[ ] is old law to be omitted.
2 12553-07-1
appropriation or any part thereof is, unless otherwise indicated, chap-
ter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020 and, for the department of
health, chapter 50, section 3, of the laws of 2020.
d) No moneys appropriated by this chapter shall be available for
payment until a certificate of approval has been issued by the director
of the budget, who shall file such certificate with the department of
audit and control, the chairperson of the senate finance committee and
the chairperson of the assembly ways and means committee.
e) The appropriations contained in this chapter shall be available for
the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2021 except as otherwise noted.
3 12553-07-1
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 158,081,500 173,900,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 114,985,000 224,199,504
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 980,000 980,000
---------------- ----------------
All funds ........................ 274,046,500 399,079,504
================ ================
COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAM ................................. 274,046,500
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For services and expenses, including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to
April 1, 2021, related to the community
services for the elderly grant program.
Notwithstanding subparagraph (1) of para-
graph (b) of subdivision 4 of section 214
of the elder law and any other provision
of law to the contrary, up to $3,500,000
of the funds appropriated herein may, at
the discretion of the director of the
budget, be used by the state to reimburse
counties for more than the 75 percent of
the total annual expenditures of approved
community services for the elderly
programs. No expenditures shall be made
from this appropriation until the director
of the budget has approved a plan submit-
ted by the office outlining the amounts
and purposes of such expenditures and the
allocation of funds among the counties.
Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule
or regulation to the contrary, subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et, funds appropriated herein for the
community services for the elderly program
(CSE) and the expanded in-home services
for the elderly program (EISEP) may be
used in accordance with a waiver or
reduction in county maintenance of effort
requirements established pursuant to
section 214 of the elder law, except for
base year expenditures. To the extent that
funds hereby appropriated are sufficient
4 12553-07-1
to exceed the per capita limit established
in section 214 of the elder law, the
excess funds shall be available to supple-
ment the existing per capita level in a
uniform manner consistent with statutory
allocations (10318) ......................... 29,801,000
For planning and implementation, including
the payment of liabilities incurred prior
to April 1, 2021, of a program of expanded
in-home, case management and ancillary
community services for the elderly
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law to the contrary, including but not
limited to the state reimbursement and
county maintenance of effort requirements
specified in the elder law, up to
$20,000,000 of the funds appropriated
herein shall be used to address the unmet
needs of the elderly as reported to the
office for the aging through the reporting
requirements set forth in state elder law
section 214. Subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, up to
$20,000,000 hereby appropriated may be
interchanged or transferred with any other
general fund appropriation within the
office for the aging to address the unmet
needs of the elderly as reported to the
office for the aging through the reporting
requirements set forth in state elder law
section 214. The office for the aging
shall provide an annual report to the
governor, the temporary president of the
senate, and the speaker of the assembly by
September 1, 2022 that shall include the
area agencies on aging that have received
these funds, the amount of funds received
by each area agency on aging, the number
of participants served, and the services
No expenditures shall be made from this
appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a plan submitted by
the office outlining the amounts and
purposes of such expenditures and the
allocation of funds among the counties,
including the city of New York (10319) ...... 70,120,000
For services and expenses of grants to area
agencies on aging for the establishment
and operation of caregiver resource
centers (10321) ................................ 353,000
5 12553-07-1
For services and expenses, including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to
April 1, 2021, associated with the well-
ness in nutrition (WIN) program, formerly
known as the supplemental nutrition
assistance program (SNAP), including a
suballocation to the department of agri-
culture and markets to be transferred to
state operations for administrative costs
of the farmers market nutrition program.
Up to $200,000 of this appropriation may
be made available to the Council of Senior
Centers and Services of New York City to
provide outreach within the older adult
SNAP initiative. No expenditure shall be
made from this appropriation until the
director of the budget has approved a plan
submitted by the office outlining the
amounts and purpose of such expenditures
and the allocation of funds among the
counties (10322) ............................ 28,281,000
Local grants for services and expenses of
the long-term care ombudsman program
(10323) ...................................... 1,190,000
For state aid grants to providers of respite
services to the elderly. Funding priority
shall be given to the renewal of existing
contracts with the state office for the
aging. No expenditures shall be made from
this appropriation until the director of
the budget has approved a plan submitted
by the office outlining the amounts to be
distributed by provider (10328) ................ 656,000
For state aid grants to providers of social
model adult day services. Funding priority
shall be given to the renewal of existing
contracts with the state office for the
aging. No expenditures shall be made from
this appropriation until the director of
the budget has approved a plan submitted
by the office outlining the amounts to be
distributed by provider (10329) .............. 1,072,000
For state aid grants to naturally occurring
retirement communities (NORC). Funding
priority shall be given to the renewal of
existing contracts with the state office
for the aging. No expenditures shall be
made from this appropriation until the
director of the budget has approved a plan
submitted by the office outlining the
amounts to be distributed by provider
(10330) ...................................... 2,027,500
6 12553-07-1
For state aid grants to neighborhood
naturally occurring retirement communities
(NNORC). Funding priority shall be given
to the renewal of existing contracts with
the state office for the aging. No expend-
itures shall be made from this appropri-
ation until the director of the budget has
approved a plan submitted by the office
outlining the amounts to be distributed by
provider any activities or provide any
services (10331) ............................. 2,027,500
For grants in aid to the 59 designated area
agencies on aging for transportation oper-
ating expenses related to serving the
elderly. Funds shall be allocated from
this appropriation pursuant to a plan
prepared by the director of the state
office for the aging and approved by the
director of the budget (10885) ............... 1,121,000
For grants to the area agencies on aging for
the health insurance information, coun-
seling and assistance program (10335) ........ 1,000,000
For state matching funds for services and
expenses to match federally funded model
projects and/or demonstration grant
programs, a portion of which may be trans-
ferred to state operations or to other
entities as necessary to meet federal
grant objectives (10336) ....................... 175,000
For the managed care consumer assistance
program for the purpose of providing
education, outreach, one-on-one coun-
seling, monitoring of the implementation
of medicare part D, and assistance with
drug appeals and fair hearings related to
medicare part D coverage for persons who
are eligible for medical assistance and
who are also beneficiaries under part D of
title XVIII of the federal social security
act and for participants of the elderly
pharmaceutical insurance coverage program
(EPIC) in accordance with the following:
Medicare Rights Center (10340) ................. 793,000
New York StateWide Senior Action Council,
Inc. (10341) ................................... 354,000
New York Legal Assistance Group (10342) .......... 222,000
Legal Aid Society of New York (10343) ............ 111,000
Empire Justice Center (10345) .................... 155,000
Community Service Society (10346) ................ 132,000
For services and expenses of the retired and
senior volunteer program (RSVP) (10324) ........ 216,500
7 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of the EAC/Nassau
senior respite program (10325) ................. 118,500
For services and expenses of the home aides
of central New York, Inc. senior respite
program (10326) ................................. 71,000
For services and expenses of the New York
foundation for senior citizens home shar-
ing and respite care program (10327) ............ 86,000
For services and expenses of the foster
grandparents program (10332) .................... 98,000
For services and expenses related to an
elderly abuse education and outreach
program in accordance with section 219 of
the elder law funding priority shall be
given to the renewal of existing contracts
with the state office for the aging
(10333) ........................................ 745,000
For services and expenses related to the
livable New York initiative to create
neighborhoods that consider the evolving
needs and preferences of all their resi-
dents (10866) .................................. 122,500
For services and expenses of the New York
state adult day services association, inc.
related to providing training and techni-
cal assistance to social adult day
services programs in New York state
regarding the quality of services (10867) ...... 122,500
For services and expenses related to the
congregate services initiative. No expend-
itures shall be made from this appropri-
ation until the director of the budget has
approved a plan submitted by the office
outlining the amounts and purposes of such
expenditures and the allocation of funds
among the counties (10320) ..................... 403,000
For services and expenses of New York State-
wide Senior Action Council, Inc. for the
patients' rights hotline and advocacy
project (10334) ................................. 31,500
For services and expenses for Lifespan of
Greater Rochester, Inc. for sustainability
and expansion of Enhanced Multi-Discipli-
nary Teams as implemented under the feder-
al Elder Abuse Preventions Interventions
Initiative and related data collection and
reporting (10833) .............................. 500,000
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, up to the amount
appropriated herein, may be transferred to
the general fund state purposes account
8 12553-07-1
for services and expenses of the Associ-
ation on Aging in New York State to
provide training, education and technical
assistance to the area agencies on aging
and aging network service contractor staff
for professional development which must
include but not be limited to developing
priority training needs of all aging
network staff, submitting an implementa-
tion plan for approval by the office for
the aging in advance, prioritizing expan-
sion of state certified aging network
staff, and developing contracts and vouch-
ers in a timely manner (10810) ................. 250,000
Notwithstanding subparagraph (1) of para-
graph (b) of subdivision 4 of section 214
of the elder law or any other provision of
law for additional services and expenses
related to the community services for the
elderly grant program (10301) ................ 1,500,000
For additional services and expenses for
state aid grants to naturally occurring
retirement communities (NORC). Funding
priority shall be given to supplemental
allocations to existing contracts (10800) .... 2,000,000
For additional services and expenses for
state aid grants to neighborhood naturally
occurring retirement communities (NNORC).
Funding priority shall be given to supple-
mental allocations to existing contracts
(10801) ...................................... 2,000,000
Notwithstanding subparagraph (1) of para-
graph (b) of subdivision 4 of section 214
of the elder law or any other provision of
law for additional services and expenses
related to the community services for the
elderly grant program (10303) .................. 750,000
Notwithstanding subparagraph (1) of para-
graph (b) of subdivision 4 of section 214
of the elder law or any other provision of
law for additional services and expenses
related to the community services for the
elderly grant program (10303) ................ 5,000,000
For additional local grants for services and
expenses of the long-term care ombudsman
program (10323) .............................. 1,000,000
For services and expenses related to provid-
ing state aid grants to fund "eligible
services," including but not limited to
health care management and assistance
and/or health promotion and linkages to
prevention services and screenings, at
9 12553-07-1
naturally occurring retirement communities
(NORC) and neighborhood naturally occur-
ring retirement communities (NNORC) as
required by section 209 of the Elder Law.
Funding priority shall be given to supple-
mental allocations to existing contracts ..... 2,000,000
For services and expenses of the Holocaust
Survivors Initiatives .......................... 350,000
For services and expenses of Regional Aid
for Interim Needs, Inc. ........................ 290,000
For services and expenses of Lifespan of
Greater Rochester, Inc ......................... 250,000
For services and expenses of Older Adults
Technology Services, Inc ....................... 200,000
For services and expenses of LiveOn-NY ........... 100,000
For additional services and expenses of the
New York foundation for senior citizens
home sharing and respite care program ........... 86,000
For services and expenses of various aging
programs ....................................... 200,000
Program account subtotal ................. 158,081,500
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
FHHS Aid to Localities Account - 25177
For programs provided under the titles of
the federal older Americans act and other
health and human services programs.
Title III-b social services (10894) ........... 26,000,000
Title III-c nutrition programs, including a
suballocation to the department of health
to be transferred to state operations for
nutrition program activities (10893) ........ 41,385,000
Title III-e caregivers (10892) ................ 12,000,000
Health and human services programs (10891) ..... 9,000,000
Nutrition services incentive program (10890) .. 17,000,000
Program account subtotal ................. 105,385,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Office for the Aging Federal Grants Account - 25300
For services and expenses related to the
provision of aging services programs
(10883) ........................................ 600,000
10 12553-07-1
Program account subtotal ..................... 600,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Senior Community Service Employment Account - 25444
For the senior community service employment
program provided under title V of the
federal older Americans act (10887) .......... 9,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 9,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Aging Grants and Bequest Account - 20196
For services and expenses of the state
office for the aging (81034) ................... 980,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 980,000
11 12553-07-1
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses, including the payment of liabilities
incurred prior to April 1, 2020, related to the community services
for the elderly grant program. Notwithstanding subparagraph (1) of
paragraph (b) of subdivision 4 of section 214 of the elder law and
any other provision of law to the contrary, up to $3,500,000 of the
funds appropriated herein may, at the discretion of the director of
the budget, be used by the state to reimburse counties for more than
the 75 percent of the total annual expenditures of approved communi-
ty services for the elderly programs. No expenditures shall be made
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the amounts and
purposes of such expenditures and the allocation of funds among the
counties. Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule or regulation
to the contrary, subject to the approval of the director of the
budget, funds appropriated herein for the community services for the
elderly program (CSE) and the expanded in-home services for the
elderly program (EISEP) may be used in accordance with a waiver or
reduction in county maintenance of effort requirements established
pursuant to section 214 of the elder law, except for base year
expenditures. To the extent that funds hereby appropriated are
sufficient to exceed the per capita limit established in section 214
of the elder law, the excess funds shall be available to supplement
the existing per capita level in a uniform manner consistent with
statutory allocations.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, including section 1
of part C of chapter 57 of the laws of 2006, as amended by section 1
of part I of chapter 60 of the laws of 2014, for the period commenc-
ing on April 1, 2020 and ending March 31, 2021 the director shall
not apply any cost of living adjustment for the purpose of estab-
lishing rates of payments, contracts or any other form of reimburse-
ment (10318) ... 29,801,000 ...................... (re. $28,154,000)
For planning and implementation, including the payment of liabilities
incurred prior to April 1, 2020, of a program of expanded in-home,
case management and ancillary community services for the elderly
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the contrary,
including but not limited to the state reimbursement and county
maintenance of effort requirements specified in the elder law, up to
$15,000,000 of the funds appropriated herein shall be used to
address the unmet needs of the elderly as reported to the office for
the aging through the reporting requirements set forth in state
elder law section 214. Subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, up to $15,000,000 hereby appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred with any other general fund appropriation
within the office for the aging to address the unmet needs of the
elderly as reported to the office for the aging through the report-
12 12553-07-1
ing requirements set forth in state elder law section 214. The
office for the aging shall provide an annual report to the governor,
the temporary president of the senate, and the speaker of the assem-
bly by September 1, 2021 that shall include the area agencies on
aging that have received these funds, the amount of funds received
by each area agency on aging, the number of participants served, and
the services provided.
No expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until the direc-
tor of the budget has approved a plan submitted by the office
outlining the amounts and purposes of such expenditures and the
allocation of funds among the counties, including the city of New
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, including section 1
of part C of chapter 57 of the laws of 2006, as amended by section 1
of part I of chapter 60 of the laws of 2014, for the period commenc-
ing on April 1, 2020 and ending March 31, 2021 the director shall
not apply any cost of living adjustment for the purpose of estab-
lishing rates of payments, contracts or any other form of reimburse-
ment (10319) ... 65,120,000 ...................... (re. $62,470,000)
For services and expenses, including the payment of liabilities
incurred prior to April 1, 2020, associated with the wellness in
nutrition (WIN) program, formerly known as the supplemental nutri-
tion assistance program (SNAP), including a suballocation to the
department of agriculture and markets to be transferred to state
operations for administrative costs of the farmers market nutrition
program. Up to $200,000 of this appropriation may be made available
to the Council of Senior Centers and Services of New York City to
provide outreach within the older adult SNAP initiative. No expendi-
ture shall be made from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the
amounts and purpose of such expenditures and the allocation of funds
among the counties.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, including section 1
of part C of chapter 57 of the laws of 2006, as amended by section 1
of part I of chapter 60 of the laws of 2014, for the period commenc-
ing on April 1, 2020 and ending March 31, 2021 the director shall
not apply any cost of living adjustment for the purpose of estab-
lishing rates of payments, contracts or any other form of reimburse-
ment (10322) ... 28,281,000 ...................... (re. $26,516,000)
Local grants for services and expenses of the long-term care ombudsman
program (10323) ... 1,190,000 ..................... (re. $1,190,000)
For state aid grants to providers of respite services to the elderly.
Funding priority shall be given to the renewal of existing contracts
with the state office for the aging. No expenditures shall be made
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the amounts to be
distributed by provider (10328) ... 656,000 ......... (re. $656,000)
For state aid grants to providers of social model adult day services.
Funding priority shall be given to the renewal of existing contracts
with the state office for the aging. No expenditures shall be made
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
13 12553-07-1
approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the amounts to be
distributed by provider (10329) ... 1,072,000 ..... (re. $1,072,000)
For state aid grants to naturally occurring retirement communities
(NORC). Funding priority shall be given to the renewal of existing
contracts with the state office for the aging. No expenditures shall
be made from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the amounts to be
distributed by provider (10330) ... 2,027,500 ..... (re. $2,027,500)
For state aid grants to neighborhood naturally occurring retirement
communities (NNORC). Funding priority shall be given to the renewal
of existing contracts with the state office for the aging. No
expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until the direc-
tor of the budget has approved a plan submitted by the office
outlining the amounts to be distributed by provider any activities
or provide any services (10331) ... 2,027,500 ..... (re. $2,027,500)
For grants in aid to the 59 designated area agencies on aging for
transportation operating expenses related to serving the elderly.
Funds shall be allocated from this appropriation pursuant to a plan
prepared by the director of the state office for the aging and
approved by the director of the budget (10885) .....................
1,121,000 ......................................... (re. $1,092,000)
For grants to the area agencies on aging for the health insurance
information, counseling and assistance program (10335) .............
1,000,000 ........................................... (re. $998,000)
For state matching funds for services and expenses to match federally
funded model projects and/or demonstration grant programs, a portion
of which may be transferred to state operations or to other entities
as necessary to meet federal grant objectives (10336) ..............
175,000 ............................................. (re. $175,000)
For the managed care consumer assistance program for the purpose of
providing education, outreach, one-on-one counseling, monitoring of
the implementation of medicare part D, and assistance with drug
appeals and fair hearings related to medicare part D coverage for
persons who are eligible for medical assistance and who are also
beneficiaries under part D of title XVIII of the federal social
security act and for participants of the elderly pharmaceutical
insurance coverage program (EPIC) in accordance with the following:
Medicare Rights Center (10340) ... 793,000 ............ (re. $793,000)
New York StateWide Senior Action Council, Inc. (10341) ...............
354,000 ............................................. (re. $354,000)
New York Legal Assistance Group (10342) ... 222,000 ... (re. $222,000)
Legal Aid Society of New York (10343) ... 111,000 ..... (re. $111,000)
Empire Justice Center (10345) ... 155,000 ............. (re. $155,000)
Community Service Society (10346) ... 132,000 ......... (re. $132,000)
For services and expenses of the retired and senior volunteer program
(RSVP) (10324) ... 216,500 .......................... (re. $216,500)
For services and expenses of the EAC/Nassau senior respite program
(10325) ... 118,500 ................................. (re. $118,500)
For services and expenses of the home aides of central New York, Inc.
senior respite program (10326) ... 71,000 ............ (re. $71,000)
14 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of the New York foundation for senior citi-
zens home sharing and respite care program (10327) .................
86,000 ............................................... (re. $86,000)
For services and expenses of the foster grandparents program (10332)
... 98,000 ........................................... (re. $98,000)
For services and expenses related to an elderly abuse education and
outreach program in accordance with section 219 of the elder law
funding priority shall be given to the renewal of existing contracts
with the state office for the aging (10333) ........................
745,000 ............................................. (re. $745,000)
For services and expenses related to the livable New York initiative
to create neighborhoods that consider the evolving needs and prefer-
ences of all their residents (10866) ...............................
122,500 ............................................. (re. $122,500)
For services and expenses of the New York state adult day services
association, inc. related to providing training and technical
assistance to social adult day services programs in New York state
regarding the quality of services (10867) ..........................
122,500 ............................................. (re. $122,500)
For services and expenses related to the congregate services initi-
ative. No expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until
the director of the budget has approved a plan submitted by the
office outlining the amounts and purposes of such expenditures and
the allocation of funds among the counties (10320) .................
403,000 ............................................. (re. $403,000)
For services and expenses of New York Statewide Senior Action Council,
Inc. for the patients' rights hotline and advocacy project (10334)
... 31,500 ........................................... (re. $31,500)
For services and expenses for Lifespan of Greater Rochester, Inc. for
sustainability and expansion of Enhanced Multi-Disciplinary Teams as
implemented under the federal Elder Abuse Preventions Interventions
Initiative and related data collection and reporting (10833) .......
500,000 ............................................. (re. $500,000)
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, up to the amount appropri-
ated herein, may be transferred to the general fund state purposes
account for services and expenses of the Association on Aging in New
York State to provide training, education and technical assistance
to the area agencies on aging and aging network service contractor
staff for professional development which must include but not be
limited to developing priority training needs of all aging network
staff, submitting an implementation plan for approval by the office
for the aging in advance, prioritizing expansion of state certified
aging network staff, and developing contracts and vouchers in a
timely manner (10810) ... 250,000 ................... (re. $250,000)
Notwithstanding subparagraph (1) of paragraph (b) of subdivision 4 of
section 214 of the elder law or any other provision of law for addi-
tional services and expenses related to the community services for
the elderly grant program (10301) ..................................
1,500,000 ......................................... (re. $1,500,000)
For additional services and expenses for state aid grants to naturally
occurring retirement communities (NORC). Funding priority shall be
15 12553-07-1
given to supplemental allocations to existing contracts (10800) ....
2,000,000 ......................................... (re. $2,000,000)
For additional services and expenses for state aid grants to neighbor-
hood naturally occurring retirement communities (NNORC). Funding
priority shall be given to supplemental allocations to existing
contracts (10801) ... 2,000,000 ................... (re. $2,000,000)
Notwithstanding subparagraph (1) of paragraph (b) of subdivision 4 of
section 214 of the elder law or any other provision of law for addi-
tional services and expenses related to the community services for
the elderly grant program (10303) ... 750,000 ....... (re. $750,000)
For additional services and expenses of the New York foundation for
senior citizens home sharing and respite care program ..............
86,000 ............................................... (re. $86,000)
For services and expenses of the Holocaust Survivors Initiatives .....
300,000 ............................................. (re. $300,000)
For services and expenses of Jewish Association for Services for the
Aged for the Bay Eden Senior Center ... 20,000 ....... (re. $20,000)
For services and expenses of Lifespan of Greater Rochester, Inc ......
215,000 ............................................. (re. $215,000)
For services and expenses of LiveOn-NY ... 100,000 .... (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Older Adults Technology Services, Inc ...
200,000 ............................................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc. ....
200,000 ............................................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of the SAGE LGBT Welcoming Elder Housing
program ... 100,000 ................................ (re. $100,000)
For additional services and expenses of the New York Statewide Senior
Action Council, Inc. for the patients' rights hotline and advocacy
project ... 100,000 ................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the Holocaust Survivors Initiative ...
150,000 ............................................. (re. $150,000)
For additional services and expenses of the center for Elder Law and
Justice for the prevention of elder abuse ..........................
175,000 ............................................. (re. $175,000)
For services and expenses related to providing state aid grants to
fund "eligible services," including but not limited to health care
management and assistance and/or health promotion and linkages to
prevention services and screenings, at naturally occurring retire-
ment communities (NORC) and neighborhood naturally occurring retire-
ment communities (NNORC) as required by section 209 of the Elder
Law. Funding priority shall be given to supplemental allocations to
existing contracts ... 325,000 ...................... (re. $325,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020, as added by chapter 50,
section 4, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses of Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc ...
90,000 ............................................... (re. $90,000)
For services and expenses of Riverdale Senior Services, Inc ... 90,000
...................................................... (re. $90,000)
For services and expenses of the Bay Ridge Center, Inc ...............
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
16 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of Selfhelp Clearview Senior Center ...
110,000 ............................................. (re. $110,000)
For additional services and expenses of the New York Statewide Senior
Action Council, Inc. for the patients' rights hotline and advocacy
project ... 100,000 ................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Lifespan of Greater Rochester, Inc. ...
125,000 ............................................. (re. $125,000)
For services and expenses for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender
Elders (SAGE) ... 200,000 ........................... (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney
Island, Inc. ... 250,000 ............................ (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of Jewish Association for Services for the
Aged ... 90,000 ...................................... (re. $90,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses, including the payment of liabilities
incurred prior to April 1, 2019, related to the community services
for the elderly grant program. Notwithstanding subparagraph (1) of
paragraph (b) of subdivision 4 of section 214 of the elder law and
any other provision of law to the contrary, up to $3,500,000 of the
funds appropriated herein may, at the discretion of the director of
the budget, be used by the state to reimburse counties for more than
the 75 percent of the total annual expenditures of approved communi-
ty services for the elderly programs. No expenditures shall be made
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the amounts and
purposes of such expenditures and the allocation of funds among the
counties. Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule or regulation
to the contrary, subject to the approval of the director of the
budget, funds appropriated herein for the community services for the
elderly program (CSE) and the expanded in-home services for the
elderly program (EISEP) may be used in accordance with a waiver or
reduction in county maintenance of effort requirements established
pursuant to section 214 of the elder law, except for base year
expenditures. To the extent that funds hereby appropriated are
sufficient to exceed the per capita limit established in section 214
of the elder law, the excess funds shall be available to supplement
the existing per capita level in a uniform manner consistent with
statutory allocations.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, including section 1
of part C of chapter 57 of the laws of 2006, as amended by section 1
of part I of chapter 60 of the laws of 2014, for the period commenc-
ing on April 1, 2019 and ending March 31, 2020 the director shall
not apply any cost of living adjustment for the purpose of estab-
lishing rates of payments, contracts or any other form of reimburse-
ment (10318) ... 28,933,000 ....................... (re. $1,392,000)
For planning and implementation, including the payment of liabilities
incurred prior to April 1, 2019, of a program of expanded in-home,
case management and ancillary community services for the elderly
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the contrary,
including but not limited to the state reimbursement and county
17 12553-07-1
maintenance of effort requirements specified in the elder law, up to
$15,000,000 of the funds appropriated herein shall be used to
address the unmet needs of the elderly as reported to the office for
the aging through the reporting requirements set forth in state
elder law section 214. Subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, up to $15,000,000 hereby appropriated may be inter-
changed or transferred with any other general fund appropriation
within the office for the aging to address the unmet needs of the
elderly as reported to the office for the aging through the report-
ing requirements set forth in state elder law section 214. The
office for the aging shall provide an annual report to the governor,
the temporary president of the senate, and the speaker of the assem-
bly by September 1, 2020 that shall include the area agencies on
aging that have received these funds, the amount of funds received
by each area agency on aging, the number of participants served, and
the services provided.
No expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until the direc-
tor of the budget has approved a plan submitted by the office
outlining the amounts and purposes of such expenditures and the
allocation of funds among the counties, including the city of New
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, including section 1
of part C of chapter 57 of the laws of 2006, as amended by section 1
of part I of chapter 60 of the laws of 2014, for the period commenc-
ing on April 1, 2019 and ending March 31, 2020 the director shall
not apply any cost of living adjustment for the purpose of estab-
lishing rates of payments, contracts or any other form of reimburse-
ment (10319) ... 65,120,000 ....................... (re. $8,566,000)
For services and expenses of grants to area agencies on aging for the
establishment and operation of caregiver resource centers (10321)
... 353,000 .......................................... (re. $10,000)
For services and expenses, including the payment of liabilities
incurred prior to April 1, 2019, associated with the wellness in
nutrition (WIN) program, formerly known as the supplemental nutri-
tion assistance program (SNAP), including a suballocation to the
department of agriculture and markets to be transferred to state
operations for administrative costs of the farmers market nutrition
program. Up to $200,000 of this appropriation may be made available
to the Council of Senior Centers and Services of New York City to
provide outreach within the older adult SNAP initiative. No expendi-
ture shall be made from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the
amounts and purpose of such expenditures and the allocation of funds
among the counties.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, including section 1
of part C of chapter 57 of the laws of 2006, as amended by section 1
of part I of chapter 60 of the laws of 2014, for the period commenc-
ing on April 1, 2019 and ending March 31, 2020 the director shall
not apply any cost of living adjustment for the purpose of estab-
lishing rates of payments, contracts or any other form of reimburse-
ment (10322) ... 27,483,000 ......................... (re. $157,000)
18 12553-07-1
Local grants for services and expenses of the long-term care ombudsman
program (10323) ... 1,190,000 ....................... (re. $472,000)
For state aid grants to providers of respite services to the elderly.
Funding priority shall be given to the renewal of existing contracts
with the state office for the aging. No expenditures shall be made
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the amounts to be
distributed by provider (10328) ... 656,000 ......... (re. $432,000)
For state aid grants to providers of social model adult day services.
