken

  • Introduced
    • In Committee Assembly
    • In Committee Senate
    • On Floor Calendar Assembly
    • On Floor Calendar Senate
    • Passed Assembly
    • Passed Senate
  • Delivered to Governor
  • Signed By Governor

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2019-A7290 (ACTIVE) - Details

Law Section:
Education Law
Laws Affected:
Rpld §4402 sub 1 ¶b sub¶ 3 clause (h), amd Ed L, generally; amd §6-0107, En Con L; amd §375, V & T L; rpld §353 sub 15, Exec L

2019-A7290 (ACTIVE) - Summary

Relates to establishing Earth day; relates to mandate relief for school districts and certain other educational entities; relates to the provision of special education programs and services to students parentally placed in non-public schools through dual enrollment in the public schools; relates to eliminating the requirement that the commissioner of education make appointments to state-supported schools

2019-A7290 (ACTIVE) - Bill Text download pdf

                     S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                        2019-2020 Regular Sessions
                           I N  A S S E M B L Y
                              April 18, 2019
 Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  STERN  -- (at request of the State Education
   Department) -- read once and referred to the Committee on Education
 AN ACT to amend the education law, in  relation  to  establishing  Earth
   day;  in  relation  to mandate relief for school districts and certain
   other educational entities; in relation to the  provision  of  special
   education  programs and services to students parentally placed in non-
   public schools through dual  enrollment  in  the  public  schools;  in
   relation  to  eliminating  the  requirement  that  the commissioner of
   education make appointments to state-supported schools; in relation to
   the  committee  on  special  education  membership  requirements;   in
   relation  to  transportation  of students with disabilities parentally
   placed in a private school; in relation to the statute of  limitations
   for  special  education  due  process  hearings;  in  relation  to the
   selection of a preschool  evaluator;  in  relation  to  giving  school
   districts  or boards of cooperative educational services the option of
   advertising procurement bids in the state's opportunities  newsletter;
   to  amend  the  environmental  conservation  law, in relation to state
   smart growth public infrastructure criteria; to amend the vehicle  and
   traffic law, in relation to school omnibus signs complying with feder-
   al  motor  vehicle safety  standards; to authorize the commissioner of
   education to conduct a study of the feasibility  and  desirability  of
   authorizing  school  districts  and  boards of cooperative educational
   services to enter national credit card contracts; to  repeal  subdivi-
   sion  15 of section 353 of the executive law relating to the duties of
   the state director of the division of  veterans'  affairs;  to  repeal
   clause  (h)  of  subparagraph    3  of paragraph b of subdivision 1 of
   section 4402 of the education law relating to reports on certain chil-
   dren of Vietnam veterans; to authorize capital outlays  for  a  school
   construction  project  less  than  $250,000; state aid adjustments for
   prior years; and payment schedules for multi-year recoveries for state
   aid and extensions for late filings of  transportation  contracts;  to
   authorize  school  districts  to  lease  space  not located within the
   school district, and to ratify certain acts in connection  with  final
   cost  reports  filed  with  the  state  education  department for each
  EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets


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