Funding priority shall be given to the renewal of existing contracts
with the state office for the aging. No expenditures shall be made
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the amounts to be
distributed by provider (10329) ... 1,072,000 ....... (re. $704,000)
For state aid grants to naturally occurring retirement communities
(NORC). Funding priority shall be given to the renewal of existing
contracts with the state office for the aging. No expenditures shall
be made from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the amounts to be
distributed by provider (10330) ... 2,027,500 ..... (re. $2,027,500)
For state aid grants to neighborhood naturally occurring retirement
communities (NNORC). Funding priority shall be given to the renewal
of existing contracts with the state office for the aging. No
expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until the direc-
tor of the budget has approved a plan submitted by the office
outlining the amounts to be distributed by provider any activities
or provide any services (10331) ... 2,027,500 ..... (re. $1,843,000)
For grants in aid to the 59 designated area agencies on aging for
transportation operating expenses related to serving the elderly.
Funds shall be allocated from this appropriation pursuant to a plan
prepared by the director of the state office for the aging and
approved by the director of the budget (10885) .....................
1,121,000 ............................................ (re. $86,000)
For grants to the area agencies on aging for the health insurance
information, counseling and assistance program (10335) .............
1,000,000 ............................................ (re. $68,000)
For state matching funds for services and expenses to match federally
funded model projects and/or demonstration grant programs, a portion
of which may be transferred to state operations or to other entities
as necessary to meet federal grant objectives (10336) ..............
175,000 ............................................. (re. $175,000)
For the managed care consumer assistance program for the purpose of
providing education, outreach, one-on-one counseling, monitoring of
the implementation of medicare part D, and assistance with drug
appeals and fair hearings related to medicare part D coverage for
persons who are eligible for medical assistance and who are also
beneficiaries under part D of title XVIII of the federal social
security act and for participants of the elderly pharmaceutical
insurance coverage program (EPIC) in accordance with the following:
Medicare Rights Center (10340) ... 793,000 ............ (re. $793,000)
New York StateWide Senior Action Council, Inc. (10341) ...............
354,000 .............................................. (re. $43,000)
19 12553-07-1
Legal Aid Society of New York (10343) ... 111,000 ..... (re. $111,000)
Empire Justice Center (10345) ... 155,000 ............. (re. $155,000)
Community Service Society (10346) ... 132,000 ......... (re. $101,000)
For services and expenses of the retired and senior volunteer program
(RSVP) (10324) ... 216,500 ............................ (re. $8,000)
For services and expenses of the New York foundation for senior citi-
zens home sharing and respite care program (10327) .................
86,000 ............................................... (re. $86,000)
For services and expenses of the foster grandparents program (10332)
... 98,000 ............................................ (re. $3,000)
For services and expenses related to an elderly abuse education and
outreach program in accordance with section 219 of the elder law
funding priority shall be given to the renewal of existing contracts
with the state office for the aging (10333) ........................
745,000 ............................................. (re. $280,000)
For services and expenses related to the livable New York initiative
to create neighborhoods that consider the evolving needs and prefer-
ences of all their residents (10866) ...............................
122,500 ............................................. (re. $122,500)
For services and expenses of the New York state adult day services
association, inc. related to providing training and technical
assistance to social adult day services programs in New York state
regarding the quality of services (10867) ..........................
122,500 ............................................. (re. $122,500)
For services and expenses related to the congregate services initi-
ative. No expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until
the director of the budget has approved a plan submitted by the
office outlining the amounts and purposes of such expenditures and
the allocation of funds among the counties (10320) .................
403,000 ............................................... (re. $9,000)
For services and expenses for Lifespan of Greater Rochester, Inc. for
sustainability and expansion of Enhanced Multi-Disciplinary Teams as
implemented under the federal Elder Abuse Preventions Interventions
Initiative and related data collection and reporting (10833) .......
500,000 ............................................. (re. $313,000)
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, up to the amount appropri-
ated herein, may be transferred to the general fund state purposes
account for services and expenses of the Association on Aging in New
York State to provide training, education and technical assistance
to the area agencies on aging and aging network service contractor
staff for professional development which must include but not be
limited to developing priority training needs of all aging network
staff, submitting an implementation plan for approval by the office
for the aging in advance, prioritizing expansion of state certified
aging network staff, and developing contracts and vouchers in a
timely manner (10810) ... 250,000 ................... (re. $227,000)
For additional services and expenses for state aid grants to naturally
occurring retirement communities (NORC). Funding priority shall be
given to supplemental allocations to existing contracts (10800) ....
2,000,000 ......................................... (re. $1,949,000)
20 12553-07-1
For additional services and expenses for state aid grants to neighbor-
hood naturally occurring retirement communities (NNORC). Funding
priority shall be given to supplemental allocations to existing
contracts (10801) ... 2,000,000 ................... (re. $1,615,000)
For services and expenses related to providing state aid grants to
fund "eligible services," including but not limited to health care
management and assistance and/or health promotion and linkages to
prevention services and screenings, at naturally occurring retire-
ment communities (NORC) and neighborhood naturally occurring retire-
ment communities (NNORC) as required by section 209 of the Elder
Law. Funding priority shall be given to supplemental allocations to
existing contracts ... 325,000 ...................... (re. $325,000)
For additional services and expenses for Regional Aid for Interim
Needs, Inc ... 200,000 .............................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of LiveOn-NY ... 100,000 .... (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Wayside Out- Reach Development, Inc ...
75,000 ............................................... (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of Jewish Association for Services for the
Aged for the Bay Eden Senior Center ... 20,000 ....... (re. $15,000)
For services and expenses of the Bay Ridge Center, Inc ...............
100,000 .............................................. (re. $54,000)
For services and expenses of the Holocaust Survivors Initiative ...
400,000 ............................................. (re. $270,000)
For services and expenses of Jewish Association for Services for the
Aged ... 90,000 ...................................... (re. $41,000)
For services and expenses of LiveOn-NY ... 100,000 ..... (re. $40,000)
For services and expenses of Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc ...
90,000 ............................................... (re. $90,000)
For services and expenses of the Bay Ridge Center, Inc ...............
100,000 .............................................. (re. $29,000)
For services and expenses of Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney
Island, Inc. ... 150,000 ............................ (re. $107,000)
For services and expenses of Riverdale Senior Services, Inc ..........
90,000 ............................................... (re. $90,000)
For services and expenses of Common Point Queens .....................
10,000 ............................................... (re. $10,000)
For services and expenses of Harlem Advocates for Seniors, Inc .......
90,000 ............................................... (re. $90,000)
For services and expense of Newtown Senior Center ....................
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of Selfhelp Clearview Senior Center ...
110,000 ............................................. (re. $110,000)
For services and expenses of the center for Elder Law and Justice for
the prevention of elder abuse (13905) ... 175,000 ... (re. $175,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For planning and implementation, including the payment of liabilities
incurred prior to April 1, 2018, of a program of expanded in-home,
case management and ancillary community services for the elderly
(EISEP). No expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until
the director of the budget has approved a plan submitted by the
office outlining the amounts and purposes of such expenditures and
21 12553-07-1
the allocation of funds among the counties, including the city of
New York.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, including section 1
of part C of chapter 57 of the laws of 2006, as amended by section 1
of part I of chapter 60 of the laws of 2014, for the period commenc-
ing on April 1, 2018 and ending March 31, 2019 the director shall
not apply any cost of living adjustment for the purpose of estab-
lishing rates of payments, contracts or any other form of reimburse-
ment (10319) ... 50,120,000 ....................... (re. $1,609,000)
For services and expenses of grants to area agencies on aging for the
establishment and operation of caregiver resource centers (10321)
... 353,000 ........................................... (re. $2,000)
For services and expenses, including the payment of liabilities
incurred prior to April 1, 2018, associated with the wellness in
nutrition (WIN) program, formerly known as the supplemental nutri-
tion assistance program (SNAP), including a suballocation to the
department of agriculture and markets to be transferred to state
operations for administrative costs of the farmers market nutrition
program. Up to $200,000 of this appropriation may be made available
to the Council of Senior Centers and Services of New York City to
provide outreach within the older adult SNAP initiative. No expendi-
ture shall be made from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the
amounts and purpose of such expenditures and the allocation of funds
among the counties.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, including section 1
of part C of chapter 57 of the laws of 2006, as amended by section 1
of part I of chapter 60 of the laws of 2014, for the period commenc-
ing on April 1, 2018 and ending March 31, 2019 the director shall
not apply any cost of living adjustment for the purpose of estab-
lishing rates of payments, contracts or any other form of reimburse-
ment (10322) ... 27,483,000 ........................... (re. $9,000)
Local grants for services and expenses of the long-term care ombudsman
program (10323) ... 1,190,000 ......................... (re. $2,000)
For state aid grants to providers of respite services to the elderly.
Funding priority shall be given to the renewal of existing contracts
with the state office for the aging. No expenditures shall be made
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the amounts to be
distributed by provider (10328) ... 656,000 ......... (re. $111,000)
For state aid grants to providers of social model adult day services.
Funding priority shall be given to the renewal of existing contracts
with the state office for the aging. No expenditures shall be made
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the amounts to be
distributed by provider (10329) ... 1,072,000 ....... (re. $388,000)
For state aid grants to naturally occurring retirement communities
(NORC). Funding priority shall be given to the renewal of existing
contracts with the state office for the aging. No expenditures shall
be made from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a plan submitted by the office outlining the amounts to be
distributed by provider (10330) ... 2,027,500 ........ (re. $67,000)
22 12553-07-1
For state aid grants to neighborhood naturally occurring retirement
communities (NNORC). Funding priority shall be given to the renewal
of existing contracts with the state office for the aging. No
expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until the direc-
tor of the budget has approved a plan submitted by the office
outlining the amounts to be distributed by provider any activities
or provide any services (10331) ... 2,027,500 ....... (re. $278,000)
For grants in aid to the 59 designated area agencies on aging for
transportation operating expenses related to serving the elderly.
Funds shall be allocated from this appropriation pursuant to a plan
prepared by the director of the state office for the aging and
approved by the director of the budget (10885) .....................
1,121,000 ............................................. (re. $5,000)
For state matching funds for services and expenses to match federally
funded model projects and/or demonstration grant programs, a portion
of which may be transferred to state operations or to other entities
as necessary to meet federal grant objectives (10336) ..............
175,000 ............................................. (re. $157,000)
For the managed care consumer assistance program for the purpose of
providing education, outreach, one-on-one counseling, monitoring of
the implementation of medicare part D, and assistance with drug
appeals and fair hearings related to medicare part D coverage for
persons who are eligible for medical assistance and who are also
beneficiaries under part D of title XVIII of the federal social
security act and for participants of the elderly pharmaceutical
insurance coverage program (EPIC) in accordance with the following:
Legal Aid Society of New York (10343) ... 111,000 ..... (re. $111,000)
Empire Justice Center (10345) ... 155,000 .............. (re. $34,000)
For services and expenses related to the livable New York initiative
to create neighborhoods that consider the evolving needs and prefer-
ences of all their residents (10866) ...............................
122,500 ............................................. (re. $116,000)
For services and expenses of the New York state adult day services
association, inc. related to providing training and technical
assistance to social adult day services programs in New York state
regarding the quality of services (10867) ..........................
122,500 .............................................. (re. $37,000)
For services and expenses related to the congregate services initi-
ative. No expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until
the director of the budget has approved a plan submitted by the
office outlining the amounts and purposes of such expenditures and
the allocation of funds among the counties (10320) .................
403,000 ............................................... (re. $6,000)
For services and expenses of the Association on Aging in New York
State to provide training, education and technical assistance to the
area agencies on aging and aging network service contractor staff
for professional development (10810) ... 250,000 ..... (re. $68,000)
For additional services and expenses for state aid grants to naturally
occurring retirement communities (NORC). Funding priority shall be
given to supplemental allocations to existing contracts (10800) ....
2,000,000 ......................................... (re. $2,000,000)
23 12553-07-1
For additional services and expenses for state aid grants to neighbor-
hood naturally occurring retirement communities (NNORC). Funding
priority shall be given to supplemental allocations to existing
contracts (10801) ... 2,000,000 ................... (re. $1,803,000)
For services and expenses of the foster grandparents program (10332)
... 98,000 ........................................... (re. $22,000)
For services and expenses of Jewish Association for Services for the
Aged for the Bay Eden Senior Center ... 20,000 ....... (re. $16,000)
For services and expenses of LiveOn-NY ... 100,000 ..... (re. $29,000)
For services and expenses of Older Adults Technology Services, Inc ...
250,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc .....
100,000 .............................................. (re. $22,000)
For services and expenses of Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. .......
50,000 ............................................... (re. $30,000)
For services and expenses of United Jewish organizations of Williams-
burg, Inc ... 50,000 ................................. (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Wayside Out-Reach Development, Inc ...
75,000 ............................................... (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of Agudath Israel of American Community
Services for the Brookdale Senior Center ... 10,000 .. (re. $10,000)
For services and expenses of Allerton Avenue Homeowners and Tenants
Association related to the operation of a senior center ............
30,000 ............................................... (re. $30,000)
For services and expenses of Bayside Senior Center (Catholic Charities
Brooklyn and Queens) ... 15,000 ...................... (re. $15,000)
For services and expenses of the Brooklyn Chinese-American Associ-
ation, Inc. ... 50,000 ............................... (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of the Clearview Assistance Program ...
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Emerald Isle Immigration Center, Inc ....
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Friends of Catherine M. Sheridan Senior
Center ... 50,000 .................................... (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of Hillcrest Senior Center (Catholic Chari-
ties Brooklyn and Queens) ... 100,000 ............... (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Hope for the Hopeful ....................
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of the Institute for the Puerto Rican
Hispanic Elderly, Inc. ... 100,000 .................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney
Island, Inc. ... 200,000 ............................. (re. $83,000)
For services and expenses of Lifespan of Greater Rochester, Inc ......
200,000 .............................................. (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of Queens Community House ..................
140,000 ............................................. (re. $140,000)
For services and expenses of Riverdale Senior Services, Inc ..........
100,000 .............................................. (re. $22,000)
For services and expenses of Samuel Field YM and YWHA, Inc. ..........
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. ...
15,000 ............................................... (re. $15,000)
24 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of Spanish Speaking Elderly Council (RAICES)
... 50,000 ........................................... (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of Wayside Out-Reach Development, Inc ......
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For additional services and expenses of the New York foundation for
senior citizens home sharing and respite care program ..............
86,000 ................................................ (re. $3,000)
For services and expenses of the Neighborhood Self-Help by Older
Persons Project, Inc. ... 75,000 ..................... (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of Allerton Avenue Homeowners and Tenants
Association related to the operation of a senior center ............
20,000 ................................................ (re. $3,000)
For services and expenses of Bayside Senior Center (Catholic Charities
Brooklyn and Queens) ... 15,000 ...................... (re. $15,000)
For services and expenses of B'nai Yosef Synagogue ...................
50,000 ............................................... (re. $10,000)
For services and expense of Crown Heights Jewish Community Council,
Inc. ... 50,000 ...................................... (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of Hillcrest Senior Center (Catholic Chari-
ties Brooklyn and Queens) ... 15,000 ................. (re. $15,000)
For services and expenses of Jewish Association for Services for the
Aged (JASA) ... 50,000 ................................ (re. $3,000)
For services and expenses of Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney
Island, Inc. ... 200,000 ............................. (re. $28,000)
For services and expenses of Queens Community House ..................
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of Services Now for Adult Persons, Inc .....
300,000 ............................................. (re. $144,000)
For services and expenses of Wayside Out-Reach Development, Inc ......
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of Wayside Out-Reach Development, Inc ......
75,000 ............................................... (re. $75,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expense of Greater Whitestone Taxpayers Community
Center, Inc. ... 50,000 .............................. (re. $50,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For additional services and expenses of the New York foundation for
senior citizens home sharing and respite care program (10306) ......
86,000 ................................................ (re. $7,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses of the home aides of central New York, Inc.
senior respite program ... 71,000 ..................... (re. $9,000)
For additional services and expenses of the New York foundation for
senior citizens home sharing and respite care program ..............
86,000 ............................................... (re. $44,000)
25 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of the Hebrew Home at riverdale for services
related to but not limited to elder abuse prevention, long term
care, and a comprehensive public awareness campaign ................
300,000 .............................................. (re. $13,000)
For services and expenses of the office of the aging to implement
subdivision 3-d of section 1 of part C of chapter 57 of the laws of
2006 as added by a chapter of the laws of 2014 to provide funding
for salary increases for the period April 1, 2014 through March 31,
2015. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,
and subject to the approval of the director of the budget, the
amounts appropriated herein may be increased or decreased by inter-
change or transfer without limit to any local assistance appropri-
ation, and may include advances to local governments and voluntary
agencies, to accomplish this purpose ... 930,000 .... (re. $782,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2013:
For additional services and expenses to providers of social model
adult day services ... 200,000 ....................... (re. $67,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2012:
For additional state aid grants to neighborhood naturally occurring
retirement communities (NNORC). Funding priority shall be given to
the renewal of existing contracts with the state office for the
aging. No expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until
the director of the budget has approved a plan submitted by the
office outlining the amounts to be distributed by provider .........
229,000 ............................................. (re. $111,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
FHHS Aid to Localities Account - 25177
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For programs provided under the titles of the federal older Americans
act and other health and human services programs.
Title III-b social services (10894) ..................................
26,000,000 ....................................... (re. $26,000,000)
Title III-c nutrition programs, including a suballocation to the
department of health to be transferred to state operations for
nutrition program activities (10893) ...............................
41,385,000 ....................................... (re. $41,266,562)
Title III-e caregivers (10892) .......................................
12,000,000 ....................................... (re. $12,000,000)
Health and human services programs (10891) ...........................
9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $8,806,942)
Nutrition services incentive program (10890) .........................
17,000,000 ....................................... (re. $17,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For programs provided under the titles of the federal older Americans
act and other health and human services programs.
26 12553-07-1
Title III-b social services (10894) ..................................
26,000,000 ....................................... (re. $18,268,000)
Title III-c nutrition programs, including a suballocation to the
department of health to be transferred to state operations for
nutrition program activities (10893) ...............................
41,385,000 ....................................... (re. $17,500,000)
Title III-e caregivers (10892) ... 12,000,000 ....... (re. $9,064,000)
Health and human services programs (10891) ...........................
9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $6,519,000)
Nutrition services incentive program (10890) .........................
17,000,000 ....................................... (re. $11,526,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For programs provided under the titles of the federal older Americans
act and other health and human services programs.
Notwithstanding any provision of articles 153, 154 and 163 of the
education law, there shall be an exemption from the professional
licensure requirements of such articles, and nothing contained in
such articles, or in any other provisions of law related to the
licensure requirements of persons licensed under those articles,
shall prohibit or limit the activities or services of any person in
the employ of a program or service operated, certified, regulated,
funded approved by, or under contract with the state office for the
aging, a local governmental unit as such term is defined in article
41 of the mental hygiene law, and/or a local social services
district as defined in section 61 of the social services law, and
all such entities shall be considered to be approved settings for
the receipt of supervised experience for the professions governed by
articles 153, 154 and 163 of the education law, and furthermore, no
such entity shall be required to apply for nor be required to
receive a waiver pursuant to section 6503-a of the education law in
order to perform any activities or provide any services.
Title III-b social services (10894) ..................................
26,000,000 ....................................... (re. $11,149,000)
Title III-c nutrition programs, including a suballocation to the
department of health to be transferred to state operations for
nutrition program activities (10893) ...............................
41,385,000 .......................................... (re. $413,000)
Title III-e caregivers (10892) .......................................
12,000,000 ........................................ (re. $7,308,000)
Health and human services programs (10891) ...........................
9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $4,388,000)
Nutrition services incentive program (10890) .........................
17,000,000 ............................................ (re. $1,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For programs provided under the titles of the federal older Americans
act and other health and human services programs. Title III-b social
services (10894) ... 26,000,000 ................... (re. $6,426,000)
Title III-c nutrition programs, including a suballocation to the
department of health to be transferred to state operations for
27 12553-07-1
nutrition program activities (10893) ...............................
41,385,000 .......................................... (re. $412,000)
Title III-e caregivers (10892) ... 12,000,000 ....... (re. $3,967,000)
Health and human services programs (10891) ...........................
9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $4,388,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Office for the Aging Federal Grants Account - 25300
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses related to the provision of aging services
programs (10883) ... 600,000 ........................ (re. $600,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Senior Community Service Employment Account - 25444
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For the senior community service employment program provided under
title V of the federal older Americans act (10887) .................
9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $9,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For the senior community service employment program provided under
title V of the federal older Americans act (10887) .................
9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $4,096,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For the senior community service employment program provided under
title V of the federal older Americans act (10887) .................
9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $4,101,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combine Expendable Trust Fund
Aging Grants and Bequest Account - 20196
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses of the state office for the aging (81034)
... 980,000 ......................................... (re. $980,000)
28 12553-07-1
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 35,408,000 51,247,500
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 20,000,000 20,000,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 55,408,000 71,247,500
================ ================
AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS SERVICES PROGRAM ...................... 55,408,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
New York state veterinary diagnostic labora-
tory at Cornell university animal health
surveillance and control program (10920) ..... 4,425,000
For additional services and expenses of the
New York state veterinary diagnostic labo-
ratory at Cornell university animal health
surveillance and control program ............. 1,460,000
New York state veterinary diagnostic labora-
tory at Cornell university New York state
cattle health assurance program (10922) ........ 360,000
New York state veterinary diagnostic labora-
tory at Cornell university quality milk
production services program (10921) .......... 1,174,000
New York state veterinary diagnostic labora-
tory at Cornell university Johnes disease
program (10923) ................................ 480,000
New York state veterinary diagnostic labora-
tory at Cornell university rabies program
(10925) ......................................... 50,000
For additional services and expenses of the
New York state veterinary diagnostic labo-
ratory at Cornell university rabies program .... 350,000
New York state veterinary diagnostic labora-
tory at Cornell university Avian disease
program (10924) ................................ 252,000
For additional services and expenses of the
New York state veterinary diagnostic labo-
ratory at Cornell university Avian disease
program ......................................... 98,000
New York State veterinary diagnostic labora-
tory at Cornell University for whole herd
and bulk milk testing to eradicate salmo-
nella dublin bacteria .......................... 200,000
29 12553-07-1
Cornell university berry research (11416) ........ 260,000
Cornell university honeybee research (11455) ..... 150,000
Cornell university maple research (11456) ......... 75,000
For additional services and expenses of
Cornell university for maple research ........... 50,000
Cornell university onion research (10948) ......... 50,000
Cornell university vegetable research (11401) ..... 50,000
For additional services and expenses of
Cornell university for vegetable research ....... 50,000
Cornell university hard cider research
(11441) ........................................ 200,000
Cornell university for concord grape
research (11444) ............................... 200,000
For additional services and expenses of
Cornell university for concord grape
research ........................................ 50,000
Cornell university Geneva experiment station
barley evaluation and field testing
program (11466) ................................ 300,000
For additional services and expenses of
Cornell university Geneva experiment
station barley evaluation and field test-
ing program ..................................... 50,000
Cornell hops breeding research and extension
program ........................................ 350,000
Cornell university golden nematode program ........ 62,000
Cornell university agriculture in the class-
room to support nutritional education
programs (10938) ............................... 380,000
Cornell university future farmers of America
(10939) ........................................ 842,000
Cornell university association of agricul-
tural educators for teacher recruitment,
professional development, and administra-
tive assistance (10940) ........................ 416,000
Cornell university farmnet program for farm
family assistance (10926) ...................... 664,000
For additional services and expenses of
Cornell university farmnet program for
farm family assistance ......................... 336,000
Cornell university pro-dairy program (11470) ... 1,201,000
Cornell university small farms program for
veterans (11417) ............................... 115,000
Cornell university farm labor specialist to
assist farmers with labor law compliance
(11425) ........................................ 200,000
New York farm viability institute (10916) ........ 800,000
For additional services and expenses of the
New York farm viability institute ............ 1,100,000
New York farm viability institute, for
services and expenses of New York state
berry growers association (11462) ............... 60,000
30 12553-07-1
New York farm viability institute, for
services and expenses of New York corn and
soybean growers (11454) ......................... 75,000
For services and expenses of programs to
promote agricultural economic development.
All or a portion of this appropriation may
be suballocated to any department, agency,
or public authority. Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, the director of
the budget is hereby authorized to trans-
fer up to $1,000,000 of this appropriation
to state operations (10902) .................. 2,000,000
New York state brewers association (11428) ........ 75,000
New York cider association (11429) ................ 75,000
New York state distillers guild (11430) ........... 75,000
New York wine and grape foundation (10915) ..... 1,073,000
For additional services and expenses of the
New York wine and grape foundation ............... 2,000
Christmas tree farmers association of New
York for programs to promote Christmas
trees (11461) .................................. 125,000
New York state apple growers association
(10943) ........................................ 478,000
For additional services and expenses of the
New York state apple growers association ....... 272,000
Maple producers association for programs to
promote maple syrup (10945) .................... 150,000
For additional services and expenses of the
maple producers association for programs
to promote maple syrup .......................... 75,000
For services and expenses of the New York
state apple research and development
program, in consultation with the apple
research and development advisory board
(11400) ........................................ 500,000
For services and expenses of the turfgrass
environmental stewardship fund adminis-
tered by the New York state greengrass
association .................................... 150,000
For services and expenses of programs to
promote dairy excellence, including but
not limited to programs at Cornell univer-
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
the director of the budget is hereby
authorized to transfer up to $150,000 of
this appropriation to state operations for
programs including administration of dairy
profit teams (11495) ........................... 370,000
Northern New York agricultural development
program administered by Cornell cooper-
ative extension of Jefferson County ............ 300,000
31 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of the electronic
benefits transfer program administered by
the Farmers' Market Federation of NY
(11412) ........................................ 138,000
For services and expenses of a program to
develop farm to school initiatives that
will help schools purchase more food from
local farmers and expand access to healthy
local food for school children. The funds
shall be awarded through a competitive
process (11405) ................................ 750,000
New York federation of growers and process-
ors agribusiness child development program
(10913) ...................................... 8,275,000
For additional services and expenses of the
New York federation of growers and proces-
sors agribusiness child development
program ...................................... 1,120,000
For reimbursement for the promotion of agri-
culture and domestic arts in accordance
with article 24 of the agriculture and
markets law (10914) ............................ 420,000
On-farm health and safety program adminis-
tered by Mary Imogene Basset hospital
(11473) ........................................ 125,000
For additional services and expenses for the
on-farm health and safety program adminis-
tered by Mary Imogene Basset hospital .......... 125,000
American farmland trust for a farmland for a
new generation resource center and
regional navigator ............................. 500,000
For services and expenses of the Harvest New
York program ................................... 600,000
For services and expenses of Cornell cooper-
ative extension New York City for urban
agriculture education and outreach ............. 250,000
Empire sheep producers association ................ 50,000
Cornell University equitable farm futures
initiative ..................................... 400,000
Program account subtotal .................. 35,408,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Agriculture and Markets Account - 25021
For services and expenses of non-point
source pollution control, farmland preser-
vation, and other agricultural programs
including suballocation to other state
departments and agencies including liabil-
32 12553-07-1
ities incurred prior to April 1, 2021.
Notwithstanding section 51 of the state
finance law and any other provision of law
to the contrary, the funds appropriated
herein may be increased or decreased by
transfer from/to appropriations for any
prior or subsequent grant period within
the same federal fund/program and between
state operations and aid to localities to
accomplish the intent of this appropri-
ation, as long as such corresponding
prior/subsequent grant periods within such
appropriations have been reappropriated as
necessary (11498) ........................... 20,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 20,000,000
33 12553-07-1
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
New York state veterinary diagnostic laboratory at Cornell university
animal health surveillance and control program (10920) .............
4,425,000 ......................................... (re. $4,425,000)
For additional services and expenses of the New York State veterinary
diagnostic laboratory at Cornell University animal health surveil-
lance and control program (10908) ..................................
207,000 ............................................. (re. $207,000)
New York state veterinary diagnostic laboratory at Cornell university
New York state cattle health assurance program (10922) .............
360,000 ............................................. (re. $360,000)
New York state veterinary diagnostic laboratory at Cornell university
quality milk production services program (10921) ...................
1,174,000 ......................................... (re. $1,174,000)
New York state veterinary diagnostic laboratory at Cornell university
Johnes disease program (10923) ... 480,000 .......... (re. $480,000)
New York state veterinary diagnostic laboratory at Cornell university
rabies program (10925) ... 50,000 .................... (re. $50,000)
For additional services and expenses of the New York state veterinary
diagnostic laboratory at Cornell University rabies program (11468)
150,000 ............................................. (re. $150,000)
New York state veterinary diagnostic laboratory at Cornell university
Avian disease program (10924) ... 252,000 ........... (re. $252,000)
New York State veterinary diagnostic laboratory at Cornell University
for whole herd and bulk milk testing to eradicate salmonella dublin
bacteria (11445) ... 50,000 .......................... (re. $50,000)
Cornell university berry research (11416) ............................
260,000 ............................................. (re. $260,000)
Cornell university honeybee research (11455) .........................
150,000 ............................................. (re. $150,000)
Cornell university maple research (11456) ... 75,000 ... (re. $75,000)
Cornell university onion research (10948) ... 50,000 ... (re. $50,000)
For additional services and expenses of Cornell University onion
research (10949) ... 20,000 .......................... (re. $20,000)
Cornell university vegetable research (11401) ........................
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
For additional services and expenses of Cornell university vegetable
research (11300) ... 50,000 .......................... (re. $50,000)
Cornell university hard cider research (11441) .......................
200,000 ............................................. (re. $200,000)
Cornell university for concord grape research (11444) ................
200,000 ............................................. (re. $200,000)
For additional services and expenses of Cornell university for concord
grape research (11301) ... 50,000 .................... (re. $50,000)
Cornell university Geneva experiment station hop and barley evaluation
and field testing program (11466) ... 300,000 ....... (re. $300,000)
34 12553-07-1
For additional services and expenses of Cornell university Geneva
experiment station hop and barley evaluation and field resting
program (11451) ... 50,000 ........................... (re. $50,000)
Cornell university agriculture in the classroom to support nutritional
education programs (10938) ... 380,000 .............. (re. $380,000)
Cornell university future farmers of America (10939) .................
842,000 ............................................. (re. $842,000)
Cornell university association of agricultural educators for teacher
recruitment, professional development, and administrative assistance
(10940) ... 416,000 ................................. (re. $416,000)
Cornell university farmnet program for farm family assistance (10926)
664,000 ............................................. (re. $664,000)
For additional services and expenses of the Cornell university farmnet
program for farm family assistance (11469) .........................
118,000 ............................................. (re. $118,000)
Cornell university golden nematode program (10932) ...................
62,000 ............................................... (re. $62,000)
Cornell university pro-dairy program (11470) .........................
1,201,000 ......................................... (re. $1,201,000)
Cornell university small farms program for veterans (11417) ..........
115,000 ............................................. (re. $115,000)
Cornell university farm labor specialist to assist farmers with labor
law compliance (11425) ... 200,000 .................. (re. $200,000)
New York farm viability institute (10916) ............................
800,000 ............................................. (re. $800,000)
New York farm viability institute, for services and expenses of New
York state berry growers association (11462) .......................
60,000 ............................................... (re. $60,000)
New York farm viability institute, for services and expenses of New
York corn and soybean growers (11454) ... 75,000 ..... (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of programs to promote agricultural economic
development. All or a portion of this appropriation may be suballo-
cated to any department, agency, or public authority.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the budget
is hereby authorized to transfer up to $1,000,000 of this appropri-
ation to state operations (10902) ..................................
2,000,000 ......................................... (re. $2,000,000)
New York state brewers association (11428) ... 75,000 .. (re. $75,000)
New York cider association (11429) ... 75,000 .......... (re. $75,000)
New York state distillers guild (11430) ... 75,000 ..... (re. $75,000)
New York wine and grape foundation (10915)............................
1,073,000 ......................................... (re. $1,073,000)
Christmas tree farmers association of New York for programs to promote
Christmas trees (11461) ... 125,000 ................. (re. $125,000)
New York state apple growers association (10943) .....................
478,000 ............................................. (re. $478,000)
For additional services and expenses of the New York state apple grow-
ers association (11458) ... 136,000 ................. (re. $136,000)
Maple producers association for programs to promote maple syrup
(10945) ... 150,000 ................................. (re. $150,000)
For additional services and expenses of the Maple producers associ-
ation for programs to promote maple syrup, including $65,000 for the
35 12553-07-1
replacement of the Maple Experience Truck (11302) ..................
96,000 ............................................... (re. $96,000)
For services and expenses of the New York state apple research and
development program, in consultation with the apple research and
development advisory board (11400) ... 500,000 ...... (re. $500,000)
For services and expenses of the turfgrass environmental stewardship
fund administered by the New York State greengrass association
(11472) ... 125,000 ................................. (re. $125,000)
Northern New York agricultural development program administered by
Cornell cooperative extension of Jefferson County (10941) ..........
300,000 ............................................. (re. $300,000)
For services and expenses of programs to promote dairy excellence,
including but not limited to programs at Cornell university.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the budget
is hereby authorized to transfer up to $150,000 of this appropri-
ation to state operations for programs including administration of
dairy profit teams (11495) .........................................
370,000 ............................................. (re. $370,000)
For services and expenses of the electronic benefits transfer program
administered by the Farmers' Market Federation of NY (11412) .......
138,000 ............................................. (re. $138,000)
For services and expenses of a program to develop farm to school
initiatives that will help schools purchase more food from local
farmers and expand access to healthy local food for school children.
The funds shall be awarded through a competitive process (11405) ...
750,000 ............................................. (re. $750,000)
New York federation of growers and processors agribusiness child
development program (10913) ... 8,275,000 ......... (re. $5,958,000)
For reimbursement for the promotion of agriculture and domestic arts
in accordance with article 24 of the agriculture and markets law
(10914) ... 420,000 ................................. (re. $420,000)
On-farm health and safety program administered by Mary Imogene Basset
hospital (11473) ... 125,000 ........................ (re. $125,000)
For additional services and expenses of the On-farm health and safety
program administered by Mary Imogene Basset hospital (11303) .......
125,500 ............................................. (re. $125,500)
American farmland trust for a farmland for a new generation resource
center (11442) ... 200,000 .......................... (re. $200,000)
American farmland trust for a farmland for a new generation regional
navigator (11443) ... 200,000 ....................... (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of the Harvest New York program (11434)
300,000 ............................................. (re. $300,000)
For services and expenses of Cornell cooperative extension New York
City for urban agriculture education and outreach (11304) ..........
250,000 ............................................. (re. $250,000)
New York organic farmers association for database modernization
(11305) ... 80,000 ................................... (re. $80,000)
By chapter 54, section 1, of the laws of 2020, as amended by chapter 50,
section 4, of the laws of 2020:
For additional services and expenses of the New York farm viability
institute (10917) ... 250,000 ....................... (re. $250,000)
36 12553-07-1
For additional services and expenses of the New York federation of
growers and processors agribusiness child development program
(10905) ... 1,000,000 ............................. (re. $1,000,000)
Red Hook Farms Initiative (11436) ... 40,000 ........... (re. $40,000)
For services and expenses of institutions, not-for-profit corpo-
rations, municipalities, or any other entity that provides agricul-
tural services. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,
funds from this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant to a
plan approved by the temporary president of the senate and the
director of the budget which sets forth either an itemized list of
grantees with the amount to be received by each, or the methodology
for allocating such appropriation (10901) ..........................
500,000 ............................................. (re. $500,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
New York state veterinary diagnostic laboratory at Cornell university
New York state cattle health assurance program (10922) .............
360,000 .............................................. (re. $66,000)
New York state veterinary diagnostic laboratory at Cornell university
Johnes disease program (10923) ... 480,000 .......... (re. $153,000)
New York state veterinary diagnostic laboratory at Cornell university
rabies program (10925) ... 350,000 .................. (re. $202,000)
New York state veterinary diagnostic laboratory at Cornell university
Avian disease program (10924) ... 252,000 ............ (re. $31,000)
Cornell university berry research (11416) ............................
260,000 ............................................. (re. $260,000)
Cornell university honeybee research (11455) .........................
150,000 ............................................. (re. $150,000)
Cornell university maple research (11456) ............................
125,000 .............................................. (re. $66,000)
Cornell university onion research (10948) ... 70,000 ... (re. $34,000)
Cornell university vegetable research (11401) ........................
100,000 .............................................. (re. $62,000)
Cornell university hard cider research (11441) .......................
200,000 .............................................. (re. $61,000)
Cornell university for concord grape research (11444) ................
250,000 ............................................. (re. $250,000)
Cornell university Geneva experiment station hop and barley evaluation
and field testing program (11466) ... 400,000 ....... (re. $400,000)
Cornell university agriculture in the classroom to support nutritional
education programs (10938) ... 380,000 .............. (re. $279,000)
Cornell university future farmers of America (10939) .................
842,000 ............................................. (re. $842,000)
Cornell university association of agricultural educators for teacher
recruitment, professional development, and administrative assistance
(10940) ... 416,000 ................................. (re. $307,000)
Cornell university farmnet program for farm family assistance (10926)
872,000 .............................................. (re. $66,000)
Cornell university golden nematode program (10932) ...................
62,000 ............................................... (re. $62,000)
Cornell university pro-dairy program (11470) .........................
1,201,000 ........................................... (re. $237,000)
37 12553-07-1
Cornell university small farms program for veterans (11417)...........
115,000 ............................................. (re. $115,000)
Cornell university farm labor specialist to assist farmers with labor
law compliance (11425) ... 200,000 .................. (re. $200,000)
New York farm viability institute (10916) ............................
1,900,000 ......................................... (re. $1,425,000)
New York farm viability institute, for services and expenses of New
York state berry growers association (11462) .......................
60,000 ............................................... (re. $28,000)
New York farm viability institute, for services and expenses of New
York corn and soybean growers (11454) ... 75,000 ..... (re. $59,000)
For services, expenses and grants related to the taste New York
program, including but not limited to marketing and advertising to
promote New York produced food and beverage goods and products,
including but not limited to up to $550,000 for the New York wine
and culinary center, provided that moneys hereby appropriated shall
be available to the program net of refunds, rebates, reimbursements,
credits, and deductions taken by contractors for fees associated
with operating the taste New York program. All or a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to any department, agency, or
public authority. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to
$1,100,000 of this appropriation to state operations (11450) .......
1,100,000 ......................................... (re. $1,100,000)
For services and expenses of programs to promote agricultural economic
development, including but not limited to farmland viability and up
to $500,000 for Cornell University Maple Program at Arnot Forest, in
accordance with a programmatic and financial plan to be approved by
the director of the budget. Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up
to $1,000,000 of this appropriation to state operations (10902)
1,000,000 ......................................... (re. $1,000,000)
New York state brewers association (11428) ... 75,000 .. (re. $75,000)
New York cider association (11429) ... 75,000 .......... (re. $75,000)
New York state distillers guild (11430) ... 75,000 ..... (re. $75,000)
Maple producers association for programs to promote maple syrup,
including $63,000 for the maple wagon (10945) ......................
288,000 ............................................. (re. $102,000)
For services and expenses of the New York state apple research and
development program, in consultation with the apple research and
development advisory board (11400) ... 500,000 ...... (re. $246,000)
For services and expenses of the turfgrass environmental stewardship
fund administered by the New York state greengrass association
(11472) ... 150,000 .................................. (re. $31,000)
Northern New York agricultural development program administered by
Cornell cooperative extension of Jefferson County (10941) ..........
300,000 ............................................. (re. $239,000)
For services and expenses of programs to promote dairy excellence,
including but not limited to programs at Cornell university.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the budget
is hereby authorized to transfer up to $150,000 of this appropri-
38 12553-07-1
ation to state operations for programs including administration of
dairy profit teams (11495) ... 370,000 .............. (re. $102,000)
For services and expenses of the electronic benefits transfer program
administered by the Farmers' Market Federation of NY (11412) .......
138,000 .............................................. (re. $40,000)
For services and expenses of a program to develop farm to school
initiatives that will help schools purchase more food from local
farmers and expand access to healthy local food for school children.
The funds shall be awarded through a competitive process (11405) ...
750,000 ............................................. (re. $646,000)
New York federation of growers and processors agribusiness child
development program (10913) ... 9,275,000 ........... (re. $432,000)
For reimbursement for the promotion of agriculture and domestic arts
in accordance with article 24 of the agriculture and markets law
(10914) ... 500,000 .................................. (re. $10,000)
Tractor rollover protection program administered by Mary Imogene
Basset hospital (11473) ... 250,000 ................. (re. $250,000)
American farmland trust for a farmland for a new generation resource
center (11442) ... 200,000 .......................... (re. $200,000)
American farmland trust for a farmland for a new generation regional
navigator (11443) ... 200,000 ....................... (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of the Harvest New York program (11434)
600,000 ............................................. (re. $277,000)
Teens for Food Justice (11435) ... 20,000 .............. (re. $20,000)
Red Hook Farms Initiative (11436) ... 40,000 ........... (re. $40,000)
Met Council Kosher Food Network (11446) ... 50,000 ..... (re. $50,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For additional services and expenses of the Cornell university Geneva
experiment station hop and barley evaluation and field testing
program (11451) ... 260,000 ......................... (re. $171,000)
For additional services and expenses of Cornell university association
of agricultural educators for teacher recruitment, professional
development, and administrative assistance (11439) .................
113,000 ............................................. (re. $113,000)
New York farm viability institute (10916) ............................
400,000 ............................................. (re. $125,000)
For services and expenses of dairy profit teams and dairy education
programs administered by the New York farm viability institute
(11459) ... 220,000 .................................. (re. $38,000)
For services, expenses and grants related to the taste New York
program, including but not limited to marketing and advertising to
promote New York produced food and beverage goods and products,
including but not limited to up to $550,000 for the New York wine
and culinary center, provided that moneys hereby appropriated shall
be available to the program net of refunds, rebates, reimbursements
and credits. All or a portion of this appropriation may be suballo-
cated to any department, agency, or public authority. Notwithstand-
ing any other provision of law, the director of the budget is hereby
authorized to transfer up to $1,100,000 of this appropriation to
state operations (11450) ... 1,100,000 ............... (re. $49,000)
39 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of a program to develop farm to school
initiatives that will help schools purchase more food from local
farmers and expand access to healthy local food for school children.
The funds shall be awarded through a competitive process (11405) ...
750,000 ............................................. (re. $422,000)
To the Adirondack North Country Association for a program to develop
farm to school initiatives that will help schools purchase more food
from local farmers (11415) ... 300,000 ............... (re. $72,000)
For redevelopment of the wool center at the New York state fair.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the budget
is hereby authorized to transfer up to $25,000 of this appropriation
to state operations (11440) ... 25,000 ............... (re. $11,000)
Maple producers association for programs to promote maple syrup
(10945) ... 225,000 .................................. (re. $21,000)
Tractor rollover protection program administered by Mary Imogene
Basset hospital (11473) ... 250,000 .................. (re. $60,000)
For services and expenses of the New York state apple research and
development program, in consultation with the apple research and
development advisory board (11400) ... 500,000 ....... (re. $15,000)
New York farm viability institute, for services and expenses of New
York state berry growers association (11462) .......................
60,000 ............................................... (re. $31,000)
Cornell university berry research (11416) ............................
260,000 ............................................. (re. $129,000)
New York farm viability institute, for services and expenses of New
York corn and soybean growers (11454) ... 75,000 ..... (re. $22,000)
Cornell university vegetable research (11401) ........................
100,000 .............................................. (re. $55,000)
Suffolk county soil and water conservation district-deer fencing
matching grants program (11480) ... 200,000 .......... (re. $11,000)
For services and expenses of the eastern equine encephalitis program
administered by Oswego county, including suballocation to other
state departments and agencies. Notwithstanding any other provision
of law, the director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer
up to $175,000 of this appropriation to state operations (11467) ...
175,000 .............................................. (re. $50,000)
Genesee-Livingston-Steuben-Wyoming BOCES agricultural academy (11464)
... 100,000 .......................................... (re. $50,000)
Grown on Long Island (11404) ... 100,000 .............. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the north country low cost vaccine
program administered by the St. Lawrence and Jefferson county public
health departments. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to
$25,000 of this appropriation to state operations (11460) ..........
25,000 ............................................... (re. $16,000)
Cornell university small farms program for veterans (11417) ..........
115,000 .............................................. (re. $10,000)
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES north country agriculture academy (11418) ...
200,000 ............................................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of the farm to table trail program, includ-
ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies (11424)
... 50,000 ........................................... (re. $23,000)
40 12553-07-1
Cornell university farm labor specialist to assist farmers with labor
law compliance (11425) ... 200,000 ................... (re. $35,000)
Seeds of success award to promote and recognize school gardens and
gardening programs across New York state. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the director of the budget is hereby authorized to
transfer up to $100,000 of this appropriation to state operations
(11427) ... 100,000 .................................. (re. $55,000)
New York state brewers association (11428) ... 75,000 .. (re. $19,000)
New York cider association (11429) ... 75,000 .......... (re. $10,000)
New York state distillers guild (11430) ... 75,000 ..... (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of the New York state senior farmers market
nutrition program. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to
$180,000 of this appropriation to state operations (11409) .........
500,000 ............................................. (re. $500,000)
American farmland trust for a farmland for a new generation resource
center (11442) ... 200,000 ........................... (re. $25,000)
Cornell university for concord grape research (11444) ................
300,000 ............................................. (re. $108,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017: New York federation of
growers and processors agribusiness child development program
(10913) ... 8,275,000 ............................. (re. $1,394,000)
For additional services and expenses of the New York federation of
growers and processors agribusiness child development program
(10905) ... 1,000,000 ............................... (re. $885,000)
For additional services and expenses of the Cornell university farmnet
program for farm family assistance (11469) .........................
416,000 .............................................. (re. $16,000)
For additional services and expenses of the Cornell university Geneva
experiment station hop and barley evaluation and field testing
program (11451) ... 160,000 ........................... (re. $1,000)
For services and expenses of programs to promote dairy excellence,
including but not limited to programs at Cornell university.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the
budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to $150,000 of this
appropriation to state operations for programs including adminis-
tration of dairy profit teams (11495) ... 150,000 ... (re. $115,000)
For services, expenses and grants related to the taste New York
program, including but not limited to marketing and advertising to
promote New York produced food and beverage goods and products,
including but not limited to up to $550,000 for the New York wine
and culinary center, provided that moneys hereby appropriated shall
be available to the program net of refunds, rebates, reimbursements
and credits. All or a portion of this appropriation may be suballo-
cated to any department, agency, or public authority. Notwithstand-
ing any other provision of law, the director of the budget is hereby
authorized to transfer up to $1,100,000 of this appropriation to
state operations (11450) ... 1,100,000 ............... (re. $17,000)
For services and expenses of a program to develop farm to school
initiatives that will help schools purchase more food from local
farmers and expand access to healthy local food for school children.
41 12553-07-1
The funds shall be awarded through a competitive process (11405) ...
750,000 ............................................. (re. $197,000)
Tractor rollover protection program administered by Mary Imogene
Basset hospital (11473) ... 250,000 .................. (re. $31,000)
For services and expenses of the New York State apple research and
development program, in consultation with the apple research and
development advisory board (11400) ... 500,000 ........ (re. $8,000)
New York farm viability institute, for services and expenses of New
York State berry growers association (11462) .......................
60,000 ............................................... (re. $54,000)
Cornell university berry research (11416) ............................
260,000 ............................................... (re. $4,000)
New York farm viability, for services and expenses of New York corn
and soybean growers (11454) ... 75,000 ............... (re. $31,000)
Suffolk county soil and water conservation district-deer fencing
matching grants program (11480) ... 200,000 .......... (re. $46,000)
Grown on Long Island (11404) ... 100,000 .............. (re. $100,000)
Cornell university small farm programs for veterans (11417) ..........
115,000 .............................................. (re. $59,000)
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES north country agriculture academy (11418) ...
200,000 ............................................... (re. $3,000)
For services and expenses of the farm to table trail program, includ-
ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies (11424)
... 50,000 ........................................... (re. $20,000)
Cornell university farm labor specialist to assist farmers with labor
law compliance (11425) ... 200,000 ................... (re. $11,000)
Cornell university farmer muck boot camp program (11426) .............
100,000 .............................................. (re. $54,000)
Seeds of success award to promote and recognize school gardens and
gardening programs across New York state. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the director of the budget is hereby authorized to
transfer up to $100,000 of this appropriation to state operations
(11427) ... 100,000 .................................. (re. $29,000)
Cornell university sheep farming program (11432) .....................
10,000 ................................................ (re. $1,000)
For services and expenses of the New York state senior farmers market
nutrition program. Notwithstanding any other provision of the law,
the director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to
$180,000 of this appropriation to state operations (11409) .........
500,000 ............................................. (re. $485,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
New York federation of growers and processors agribusiness child
development program (10913) ... 8,275,000 ........... (re. $287,000)
Cornell university farmnet program for farm family assistance (10926)
... 384,000 ........................................... (re. $4,000)
Cornell university Geneva experiment station hop and barley evaluation
and field testing program (11466) ... 40,000 .......... (re. $6,000)
For additional services and expenses of the Cornell university Geneva
experiment station hop and barley evaluation and field testing
program (11451) ... 160,000 ........................... (re. $2,000)
42 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of a program to develop farm to school
initiatives that will help schools purchase more food from local
farmers and expand access to healthy local food for school children.
The funds shall be awarded through a competitive process (11405) ...
250,000 .............................................. (re. $10,000)
Tractor rollover protection program administered by Mary Imogene
Basset hospital (11473) ... 250,000 ................. (re. $126,000)
New York farm viability institute, for services and expenses of New
York State berry growers association (11462) .......................
60,000 ............................................... (re. $23,000)
Cornell university berry research (11416) ............................
260,000 .............................................. (re. $18,000)
New York farm viability, for services and expenses of New York corn
and soybean growers (11454) ... 75,000 ............... (re. $56,000)
For services and expenses of the eastern equine encephalitis program
administered by Oswego county, including suballocation to other
state departments and agencies. Notwithstanding any other provision
of law, the director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer
up to $175,000 of this appropriation to state operations (11467) ...
175,000 .............................................. (re. $65,000)
For services and expenses of dairy profit teams administered by the
New York farm viability institute (11459) ..........................
220,000 ............................................. (re. $171,000)
Long Island farm bureau (11463) ... 100,000 ........... (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the north country low cost vaccine
program administered by the St. Lawrence and Jefferson county public
health departments. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to
$25,000 of this appropriation to state operations (11460) ..........
25,000 ................................................ (re. $6,000)
Northern New York agricultural development program administered by
Cornell cooperative extension of Jefferson County (10941) ..........
600,000 ............................................. (re. $600,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
Cornell university Geneva experiment station hop and barley evaluation
and field testing program (11466) ... 40,000 .......... (re. $7,000)
Cornell university agriculture in the classroom (10938) ..............
80,000 ................................................ (re. $2,000)
For services and expenses of a program to develop farm to school
initiatives that will help schools purchase more food from local
farmers and expand access to healthy local food for school children.
The funds shall be awarded through a competitive process (11405) ...
250,000 .............................................. (re. $13,000)
Tractor rollover protection program administered by Mary Imogene
Basset hospital (11473) ... 250,000 .................. (re. $48,000)
For services and expenses of the New York State apple research and
development program, in consultation with the apple research and
development advisory board (11400) ... 500,000 ....... (re. $79,000)
Cornell university maple research (11456) ... 125,000 ... (re. $4,000)
Cornell university vegetable research (11401) ........................
100,000 ............................................... (re. $2,000)
43 12553-07-1
Suffolk county soil and water conservation district - deer fencing
matching grants program (11480) ... 200,000 ........... (re. $3,000)
For services and expenses of the eastern equine encephalitis program
administered by Oswego county, including suballocation to other
state departments and agencies. Notwithstanding any other provision
of law, the director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer
up to $175,000 of this appropriation to state operations (11467) ...
175,000 .............................................. (re. $51,000)
For services and expenses of dairy profit teams administered by the
New York farm viability institute (11459) ..........................
220,000 ............................................. (re. $166,000)
Long Island farm bureau (11463) ... 100,000 ........... (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the north country low cost vaccine
program administered by the St. Lawrence and Jefferson county public
health department. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to
$25,000 of this appropriation to state operations (11460) ..........
25,000 ............................................... (re. $13,000)
For services and expenses of the agriculture environmental management
certified planner quality assurance and control program. Notwith-
standing any other provision of law, the director of the budget is
hereby authorized to transfer up to $250,000 of this appropriation
to state operations (11408) ... 250,000 ............. (re. $250,000)
For the development of regional food hubs to facilitate the transpor-
tation of locally grown produce to urban markets, including the
development of cooperative food hubs. Notwithstanding any other
provision of the law, the director of the budget is hereby author-
ized to transfer up to $175,000 of this appropriation to state oper-
ations (11410) ... 1,064,000 ........................ (re. $206,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For additional services and expenses of the Cornell university farmnet
program for farm family assistance (11469) .........................
216,000 ............................................... (re. $2,000)
For additional services and expenses of the Cornell university Geneva
experiment station hop and barley evaluation and field testing
program (11451) ... 160,000 ........................... (re. $7,000)
For services and expenses of dairy profit teams administered by the
New York farm viability institute (11459) ..........................
220,000 ............................................. (re. $128,000)
NY corn and soybean growers association (11454) ......................
75,000 ................................................ (re. $4,000)
For services and expenses of the New York State apple research and
development program, in consultation with the apple research and
development advisory board (11400) ... 500,000 ....... (re. $36,000)
Cornell university vegetable research (11401) ........................
100,000 ............................................... (re. $7,000)
Grown on Long Island (11404) ... 100,000 .............. (re. $100,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2013:
Cornell university Geneva experiment station hop evaluation and field
testing program (11466) ... 40,000 .................... (re. $3,000)
44 12553-07-1
Cornell university pro-dairy program (11470) .........................
822,000 .............................................. (re. $28,000)
For services and expenses of the eastern equine encephalitis program,
including suballocation to other state departments and agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the budget
is hereby authorized to transfer up to $150,000 of this appropri-
ation to state operations (11467) ..................................
150,000 .............................................. (re. $10,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2012:
For services and expenses of programs to promote agricultural economic
development, including but not limited to farmland viability, in
accordance with a programmatic and financial plan to be approved by
the director of the budget. Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up
to $3,000,000 of this appropriation to state operations (10902) ....
3,000,000 ........................................... (re. $513,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
Cornell university farm family assistance (10926) ....................
384,000 ............................................... (re. $2,000)
Cornell university agriculture in the classroom (10938) ..............
80,000 ................................................ (re. $7,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010:
Cornell university agriculture in the classroom (10938) ..............
80,000 ............................................... (re. $10,000)
For services and expenses related to establishing, improving, and
promoting farmer's markets in Monroe, Ontario, Livingston, Orleans,
Genesee, Wyoming, Steuben, Yates and Wayne counties, in accordance
with a programmatic and financial plan submitted by the commissioner
of agriculture and markets and approved by the director of the budg-
et. No moneys of this appropriation shall be made available until
the Genesee valley regional market authority makes a transfer to the
general fund of the state, as provided for in a chapter of the laws
of 2010 (11494) ... 3,000,000 ........................ (re. $65,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009:
For services and expenses of programs to promote agricultural economic
development, including but not limited to farmland viability, in
accordance with a programmatic and financial plan to be approved by
the director of the budget. Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up
to $600,000 of this appropriation to state operations (10902) ......
600,000 ............................................. (re. $218,000)
New York state cattle health assurance program (10922) ...............
360,000 .............................................. (re. $31,000)
Cornell university Geneva experiment station (10928) .................
400,000 ............................................... (re. $3,000)
For additional services and expenses of golden nematode control,
including a contract with empire state potato growers. Notwith-
standing any other provision of law, the director of the budget is
45 12553-07-1
hereby authorized to transfer up to $30,000 of this appropriation to
state operations (10935) ... 30,000 ................... (re. $5,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009, as amended by chapter 55,
section 1, of the laws of 2010:
For services and expenses of an organic farming program. Notwith-
standing any other provision of law, the director of the budget is
hereby authorized to transfer up to 96,000 of this appropriation to
state operations (10937) ... 96,000 .................. (re. $91,000)
New York seafood council (10946) ... 25,000 ............. (re. $2,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008:
center for dairy excellence administered by the New York farm viabil-
ity institute (10918) ... 245,000 .................... (re. $29,000)
Cornell university onion research (10948) ... 98,000 .... (re. $2,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008, as amended by chapter
496, section 6, of the laws of 2008:
For services and expenses of programs to promote agricultural economic
development, including but not limited to farmland viability, in
accordance with a programmatic and financial plan to be approved by
the director of the budget. Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up
to $2,357,000 of this appropriation to state operations, provided,
however, that the amount of this appropriation available for expend-
iture and disbursement on and after September 1, 2008 shall be
reduced by six percent of the amount that was undisbursed as of
August 15, 2008 (10902) ... 1,809,000 ............... (re. $197,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008, as amended by chapter 1,
section 4, of the laws of 2009:
For services and expenses related to the marketing and promotion of
New York state wine in conjunction with the New York wine and grape
foundation including suballocation to other state departments and
agencies, and in accordance with a programmatic and financial plan
to be approved by the director of the budget. Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, the director of the budget is hereby author-
ized to transfer up to $1,684,000 to state operations (10944) ...
1,684,000 ............................................ (re. $34,000)
For additional services and expenses of the center for dairy excel-
lence administered by the New York farm viability institute (10918)
... 376,000 .......................................... (re. $29,000)
For services and expenses of the plum pox virus eradication and indem-
nity program. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the direc-
tor of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to $376,000 of
this appropriation to state operations (11481) .....................
376,000 ............................................. (re. $334,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2015:
46 12553-07-1
Cornell University for services and expenses of extension and research
programs managed by the Hudson Valley Research Laboratory, Inc
(11478) ... 63,900 ................................... (re. $40,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008, as amended by chapter 55,
section 1, of the laws of 2010:
For services and expenses of the cluster based industry and agribusi-
ness development grants program (11479) ... 94,000 ... (re. $94,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2007:
For additional services and expenses of programs to promote agricul-
tural economic development, including but not limited to farmland
viability, in accordance with a programmatic and financial plan to
be approved by the director of the budget. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the director of the budget is hereby authorized to
transfer up to $118,000 of this appropriation to state operations
(11487) ... 118,000 ................................. (re. $110,000)
For services and expenses of NY Agritourism (11496) ..................
1,130,000 ........................................... (re. $202,000)
For services and expenses of the center for dairy excellence adminis-
tered by the New York state farm viability institute (10918) .......
750,000 .............................................. (re. $53,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2006:
For services and expenses of NY Agritourism (11496) ..................
1,000,000 ........................................... (re. $140,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2006, as amended by chapter
108, section 5, of the laws of 2006:
For payment to agricultural or horticultural corporations and county
extension service associations that are eligible to receive premium
reimbursement pursuant to section 286 of the agriculture and markets
law for the costs of construction, renovation, alteration, rehabili-
tation, improvements or repair of fairground buildings or facilities
used to house and promote agriculture, to be allocated by the
commissioner such that each eligible agricultural and horticultural
corporation or county extension service shall receive for a fair or
exposition an amount of thirty thousand dollars plus a portion of
the remaining amount available, based upon the average five-year
total attendance of each such event from 2001 through 2005 (11497)
... 3,000,000 ........................................ (re. $96,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal Agriculture and Markets Account - 25021
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses of non-point source pollution control, farm-
land preservation, and other agricultural programs including subal-
location to other state departments and agencies including liabil-
ities incurred prior to April 1, 2020. Notwithstanding section 51 of
the state finance law and any other provision of law to the contra-
47 12553-07-1
ry, the funds appropriated herein may be increased or decreased by
transfer from/to appropriations for any prior or subsequent grant
period within the same federal fund/program and between state oper-
ations and aid to localities to accomplish the intent of this appro-
priation, as long as such corresponding prior/subsequent grant peri-
ods within such appropriations have been reappropriated as necessary
(11498) ... 20,000,000 ........................... (re. $20,000,000)
48 12553-07-1
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 56,855,000 42,763,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 1,413,000 2,946,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 196,000 236,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 58,464,000 45,945,000
================ ================
COUNCIL ON THE ARTS PROGRAM ................................. 58,244,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For state financial assistance for the arts.
Notwithstanding any other section of law
to the contrary, this appropriation may be
used for state financial assistance to
nonprofit cultural organizations offering
services to the general public, including
but not limited to, orchestras, dance
companies, museums and theatre groups
including nonprofit cultural organiza-
tions, botanical gardens, zoos, aquariums
and public benefit corporations offering
programs of arts related education for
elementary and secondary school pupils
provided that, notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, $100,000 shall
be interchanged to the Nelson A. Rocke-
feller empire state plaza performing arts
center corporation in support of programs
for performing arts and other cultural
events, and related uses for the benefit
of the citizens of New York state. Such
programs may include activities directly
undertaken by the grantee, or indirectly
by regranting of state funds by regional
or local arts councils, among other organ-
izations, to nonprofit cultural organiza-
Grants, including capital grants, awarded
may be used for programs and activities
relating to arts disciplines including,
but not limited to, architecture, dance,
design, music, theater, media, literature,
49 12553-07-1
museum activities, visual arts, folk arts,
and arts in education programs (12111) ...... 55,635,000
For services and expenses of stabilization
grants up to $50,000 to support the oper-
ating expenses of small and mid-sized arts
organizations ................................ 1,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 56,635,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Council on the Arts Account - 25376
For financial assistance to nonprofit
cultural organizations (12111) ............... 1,413,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,413,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Arts Capital Grants Fund
Arts Capital Grants Account - 21850
For services and expenses of the arts capi-
tal grants fund (12111) ........................ 196,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 196,000
PROGRAM ...................................................... 220,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For state financial assistance for the
empire state plaza performing arts center
corporation (12105) ............................ 220,000
50 12553-07-1
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For state financial assistance for the arts. Notwithstanding any other
section of law to the contrary, this appropriation may be used for
state financial assistance to nonprofit cultural organizations
offering services to the general public, including but not limited
to, orchestras, dance companies, museums and theatre groups includ-
ing nonprofit cultural organizations, botanical gardens, zoos,
aquariums and public benefit corporations offering programs of arts
related education for elementary and secondary school pupils
provided that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,
$100,000 shall be interchanged to the Nelson A. Rockefeller empire
state plaza performing arts center corporation in support of
programs for performing arts and other cultural events, and related
uses for the benefit of the citizens of New York state. Such
programs may include activities directly undertaken by the grantee,
or indirectly by regranting of state funds by regional or local arts
councils, among other organizations, to nonprofit cultural organiza-
Grants, including capital grants, awarded may be used for programs and
activities relating to arts disciplines including, but not limited
to, architecture, dance, design, music, theater, media, literature,
museum activities, visual arts, folk arts, and arts in education
programs (12111) ... 40,635,000 .................. (re. $40,563,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020, as amended by chapter 50,
section 4, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses of the Museum of the City of New York ...
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of the Bronx Museum of the Arts ............
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For state financial assistance for the arts. Notwithstanding any other
section of law to the contrary, this appropriation may be used for
state financial assistance to nonprofit cultural organizations
offering services to the general public, including but not limited
to, orchestras, dance companies, museums and theatre groups includ-
ing nonprofit cultural organizations, botanical gardens, zoos,
aquariums and public benefit corporations offering programs of arts
related education for elementary and secondary school pupils
provided that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,
$100,000 shall be interchanged to the Nelson A. Rockefeller empire
state plaza performing arts center corporation in support of
programs for performing arts and other cultural events, and related
uses for the benefit of the citizens of New York state. Such
programs may include activities directly undertaken by the grantee,
or indirectly by regranting of state funds by regional or local arts
51 12553-07-1
councils, among other organizations, to nonprofit cultural organiza-
Grants, including capital grants, awarded may be used for programs and
activities relating to arts disciplines including, but not limited
to, architecture, dance, design, music, theater, media, literature,
museum activities, visual arts, folk arts, and arts in education
programs (12111) ... 40,635,000 ................... (re. $1,455,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For state financial assistance for the arts. Notwithstanding any other
section of law to the contrary, this appropriation may be used for
state financial assistance to nonprofit cultural organizations
offering services to the general public, including but not limited
to, orchestras, dance companies, museums and theatre groups includ-
ing nonprofit cultural organizations, botanical gardens, zoos,
aquariums and public benefit corporations offering programs of arts
related education for elementary and secondary school pupils
provided that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,
$100,000 shall be interchanged to the Nelson A. Rockefeller empire
state plaza performing arts center corporation in support of
programs for performing arts and other cultural events, and related
uses for the benefit of the citizens of New York state. Such
programs may include activities directly undertaken by the grantee,
or indirectly by regranting of state funds by regional or local arts
councils, among other organizations, to nonprofit cultural organiza-
Grants, including capital grants, awarded may be used for programs and
activities relating to arts disciplines including, but not limited
to, architecture, dance, design, music, theater, media, literature,
museum activities, visual arts, folk arts, and arts in education
programs (12111) ... 40,635,000 ...................... (re. $65,000)
For services and expenses of CNY Arts, Inc. ..........................
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Cayuga County Arts Council ..............
60,000 ............................................... (re. $60,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For state financial assistance for the arts. Notwithstanding any other
section of law to the contrary, this appropriation may be used for
state financial assistance to nonprofit cultural organizations
offering services to the general public, including but not limited
to, orchestras, dance companies, museums and theatre groups includ-
ing nonprofit cultural organizations, botanical gardens, zoos,
aquariums and public benefit corporations offering programs of arts
related education for elementary and secondary school pupils
provided that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,
$100,000 shall be interchanged to the Nelson A. Rockefeller empire
state plaza performing arts center corporation in support of
programs for performing arts and other cultural events, and related
uses for the benefit of the citizens of New York state. Such
programs may include activities directly undertaken by the grantee,
or indirectly by regranting of state funds by regional or local arts
52 12553-07-1
councils, among other organizations, to nonprofit cultural organiza-
Grants, including capital grants, awarded may be used for programs and
activities relating to arts disciplines including, but not limited
to, architecture, dance, design, music, theater, media, literature,
museum activities, visual arts, folk arts, and arts in education
programs (12111) ... 40,635,000 ..................... (re. $114,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For state financial assistance for the arts. Notwithstanding any other
section of law to the contrary, this appropriation may be used for
state financial assistance to nonprofit cultural organizations
offering services to the general public, including but not limited
to, orchestras, dance companies, museums and theatre groups includ-
ing nonprofit cultural organizations, botanical gardens, zoos,
aquariums and public benefit corporations offering programs of arts
related education for elementary and secondary school pupils
provided that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,
$100,000 shall be suballocated to the Nelson A. Rockefeller empire
state plaza performing arts center corporation in support of
programs for performing arts and other cultural events, and related
uses for the benefit of the citizens of New York state. Such
programs may include activities directly undertaken by the grantee,
or indirectly by regranting of state funds by regional or local arts
councils, among other organizations, to nonprofit cultural organiza-
Grants, including capital grants, awarded may be used for programs and
activities relating to arts disciplines including, but not limited
to, architecture, dance, design, music, theater, media, literature,
museum activities, visual arts, folk arts, and arts in education
programs (12111) ... 40,635,000 ..................... (re. $306,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Council on the Arts Account - 25376
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For financial assistance to nonprofit cultural organizations (12111)
... 1,413,000 ..................................... (re. $1,413,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For financial assistance to nonprofit cultural organizations (12111)
... 1,413,000 ....................................... (re. $186,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For financial assistance to nonprofit cultural organizations (12111)
... 1,413,000 ....................................... (re. $670,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For financial assistance to nonprofit cultural organizations (12111)
... 1,413,000 ....................................... (re. $677,000)
53 12553-07-1
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Arts Capital Grants Fund
Arts Capital Grants Account - 21850
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses of the arts capital grants fund (12111) ....
196,000 ............................................. (re. $196,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the arts capital grants fund (12111) ...
196,000 .............................................. (re. $40,000)
54 12553-07-1
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 32,025,000 0
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 32,025,000 0
================ ================
STATE OPERATIONS PROGRAM .................................... 32,025,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For state reimbursements to cities, towns,
or villages for payments made for special
accidental death benefits made pursuant to
section 208-f of the general municipal
law, including the payment of liabilities
incurred prior to April 1, 2021 and for
state reimbursement to New York city for
payments made for special accidental death
benefits to beneficiaries of first respon-
ders to the world trade center attack made
pursuant to section 208-f of the general
municipal law, including the payment of
liabilities incurred prior to April 1,
2021. Notwithstanding the provisions of
any other law to the contrary, for state
fiscal year 2021-2022 the liability of the
state and the amount to be distributed or
otherwise expended by the state pursuant
to section 208-f of the general municipal
law shall be limited to the amount appro-
priated (81003) ............................. 32,025,000
55 12553-07-1
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 1,717,310,800 12,182,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 1,717,310,800 12,182,000
================ ================
CITY UNIVERSITY--COMMUNITY COLLEGES ........................ 245,877,300
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For state financial assistance, net of
disallowances, for operating expenses of
community colleges to be expended pursuant
to regulations developed jointly by the
state university trustees and the city
university trustees and approved by the
director of the budget, and shall include
funds available on a matching basis to
implement programs for the provision of
education and training services to indi-
viduals eligible under the federal
personal responsibility and work opportu-
nity reconciliation act of 1996.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
rule or regulation, aid payable from this
appropriation to community colleges shall
be distributed to the colleges according
to guidelines established by the city
university trustees.
Notwithstanding any other law, rule, or
regulation to the contrary, full funding
for aidable community college enrollment
for the college fiscal year 2021-22 and
heretofore as provided under this appro-
priation is determined by the operating
aid formulas defined in rules and regu-
lations developed jointly by the boards of
trustees of the state and city universi-
ties and approved by the director of the
budget provided that the local sponsor may
use funds contained in reserves for excess
student revenue for operating support of a
community college program even though said
56 12553-07-1
expenditures may cause expenses and
student revenues to exceed one third of
the college's net operating budget for the
college fiscal year 2021-22 provided that
such funds do not cause the college's
revenue from the local sponsor's contrib-
ution in aggregate to be less than the
comparable amounts for the previous commu-
nity college fiscal year and further
provided that pursuant to standards and
regulations of the state university trus-
tees and the city university trustees for
the college fiscal year 2021-22, community
colleges may increase tuition and fees
above that allowable under current educa-
tion law if such standards and regulations
require that in order to exceed the
tuition limit otherwise set forth in the
education law, local sponsor contributions
either in the aggregate or for each full
time equivalent student shall be no less
than the comparable amounts for the previ-
ous community college fiscal year (15496) .. 215,262,000
For additional operating services and
expenses of community colleges and to
provide that no community college shall
receive less than one-hundred percent of
the base aid funding that it had received
in the 2020-21 community college fiscal
year ......................................... 9,953,000
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, next generation job linkage
funds shall be made available to community
colleges based on a workforce development
plan submitted by the city university of
New York for approval by the director of
the budget (15543) ........................... 2,000,000
For the payment of aid for community college
categorical programs to be distributed to
the colleges according to guidelines
established by the city university trus-
For services and expenses related to the
establishment, renovation, alteration,
expansion, improvement or operation of
child care centers for the benefit of
students at the community college campuses
of the city university of New York,
provided that matching funds of at least
57 12553-07-1
35 percent from nonstate sources be made
available (15497) .............................. 813,100
For additional services and expenses of
child care centers (15598) ..................... 902,000
For payment of rental aid (15498) .............. 8,501,000
For additional services and expenses of
rental aid ..................................... 447,000
For state financial assistance for community
college contract courses and work force
development (15536) .......................... 1,880,000
For student financial assistance to expand
opportunities in the community colleges of
the city university for the educationally
and economically disadvantaged in accord-
ance with section 6452 of the education
law (15537) .................................. 1,349,200
For additional student financial assistance
to expand opportunities in the community
colleges of the city university for the
educationally and economically disadvan-
taged .......................................... 270,000
For services and expenses of the accelerated
study in associates program (15545) .......... 2,500,000
For services and expenses of the apprentice
CUNY program to support CUNY Community
Colleges in establishing and developing
registered apprenticeship programs with
area businesses which may include educa-
tional opportunity centers (15406) ........... 2,000,000
CITY UNIVERSITY--SENIOR COLLEGES ......................... 1,463,833,500
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For the costs of the state share, as
prescribed herein, as reimbursement to the
city of New York to be paid during the
state fiscal year beginning April 1, 2021
for the operating expenses of the senior
college approved programs and services of
the city university of New York as defined
in section 6230 of the education law.
Notwithstanding paragraphs 3 and 4 of subdi-
vision A of section 6221 of the education
law, the amount appropriated herein shall
constitute the maximum state payment for
the 2021-22 state fiscal year beginning
58 12553-07-1
April 1, 2021 to the city of New York, of
which $428,000,000 is a state liability to
the city for the period beginning April 1,
2021 through June 30, 2022, for reimburse-
ment of costs incurred by the city at any
time during the 2020-21 academic year.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the dormitory authority of the
state of New York may issue bonds for the
purpose of reimbursing equipment disburse-
ments subject to subdivision 14 of section
1680 of the public authorities law and
upon transfer of bond proceeds for equip-
ment disbursements, from the city univer-
sity special revenue fund, facilities and
planning income reimbursable account (NA)
to an account of the city of New York, the
general fund appropriations herein shall
be reduced by amounts equivalent to such
transfers but in no event less than
$20,000,000 for the 12-month period begin-
ning July 1, 2021; the transfer of such
bond proceeds shall immediately and equiv-
alently reduce the general fund amounts
appropriated herein; and the portions of
such general fund appropriations so
affected shall have no further force or
The state share of operating expenses, a
portion of which is appropriated herein as
reimbursement to New York city, shall be
an amount equal to the net operating
expenses of the senior college approved
programs and services which shall equal
the total operating expenses of approved
programs and services less:
(a) all excess tuition and instructional and
noninstructional fees attributable to the
senior colleges received from the city
university construction fund;
(b) miscellaneous revenue and fees, includ-
ing bad debt recoveries and income fund
reimbursable cost recoveries;
(c) pursuant to section 6221 of the educa-
tion law, a representative share of the
operating costs of those activities within
central administration and universitywide
programs which, as determined by the state
budget director, relate jointly to the
senior colleges and community colleges,
and New York city support for associate
degree programs at the College of Staten
59 12553-07-1
Island and Medgar Evers College and
notwithstanding any other provision of
law, rule or regulation, New York city
support for associate degree programs at
New York city college of technology and
John Jay college, with such support based
on the 2018-19 full-time equivalent (FTE)
associate degree enrollments at these
campuses and calculated using the New York
city contribution per city university
community college FTE in the 2018-19 base
year, totaling $32,275,000;
Items (a) and (b) of the foregoing shall be
hereafter referred to as the senior
college revenue offset, item (c) as the
central administration and university-wide
programs offset.
In no event shall the state support for the
operating expenses of the senior college
approved programs and services for the 12
month period beginning July 1, 2021 exceed
1,394,196,000 (15422) .................... 1,392,196,000
For additional state support for the operat-
ing expenses of the senior college
approved programs and services for the
month period beginning July 1, 2021 ......... 69,637,500
For services and expenses of the CUNY school
of labor and urban studies (15499) ........... 2,000,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For payment of financial assistance to the
city of New York for certain costs of
retirement incentive programs and other
liabilities attributable to employee
retirement systems and for special pension
payments attributable to employees of the
senior colleges of the city university of
New York pursuant to chapters 975, 976,
and 977 of the laws of 1977, in accordance
with section 6231 of the education law and
chapter 958 of the laws of 1981, as
amended (15500) .............................. 2,000,000
60 12553-07-1
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For payment of the metropolitan commuter
transportation mobility tax pursuant to
article 23 of the tax law as added by
chapter 25 of the laws of 2009 for the
period July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 on
behalf of those senior college employees
employed in the commuter transportation
district. Notwithstanding any other law to
the contrary, this appropriation may not
be decreased by interchange with any other
appropriation (15481) ........................ 5,600,000
61 12553-07-1
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 54, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, next generation
job linkage funds shall be made available to community colleges
based on a workforce development plan submitted by the city univer-
sity of New York for approval by the director of the budget (15543)
... 2,000,000 ..................................... (re. $2,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, next generation
job linkage funds shall be made available to community colleges
based on a workforce development plan submitted by the city univer-
sity of New York for approval by the director of the budget (15543)
... 2,000,000 ..................................... (re. $1,680,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For the payment of aid for community college categorical programs to
be distributed to the colleges according to guidelines established
by the city university trustees:
For state financial assistance for community college contract courses
and work force development (15536) ... 1,880,000 .. (re. $1,880,000)
For services and expenses of the apprentice CUNY program to support
CUNY Community Colleges in establishing and developing registered
apprenticeship programs with area businesses which may include
educational opportunity centers (15406) ............................
2,000,000 ......................................... (re. $2,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020, as amended by chapter 50,
section 4, of the laws of 2020:
For additional services and expenses of child care centers (15598) ...
902,000 ............................................. (re. $902,000)
For services and expenses of the accelerated study in associates
program (15545) ... 2,500,000 ..................... (re. $2,500,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the family empowerment community college
pilot program to provide a comprehensive system of supports includ-
ing priority on-campus childcare for single parents. Funding shall
be awarded according to a plan developed by the chancellor of the
city university of New York and approved by the director of the
budget that aligns a comprehensive system of supports for single
parents, including on-campus childcare, with the accelerated study
in associate program (15414) ... 2,000,000 ........ (re. $1,467,000)
62 12553-07-1
For state financial assistance for community college contract courses
and work force development (15536) ... 1,880,000 .. (re. $1,880,000)
For services and expenses of the apprentice CUNY program to support
CUNY Community Colleges in establishing and developing registered
apprenticeship programs with area businesses which may include
educational opportunity centers (15406) ............................
2,000,000 ......................................... (re. $1,275,000)
63 12553-07-1
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 2,000,000 2,356,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 2,000,000 2,356,000
================ ================
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For payment to public authorities or munici-
pal corporations that are eligible to
receive reimbursement pursuant to section
92-d of the general municipal law for
costs of providing sick leave for officers
and employees with a qualifying world
trade center condition. Amounts appropri-
ated herein may be suballocated, pursuant
to a plan approved by the division of
budget, to the department of civil service
state operations for appropriate adminis-
trative costs (16604) ........................ 2,000,000
64 12553-07-1
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For payment to public authorities or municipal corporations that are
eligible to receive reimbursement pursuant to section 92-d of the
general municipal law for costs of providing sick leave for officers
and employees with a qualifying world trade center condition.
Amounts appropriated herein may be suballocated, pursuant to a plan
approved by the division of budget, to the department of civil
service state operations for appropriate administrative costs
(16604) ... 2,000,000 ............................. (re. $2,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For payment to public authorities or municipal corporations that are
eligible to receive reimbursement pursuant to section 92-d of the
general municipal law for costs of providing sick leave for officers
and employees with a qualifying world trade center condition.
Amounts appropriated herein may be suballocated, pursuant to a plan
approved by the division of budget, to the department of civil
service state operations for appropriate administrative costs
(16604) ... 1,000,000 ............................... (re. $356,000)
65 12553-07-1
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 25,493,000 71,643,000
Internal Service Funds ............. 9,000,000 16,962,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 34,493,000 88,605,000
================ ================
COMMUNITY SUPERVISION PROGRAM ............................... 14,613,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For payment of services and expenses relat-
ing to the operation of a program with the
center for employment opportunities to
assist with vocational or employment
skills training or the attainment of
employment (17576) ........................... 1,029,000
For costs associated with the provision of
treatment, residential stabilization and
other related services for offenders in
the community, including residential
stabilization for sex offenders, pursuant
to existing contracts or to be distributed
through a competitive process (17570) ........ 4,584,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,613,000
Internal Service Funds
Agencies Internal Service Fund
Neighborhood Work Project Account - 55059
For services and expenses related to estab-
lishing and administering a vocational
training program for parolees, other
offenders, or former inmates from city of
New York jails participating in community
based programs with the center for employ-
ment opportunities. Notwithstanding any
other provision of law to the contrary,
the chairman of the board of parole, or a
designated officer of the department of
corrections and community supervision may
authorize participants to perform service
projects at sites made available by any
66 12553-07-1
state or local government or public bene-
fit corporation (17569) ...................... 9,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 9,000,000
HEALTH SERVICES PROGRAM ..................................... 14,000,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the money hereby appropriated may
be used for the payment of prior year
liabilities and may be increased or
decreased by interchange or transfer with
any other general fund appropriation with-
in the department of corrections and
community supervision with the approval of
the director of the budget. A portion of
these funds may be transferred or suballo-
cated to the department of health or other
state agencies.
For the state share of medical assistance
services expenses incurred by the depart-
ment of corrections and community super-
vision related to the provision of medical
assistance services to inmates (17503) ...... 14,000,000
PROGRAM SERVICES PROGRAM ....................................... 680,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For services and expenses of a program at
the Albion correctional facility, and
other correctional facilities related to
family televisiting (Osborne Association)
(17567) ........................................ 430,000
For services and expenses of a program at
the Queensboro correctional facility,
and/or other correctional facilities as
determined by the commissioner, related to
re-entry with a focus on family (Osborne
Association) (17504) ........................... 250,000
SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM ..................................... 5,200,000
67 12553-07-1
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For services and expenses of localities for
the housing and board of felony offenders
pursuant to section 601-c of the
correction law (17501) ....................... 5,200,000
68 12553-07-1
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For payment of services and expenses relating to the operation of a
program with the center for employment opportunities to assist with
vocational or employment skills training or the attainment of
employment (17576) ... 1,029,000 .................. (re. $1,029,000)
For costs associated with the provision of treatment, residential
stabilization and other related services for offenders in the commu-
nity, including residential stabilization for sex offenders, pursu-
ant to existing contracts or to be distributed through a competitive
process (17570) ... 4,584,000 ..................... (re. $4,140,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For costs associated with the provision of treatment, residential
stabilization and other related services for offenders in the commu-
nity, including residential stabilization for sex offenders, pursu-
ant to existing contracts or to be distributed through a competitive
process (17570) ... 4,584,000 ..................... (re. $2,495,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For costs associated with the provision of treatment, residential
stabilization and other related services for offenders in the commu-
nity, including residential stabilization for sex offenders, pursu-
ant to existing contracts or to be distributed through a competitive
process (17570) ... 4,584,000 ..................... (re. $1,563,000)
Internal Service Funds
Agencies Internal Service Fund
Neighborhood Work Project Account - 55059
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses related to establishing and administering a
vocational training program for parolees, other offenders, or former
inmates from city of New York jails participating in community based
programs with the center for employment opportunities.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the chair-
man of the board of parole, or a designated officer of the depart-
ment of corrections and community supervision may authorize partic-
ipants to perform service projects at sites made available by any
state or local government or public benefit corporation (17569)
9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $9,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to establishing and administering a
vocational training program for parolees, other offenders, or former
inmates from city of New York jails participating in community based
programs with the center for employment opportunities. Notwith-
standing any other provision of law to the contrary, the chairman of
69 12553-07-1
the board of parole, or a designated officer of the department of
corrections and community supervision may authorize participants to
perform service projects at sites made available by any state or
local government or public benefit corporation (17569) .............
9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $2,926,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to establishing and administering a
vocational training program for parolees, other offenders, or former
inmates from city of New York jails participating in community based
programs with the center for employment opportunities. Notwith-
standing any other provision of law to the contrary, the chairman of
the board of parole, or a designated officer of the department of
corrections and community supervision may authorize participants to
perform service projects at sites made available by any state or
local government or public benefit corporation (17569) .............
9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $1,075,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to establishing and administering a
vocational training program for parolees, other offenders, or former
inmates from city of New York jails participating in community based
programs with the center for employment opportunities. Notwith-
standing any other provision of law to the contrary, the chairman of
the board of parole, or a designated officer of the department of
corrections and community supervision may authorize participants to
perform service projects at sites made available by any state or
local government or public benefit corporation (17569) .............
9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $1,962,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to establishing and administering a
vocational training program for parolees, other offenders, or former
inmates from city of New York jails participating in community based
programs with the center for employment opportunities. Notwith-
standing any other provision of law to the contrary, the chairman of
the board of parole, or a designated officer of the department of
corrections and community supervision may authorize participants to
perform service projects at sites made available by any state or
local government or public benefit corporation (17569) .............
9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $1,999,000)
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the money hereby
appropriated may be used for the payment of prior year liabilities
and may be increased or decreased by interchange or transfer with
any other general fund appropriation within the department of
70 12553-07-1
corrections and community supervision with the approval of the
director of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred
or suballocated to the department of health or other state agencies.
For the state share of medical assistance services expenses incurred
by the department of corrections and community supervision related
to the provision of medical assistance services to inmates (17503)
14,000,000 ....................................... (re. $13,949,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the money hereby
appropriated may be used for the payment of prior year liabilities
and may be increased or decreased by interchange or transfer with
any other general fund appropriation within the department of
corrections and community supervision with the approval of the
director of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred
or suballocated to the department of health or other state agencies.
For the state share of medical assistance services expenses incurred
by the department of corrections and community supervision related
to the provision of medical assistance services to inmates (17503)
... 14,000,000 ................................... (re. $13,993,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the money hereby
appropriated may be used for the payment of prior year liabilities
and may be increased or decreased by interchange or transfer with
any other general fund appropriation within the department of
corrections and community supervision with the approval of the
director of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred
or suballocated to the department of health or other state agencies.
For the state share of medical assistance services expenses incurred
by the department of corrections and community supervision related
to the provision of medical assistance services to inmates (17503)
... 14,000,000 ................................... (re. $13,992,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the money hereby
appropriated may be used for the payment of prior year liabilities
and may be increased or decreased by interchange or transfer with
any other general fund appropriation within the department of
corrections and community supervision with the approval of the
director of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred
or suballocated to the department of health or other state agencies.
For the state share of medical assistance services expenses incurred
by the department of corrections and community supervision related
to the provision of medical assistance services to inmates (17503)
... 14,000,000 ................................... (re. $13,996,000)
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
71 12553-07-1
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses of a program at the Albion correctional
facility, and other correctional facilities related to family tele-
visiting (Osborne Association) (17567) .............................
430,000 ............................................. (re. $430,000)
For services and expenses of a program at the Queensboro correctional
facility, and/or other correctional facilities as determined by the
commissioner, related to re-entry with a focus on family (Osborne
Association) (17504) ... 250,000 .................... (re. $250,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of a program at the Albion correctional
facility, and other correctional facilities related to family tele-
visiting (Osborne Association) (17567) .............................
430,000 ............................................. (re. $430,000)
For services and expenses of a program at the Queensboro correctional
facility, and/or other correctional facilities as determined by the
commissioner, related to re-entry with a focus on family (Osborne
Association) (17504) ... 250,000 ..................... (re. $13,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses of a program at the Queensboro correctional
facility, and/or other correctional facilities as determined by the
commissioner, related to re-entry with a focus on family (Osborne
Association) (17504) ... 250,000 ..................... (re. $14,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses of the Osborne Association Familyworks
program in Buffalo ... 180,000 ........................ (re. $3,000)
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses of localities for the housing and board of
felony offenders pursuant to section 601-c of the correction law
(17501) ... 200,000 ................................. (re. $200,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of localities for the housing and board of
felony offenders pursuant to section 601-c of the correction law
(17501) ... 200,000 ................................. (re. $200,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses of localities for the housing and board of
felony offenders pursuant to section 601-c of the correction law
(17501) ... 200,000 ................................. (re. $200,000)
72 12553-07-1
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2008, as amended by chapter
496, section 1, of the laws of 2008:
For services and expenses of localities for the housing and board of
coram nobis prisoners in accordance with section 601-b of the
correction law, felony offenders in accordance with subdivision 2 of
section 601-c of the correction law, and prisoners pursuant to
section 95 of the correction law. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law to the contrary, payments certified to the commis-
sioner by the appropriate local official for the care of such pris-
oners and made pursuant to this appropriation for liabilities
incurred on or after September 1, 2008 shall be paid at the follow-
ing per day per capita rates: per diem per capita reimbursement
pursuant to section 601-b of the correction law shall not exceed
$18.80, and per diem per capita reimbursement pursuant to subdivi-
sion 2 of section 601-c of the correction law shall not exceed
$37.60 (17501) ... 5,880,000 ...................... (re. $4,746,000)
73 12553-07-1
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 141,764,000 249,907,016
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 29,900,000 109,540,750
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 77,084,000 92,895,423
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 248,748,000 452,343,189
================ ================
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For payment to the New York state prosecu-
tors training institute for services and
expenses related to the prosecution of
crimes and the provision of continuing
legal education, training, and support for
medicaid fraud prosecution. The funds
hereby appropriated are to be available
for payment of liabilities heretofore
accrued or hereafter accrued (20242) ......... 2,078,000
For services and expenses of the New York
state district attorneys association. The
funds hereby appropriated are to be avail-
able for payment of liabilities heretofore
accrued or hereafter accrued (39798) ........... 100,000
For services and expenses associated with a
witness protection program pursuant to a
plan developed by the commissioner of the
division of criminal justice services. The
funds hereby appropriated are to be avail-
able for payment of liabilities heretofore
accrued or hereafter accrued (20243) ........... 287,000
For grants to counties for district attorney
salaries. Notwithstanding the provisions
of subdivisions 10 and 11 of section 700
of the county law or any other law to the
contrary, for state fiscal year 2020-21
the state reimbursement to counties for
district attorney salaries shall be
distributed according to a plan developed
by the commissioner of criminal justice
services, and approved by the director of
the budget (20244) ........................... 4,212,000
74 12553-07-1
Payment of state aid for expenses of the
special narcotics prosecutor. The funds
hereby appropriated are to be available
for payment of liabilities heretofore
accrued or hereafter accrued (20245) ........... 825,000
For payment of state aid for expenses of
crime laboratories for accreditation,
training, capacity enhancement and lab
related services to maintain the quality
and reliability of forensic services to
criminal justice agencies, to be distrib-
uted pursuant to a plan prepared by the
commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services and approved by the
director of the budget. Some of these
funds herein appropriated may be trans-
ferred to state operations and may be
suballocated to other state agencies
(20205) ...................................... 6,273,000
For reimbursement of the services and
expenses of municipal corporations, public
authorities, the division of state police,
authorized police departments of state
public authorities or regional state park
commissions for the purchase of ballistic
soft body armor vests, such sum shall be
payable on the audit and warrant of the
state comptroller on vouchers certified by
the commissioner of the division of crimi-
nal justice services and the chief admin-
istrative officer of the municipal corpo-
ration, public authority, or state entity
making requisition and purchase of such
vests. A portion of these funds may be
transferred to state operations and may be
suballocated to other state agencies. The
funds hereby appropriated are to be avail-
able for payment of liabilities heretofore
accrued or hereafter accrued (20207) ......... 1,350,000
For services and expenses of programs aimed
at reducing the risk of re-offending, to
be distributed pursuant to a plan prepared
by the commissioner of the division of
criminal justice services and approved by
the director of the budget (20249) ........... 3,842,000
For services and expenses of project GIVE as
allocated pursuant to a plan prepared by
the commissioner of criminal justice
services and approved by the director of
the budget which will include an evalu-
ation of the effectiveness of such
program. A portion of these funds may be
75 12553-07-1
transferred to state operations or subal-
located to other state agencies (20942) ..... 14,390,000
For payment of state aid to counties and the
city of New York for the operation of
local probation departments subject to the
approval of the director of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law,
the state aid for probationary services to
counties and the city of New York shall be
distributed to counties and the city of
New York pursuant to a plan prepared by
the commissioner of the division of crimi-
nal justice services and approved by the
director of the budget which shall be to
the greatest extent possible, distributed
in a manner consistent with the prior year
distribution amounts (21038) ................ 44,876,000
For payment of state aid to counties and the
city of New York for local alternatives to
incarceration, including those that
provide alcohol and substance abuse treat-
ment programs, and other related inter-
ventions pursuant to article 13-A of the
executive law. Notwithstanding any other
provisions of law, state assistance shall
be distributed pursuant to a plan submit-
ted by the commissioner of the division of
criminal justice services and approved by
the director of the budget. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to state
operations and may be suballocated to
other state agencies (21037) ................. 5,217,000
For payment to not-for-profit and government
operated programs providing alternatives
to incarceration, community supervision
and/or employment programs to be distrib-
uted pursuant to a plan prepared by the
commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services and approved by the
director of the budget. Eligible services
shall include, but not be limited to
offender employment, offender assessments,
treatment program placement and partic-
ipation, monitoring client compliance with
program interventions, TASC program
services, and alternatives to prison. A
portion of these funds may be transferred
to state operations and may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20239) ....... 13,819,000
For residential centers providing services
to individuals on probation and for commu-
nity corrections programs to be distrib-
76 12553-07-1
uted in the same manner as the prior year
or through a competitive process (21000) ....... 945,000
For services and expenses of the establish-
ment, or continued operation by existing
grantees, of regional Operation S.N.U.G.
programs, pursuant to a plan prepared by
the division of criminal justice services
and approved by the director of the budg-
et. A portion of these funds may be
transferred to state operations (20250) ...... 4,865,000
For services and expenses of rape crisis
centers for services to rape victims and
programs to prevent rape, to be distrib-
uted pursuant to a plan prepared by the
commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services and approved by the
director of the budget. A portion or all
of these funds may be transferred or
suballocated to other state agencies
(39718) ...................................... 3,553,000
For additional services and expenses of rape
crisis centers for services to rape
victims and programs to prevent rape ........... 147,000
For payment to district attorneys who
participate in the crimes against revenue
program to be distributed according to a
plan developed by the commissioner of the
division of criminal justice services, in
consultation with the department of taxa-
tion and finance, and approved by the
director of the budget (20235) .............. 13,521,000
For payment to not-for-profit and government
operated programs providing services
including but not limited to defendant
screening, assessment, referral, monitor-
ing, and case management, to be distrib-
uted pursuant to a plan submitted by the
commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services and approved by the
director of the budget. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to state oper-
ations (39744) ................................. 946,000
For services and expenses of law enforcement
agencies, for gang prevention youth
programs in Nassau and/or Suffolk counties
and law enforcement agencies may consult
with community-based organizations and/or
schools, pursuant to a plan by the commis-
sioner of criminal justice services
(20238) ........................................ 500,000
For services and expenses related to state
and local crime reduction, youth justice
77 12553-07-1
and gang prevention programs, including
but not limited to street outreach, crime
analysis, research, and shooting/violence
reduction programs. Funds appropriated
herein shall be expended pursuant to a
plan developed by the commissioner of
criminal justice services and approved by
the director of the budget. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to state
operations and/or suballocated to other
state agencies (39797) ...................... 10,000,000
For services and expenses of various crimi-
nal justice programs, including alterna-
tives to incarceration programs, re-entry
programs, civil legal services programs,
and other crime control and prevention
programs ..................................... 7,000,000
For services and expenses of programs that
prevent domestic violence or aid victims
of domestic violence ........................... 609,000
For services and expenses related to immi-
grant legal services ........................... 600,000
For additional payment to New York state
defenders association for services and
expenses related to the provision of
training and other assistance ................ 1,059,000
For additional payment to prisoners' legal
services for services and expenses related
to legal representation and assistance to
indigent inmates ............................... 750,000
Program account subtotal ................. 141,764,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Crime Identification and Technology Account - 25475
For services and expenses related to iden-
tification technology grants including,
but not limited to, crime lab improvement
and DNA programs. A portion of these funds
may be transferred to state operations and
may be suballocated to other state agen-
cies (20204) ................................. 2,250,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,250,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
DCJS Miscellaneous Discretionary Account - 25470
78 12553-07-1
Funds herein appropriated may be used to
disburse unanticipated federal grants in
support of state and local programs to
prevent crime, support law enforcement,
improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds
may be transferred to state operations and
may be suballocated to other state agen-
cies (20202) ................................ 13,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 13,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Account - 25540
For services and expenses related to the
federal Edward Byrne memorial justice
assistance formula program, including
enhanced prosecution, enhanced defense,
local law enforcement programs, youth
violence and/or crime reduction programs,
crime laboratories, re-entry services, and
judicial diversion and alternative to
incarceration programs. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to state oper-
ations and/or suballocated to other state
agencies (20209) ............................. 5,700,000
For services and expenses of drug, violence,
and crime control and prevention programs ...... 300,000
Program account subtotal ................... 6,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Formula
Account - 25436
For payment of federal aid to localities
pursuant to the provisions of the federal
juvenile justice and delinquency
prevention act in accordance with a
distribution plan determined by the juve-
nile justice advisory group and affirmed
by the commissioner of the division of
criminal justice services. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to state
operations and may be suballocated to
other state agencies (20213) ................. 2,050,000
79 12553-07-1
For payment of federal aid to localities
pursuant to the provisions of title V of
the juvenile justice and delinquency
prevention act of 1974, as amended for
local delinquency prevention programs,
including sub-allocation to state oper-
ations for the administration of this
grant in accordance with a distribution
plan determined by the juvenile justice
advisory group and affirmed by the commis-
sioner of the division of criminal justice
For services and expenses associated with
the juvenile justice and delinquency
prevention formula account. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to state
operations and may be suballocated to
other state agencies (20215) ................... 100,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,150,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Violence Against Women Account - 25477
For payment of federal aid to localities
pursuant to an expenditure plan developed
by the commissioner of the division of
criminal justice services, provided howev-
er that up to 10 percent of the amount
herein appropriated may be used for
program administration. A portion of these
funds may be transferred to state oper-
ations and may be suballocated to other
state agencies (20216) ....................... 6,500,000
Program account subtotal ................... 6,500,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Indigent Legal Services Fund
Indigent Legal Services Account - 23551
For payment to New York state defenders
association for services and expenses
related to the provision of training and
other assistance. The funds hereby appro-
priated are to be available for payment of
liabilities heretofore accrued or hereaft-
er accrued (20247) ........................... 1,030,000
80 12553-07-1
For defense services to be distributed in
the same manner as the prior year or
through a competitive process. The funds
hereby appropriated are to be available
for payment of liabilities heretofore
accrued or hereafter accrued (20246) ......... 7,658,000
For payment to prisoner's legal services for
services and expenses related to legal
representation and assistance to indigent
inmates. The funds hereby appropriated are
to be available for payment of liabilities
heretofore accrued or hereafter accrued
(20979) ...................................... 2,200,000
Program account subtotal .................. 10,888,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Medical Marihuana Trust Fund
MMF - Law Enforcement - 23753
For a program of discretionary grants to
state and local law enforcement agencies
that demonstrate a need relating to title
5-A of article 33 of the public health
law. A portion of these funds may be
transferred to state operations and may be
suballocated to other state agencies
(20235) ........................................ 200,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Criminal Justice Improvement Account - 21945
For grants to rape crisis centers for
services to rape victims and programs to
prevent rape. A portion of these funds may
be transferred or suballocated to other
state agencies, and distributed pursuant
to a plan prepared by the commissioner or
director of the recipient agency and
approved by the director of the budget ....... 2,788,000
Program account subtotal ................... 2,788,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Criminal Justice Discovery Compensation Account - 22248
81 12553-07-1
For services and expenses related to discov-
ery implementation, including but not
limited to digital evidence transmission
technology, administrative support,
computers, hardware and operating soft-
ware, data connectivity, development of
training materials, staff training, over-
time costs, litigation readiness, and
pretrial services. Eligible entities shall
include, but not be limited to counties,
cities with populations less than one
million, and law enforcement and prosecu-
torial entities within towns and villages.
These funds shall be distributed pursuant
to a plan submitted by the commissioner of
the division of criminal justice services
and approved by the director of the budg-
Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule
or regulation to the contrary, of the
amounts appropriated herein, $5,000,000
may be made available for services and
expenses related to state and local crime
reduction, youth justice and gang
prevention programs, including but not
limited to street outreach, crime analy-
sis, research, and shooting/violence
reduction programs (39799) .................. 40,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 40,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Drug Enforcement Task Force Account - 22102
For distribution to the state's political
subdivisions and for services and expenses
of the drug enforcement task forces. Some
of these funds may be transferred to state
operations appropriations (20235) .............. 100,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Legal Services Assistance Account - 22096
For prosecutorial services of counties, to
be distributed pursuant to a plan prepared
by the commissioner of the division of
82 12553-07-1
criminal justice services and approved by
the director of the budget. The funds
hereby appropriated are to be available
for payment of liabilities heretofore
accrued or hereafter accrued (20241) ........ 12,549,000
For services and expenses of the district
attorney and indigent legal services
attorney loan forgiveness program pursuant
to section 679-e of the education law.
These funds may be suballocated to the
higher education services corporation
(20220) ...................................... 2,430,000
For services and expenses of the Legal
Action Center (20376) .......................... 180,000
For services, expenses or reimbursement of
expenses incurred by local government
agencies and/or not-for-profit providers
or their employees providing civil or
criminal legal services ...................... 2,830,000
For additional services, expenses or
reimbursement of expenses incurred by
local government agencies and/or not-for-
profit providers or their employees
providing civil or criminal legal
services, including legal services for
victims of domestic violence ................. 1,370,000
Program account subtotal .................. 19,359,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
State Police Motor Vehicle Law Enforcement and Motor
Vehicle Theft and Insurance Fraud Prevention Fund
Motor Vehicle Theft and Insurance Fraud Account - 22801
For services and expenses associated with
local anti-auto theft programs, in accord-
ance with section 89-d of the state
finance law, distributed through a compet-
itive process (20235) ........................ 3,749,000
Program account subtotal ................... 3,749,000
83 12553-07-1
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For payment to the New York state prosecutors training institute for
services and expenses related to the prosecution of crimes and the
provision of continuing legal education, training, and support for
medicaid fraud prosecution. The funds hereby appropriated are to be
available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter
accrued (20242) ... 2,078,000 ..................... (re. $2,078,000)
For services and expenses of the New York state district attorneys
association. The funds hereby appropriated are to be available for
payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter accrued
(39798) ... 100,000 ................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses associated with a witness protection program
pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of the division of
criminal justice services. The funds hereby appropriated are to be
available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter
accrued (20243) ... 287,000 ......................... (re. $287,000)
For grants to counties for district attorney salaries. Notwithstanding
the provisions of subdivisions 10 and 11 of section 700 of the coun-
ty law or any other law to the contrary, for state fiscal year
2020-21 the state reimbursement to counties for district attorney
salaries shall be distributed according to a plan developed by the
commissioner of criminal justice services, and approved by the
director of the budget (20244) ... 4,212,000 ...... (re. $4,212,000)
Payment of state aid for expenses of the special narcotics prosecutor.
The funds hereby appropriated are to be available for payment of
liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter accrued (20245) ........
825,000 ............................................. (re. $825,000)
For payment of state aid for expenses of crime laboratories for
accreditation, training, capacity enhancement and lab related
services to maintain the quality and reliability of forensic
services to criminal justice agencies, to be distributed pursuant to
a plan prepared by the commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services and approved by the director of the budget. Some of
these funds herein appropriated may be transferred to state oper-
ations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20205) .....
6,273,000 ......................................... (re. $6,273,000)
For reimbursement of the services and expenses of municipal corpo-
rations, public authorities, the division of state police, author-
ized police departments of state public authorities or regional
state park commissions for the purchase of ballistic soft body armor
vests, such sum shall be payable on the audit and warrant of the
state comptroller on vouchers certified by the commissioner of the
division of criminal justice services and the chief administrative
officer of the municipal corporation, public authority, or state
entity making requisition and purchase of such vests. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to state operations and may be subal-
located to other state agencies. The funds hereby appropriated are
84 12553-07-1
to be available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or
hereafter accrued (20207) ..........................................
1,350,000 ......................................... (re. $1,350,000)
For services and expenses of programs aimed at reducing the risk of
re-offending, to be distributed pursuant to a plan prepared by the
commissioner of the division of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget (20249) .....................
3,842,000 ......................................... (re. $3,842,000)
For services and expenses of project GIVE as allocated pursuant to a
plan prepared by the commissioner of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget which will include an evalu-
ation of the effectiveness of such program. A portion of these funds
may be transferred to state operations or suballocated to other
state agencies (20942) ... 14,390,000 ............ (re. $14,390,000)
For payment of state aid to counties and the city of New York for the
operation of local probation departments subject to the approval of
the director of the budget.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the state aid for proba-
tionary services to counties and the city of New York shall be
distributed to counties and the city of New York pursuant to a plan
prepared by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice
services and approved by the director of the budget which shall be
to the greatest extent possible, distributed in a manner consistent
with the prior year distribution amounts (21038) ...................
44,876,000 ....................................... (re. $44,876,000)
For payment of state aid to counties and the city of New York for
local alternatives to incarceration, including those that provide
alcohol and substance abuse treatment programs, and other related
interventions pursuant to article 13-A of the executive law.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, state assistance shall
be distributed pursuant to a plan submitted by the commissioner of
the division of criminal justice services and approved by the direc-
tor of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred to
state operations and may be suballocated to other state agencies
(21037) ... 5,217,000 ............................. (re. $5,217,000)
For payment to not-for-profit and government operated programs provid-
ing alternatives to incarceration, community supervision and/or
employment programs to be distributed pursuant to a plan prepared by
the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget. Eligible services shall
include, but not be limited to offender employment, offender assess-
ments, treatment program placement and participation, monitoring
client compliance with program interventions, TASC program services,
and alternatives to prison. A portion of these funds may be trans-
ferred to state operations and may be suballocated to other state
agencies (20239) ... 13,819,000 ... .............. (re. $13,819,000)
For residential centers providing services to individuals on probation
and for community corrections programs to be distributed in the same
manner as the prior year or through a competitive process (21000)
... 945,000 ......................................... (re. $945,000)
For services and expenses of the establishment, or continued operation
by existing grantees, of regional Operation S.N.U.G. programs,
85 12553-07-1
pursuant to a plan prepared by the division of criminal justice
services and approved by the director of the budget. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to state operations (20250) .........
4,865,000 ......................................... (re. $4,865,000)
For services and expenses of rape crisis centers for services to rape
victims and programs to prevent rape, to be distributed pursuant to
a plan prepared by the commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services and approved by the director of the budget. A
portion or all of these funds may be transferred or suballocated to
other state agencies (39718) ... 3,553,000 ........ (re. $3,553,000)
For additional services and expenses of rape crisis centers for
services to rape victims and programs to prevent rape ..............
147,000 ............................................. (re. $147,000)
For payment to district attorneys who participate in the crimes
against revenue program to be distributed according to a plan devel-
oped by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice
services, in consultation with the department of taxation and
finance, and approved by the director of the budget (20235) ........
13,521,000 ....................................... (re. $13,521,000)
For payment to not-for-profit and government operated programs provid-
ing services including but not limited to defendant screening,
assessment, referral, monitoring, and case management, to be
distributed pursuant to a plan submitted by the commissioner of the
division of criminal justice services and approved by the director
of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations (39744) ... 946,000 ...................... (re. $946,000)
For services and expenses of law enforcement agencies, for gang
prevention youth programs in Nassau and/or Suffolk counties and law
enforcement agencies may consult with community-based organizations
and/or schools, pursuant to a plan by the commissioner of criminal
justice services (20238) ... 500,000 ................ (re. $500,000)
For services and expenses related to state and local crime reduction,
youth justice and gang prevention programs, including but not limit-
ed to street outreach, crime analysis, research, and shooting/
violence reduction programs. Funds appropriated herein shall be
expended pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of crimi-
nal justice services and approved by the director of the budget. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to state operations and/or
suballocated to other state agencies (39797) .......................
10,000,000 ....................................... (re. $10,000,000)
For additional payment to New York state defenders association for
services and expenses related to the provision of training and other
assistance ... 1,059,000 ............................ (re. $700,000)
For services and expenses of the Albany Law School - Immigration Clin-
ic ... 150,000 ...................................... (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of Legal Aid Society-Immigration Law Unit
... 150,000 ......................................... (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of Legal Services NYC-DREAM Clinics ...
150,000 ............................................. (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of Haitian-Americans United for Progress Inc
... 150,000 ......................................... (re. $150,000)
86 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of Neighborhood Legal Services .............
400,000 ............................................. (re. $400,000)
Brooklyn Conflicts Office ... 250,000 ................. (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of Southside United HDFC ...................
250,000 ............................................. (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of Child Care Center of New York ...........
250,000 ............................................. (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of Community Service Society-Record Repair
Counseling Corps ... 250,000 ........................ (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses related to the Legal Education Opportunity
Program. All or a portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations and suballocated to the Judiciary .......................
225,000 ............................................. (re. $225,000)
For services and expenses of the Fortune Society .....................
200,000 ............................................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of Common Justice, Inc. ....................
200,000 ............................................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of the Brooklyn Defender ...................
175,000 ............................................. (re. $175,000)
For services and expenses of New York County Defender Services ...
175,000 ............................................. (re. $175,000)
For services and expenses of Friends of the Island Academy ...........
150,000 ............................................. (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of Greenpoint Outreach Domestic and Family
Intervention Program ... 150,000 .................... (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of the Correctional Association ............
127,000 ............................................. (re. $127,000)
For services and expenses of Goddard Riverside Community Center ...
125,000 ............................................. (re. $125,000)
For services and expenses of Bailey House-Project FIRST ..............
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the John Jay College ....................
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of S.N.U.G. Wyandanch ......................
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the Greenburger Center for Social and
Criminal Justice ... 100,000 ........................ (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Mobilization for Justice ................
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the Center for Court Innovation Youth SOS
- Crown Heights ... 100,000 ......................... (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Groundswell ... 75,000 .... (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of the Mohawk Consortium ...................
75,000 ............................................... (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses for Center for Employment Opportunities ...
75,000 ............................................... (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of Exodus Transitional Community ...........
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of Elmcor Youth and Adult Activities Program
... 44,000 ........................................... (re. $44,000)
For services and expenses of the Osborne Association .................
31,000 ............................................... (re. $31,000)
87 12553-07-1
For services and expenses related to NYU Veteran's Entrepreneurship
Program ... 30,000 ................................... (re. $30,000)
For services and expenses of Bergen Basin Community Development Corpo-
ration ... 26,000 .................................... (re. $26,000)
For services and expenses of Jacob Riis Settlement House .............
20,000 ............................................... (re. $20,000)
For services and expenses of NYPD Law Enforcement Explorers-Bronx ...
80,000 ............................................... (re. $80,000)
For services and expenses of the Glendale Civilian Patrol ............
25,000 ............................................... (re. $25,000)
For services and expenses of programs that prevent domestic violence
or aid victims of domestic violence:
Domestic Violence Law Project of Rockland County .....................
45,722 ............................................... (re. $45,722)
Empire Justice Center ... 52,251 ....................... (re. $52,251)
Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York ... 45,729 ........... (re. $45,729)
Legal Aid Society of New York - Domestic Violence Services ...........
71,831 ............................................... (re. $71,831)
Legal Services for New York City - Brooklyn ... 45,722 . (re. $45,722)
Legal Services for New York City - Queens ... 45,722 ... (re. $45,722)
My Sisters' Place ... 45,722 ........................... (re. $45,722)
Nassau Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc. .....................
45,722 ............................................... (re. $45,722)
Neighborhood Legal Services Inc. of Erie County ......................
45,722 ............................................... (re. $45,722)
Sanctuary for Families ... 59,976 ...................... (re. $59,976)
Rochester Legal Aid Society ... 59,159 ................. (re. $59,159)
Volunteer Legal Services Project of Monroe County ....................
45,722 ............................................... (re. $45,722)
For payment of state aid for Westchester County Policing Program ...
2,235,000 ......................................... (re. $2,235,000)
For services and expenses related to the Gun Violence Research Insti-
tute to be disbursed in collaboration with higher education insti-
tutions ... 250,000 ................................. (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of Firemen's Association of the State of New
York ... 250,000 .................................... (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of Regional Economic Community Action
Program Inc ... 200,000 ............................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of 100 Suits for 100 Men ...................
15,667 ............................................... (re. $15,667)
For services and expenses of 100 Suits for 100 Men ...................
20,000 ............................................... (re. $20,000)
For services and expenses of Elmcor Youth and Adult Activities, Inc
... 156,666 ......................................... (re. $156,666)
For services and expenses of Father's Alive In The Hood (F.A.I.T.H)
Inc. ... 10,000 ...................................... (re. $10,000)
For services and expenses of Father's Alive In The Hood (F.A.I.T.H)
Inc ... 20,000 ....................................... (re. $20,000)
For services and expenses of It's A Process Inc ......................
16,667 ............................................... (re. $16,667)
For services and expenses of King of Kings Foundation Inc ............
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
88 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of King of Kings Foundation Inc. ...........
10,000 ............................................... (re. $10,000)
For services and expenses of LIFE Camp Inc ... 50,000 .. (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of LIFE Camp Inc ... 50,000 .. (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of Rockaway Development & Revitalization
Corporation ... 30,000 ............................... (re. $30,000)
For services and expenses of Rockaway Youth Task Force, Inc. ...
30,000 ............................................... (re. $30,000)
For services and expenses of Sheltering Arms Children and Family
Services ... 11,000 .................................. (re. $11,000)
For services and expenses of 67th Precinct Clergy Council Inc ...
45,000 ............................................... (re. $45,000)
For services and expenses of Brownsville Think Tank Matters ..........
5,000 ................................................. (re. $5,000)
For services and expenses of Center for Court Innovation (Brownsville
Community Justice Center) ... 25,000 ................. (re. $25,000)
For services and expenses of Elite Learners Inc. .....................
40,000 ............................................... (re. $40,000)
For services and expenses of Kings Against Violence Initiative (KAVI)
Inc ... 40,000 ....................................... (re. $40,000)
For services and expenses of Save Our Streets (S.O.S) ................
45,000 ............................................... (re. $45,000)
For services and expenses of Central Family Life Center Inc ...
250,000 ............................................. (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of Jewish Community Center of Greater Coney
Island Inc ... 250,000 .............................. (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of Shalom Task Force Inc. ..................
175,000 ............................................. (re. $175,000)
For services and expenses of Family Services of Westchester Inc ...
4,000 ................................................. (re. $4,000)
For services and expenses of Good Shepherd Services ..................
4,000 ................................................. (re. $4,000)
For services and expenses of Ujamaa Community Development Corporation
... 9,000 ............................................. (re. $9,000)
For services and expenses of Center for Family Representation ...
125,000 ............................................. (re. $125,000)
For services and expenses of Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem
Inc ... 24,000 ....................................... (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Capital District Women's Bar Association
Legal Project for Domestic Violence Legal Services .................
24,000 ............................................... (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Capital District Women's Bar Association
Legal Project Inc ... 160,000 ....................... (re. $160,000)
For services and expenses of Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communi-
ties of the Capital District ... 200,000 ............ (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of Center for Safety and Change Inc ...
24,000 ............................................... (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Legal Services of the Hudson Valley-
Domestic Violence Legal Service Projects ... 90,000 .. (re. $90,000)
For services and expenses of Huntington Youth Bureau Youth Development
Research Institute Inc. ... 135,000 ................. (re. $135,000)
89 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of Jacob A Riis Neighborhood Settlement 696
Building Queensbridge ... 25,000 ..................... (re. $25,000)
For services and expenses of New York County Defender Services ...
175,000 ............................................. (re. $175,000)
For services and expenses of Washington Heights CORNER Project, Inc
... 4,000 ............................................. (re. $4,000)
For services and expenses of Safe Horizon, Inc. ......................
30,000 ............................................... (re. $30,000)
For services and expenses of Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp ...
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of The Safe Center LI Inc. .................
160,000 ............................................. (re. $160,000)
For services and expenses of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence Inc ...
70,000 ............................................... (re. $70,000)
For services and expenses of Legal Aid Society .......................
12,000 ............................................... (re. $12,000)
For services and expenses of Brooklyn Legal Services .................
250,000 ............................................. (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of Neighborhood Legal Services Inc. ...
80,000 ............................................... (re. $80,000)
For services and expenses of Safe Horizon, Inc. ......................
30,000 ............................................... (re. $30,000)
For services and expenses of Lenox Hill Neighborhood House Inc- Hous-
ing Assistance and Legal Assistance ... 115,000 ..... (re. $115,000)
For services and expenses of Housing Court Answers Inc. ..............
135,000 ............................................. (re. $135,000)
For services and expenses of Touro Law School ........................
24,000 ............................................... (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk Inc
... 24,000 ........................................... (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Vera House Inc. ... 5,000 .. (re. $5,000)
For services and expenses of Black Vets for Social Justice ...........
24,000 ............................................... (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Center for Court Innovation - Redhook
Community Justice Center ... 100,000 ................ (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Cornell University - Criminal Justice
Employment Initiative ... 100,000 ................... (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Brooklyn Legal Services Corp A ..........
62,500 ............................................... (re. $62,500)
For services and expenses of Mobilization for Justice ................
60,000 ............................................... (re. $60,000)
For services and expenses of Brooklyn Legal Service Corp A ...........
24,000 ............................................... (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Girl Vow Inc ............................
150,000 ............................................. (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of Southside United Housing Development Fund
Corp ... 24,000 ...................................... (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Make the Road NY ........................
90,000 ............................................... (re. $90,000)
For services and expenses of Opportunities for A Better Tomorrow Inc
... 100,000 ......................................... (re. $100,000)
90 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of Queens Law Associates Not-For-Profit
Corporation ... 24,000 ............................... (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Richmond County District Attorney's
Office ... 100,000 .................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Prisoner Legal Services of NY ...........
150,000 ............................................. (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of LSNY Bronx Corporation ..................
44,000 ............................................... (re. $44,000)
For services and expenses of Mohawk Consortium - Hamilton College ...
90,000 ............................................... (re. $90,000)
For services and expenses of Friends of Island Academy Inc. ..........
90,000 ............................................... (re. $90,000)
For services and expenses of Greenburger Center for Social and Crimi-
nal Justice ........................................................
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Legal Services NYC ......................
24,000 ............................................... (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Legal Services for New York City (LSNY)
... 100,000 ......................................... (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Regional Economic Community Action
Program Inc ... 70,000 ............................... (re. $70,000)
For services and expenses of Tri- County Community Partnership Inc ...
8,000 ................................................. (re. $8,000)
For services and expenses of Legal Aid Society of Rockland County Inc
... 24,000 ........................................... (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Pace Women's Justice Center .............
24,000 ............................................... (re. $24,000)
For services and expenses of Osborne Association Inc. FamilyWorks
Program in Buffalo .................................................
180,000 ............................................. (re. $180,000)
For services, expenses or reimbursement of expenses incurred by local
government agencies including law enforcement agencies, and/or not-
for-profit providers or their employees providing programs designed
to reduce crime and prevent gang violence through community engage-
ment. Notwithstanding section 24 of the state finance law or any
provision of law to the contrary, funds from this appropriation
shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan approved by the temporary
president of the Senate and the director of the budget which sets
forth either an itemized list of grantees with the amount to be
received by each or the methodology for allocating such appropri-
ation ... 600,000 ................................... (re. $600,000)
For services, expenses or reimbursement of expenses incurred by local
government agencies and/or not-for-profit providers or their employ-
ees providing civil or criminal legal services. Notwithstanding
section 24 of the state finance law or any provision of law to the
contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated only
pursuant to a plan approved by the temporary president of the Senate
and the director of the budget which sets forth either an itemized
list of grantees with the amount to be received by each or the meth-
odology for allocating such appropriation ..........................
150,000 ............................................. (re. $150,000)
91 12553-07-1
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020, as amended by chapter 50,
section 4, of the laws of 2020:
For additional payment to prisoners' legal services for services and
expenses related to legal representation and assistance to indigent
inmates ... 750,000 ................................. (re. $750,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For prosecutorial services of counties, to be distributed in the same
manner as the prior year or through a competitive process. The funds
hereby appropriated are to be available for payment of liabilities
heretofore accrued or hereafter accrued (20241) ....................
8,957,000 ........................................... (re. $787,000)
For payment to the New York state district attorneys association and
the New York state prosecutors training institute for services and
expenses related to the prosecution of crimes and the provision of
continuing legal education, training, and support for medicaid fraud
prosecution. The funds hereby appropriated are to be available for
payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter accrued
(20242) ... 2,178,000 ............................... (re. $842,000)
For services and expenses associated with a witness protection program
pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of the division of
criminal justice services. The funds hereby appropriated are to be
available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter
accrued (20243) ... 287,000 ......................... (re. $287,000)
For grants to counties for district attorney salaries. Notwithstanding
the provisions of subdivisions 10 and 11 of section 700 of the coun-
ty law or any other law to the contrary, for state fiscal year
2019-20 the state reimbursement to counties for district attorney
salaries shall be distributed according to a plan developed by the
commissioner of criminal justice services, and approved by the
director of the budget (20244) ... 4,212,000 ......... (re. $56,000)
For payment of state aid for expenses of crime laboratories for
accreditation, training, capacity enhancement and lab related
services to maintain the quality and reliability of forensic
services to criminal justice agencies, to be distributed pursuant to
a plan prepared by the commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services and approved by the director of the budget. Some of
these funds herein appropriated may be transferred to state oper-
ations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20205) .....
6,273,000 ......................................... (re. $3,017,000)
For reimbursement of the services and expenses of municipal corpo-
rations, public authorities, the division of state police, author-
ized police departments of state public authorities or regional
state park commissions for the purchase of ballistic soft body armor
vests, such sum shall be payable on the audit and warrant of the
state comptroller on vouchers certified by the commissioner of the
division of criminal justice services and the chief administrative
officer of the municipal corporation, public authority, or state
entity making requisition and purchase of such vests. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to state operations and may be subal-
located to other state agencies. The funds hereby appropriated are
92 12553-07-1
to be available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or
hereafter accrued (20207) ... 1,350,000 ........... (re. $1,350,000)
For services and expenses of programs aimed at reducing the risk of
re-offending, to be distributed pursuant to a plan prepared by the
commissioner of the division of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget (20249) .....................
3,842,000 ......................................... (re. $2,831,000)
For services and expenses of project GIVE as allocated pursuant to a
plan prepared by the commissioner of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget which will include an evalu-
ation of the effectiveness of such program. A portion of these funds
may be transferred to state operations or suballocated to other
state agencies (20942) ... 14,390,000 ............. (re. $5,541,000)
For payment of state aid to counties and the city of New York for
local alternatives to incarceration, including those that provide
alcohol and substance abuse treatment programs, and other related
interventions pursuant to article 13-A of the executive law.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, state assistance shall
be distributed pursuant to a plan submitted by the commissioner of
the division of criminal justice services and approved by the direc-
tor of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred to
state operations and may be suballocated to other state agencies
(21037) ... 5,217,000 ............................. (re. $4,796,000)
For payment to not-for-profit and government operated programs provid-
ing alternatives to incarceration, community supervision and/or
employment programs to be distributed pursuant to a plan prepared by
the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget. Eligible services shall
include, but not be limited to offender employment, offender assess-
ments, treatment program placement and participation, monitoring
client compliance with program interventions, TASC program services,
and alternatives to prison. A portion of these funds may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20239) ..............................
13,819,000 ........................................ (re. $6,892,000)
For residential centers providing services to individuals on probation
and for community corrections programs to be distributed in the same
manner as the prior year or through a competitive process (21000)
... 945,000 ......................................... (re. $446,000)
For services and expenses of the establishment, or continued operation
by existing grantees, of regional Operation S.N.U.G. programs,
pursuant to a plan prepared by the division of criminal justice
services and approved by the director of the budget. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to state operations (20250) .........
4,815,000 ......................................... (re. $4,009,000)
For services and expenses of rape crisis centers for services to rape
victims and programs to prevent rape, to be distributed pursuant to
a plan prepared by the commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services and approved by the director of the budget. A
portion or all of these funds may be transferred or suballocated to
other state agencies (39718) ... 3,553,000 ........ (re. $2,282,000)
93 12553-07-1
For additional services and expenses of rape crisis centers for
services to rape victims and programs to prevent rape (39773) ......
147,000 .............................................. (re. $63,000)
For payment to district attorneys who participate in the crimes
against revenue program to be distributed according to a plan devel-
oped by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice
services, in consultation with the department of taxation and
finance, and approved by the director of the budget (20235) ........
13,521,000 ....................................... (re. $10,399,000)
For payment to not-for-profit and government operated programs provid-
ing services including but not limited to defendant screening,
assessment, referral, monitoring, and case management, to be
distributed pursuant to a plan submitted by the commissioner of the
division of criminal justice services and approved by the director
of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations (39744) ... 946,000 ...................... (re. $738,000)
For services and expenses of law enforcement agencies, for gang
prevention youth programs in Nassau and/or Suffolk counties and law
enforcement agencies may consult with community-based organizations
and/or schools, pursuant to a plan by the commissioner of criminal
justice services (20238) ... 500,000 ................ (re. $500,000)
For services and expenses related to state and local crime reduction,
youth justice and gang prevention programs, including but not limit-
ed to street outreach, crime analysis, research, and shooting/
violence reduction programs, such that $1,000,000 shall be made
available to Long Island and $1,500,000 shall be made available to
gun violence street outreach programs administered by the city of
New York. Funds appropriated herein shall be expended pursuant to a
plan developed by the commissioner of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget. A portion of these funds may
be transferred to state operations and/or suballocated to other
state agencies (39797) ... 10,000,000 ............ (re. $10,000,000)
For services and expenses related to the gun violence research insti-
tute to be disbursed in collaboration with higher education insti-
tutions (60033) ... 250,000 ......................... (re. $250,000)
For payment of state aid for Westchester county policing program
(20206) ... 2,235,000 ............................. (re. $1,243,000)
For services and expenses of Yeshiva University - Kathryn O. Greenberg
Immigration Justice Clinic at Cardozo Law School (60034) ...........
150,000 ............................................. (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of Make the Road NY (20389) ................
90,000 ............................................... (re. $90,000)
For services and expenses of Regional Economic Community Action
Program Inc. (60035) ... 200,000 .................... (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of Cure Violence (SNUG) within Kings County
(60036) ... 200,000 ................................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of the establishment of S.N.U.G. programs
within Queens County (60037) ... 470,000 ............ (re. $470,000)
For services and expenses of Cure Violence New York (SNUG) - Staten
Island (39762) ... 350,000 .......................... (re. $350,000)
94 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney
Island Inc. - SNUG for Brooklyn (39779) ............................
250,000 ............................................. (re. $135,000)
For additional payment to Prisoners Legal Services of New York (60038)
... 150,000 ......................................... (re. $113,000)
For services and expenses of Housing Court Answers Inc. (60039) ......
135,000 ............................................. (re. $135,000)
For services and expenses of Brooklyn Legal Services Corp A (20212)
... 125,000 ......................................... (re. $125,000)
For services and expenses of Capital District Womens Bar Association
Legal Project Inc. (60040) ... 160,000 .............. (re. $141,000)
For services and expenses of Lenox Hill Neighborhood House Inc. -
housing assistance and legal assistance (60041) ....................
115,000 .............................................. (re. $30,000)
For services and expenses of Center For Family Representation (20297)
... 125,000 .......................................... (re. $63,000)
For services and expenses of Cornell University - Criminal Justice and
Employment Initiative (60042) ... 100,000 ........... (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Her Justice Inc. (60028) ................
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Jacob A Riis Neighborhood Settlement -
696 Build Queensbridge (60043) ... 50,000 ............ (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of the Center for Court Innovation - Red
Hook Community Justice Center (60044) ... 100,000 ... (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the establishment of Prisoners Legal
Services of New York - Newburgh office (60045) .....................
200,000 ............................................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of Opportunities For A Better Tomorrow Inc.
(60046) ... 100,000 ................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Legal Services of the Hudson Valley -
domestic violence legal service projects (60047) ...................
90,000 ............................................... (re. $17,000)
For services and expenses of Huntington Youth Bureau Youth Development
Research Institute Inc. (60048) ... 135,000 ......... (re. $135,000)
For services and expenses of Shalom Task Force Inc. (60049) ..........
175,000 ............................................. (re. $175,000)
For services and expenses of The Safe Center Li Inc. (60051) .........
160,000 ............................................. (re. $144,000)
For services and expenses of the Richmond County District Attorney's
Office (39700) ... 100,000 .......................... (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the New York Legal Assistance Group
Incorporated (60052) ... 100,000 ..................... (re. $25,000)
For services and expenses of Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp
(20324) ... 100,000 ................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Fortune Society, Inc - Seniors Released
to Services (60053) ... 125,000 ..................... (re. $125,000)
For services and expenses of Jewish Federation of Greater Buffalo Inc.
(60055) ... 100,000 ................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of New York County Defender Services (39755)
... 175,000 ......................................... (re. $175,000)
For services and expenses of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence Inc.
(60056) ... 70,000 ................................... (re. $70,000)
95 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of Girl Vow Inc. (60057) ...................
150,000 ............................................. (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of Treatment Alternatives For Safer Communi-
ties of the Capital District (60058) ...............................
200,000 .............................................. (re. $106,000
For services and expenses of Friends Of Island Academy Inc. (60059)
... 100,000 .......................................... (re. $71,000)
For services and expenses of Greenburger Center For Social And Crimi-
nal Justice (60003) ... 100,000 ..................... (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the Mohawk Consortium - Hamilton College
(60060) ... 90,000 ................................... (re. $90,000)
For payments to the Firemen's Association of the State of New York to
provide grant awards to volunteer fire departments within the state
to assist with recruitment and retention of membership within such
districts (39758) ... 250,000 ....................... (re. $250,000)
For additional payment to New York state defenders association for
services and expenses related to the provision of training and other
assistance (20999) ... 1,059,000 .................... (re. $238,000)
For additional payment to prisoners' legal services for services and
expenses related to legal representation and assistance to indigent
inmates (39709) ... 750,000 ......................... (re. $141,000)
For services and expenses of the Albany Law School - Immigration Clin-
ic (39730) ... 150,000 .............................. (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of Legal Aid Society - Immigration Law Unit
(20944) ... 150,000 ................................. (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of Legal Services NYC - DREAM Clinics
(20968) ... 150,000 ................................. (re. $113,000)
For services and expenses of Haitian-Americans United for Progress Inc
(60061) ... 150,000 ................................. (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of Neighborhood Legal Services (20393) .....
400,000 ............................................. (re. $400,000)
Brooklyn Conflicts Office (39742) ... 250,000 .......... (re. $59,000)
For services and expenses of Southside United HDFC (60062) ...........
250,000 ............................................. (re. $109,000)
For services and expenses of Child Care Center of New York (39756) ...
250,000 ............................................. (re. $224,000)
For services and expenses of Community Service Society - Record Repair
Counseling Corps (20203) ... 250,000 ................ (re. $133,000)
For services and expenses of the Fortune Society (20941) .............
200,000 .............................................. (re. $66,000)
For services and expenses of Common Justice, Inc (60002) .............
200,000 ............................................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of the Legal Action Center (20376) .........
180,000 .............................................. (re. $92,000)
For services and expenses of the Brooklyn Defender (20939) ...........
175,000 ............................................. (re. $132,000)
For services and expenses of New York County Defender Services (60063)
... 175,000 ......................................... (re. $148,000)
For services and expenses of Friends of the Island Academy (20210) ...
150,000 .............................................. (re. $74,000)
For services and expenses of Greenpoint Outreach Domestic and Family
Intervention Program (20965) ... 150,000 ............ (re. $150,000)
96 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of the Correctional Association (20947) ....
127,000 .............................................. (re. $10,000)
For services and expenses of Goddard Riverside Community Center
(20373) ... 125,000 ................................. (re. $125,000)
For services and expenses of Bailey House - Project FIRST (20943) ....
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the John Jay College (20966) ............
100,000 .............................................. (re. $64,000)
For services and expenses of S.N.U.G. Wyandanch (39775) ..............
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the Greenburger Center for Social and
Criminal Justice (60064) ... 100,000 ................ (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the Center for Court Innovation Youth SOS
- Crown Heights (60007) ... 100,000 ................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Groundswell (20938) .....................
75,000 ............................................... (re. $65,000)
For services and expenses of the Mohawk Consortium (39726) ...........
75,000 ............................................... (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of Exodus Transitional Community (39727) ...
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of Elmcor Youth and Adult Activities Program
(20258) ... 44,000 ................................... (re. $26,000)
For services and expenses of the Osborne Association (20946) .........
31,000 ............................................... (re. $15,000)
For services and expenses related to NYU Veteran's Entrepreneurship
Program (39725) ... 30,000 ........................... (re. $22,000)
For services and expenses of Bergen Basin Community Development Corpo-
ration (20996) ... 26,000 ............................ (re. $26,000)
For services and expenses of Jacob Riis Settlement House (20260) .....
20,000 ............................................... (re. $20,000)
For services and expenses of NYPD Law Enforcement Explorers-Bronx
(60008) ... 80,000 ................................... (re. $80,000)
For services and expenses of the Glendale Civilian Patrol (60009) ....
25,000 ............................................... (re. $25,000)
For services and expenses of center for employment opportunities
(60065) ... 75,000 ................................... (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of programs that prevent domestic violence
or aid victims of domestic violence:
Domestic Violence Law Project of Rockland County (21047) .............
45,722 ............................................... (re. $13,000)
Empire Justice Center (21046) ... 52,251 ............... (re. $52,251)
Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York (21045) ... 45,729 ... (re. $45,729)
Legal Aid Society of New York - Domestic Violence Services (20334) ...
71,831 ............................................... (re. $71,831)
Legal Services for New York City - Queens (20337) ....................
45,722 ............................................... (re. $45,722)
My Sisters' Place (20340) ... 45,722 ................... (re. $12,000)
Nassau Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc. (20341) .............
45,722 ............................................... (re. $35,000)
Neighborhood Legal Services Inc. of Erie County (20336) ..............
45,722 ............................................... (re. $32,000)
Sanctuary for Families (21042) ... 59,976 .............. (re. $59,976)
97 12553-07-1
Rochester Legal Aid Society (20335) ... 59,159 ......... (re. $27,000)
Volunteer Legal Services Project of Monroe County (21043) ............
45,722 ............................................... (re. $22,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses related to the Legal Education Opportunity
Program. All or a portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations and suballocated to the Judiciary (39723) ...............
225,000 ............................................. (re. $225,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For prosecutorial services of counties, to be distributed in the same
manner as the prior year or through a competitive process. The funds
hereby appropriated are to be available for payment of liabilities
heretofore accrued or hereafter accrued (20241) ....................
9,957,000 ............................................ (re. $72,000)
For payment to the New York state district attorneys association and
the New York state prosecutors training institute for services and
expenses related to the prosecution of crimes and the provision of
continuing legal education, training, and support for medicaid fraud
prosecution. The funds hereby appropriated are to be available for
payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter accrued
(20242) ... 2,178,000 ................................. (re. $5,000)
For services and expenses associated with a witness protection program
pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of the division of
criminal justice services. The funds hereby appropriated are to be
available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter
accrued (20243) ... 287,000 ......................... (re. $287,000)
For payment of state aid for expenses of crime laboratories for
accreditation, training, capacity enhancement and lab related
services to maintain the quality and reliability of forensic
services to criminal justice agencies. Some of these funds herein
appropriated may be transferred to state operations and may be
suballocated to other state agencies (20205) .......................
6,273,000 ............................................ (re. $66,000)
For reimbursement of the services and expenses of municipal corpo-
rations, public authorities, the division of state police, author-
ized police departments of state public authorities or regional
state park commissions for the purchase of ballistic soft body armor
vests, such sum shall be payable on the audit and warrant of the
state comptroller on vouchers certified by the commissioner of the
division of criminal justice services and the chief administrative
officer of the municipal corporation, public authority, or state
entity making requisition and purchase of such vests. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to state operations and may be subal-
located to other state agencies. The funds hereby appropriated are
to be available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or
hereafter accrued (20207) ... 1,350,000 ............. (re. $635,000)
For services and expenses of programs aimed at reducing the risk of
re-offending, to be distributed through a competitive process, which
98 12553-07-1
will include an evaluation of the effectiveness of such programs
(20249) ... 3,842,000 ............................... (re. $635,000)
For services and expenses of project GIVE as allocated pursuant to a
plan prepared by the commissioner of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget which will include an evalu-
ation of the effectiveness of such program. A portion of these funds
may be transferred to state operations or suballocated to other
state agencies (20942) ... 14,390,000 ............... (re. $904,000)
For additional defense services (39772) ... 441,000 .... (re. $19,000)
For payment of state aid to counties and the city of New York for
local alternatives to incarceration, including those that provide
alcohol and substance abuse treatment programs, and other related
interventions pursuant to article 13-A of the executive law.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, state assistance shall
be distributed pursuant to a plan submitted by the commissioner of
the division of criminal justice services and approved by the direc-
tor of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred to
state operations and may be suballocated to other state agencies
(21037) ... 5,217,000 ............................. (re. $3,112,000)
For payment to not-for-profit and government operated programs provid-
ing alternatives to incarceration, community supervision and/or
employment programs to be distributed pursuant to a plan prepared by
the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget. Eligible services shall
include, but not be limited to offender employment, offender assess-
ments, treatment program placement and participation, monitoring
client compliance with program interventions, TASC program services,
and alternatives to prison. A portion of these funds may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20239) ..............................
13,819,000 ........................................ (re. $4,740,000)
For residential centers providing services to individuals on probation
and for community corrections programs to be distributed in the same
manner as the prior year or through a competitive process (21000)
... 945,000 ......................................... (re. $945,000)
For services and expenses of the establishment, or continued operation
by existing grantees, of regional Operation S.N.U.G. programs,
pursuant to a plan prepared by the division of criminal justice
services and approved by the director of the budget. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to state operations (20250) .........
3,815,000 ......................................... (re. $1,037,000)
For services and expenses of the establishment, or continued opera-
tion, of a regional Operation S.N.U.G. program within Bronx county
(39760) ... 615,000 ................................. (re. $615,000)
For services and expenses of Cure Violence New York (SNUG) - City of
Poughkeepsie (39765) ... 300,000 ..................... (re. $23,000)
For services and expenses of Jacobi Medical Center Auxiliary, Inc. for
an anti-violence initiative in the Throggs Neck New York City Hous-
ing Authority, Bronx County (60000) ... 85,000 ....... (re. $85,000)
For services and expenses of rape crisis centers for services to rape
victims and programs to prevent rape. A portion or all of these
funds may be transferred or suballocated to other state agencies
(39718) ... 3,553,000 ............................... (re. $341,000)
99 12553-07-1
For additional services and expenses of rape crisis centers for
services to rape victims and programs to prevent rape (39773) ......
147,000 .............................................. (re. $31,000)
For payment to district attorneys who participate in the crimes
against revenue program to be distributed according to a plan devel-
oped by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice
services, in consultation with the department of taxation and
finance, and approved by the director of the budget (20235) ........
13,521,000 .......................................... (re. $443,000)
For payment to not-for-profit and government operated programs provid-
ing services including but not limited to defendant screening,
assessment, referral, monitoring, and case management, to be
distributed pursuant to a plan submitted by the commissioner of the
division of criminal justice services and approved by the director
of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations (39744) ... 946,000 ...................... (re. $946,000)
For services and expenses of law enforcement agencies, for gang
prevention youth programs in Nassau and/or Suffolk counties and law
enforcement agencies may consult with community-based organizations
and/or schools, pursuant to a plan by the commissioner of criminal
justice services (20238) ... 500,000 ................ (re. $500,000)
For additional payment to New York state defenders association for
services and expenses related to the provision of training and other
assistance (20999) ... 1,059,000 ...................... (re. $7,000)
For additional payment to prisoners' legal services for services and
expenses related to legal representation and assistance to indigent
inmates (39709) ... 750,000 ......................... (re. $354,000)
For additional payments to experienced not-for-profit service provid-
ers to generate and implement a diversity of innovative models that
could be brought to scale if proven successful in providing alterna-
tives to detention, alternatives to incarceration, and other reentry
programs and services, such that no one in need of these programs
and services is excluded based solely on risk, location, or super-
vision status (60001) ... 500,000 ................... (re. $500,000)
For services and expenses of Legal Services NYC DREAM Clinics (20968)
... 150,000 .......................................... (re. $27,000)
For services and expenses of Brooklyn Legal Services Corp A (20212)
... 250,000 ........................................... (re. $2,000)
For services and expenses of Child Care Center of New York (39756) ...
250,000 .............................................. (re. $76,000)
For services and expenses of the Fortune Society (20941) .............
200,000 ............................................... (re. $8,000)
For services and expenses of Common Justice, Inc. (60002) ............
200,000 .............................................. (re. $11,000)
For services and expenses of the Brooklyn Defender (20939) ...........
175,000 ................................................ (re. $1,000
For services and expenses of Goddard Riverside Community Center
(20373) ... 250,000 ................................. (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of Bailey House - Project FIRST (20943) ....
100,000 ............................................... (re. $8,000)
For services and expenses of the John Jay College (20966) ............
100,000 ............................................... (re. $5,000)
100 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of the Greenburger Center for Social and
Criminal Justice (60003) ... 100,000 ................ (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of Exodus Transitional Community (39727) ...
50,000 ................................................ (re. $1,000)
For services and expenses of Bergen Basin Community Development Corpo-
ration (20996) ... 26,000 ............................ (re. $26,000)
For services and expenses of Jacob Riis Settlement House (20260) .....
20,000 ............................................... (re. $15,000)
For services and expenses of Cure Violence New York (SNUG) Wyndanch
(39775) ... 100,000 .................................. (re. $59,000)
For services and expenses of Staten Island Legal Services (60004) ....
200,000 ............................................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of the Center for Court Innovation Youth SOS
- Crown Heights (60007) ... 100,000 .................. (re. $32,000)
For services and expenses of NYPD Law Enforcement Explorers-Bronx
(60008) ... 80,000 ................................... (re. $59,000)
For services and expenses of the Glendale Civilian Patrol (60009) ....
25,000 ................................................ (re. $8,000)
For services and expenses of programs that prevent domestic violence
or aid victims of domestic violence:
Domestic Violence Law Project of Rockland County (21047) .............
45,722 ............................................... (re. $45,722)
Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York (21045) ... 45,729 ..... (re. $5,000
Legal Aid Society of New York - Domestic Violence Services (20334) ...
71,831 ............................................... (re. $71,831)
Legal Services for New York City - Brooklyn (20333) ..................
45,722 ............................................... (re. $45,722)
My Sisters' Place (20340) ... 45,722 ................... (re. $45,722)
Nassau Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc. (20341) .............
45,722 ................................................ (re. $1,000)
For services and expenses of law enforcement, anti-drug, anti-vio-
lence, crime control and prevention programs. Notwithstanding
section 24 of the state finance law or any provision of law to the
contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated only
pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the temporary president of the
Senate and the director of the budget which sets forth either an
itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or
the methodology for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is
thereafter included in a senate resolution calling for the expendi-
ture of such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
(20967) ... 2,971,000 ............................... (re. $610,000)
For services and expenses of programs that prevent domestic violence
or aid the victims of domestic violence. Notwithstanding section 24
of the state finance law or any provision of law to the contrary,
funds from this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant to a
plan (i) approved by the temporary president of the Senate and the
director of the budget which sets forth either an itemized list of
grantees with the amount to be received by each, or the methodology
for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is thereafter
included in a senate resolution calling for the expenditure of such
funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of all
101 12553-07-1
members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote (21002) ........
1,609,000 ........................................... (re. $134,000)
For services and expenses of law enforcement and emergency services
agencies for equipment and technology enhancements. Notwithstanding
section 24 of the state finance law or any provision of law to the
contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated only
pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the temporary president of the
Senate and the director of the budget which sets forth either an
itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or
the methodology for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is
thereafter included in a senate resolution calling for the expendi-
ture of such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
(39717) ... 860,750 .................................. (re. $92,000)
Finger Lakes Law Enforcement and Emergency Services (20284) ..........
500,000 ............................................... (re. $6,000)
Southern Tier Law Enforcement and Emergency Services (60050) .........
500,000 .............................................. (re. $11,000)
For services and expenses of the New York State Civil Air Patrol
(39777) ... 300,000 .................................. (re. $95,000)
For payments to the Firemen's Association of the state of New York to
provide grant awards to volunteer fire departments within the state
to assist with recruitment and retention of membership within such
districts (39758) ... 250,000 ....................... (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of Nassau Suffolk Law Services Committee
Incorporated-Veterans Rights Project (60012) .......................
200,000 .............................................. (re. $62,000)
For services and expenses of Hatzolah Incorporated DBA Chevra Hatzo-
lah-Chevra Hatzolah Boro Park Division (60013) .....................
125,000 ............................................. (re. $125,000)
For payment to the counties of Rensselaer, Saratoga, Columbia and
Washington to provide Ambulance/Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
qualifying public safety/first responder entities with Active Shoot-
er Response Kits (60016) ... 100,000 .................. (re. $5,000)
For services and expenses of Flatbush Shomrim Safety Patrol (60018)
... 75,000 ............................................ (re. $9,000)
For services and expenses of City of New York Police Department
(60020) ... 10,000 ................................... (re. $10,000)
District Attorney Office - Queens County (39701) .....................
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
District Attorney Office - Rockland County (39702) ...................
100,000 ............................................... (re. $2,000)
District Attorney Office - Bronx County (20954) ......................
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
Legal Aid Society (60021) ... 50,000 ................... (re. $50,000)
Youth Represent, Incorporated (39781) ... 50,000 ....... (re. $50,000)
Immigrant Justice Corps, Incorporated (60022) ........................
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
South Brooklyn Legal Services Incorporated (60024) ...................
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
Kings Against Violence Initiative, Incorporated (60025) ..............
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
102 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of Bronx Veteran Mentors, Incorporated
(39747) ... 15,000 .................................... (re. $9,000)
Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corporation (39719) .............
147,000 ............................................. (re. $147,000)
Her Justice, Incorporated (60028) ... 100,000 ......... (re. $100,000)
Central Family Life Center (60026) ... 356,000 ......... (re. $45,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses related to the Legal Education Opportunity
Program. All or a portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations and suballocated to the Judiciary (39723) ...............
250,000 ............................................. (re. $250,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses including but not limited to, legal services
and individual supportive services. The funds appropriated herein
may be transferred and suballocated to Department of State (60027)
... 5,000,000 ........................................ (re. $40,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For prosecutorial services of counties, to be distributed in the same
manner as the prior year or through a competitive process (20241)
... 9,957,000 ....................................... (re. $100,000)
For payment to the New York state district attorneys association and
the New York state prosecutors training institute for services and
expenses related to the prosecution of crimes and the provision of
continuing legal education, training, and support for medicaid fraud
prosecution (20242) ... 2,178,000 ................... (re. $639,000)
For services and expenses associated with a witness protection program
pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of the division of
criminal justice services (20243) ... 287,000 ....... (re. $287,000)
For payment of state aid for expenses of crime laboratories for
accreditation, training, capacity enhancement and lab related
services to maintain the quality and reliability of forensic
services to criminal justice agencies. Some of these funds herein
appropriated may be transferred to state operations and may be
suballocated to other state agencies (20205) .......................
6,273,000 ............................................ (re. $83,000)
For services and expenses of programs aimed at reducing the risk of
re-offending, to be distributed through a competitive process, which
will include an evaluation of the effectiveness of such programs
(20249) ... 3,842,000 ............................... (re. $174,000)
For services and expenses of project GIVE as allocated pursuant to a
plan prepared by the commissioner of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget which will include an evalu-
ation of the effectiveness of such program. A portion of these funds
may be transferred to state operations or suballocated to other
state agencies (20942) ... 14,390,000 ............... (re. $296,000)
103 12553-07-1
For defense services to be distributed in the same manner as the prior
year or through a competitive process (20246) ......................
5,066,000 ........................................... (re. $128,000)
For additional defense services (39772) ... 441,000 .... (re. $15,000)
For payment of state aid to counties and the city of New York for
local alternatives to incarceration, including those that provide
alcohol and substance abuse treatment programs, and other related
interventions pursuant to article 13-A of the executive law.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, state assistance shall
be distributed pursuant to a plan submitted by the commissioner of
the division of criminal justice services and approved by the direc-
tor of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred to
state operations and may be suballocated to other state agencies
(21037) ... 5,217,000 ............................... (re. $350,000)
For payment to not-for-profit and government operated programs provid-
ing alternatives to incarceration, community supervision and/or
employment programs to be distributed pursuant to a plan prepared by
the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget. Eligible services shall
include, but not be limited to offender employment, offender assess-
ments, treatment program placement and participation, monitoring
client compliance with program interventions, TASC program services,
and alternatives to prison. A portion of these funds may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20239) ..............................
13,819,000 ........................................ (re. $3,918,000)
For residential centers providing services to individuals on probation
and for community corrections programs to be distributed in the same
manner as the prior year or through a competitive process (21000)
... 945,000 ......................................... (re. $300,000)
For services and expenses of the establishment, or continued operation
by existing grantees, of regional Operation S.N.U.G. programs,
pursuant to a plan prepared by the division of criminal justice
services and approved by the director of the budget. A portion of
these funds may be transferred to state operations (20250) .........
3,815,000 ........................................... (re. $363,000)
For services and expenses of Cure Violence New York (SNUG) - City of
Poughkeepsie (39765) ... 300,000 ..................... (re. $10,000)
For services and expenses of rape crisis centers for services to rape
victims and programs to prevent rape. A portion or all of these
funds may be transferred or suballocated to other state agencies
(39718) ... 2,553,000 ............................... (re. $390,000)
For additional services and expenses of rape crisis centers for
services to rape victims and programs to prevent rape (39773) ......
147,000 .............................................. (re. $29,000)
For payment to district attorneys who participate in the crimes
against revenue program to be distributed according to a plan devel-
oped by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice
services, in consultation with the department of taxation and
finance, and approved by the director of the budget (20235) ........
13,521,000 .......................................... (re. $101,000)
For payment to not-for-profit and government operated programs provid-
ing services including but not limited to defendant screening,
104 12553-07-1
assessment, referral, monitoring, and case management, to be
distributed pursuant to a plan submitted by the commissioner of the
division of criminal justice services and approved by the director
of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations (39744) ... 946,000 ...................... (re. $392,000)
For additional payments to not-for-profits and government operated
programs providing alternatives to incarceration to be distributed
pursuant to existing contracts (21028) ... 500,000 ... (re. $71,000)
For services and expenses of Legal Aid Society - Immigration Law Unit
(20944) ... 150,000 .................................. (re. $32,000)
For services and expenses of S.T.R.O.N.G. Youth, Inc. (39774) ........
300,000 .............................................. (re. $20,000)
For services and expenses of Child Care Center of New York (39756) ...
250,000 .............................................. (re. $11,000)
For services and expenses of the Fortune Society (20941) .............
200,000 .............................................. (re. $58,000)
For services and expenses of Friends of the Island Academy (20210) ...
150,000 ............................................... (re. $2,000)
For services and expenses of Goddard Riverside Community Center
(20373) ... 125,000 .................................. (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of Bailey House - Project FIRST (20943) ....
100,000 ............................................... (re. $2,000)
For services and expenses of Exodus Transitional Community (39727) ...
50,000 ................................................ (re. $1,000)
For services and expenses of Bergen Basin Community Development Corpo-
ration (20996) ... 26,000 ............................ (re. $26,000)
For services and expenses of Jacob Riis Settlement House (20260) .....
20,000 ................................................ (re. $7,000)
For services and expenses of Cure Violence New York (SNUG) Wyndanch
(39775) ... 50,000 .................................... (re. $5,000)
For services and expenses of programs that prevent domestic violence
or aid victims of domestic violence:
Empire Justice Center (21046) ... 52,251 ................ (re. $1,000)
Legal Services for New York City - Queens (20337) ....................
45,722 ................................................ (re. $1,000)
Neighborhood Legal Services Inc. of Erie County (20336) ..............
45,722 ................................................ (re. $2,000)
For services and expenses of law enforcement, anti-drug, anti-vio-
lence, crime control and prevention programs. Notwithstanding
section twenty-four of the state finance law or any provision of law
to the contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated
only pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the temporary president of
the Senate and the director of the budget which sets forth either an
itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or
the methodology for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is
thereafter included in a senate resolution calling for the expendi-
ture of such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
(20967) ... 2,891,000 ............................... (re. $187,000)
For services and expenses of programs that prevent domestic violence
or aid the victims of domestic violence. For services and expenses
of law enforcement, anti-drug, anti-violence, crime control and
105 12553-07-1
prevention programs. Notwithstanding section twenty-four of the
state finance law or any provision of law to the contrary, funds
from this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan
(i) approved by the temporary president of the Senate and the direc-
tor of the budget which sets forth either an itemized list of gran-
tees with the amount to be received by each, or the methodology for
allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is thereafter included
in a senate resolution calling for the expenditure of such funds,
which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of all members
elected to the senate upon a roll call vote (21002) ................
1,609,000 ............................................ (re. $98,000)
For services and expenses of law enforcement and emergency services
agencies for equipment and technology enhancements. Notwithstanding
section twenty-four of the state finance law or any provision of law
to the contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated
only pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the temporary president of
the Senate and the director of the budget which sets forth either an
itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or
the methodology for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is
thereafter included in a senate resolution calling for the expendi-
ture of such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
(39717) ... 730,000 .................................. (re. $40,000)
Finger Lakes Law Enforcement and Emergency Services (20284) ..........
500,000 ............................................... (re. $8,000)
Southern Tier Law Enforcement and Emergency Services (60050) .........
500,000 .............................................. (re. $16,000)
For payment to the Firemen's Association of the State of New York to
provide grant awards to volunteer fire departments within the state
to assist with recruitment and retention of membership within such
districts (39758) ... 250,000 ......................... (re. $4,000)
For services and expenses of the New York State Civil Air Patrol
(39777) ... 300,000 .................................. (re. $14,000)
Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island, Inc. - SNUG for
Brooklyn (39779) ... 200,000 .......................... (re. $4,000)
District Attorney Office - Bronx County (20954) ......................
100,000 ............................................... (re. $2,000)
Fortune Society, Incorporated (39757) ... 100,000 ...... (re. $16,000)
Bronx Veteran Mentors, Incorporated (39747) ..........................
15,000 ................................................ (re. $7,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of Cure Violence New York (SNUG) - Wyandanch
(60066) ... 50,000 ................................... (re. $50,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses of the establishment, or continued opera-
tion, of a regional Operation S.N.U.G. program within Bronx County
(39760) ... 615,000 .................................. (re. $47,000)
106 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of Jacobi Medical Center Auxiliary Inc. for
an anti-violence initiative in the Throggs Neck New York City Hous-
ing Authority, Bronx County (60000) ... 85,000 ....... (re. $85,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For prosecutorial services of counties, to be distributed in the same
manner as the prior year or through a competitive process (20241)
... 10,680,000 ...................................... (re. $50,000)
For payment to the New York state district attorneys association and
the New York state prosecutors training institute for services and
expenses related to the prosecution of crimes and the provision of
continuing legal education, training, and support for medicaid fraud
prosecution (20242) ... 2,304,000 ................... (re. $376,000)
For services and expenses associated with a witness protection program
pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of the division of
criminal justice services (20243) ... 304,000 ........ (re. $48,000)
For payment of state aid for expenses of crime laboratories for
accreditation, training, capacity enhancement and lab related
services to maintain the quality and reliability of forensic
services to criminal justice agencies, distributed through a compet-
itive process, which includes an evaluation of the effectiveness of
such process. Some of these funds herein appropriated may be trans-
ferred to state operations and may be suballocated to other state
agencies (20205) ... 6,635,000 ....................... (re. $74,000)
For services and expenses of project GIVE as allocated pursuant to a
plan prepared by the commissioner of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget which will include an evalu-
ation of the effectiveness of such program. A portion of these funds
may be transferred to state operations (20942) .....................
15,219,000 ........................................... (re. $61,000)
For defense services to be distributed in the same manner as the prior
year or through a competitive process (20246) ......................
5,507,000 ............................................ (re. $17,000)
For payment of state aid to counties and the city of New York for
local alternatives to incarceration, including those that provide
alcohol and substance abuse treatment programs, and other related
interventions pursuant to article 13-A of the executive law.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the total amount for
state assistance shall be to the greatest extent possible, distrib-
uted in a manner consistent with the prior year distribution
amounts, pursuant to a plan submitted by the commissioner of the
division of criminal justice services and approved by the director
of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (21037)
... 5,518,000 ....................................... (re. $850,000)
For payment to not-for-profit and government operated programs provid-
ing alternatives to incarceration, community supervision and/or
employment programs to be distributed pursuant to a plan prepared by
the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget. Eligible services shall
include, but not be limited to offender employment, offender assess-
ments, treatment program placement and participation, monitoring
107 12553-07-1
client compliance with program interventions, TASC program services,
and alternatives to prison. A portion of these funds may be suballo-
cated to other state agencies (20239) ..............................
14,616,000 ........................................ (re. $3,397,000)
For residential centers providing services to individuals on probation
and for community corrections programs to be distributed in the same
manner as the prior year or through a competitive process (21000)
... 1,000,000 ....................................... (re. $148,000)
For services and expenses of the establishment, or continued opera-
tion, of a regional Operation S.N.U.G. program within Bronx County
(39760) ... 600,000 .................................. (re. $60,000)
For services and expenses of rape crisis centers for services to rape
victims and programs to prevent rape. Notwithstanding any provision
to the contrary contained in section 163 of state finance law or in
any other law, funding shall be made available to such rape crisis
centers pursuant to a plan developed by the division of criminal
justice services, the office of victim services and the department
of health and approved by the director of the budget. A portion or
all of these funds may be transferred or suballocated to other state
agencies (39718) ... 2,700,000 ...................... (re. $474,000)
For payment to district attorneys who participate in the crimes
against revenue program to be distributed according to a plan devel-
oped by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice
services, in consultation with the department of taxation and
finance, and approved by the director of the budget (20235) ........
14,300,000 .......................................... (re. $699,000)
For payment to not-for-profit and government operated programs provid-
ing services including but not limited to defendant screening,
assessment, referral, monitoring, and case management, to be
distributed pursuant to a plan submitted by the commissioner of the
division of criminal justice services and approved by the director
of the budget. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations (39744) ... 1,000,000 .................... (re. $652,000)
For services and expenses of law enforcement, anti-drug, anti-vio-
lence, crime control and prevention programs. Notwithstanding
section twenty-four of the state finance law or any provision of law
to the contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated
only pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the temporary president of
the Senate and the director of the budget which sets forth either an
itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or
the methodology for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is
thereafter included in a senate resolution calling for the expendi-
ture of such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
(20967) ... 2,891,000 ............................... (re. $196,000)
For services and expenses of programs that prevent domestic violence
or aid the victims of domestic violence. For services and expenses
of law enforcement, anti-drug, anti-violence, crime control and
prevention programs. Notwithstanding section twenty-four of the
state finance law or any provision of law to the contrary, funds
from this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan
(i) approved by the temporary president of the Senate and the direc-
108 12553-07-1
tor of the budget which sets forth either an itemized list of gran-
tees with the amount to be received by each, or the methodology for
allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is thereafter included
in a senate resolution calling for the expenditure of such funds,
which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of all members
elected to the senate upon a roll call vote (21002) ................
1,609,000 ............................................ (re. $95,000)
Finger Lakes Law Enforcement (20284) .................................
500,000 ............................................... (re. $5,000)
District Attorney Office - Bronx County (20954) ......................
100,000 .............................................. (re. $39,000)
For services and expenses of Fortune Society, Incorporated (39757) ...
100,000 ............................................... (re. $7,000)
For services and expenses of Bronx Veteran Mentors, Incorporated
(39747) ... 15,000 .................................... (re. $7,000)
For additional payments to not-for-profits and government operated
programs providing alternatives to incarceration to be distributed
pursuant to existing contracts (21028) ... 703,000 ... (re. $96,000)
For services and expenses of Child Care Center of New York (39756) ...
250,000 ............................................... (re. $3,000)
For services and expenses related to NYPD Training: Museum of Toler-
ance New York-Tools for Tolerance Program (39724) ..................
200,000 ............................................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of New York County Defender Services (39755)
... 175,000 .......................................... (re. $17,000)
For services and expenses of the Goddard Riverside Community Center
(20373) ... 125,000 .................................. (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of Bailey House-Project FIRST (20943) ......
100,000 ............................................... (re. $4,000)
For services and expenses of the Fortune Society (20941) .............
150,000 .............................................. (re. $15,000)
For services and expenses of the John Jay College (20966) ............
100,000 ............................................... (re. $2,000)
For services and expenses of Exodus Transitional Community (39727) ...
50,000 ................................................ (re. $5,000)
For services and expenses of Cure Violence New York (SNUG) - Brooklyn
(39761) ... 600,000 ................................. (re. $103,000)
For services and expenses of Cure Violence New York (SNUG) - Manhattan
(39763) ... 300,000 .................................. (re. $70,000)
For payment to the Fireman's Association of the State of New York to
provide grant awards to volunteer fire departments within the state
to assist with recruitment and retention of membership within such
districts (39758) ... 250,000 ......................... (re. $2,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses of law enforcement and emergency services
agencies for equipment and technology enhancements. Notwithstanding
section twenty-four of the state finance law or any provision of law
to the contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated
only pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the temporary president of
the Senate and the director of the budget which sets forth either an
109 12553-07-1
itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or
the methodology for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is
thereafter included in a senate resolution calling for the expendi-
ture of such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
(39717) ... 604,000 ................................. (re. $115,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses of programs that prevent domestic violence
or aid the victims of domestic violence. Notwithstanding any
provision of law this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant
to a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation. Such plan shall be subject to the approval of the
temporary president of the senate and the director of the budget and
thereafter shall be included in a resolution calling for the expend-
iture of such monies, which resolution must be approved by a majori-
ty vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
(21002) ... 1,609,000 ................................ (re. $37,000)
For services and expenses of law enforcement, anti-drug, anti-vio-
lence, crime control and prevention programs. Notwithstanding any
provision of law this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant
to a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation. Such plan shall be subject to the approval of the
temporary president of the senate and the director of the budget and
thereafter shall be included in a resolution calling for the expend-
iture of such monies, which resolution must be approved by a majori-
ty vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
(20967) ... 2,891,000 ................................ (re. $58,000)
For services and expenses of law enforcement and emergency services
agencies for equipment and technology enhancements. Notwithstanding
any provision of law this appropriation shall be allocated only
pursuant to a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees with
the amount to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating
such appropriation. Such plan shall be subject to the approval of
the temporary president of the senate and the director of the budget
and thereafter shall be included in a resolution calling for the
expenditure of such monies, which resolution must be approved by a
majority vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call
vote (39717) ... 604,000 ............................. (re. $40,000)
For services and expenses of rape crisis centers for services to rape
victims and programs to prevent rape, in underserved areas.
Notwithstanding any provision of law this appropriation shall be
allocated only pursuant to a plan setting forth an itemized list of
grantees with the amount to be received by each, or the methodology
for allocating such appropriation. Such plan shall be subject to the
approval of the temporary president of the senate and the director
of the budget and thereafter shall be included in a resolution call-
ing for the expenditure of such monies, which resolution must be
approved by a majority vote of all members elected to the senate
upon a roll call vote (39718) ... 2,700,000 ......... (re. $285,000)
110 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of programs that prevent domestic violence
or aid the victims of domestic violence. Notwithstanding any
provision of law this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant
to a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation. Such plan shall be subject to the approval of the
temporary president of the senate and the director of the budget and
thereafter shall be included in a resolution calling for the expend-
iture of such monies, which resolution must be approved by a majori-
ty vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
(21002) ... 1,609,000 ................................ (re. $88,000)
For services and expenses of law enforcement, anti-drug, anti-vio-
lence, crime control and prevention programs. Notwithstanding any
provision of law this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant
to a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation. Such plan shall be subject to the approval of the
temporary president of the senate and the director of the budget and
thereafter shall be included in a resolution calling for the expend-
iture of such monies, which resolution must be approved by a majori-
ty vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
(20967) ... 2,891,000 ............................... (re. $182,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Crime Identification and Technology Account - 25475
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses related to identification technology grants
including, but not limited to, crime lab improvement and DNA
programs. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state oper-
ations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20204) ...
2,250,000 ......................................... (re. $2,250,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to identification technology grants
including, but not limited to, crime lab improvement and DNA
programs. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state oper-
ations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20204) .....
2,250,000 ......................................... (re. $1,961,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to identification technology grants
including, but not limited to, crime lab improvement and DNA
programs. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state oper-
ations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20204) .....
2,250,000 ......................................... (re. $1,186,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to identification technology grants
including, but not limited to, crime lab improvement and DNA
programs. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state oper-
111 12553-07-1
ations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20204) .....
2,250,000 ......................................... (re. $1,860,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to identification technology grants
including, but not limited to, crime lab improvement and DNA
programs. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state oper-
ations and may be be suballocated to other state agencies (20204)
... 2,250,000 ..................................... (re. $1,871,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to identification technology grants
including, but not limited to, crime lab improvement and DNA
programs. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state oper-
ations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20204) .....
2,250,000 ......................................... (re. $1,910,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
DCJS Miscellaneous Discretionary Account - 25470
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime,
support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20202)
... 13,000,000 ................................... (re. $13,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime,
support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20202)
... 13,000,000 ................................... (re. $12,662,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime,
support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20202)
... 13,000,000 ................................... (re. $12,494,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime,
support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20202)
... 13,000,000 ................................... (re. $12,251,000)
112 12553-07-1
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime,
support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20202)
... 13,000,000 ...................................... (re. $626,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder-
al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime,
support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and
assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state
operations and may be suballocated to other state agencies (20202)
... 13,000,000 ...................................... (re. $596,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Account - 25540
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial
justice assistance formula program, including enhanced prosecution,
enhanced defense, local law enforcement programs, youth violence
and/or crime reduction programs, crime laboratories, re-entry
services, and judicial diversion and alternative to incarceration
programs. A portion of these funds may be transferred to state oper-
ations and/or suballocated to other state agencies (20209) .........
5,400,000 ......................................... (re. $5,400,000)
For services and expenses of drug, violence, and crime control and
prevention programs. Notwithstanding section twenty-four of the
state finance law or any provision of law to the contrary, funds
from this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan
approved by the speaker of the assembly and the director of the
budget which sets forth either an itemized list of grantees with the
amount to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating
such appropriation (60032) ... 300,000 .............. (re. $300,000)
For services and expenses of drug, violence, and crime control and
prevention programs, law enforcement and alternatives to incarcera-
tion programs. Notwithstanding section 24 of the state finance law
or any provision of law to the contrary, funds from this appropri-
ation shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan approved by the
temporary president of the Senate and the director of the budget
which sets forth either an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each or the methodology for allocating such appro-
priation (20997) ... 300,000 ........................ (re. $300,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial
justice assistance formula program, including enhanced prosecution,
enhanced defense, local law enforcement programs, youth violence
and/or crime reduction programs, crime laboratories, re-entry
113 12553-07-1
services, and judicial diversion and alternative to incarceration
programs. Funds appropriated herein shall be expended pursuant to a
plan developed by the commissioner of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget. A portion of these funds may
be transferred to state operations and/or suballocated to other
state agencies (20209) ... 5,400,000 .............. (re. $5,400,000)
For services and expenses of drug, violence, and crime control and
prevention programs.
Notwithstanding section twenty-four of the state finance law or any
provision of law to the contrary, funds from this appropriation
shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the
speaker of the assembly and the director of the budget which sets
forth either an itemized list of grantees with the amount to be
received by each, or the methodology for allocating such appropri-
ation, and (ii) which is thereafter included in a assembly resol-
ution calling for the expenditure of such funds, which resolution
must be approved by a majority vote of all members elected to the
assembly upon a roll call vote (60032) .............................
300,000 ............................................. (re. $300,000)
For services and expenses of drug, violence, and crime control and
prevention programs.
Notwithstanding section twenty-four of the state finance law or any
provision of law to the contrary, funds from this appropriation
shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the
temporary president of the senate and the director of the budget
which sets forth either an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation, and (ii) which is thereafter included in a senate
resolution calling for the expenditure of such funds, which resol-
ution must be approved by a majority vote of all members elected to
the senate upon a roll call vote (20997) ...........................
300,000 ............................................. (re. $300,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial
justice assistance formula program, including enhanced prosecution,
enhanced defense, local law enforcement programs, youth violence
and/or crime reduction programs, crime laboratories, re-entry
services, and judicial diversion and alternative to incarceration
programs. Funds appropriated herein shall be expended pursuant to a
plan developed by the commissioner of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget. A portion of these funds may
be transferred to state operations and/or suballocated to other
state agencies (20209) ... 5,400,000 .............. (re. $5,400,000)
For services and expenses of drug, violence, and crime control and
prevention programs.
Notwithstanding section 24 of the state finance law or any provision
of law to the contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allo-
cated only pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the speaker of the
assembly and the director of the budget which sets forth either an
itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or
the methodology for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is
114 12553-07-1
therafter included in an assembly resolution calling for the expend-
iture of such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the assembly upon a roll call vote
(60032) ... 300,000 ................................. (re. $300,000)
For services and expenses of drug, violence, and crime control and
prevention programs. Notwithstanding section 24 of the state finance
law or any provision of law to the contrary, funds from this appro-
priation shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan (i) approved by
the temporary president of the Senate and the director of the budget
which sets forth either an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation, and (ii) which is thereafter included in a senate
resolution calling for the expenditure of such funds, which resol-
ution must be approved by a majority vote of all members elected to
the senate upon a roll call vote (20997) ...........................
300,000 ............................................. (re. $300,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Account - 25300(M)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial
justice assistance formula program, including enhanced prosecution,
enhanced defense, local law enforcement programs, youth violence
and/or crime reduction programs, crime laboratories, re-entry
services, and judicial diversion and alternative to incarceration
programs. Funds appropriated herein shall be expended pursuant to a
plan developed by the commissioner of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget. A portion of these funds may
be transferred to state operations and/or suballocated to other
state agencies (20209) ... 5,400,000 .............. (re. $3,017,000)
For services and expenses of drug, violence, and crime control and
prevention programs. Notwithstanding section twenty-four of the
state finance law or any provision of law to the contrary, funds
from this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan
(i) approved by the temporary president of the Senate and the direc-
tor of the budget which sets forth either an itemized list of gran-
tees with the amount to be received by each, or the methodology for
allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is thereafter included
in a senate resolution calling for the expenditure of such funds,
which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of all members
elected to the senate upon a roll call vote (20997) ................
300,000 ............................................. (re. $204,000)
For services and expenses of drug, violence, and crime control and
prevention programs in accordance with the following schedule:
Judicial Process Commission (39713) ... 17,500 .......... (re. $1,000)
Dewitt Police Department (39787) ... 20,000 ............ (re. $20,000)
Family Residences and Essential Enterprises, Inc (39788) .............
17,500 ............................................... (re. $17,500)
City of Ogdensburg Police Department (39789) .........................
30,000 ............................................... (re. $30,000)
115 12553-07-1
Clinton County (39790) ... 17,500 ...................... (re. $17,500)
City of Newburgh Police Department (20253) ... 17,500 .. (re. $17,500)
City of Poughkeepsie Police Department (20255) .......................
17,500 ............................................... (re. $17,500)
North and West Area Athletic and Education Centers (39736) ...........
15,000 ............................................... (re. $15,000)
ACR Health (39791) ... 10,000 ........................... (re. $1,000)
Town of Cheektowaga (39792) ... 17,500 ................. (re. $17,500)
Council for Prevention (39793) ... 6,250 ................ (re. $6,250)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial
justice assistance formula program, including enhanced prosecution,
enhanced defense, local law enforcement programs, youth violence
and/or crime reduction programs, crime laboratories, re-entry
services, and judicial diversion and alternative to incarceration
programs. Funds appropriated herein shall be expended pursuant to a
plan developed by the commissioner of criminal justice services and
approved by the director of the budget. A portion of these funds may
be transferred to state operations and/or suballocated to other
state agencies (20209) ... 5,400,000 .............. (re. $1,938,000)
For services and expenses of drug, violence, and crime control and
prevention programs. Notwithstanding section twenty-four of the
state finance law or any provision of law to the contrary, funds
from this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan
(i) approved by the temporary president of the Senate and the direc-
tor of the budget which sets forth either an itemized list of gran-
tees with the amount to be received by each, or the methodology for
allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is thereafter included
in a senate resolution calling for the expenditure of such funds,
which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of all members
elected to the senate upon a roll call vote (20997) ................
300,000 ............................................... (re. $8,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses of drug, violence, and crime control and
prevention programs in accordance with the following schedule:
Cambridge/Greenwich Police Department (39739) ........................
5,000 ................................................. (re. $5,000)
Jacob Riis Settlement House (20260) ... 20,000 .......... (re. $1,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Formula Account - 25436
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to the provisions of
the federal juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act in
accordance with a distribution plan determined by the juvenile
justice advisory group and affirmed by the commissioner of the divi-
sion of criminal justice services. A portion of these funds may be
116 12553-07-1
transferred to state operations and may be suballocated to other
state agencies (20213) ... 2,050,000 .............. (re. $2,050,000)
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to the provisions of
title V of the juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act of
1974, as amended for local delinquency prevention programs, includ-
ing sub-allocation to state operations for the administration of
this grant in accordance with a distribution plan determined by the
juvenile justice advisory group and affirmed by the commissioner of
the division of criminal justice services.
For services and expenses associated with the juvenile justice and
delinquency prevention formula account. A portion of these funds may
be transferred to state operations and may be suballocated to other
state agencies (20215) ... 100,000 .................. (re. $100,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to the provisions of
the federal juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act in
accordance with a distribution plan determined by the juvenile
justice advisory group and affirmed by the commissioner of the divi-
sion of criminal justice services. A portion of these funds may be
transferred to state operations and may be suballocated to other
state agencies (20213) ... 2,050,000 .............. (re. $2,050,000)
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to the provisions of
title V of the juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act of
1974, as amended for local delinquency prevention programs, includ-
ing sub-allocation to state operations for the administration of
this grant in accordance with a distribution plan determined by the
juvenile justice advisory group and affirmed by the commissioner of
the division of criminal justice services.
For services and expenses associated with the juvenile justice and
delinquency prevention formula account. A portion of these funds may
be transferred to state operations and may be suballocated to other
state agencies (20215) ... 100,000 .................. (re. $100,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to the provisions of
the federal juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act in
accordance with a distribution plan determined by the juvenile
justice advisory group and affirmed by the commissioner of the divi-
sion of criminal justice services. A portion of these funds may be
transferred to state operations and may be suballocated to other
state agencies (20213) ... 2,050,000 .............. (re. $2,050,000)
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to the provisions of
title V of the juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act of
1974, as amended for local delinquency prevention programs, includ-
ing sub-allocation to state operations for the administration of
this grant in accordance with a distribution plan determined by the
juvenile justice advisory group and affirmed by the commissioner of
the division of criminal justice services.
For services and expenses associated with the juvenile justice and
delinquency prevention formula account. A portion of these funds may
117 12553-07-1
be transferred to state operations and may be suballocated to other
state agencies (20215) ... 100,000 .................. (re. $100,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to the provisions of
the federal juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act in
accordance with a distribution plan determined by the juvenile
justice advisory group and affirmed by the commissioner of the divi-
sion of criminal justice services. A portion of these funds may be
transferred to state operations and may be suballocated to other
state agencies (20213) ... 2,050,000 .............. (re. $2,037,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to the provisions of
the federal juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act in
accordance with a distribution plan determined by the juvenile
justice advisory group and affirmed by the commissioner of the divi-
sion of criminal justice services. A portion of these funds may be
transferred to state operations and may be suballocated to other
state agencies (20213) ... 2,050,000 .............. (re. $1,422,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to the provisions of
the federal juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act in
accordance with a distribution plan determined by the juvenile
justice advisory group and affirmed by the commissioner of the divi-
sion of criminal justice services. A portion of these funds may be
transferred to state operations and may be suballocated to other
state agencies (20213) ... 2,050,000 ................ (re. $821,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Violence Against Women Account - 25477
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to an expenditure
plan developed by the commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services, provided however that up to 10 percent of the
amount herein appropriated may be used for program administration. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to state operations and
may be suballocated to other state agencies (20216) ................
6,500,000 ......................................... (re. $6,500,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to an expenditure
plan developed by the commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services, provided however that up to 10 percent of the
amount herein appropriated may be used for program administration. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to state operations and
may be suballocated to other state agencies (20216) ................
6,500,000 ......................................... (re. $3,767,000)
118 12553-07-1
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to an expenditure
plan developed by the commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services, provided however that up to 10 percent of the
amount herein appropriated may be used for program administration. A
portion of these funds may be transferred to state operations and
may be suballocated to other state agencies (20216) ................
6,500,000 ........................................... (re. $683,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to an expenditure
plan developed by the commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services, provided however that up to 10 percent of the
amount herein appropriated may be used for program administration.
A portion of these funds may be transferred to state operations and
may be suballocated to other state agencies (20216) ................
6,500,000 ........................................... (re. $449,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to an expenditure
plan developed by the commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services, provided however that up to 10 percent of the
amount herein appropriated may be used for program administration.
A portion of these funds may be transferred to state operations and
may be suballocated to other state agencies (20216) ................
6,500,000 ........................................... (re. $594,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For payment of federal aid to localities pursuant to an expenditure
plan developed by the commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services, provided however that up to 10 percent of the
amount herein appropriated may be used for program administration.
A portion of these funds may be transferred to state operations and
may be suballocated to other state agencies (20216) ................
6,500,000 ........................................... (re. $817,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Indigent Legal Services Fund
Indigent Legal Services Account - 23551
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For payment to New York state defenders association for services and
expenses related to the provision of training and other assistance.
The funds hereby appropriated are to be available for payment of
liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter accrued (20247) ........
1,030,000 ........................................... (re. $626,000)
For defense services to be distributed in the same manner as the prior
year or through a competitive process. The funds hereby appropriated
are to be available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or
hereafter accrued (20246) ... 7,658,000 ........... (re. $7,548,000)
For payment to prisoner's legal services for services and expenses
related to legal representation and assistance to indigent inmates.
119 12553-07-1
The funds hereby appropriated are to be available for payment of
liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter accrued (20979) ........
2,200,000 ......................................... (re. $1,856,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For defense services to be distributed in the same manner as the prior
year or through a competitive process. The funds hereby appropriated
are to be available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or
hereafter accrued (20246) ... 5,066,000 ........... (re. $2,703,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For defense services to be distributed in the same manner as the prior
year or through a competitive process. The funds hereby appropriated
are to be available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or
hereafter accrued (20246) ... 5,066,000 ............. (re. $560,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Criminal Justice Improvement Account - 22248
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For grants to rape crisis centers for services to rape victims and
programs to prevent rape. A portion of these funds may be trans-
ferred or suballocated to other state agencies, and distributed
pursuant to a plan prepared by the commissioner or director of the
recipient agency and approved by the director of the budget (39718)
... 2,788,000 ...................................... (re. 2,788,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Criminal Justice Discovery Compensation Account - 22248
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses related to discovery implementation, includ-
ing but not limited to digital evidence transmission technology,
administrative support, computers, hardware and operating software,
data connectivity, development of training materials, staff train-
ing, overtime costs, litigation readiness, and pretrial services.
Eligible entities shall include, but not be limited to counties,
cities with populations less than one million, and law enforcement
and prosecutorial entities within towns and villages. These funds
shall be distributed pursuant to a plan submitted by the commission-
er of the division of criminal justice services and approved by the
director of the budget (39799) .....................................
40,000,000 ....................................... (re. $40,000,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Legal Services Assistance Account - 22096
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
120 12553-07-1
For prosecutorial services of counties, to be distributed pursuant to
a plan prepared by the commissioner of the division of criminal
justice services and approved by the director of the budget. The
funds hereby appropriated are to be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter accrued (20241) ..............
12,549,000 ....................................... (re. $12,549,000)
For services and expenses of the district attorney and indigent legal
services attorney loan forgiveness program pursuant to section 679-e
of the education law. These funds may be suballocated to the higher
education services corporation (20220) .............................
2,430,000 ......................................... (re. $2,430,000)
For services and expenses of the Legal Action Center (20376) .........
180,000 ............................................. (re. $180,000)
For services, expenses or reimbursement of expenses incurred by local
government agencies and/or not-for-profit providers or their employ-
ees providing civil or criminal legal services in accordance with
the following schedule:
Brooklyn Bar Association ... 49,574 .................... (re. $49,574)
Caribbean Women's Health Association ... 22,574 ........ (re. $22,574)
Center for Family Representation ... 112,872 .......... (re. $112,872)
Day One New York ... 34,313 ............................ (re. $34,313)
Empire Justice Center ... 174,725 ..................... (re. $174,725)
Family and Children's Association ... 39,496 ........... (re. $39,496)
Frank H. Hiscock Legal Aid Society ... 21,942 .......... (re. $21,942)
Goddard Riverside Community Center ... 53,605 .......... (re. $53,605)
Greenhope Services for Women ... 33,352 ................ (re. $33,352)
Harlem Legal Services ... 99,992 ....................... (re. $99,992)
Her Justice ... 75,000 ................................. (re. $75,000)
Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo ... 54,548 ................. (re. $54,548)
Legal Aid Society of Mid New York ... 65,827 ........... (re. $65,827)
Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York ... 48,272 .. (re. $48,272)
Legal Aid Society of Rochester ... 89,425 .............. (re. $89,425)
Legal Aid Society of Rockland County ... 21,942 ........ (re. $21,942)
Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT) ... 39,496 . (re. $39,496)
Legal Project of the Cap. Dist. Women's Bar ... 85,782 . (re. $85,782)
Legal Services for New York City (LSNY) ... 118,488 ... (re. $118,488)
Legal Services of Central New York ... 13,364 .......... (re. $13,364)
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley ... 151,667 ....... (re. $151,667)
MFY Legal Services ... 43,885 .......................... (re. $43,885)
Monroe County Legal Assistance Center ... 35,108 ....... (re. $35,108)
Nassau/Suffolk Law Services Committee, Inc. ... 48,272 . (re. $48,272)
Neighborhood Legal Services ... 80,000 ................. (re. $80,000)
New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) ... 25,000 ..... (re. $25,000)
New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) - Tenants' Right Unit ........
120,000 ............................................. (re. $120,000)
New York City Legal Aid ... 25,000 ..................... (re. $25,000)
New York City Legal Aid ... 263,307 ................... (re. $263,307)
Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp ... 89,425 ......... (re. $89,425)
Osborne Association El Rio Program ... 35,985 .......... (re. $35,985)
Rural Law Center of New York ... 21,942 ................ (re. $21,942)
Sanctuary for Families ... 163,994 .................... (re. $163,994)
Southern Tier Legal Services ... 61,438 ................ (re. $61,438)
121 12553-07-1
Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund ... 75,000 (re. $75,000)
Vera Institute of Justice ... 138,208 ................. (re. $138,208)
Volunteers of Legal Service (VOLS) ... 39,496 .......... (re. $39,496)
Volunteer Legal Services Project of Monroe County ....................
21,942 ............................................... (re. $21,942)
Western New York Law Center ... 60,634 ................. (re. $60,634)
Worker's Justice Law Center of New York, Inc. ........................
35,108 ............................................... (re. $35,108)
Chemung County Neighborhood Legal Services ... 40,000 .. (re. $40,000)
For payment to counties other than the city of New York for costs
associated with the provision of legal assistance and representation
to indigent parolees, thirty-one percent of this amount may be used
for costs associated with the provision of legal assistance and
representation to indigent parolees in Wyoming county, not less than
six percent of the remaining amount may be used for legal assistance
and representation to indigent parolees related to the Willard drug
and alcohol treatment program ... 600,000 ........... (re. $600,000)
For services, expenses or reimbursement of expenses incurred by local
government agencies and/or not-for-profit providers or their employ-
ees providing civil or criminal legal services, including but not
limited to legal services for victims of domestic violence, or
veterans. Notwithstanding section 24 of the state finance law or any
provision of law to the contrary, funds from this appropriation
shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan approved by the temporary
president of the Senate and the director of the budget which sets
forth either an itemized list of grantees with the amount to be
received by each or the methodology for allocating such appropri-
ation ... 770,000 ................................... (re. $770,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For prosecutorial services of counties, to be distributed in the same
manner as the prior year or through a competitive process. The funds
hereby appropriated are to be available for payment of liabilities
heretofore accrued or hereafter accrued (20241) ....................
3,592,000 ........................................... (re. $394,000)
For defense services to be distributed in the same manner as the prior
year or through a competitive process. The funds hereby appropriated
are to be available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or
hereafter accrued (20246) ... 2,592,000 ........... (re. $1,297,000)
For services and expenses of the district attorney and indigent legal
services attorney loan forgiveness program pursuant to section 679-e
of the education law. These funds may be suballocated to the higher
education services corporation (20220) .............................
2,430,000 ......................................... (re. $2,430,000)
For payment to prisoner's legal services for services and expenses
related to legal representation and assistance to indigent inmates.
The funds hereby appropriated are to be available for payment of
liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter accrued (20979) ........
2,200,000 ........................................... (re. $280,000)
For services, expenses or reimbursement of expenses incurred by local
government agencies and/or not-for-profit providers or their employ-
122 12553-07-1
ees providing civil or criminal legal services in accordance with
the following schedule:
Brooklyn Bar Association (20294) ... 49,574 ............ (re. $37,000)
Caribbean Women's Health Association (20296) .........................
22,574 ............................................... (re. $22,574)
Center for Family Representation (20297) ... 112,872 ... (re. $56,000)
Day One New York (20300) ... 34,313 .................... (re. $34,313)
Empire Justice Center (20301) ... 174,725 .............. (re. $47,000)
Family and Children's Association (20302) ... 39,496 ... (re. $26,000)
Frank H. Hiscock Legal Aid Society (20303) ... 21,942 .. (re. $21,942)
Goddard Riverside Community Center (20373) ... 53,605 .. (re. $53,605)
Greenhope Services for Women (20304) ... 33,352 ........ (re. $33,352)
Harlem Legal Services (20305) ... 99,992 ............... (re. $75,000)
Her Justice (39769) ... 75,000 ......................... (re. $75,000)
Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo (20306) ... 54,548 ......... (re. $54,548)
Legal Aid Society of Mid New York (20307) ... 65,827 ... (re. $65,827)
Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York (20308) ...................
48,272 ............................................... (re. $48,272)
Legal Aid Society of Rochester (20335) ... 89,425 ....... (re. $41,000
Legal Aid Society of Rockland County (20309) .........................
21,942 ............................................... (re. $21,942)
Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT) (20310) ..................
39,496 ............................................... (re. $39,496)
Legal Project of the Cap. Dist. Women's Bar (20311) ..................
85,782 ............................................... (re. $85,782)
Legal Services for New York City (LSNY) (20312) ......................
118,488 .............................................. (re. $46,000)
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley (20314) ..........................
151,667 .............................................. (re. $68,000)
Monroe County Legal Assistance Center (20318) ........................
35,108 ............................................... (re. $35,108)
Nassau/Suffolk Law Services Committee, Inc. (20319) ..................
48,272 ............................................... (re. $48,272)
Neighborhood Legal Services (20393) ... 80,000 ......... (re. $59,000)
New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) (60030) ......................
25,000 ................................................ (re. $8,000)
New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) - Tenants' Right Unit (60031)
... 120,000 .......................................... (re. $29,000)
New York City Legal Aid (20321) ... 25,000 ............. (re. $25,000)
New York City Legal Aid (20322) ... 263,307 ........... (re. $263,307)
Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp (20324) ..........................
89,425 ............................................... (re. $29,000)
Osborne Association El Rio Program (20325) ... 35,985 .. (re. $18,000)
Rural Law Center of New York (20326) ... 21,942 ........ (re. $11,000)
Sanctuary for Families (20327) ... 163,994 ............. (re. $43,000)
Southern Tier Legal Services (20328) ... 61,438 ........ (re. $61,438)
Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (39766) .................
75,000 ............................................... (re. $75,000)
Vera Institute of Justice (20329) ... 138,208 .......... (re. $72,000)
Volunteers of Legal Service (VOLS) (20330) ... 39,496 .. (re. $39,496)
Volunteer Legal Services Project of Monroe County (21098) ............
21,942 ............................................... (re. $11,000)
123 12553-07-1
Western New York Law Center (20331) ... 60,634 ......... (re. $28,000)
Worker's Justice Law Center of New York, Inc. (20332) ................
35,108 ............................................... (re. $26,000)
Chemung County Neighborhood Legal Services (20298) ...................
40,000 ............................................... (re. $40,000)
For payment to counties other than the city of New York for costs
associated with the provision of legal assistance and representation
to indigent parolees, thirty-one percent of this amount may be used
for costs associated with the provision of legal assistance and
representation to indigent parolees in Wyoming county, not less than
six percent of the remaining amount may be used for legal assistance
and representation to indigent parolees related to the Willard drug
and alcohol treatment program (21014) ... 600,000 ... (re. $600,000)
For services and expenses of civil or criminal domestic violence legal
services or veterans civil or criminal legal services. Notwith-
standing section 24 of the state finance law or any provision of law
to the contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated
only pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the temporary president of
the Senate and the director of the budget which sets forth either an
itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or
the methodology for allocating such appropriate, and (ii) which is
thereafter included in a senate resolution calling for the expendi-
ture of such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
(20982) ... 950,000 ................................. (re. $921,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For defense services to be distributed in the same manner as the prior
year or through a competitive process. The funds hereby appropriated
are to be available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or
hereafter accrued (20246) ... 2,592,000 ............... (re. $1,000)
For services and expenses of the district attorney and indigent legal
services attorney loan forgiveness program pursuant to section 679-e
of the education law. These funds may be suballocated to the higher
education services corporation (20220) .............................
2,430,000 ......................................... (re. $1,328,000)
For services, expenses or reimbursement of expenses incurred by local
government agencies and/or not-for-profit providers or their employ-
ees providing civil or criminal legal services in accordance with
the following schedule:
Caribbean Women's Health Association (20296) .........................
22,574 ................................................ (re. $8,000)
Empire Justice Center (20301) ... 174,725 ............... (re. $2,000)
Family and Children's Association (20302) ... 40,634 .... (re. $3,000)
Goddard Riverside Community Center (20373) ... 55,149 .. (re. $55,149)
Greenhope Services for Women (20304) ... 34,313 ......... (re. $1,000)
Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo (20306) ... 56,119 .......... (re. $43,000
Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (39766) .................
75,000 ............................................... (re. $32,000)
Volunteers of Legal Service (VOLS) (20330) ... 40,634 ... (re. $6,000)
For payment to counties other than the city of New York for costs
associated with the provision of legal assistance and representation
124 12553-07-1
to indigent parolees, thirty-one percent of this amount may be used
for costs associated with the provision of legal assistance and
representation to indigent parolees in Wyoming county, not less than
six percent of the remaining amount may be used for legal assistance
and representation to indigent parolees related to the Willard drug
and alcohol treatment program (21014) ... 600,000 ..... (re. $1,000)
For services and expenses of civil or criminal domestic violence legal
services or veterans civil or criminal legal services. Notwith-
standing section 24 of the state finance law or any provision of law
to the contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated
only pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the temporary president of
the Senate and the director of the budget which sets forth either an
itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or
the methodology for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is
thereafter included in a senate resolution calling for the expendi-
ture of such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
(20982) ... 950,000 ................................. (re. $188,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For defense services to be distributed in the same manner as the prior
year or through a competitive process (20246) ......................
2,592,000 ............................................ (re. $80,000)
For services and expenses of the district attorney and indigent legal
services attorney loan forgiveness program pursuant to section 679-e
of the education law. These funds may be suballocated to the higher
education services corporation (20220) .............................
2,430,000 ............................................ (re. $11,000)
For services and expenses of civil or criminal domestic violence legal
services or veterans civil or criminal legal services. Notwith-
standing section twenty-four of the state finance law or any
provision of law to the contrary, funds from this appropriation
shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the
temporary president of the Senate and the director of the budget
which sets forth either an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation, and (ii) which is thereafter included in a senate
resolution calling for the expenditure of such funds, which resol-
ution must be approved by a majority vote of all members elected to
the senate upon a roll call vote (20982) ...........................
950,000 ............................................. (re. $149,000)
For services, expenses or reimbursement of expenses incurred by local
government agencies and/or not-for-profit providers or their employ-
ees providing civil or criminal legal services in accordance with
the following schedule:
Family and Children's Association (20302) ... 40,634 .... (re. $7,000)
Neighborhood Legal Services (20393) ... 75,000 .......... (re. $1,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses of civil or criminal domestic violence legal
services or veterans civil or criminal legal services. Notwith-
standing section twenty-four of the state finance law or any
125 12553-07-1
provision of law to the contrary, funds from this appropriation
shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the
temporary president of the Senate and the director of the budget
which sets forth either an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation, and (ii) which is thereafter included in a senate
resolution calling for the expenditure of such funds, which resol-
ution must be approved by a majority vote of all members elected to
the senate upon a roll call vote (20982) ...........................
950,000 ............................................. (re. $150,000)
For services, expenses or reimbursement of expenses incurred by local
government agencies and/or not-for-profit providers or their employ-
ees providing civil or criminal legal services in accordance with
the following schedule:
Family and Children's Association (20302) ... 40,634 ... (re. $23,000)
Goddard Riverside Community Center (20373) ...........................
125,000 .............................................. (re. $50,000)
Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (39766) .................
75,000 ................................................ (re. $6,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
State Police Motor Vehicle Law Enforcement and Motor Vehicle Theft and
Insurance Fraud Prevention Fund
Motor Vehicle Theft and Insurance Fraud Account - 22801
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses associated with local anti-auto theft
programs, in accordance with section 89-d of the state finance law,
distributed through a competitive process (20235) ..................
3,749,000 ......................................... (re. $3,749,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses associated with local anti-auto theft
programs, in accordance with section 89-d of the state finance law,
distributed through a competitive process (20235) ..................
3,749,000 ......................................... (re. $3,069,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses associated with local anti-auto theft
programs, in accordance with section 89-d of the state finance law,
distributed through a competitive process (20235) ..................
3,749,000 ........................................... (re. $390,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses associated with local anti-auto theft
programs, in accordance with section 89-d of the state finance law,
distributed through a competitive process (20235) ..................
3,749,000 ........................................... (re. $219,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses associated with local anti-auto theft
programs, in accordance with section 89-d of the state finance law,
126 12553-07-1
distributed through a competitive process (20235) ..................
3,749,000 ............................................ (re. $87,000)
127 12553-07-1
For payment according to the following schedule:
General Fund ....................... 39,033,380 213,970,000
Special Revenue funds - Federal .... 12,000,000 18,710,000
Special Revenue funds - Other ...... 0 1,381,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 51,033,380 234,061,000
================ ================
HIGH TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM ..................................... 34,770,380
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For services and expenses related to the
operation of the centers of excellence
pursuant to a plan approved by the direc-
tor of the budget. All or portions of the
funds appropriated hereby may be suballo-
cated or transferred to any department,
agency, or public authority (21427) .......... 8,629,621
Project Schedule
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in bioinformatics and
life sciences .................... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Syracuse center of
excellence in environmental
and energy systems ............... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Albany center of excel-
lence in nanoelectronics ......... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in wireless and
information technology ........... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
128 12553-07-1
the Binghamton center of
excellence in small scale
systems integration and
packaging ........................ 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in advanced ener-
gy research ...................... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in materials informat-
ics .............................. 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in sustainable
manufacturing .................... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in data science ....... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Rochester Insti-
tute of Technology, and New
York University centers of
excellence in Digital Game
Development ...................... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Cornell University's
center of excellence in Food
and Agriculture Innovation
in Geneva, New York .............. 784,511
Total .......................... 8,629,621
For additional services and expenses related
to the operation of the centers of excel-
lence pursuant to a plan approved by the
director of the budget ....................... 2,870,379
Project Schedule
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
129 12553-07-1
lence in bioinformatics and
life sciences .................... 215,489
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Syracuse center of
excellence in environmental
and energy systems ............... 215,489
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Albany center of excel-
lence in nanoelectronics ......... 215,489
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in wireless and
information technology ........... 215,489
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Binghamton center of
excellence in small scale
systems integration and
packaging ........................ 215,489
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in advanced ener-
gy research ...................... 215,489
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in materials informat-
ics .............................. 215,489
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in sustainable
manufacturing .................... 215,489
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in data science ....... 215,489
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Rochester Insti-
tute of Technology, and New
York University centers of
excellence in Digital Game
Development ...................... 215,489
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
130 12553-07-1
the Cornell University's
center of excellence in Food
and Agriculture Innovation
in Geneva, New York .............. 215,489
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
Albany center of excellence
in data science in atmo-
spheric and environmental
prediction and innovation ........ 250,000
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Clarkson - SUNY ESF
center of excellence in
Healthy Water Solutions .......... 250,000
Total .......................... 2,870,379
For services and expenses related to the
following: centers for advanced technolo-
gy, for matching grants to designated
centers for advanced technology, pursuant
to subdivision 3 of section 3102-b of the
public authorities law. Notwithstanding
any provision of law to the contrary,
funds may also be used for initiatives
related to the operation and development
of the centers of excellence or other high
technology centers. No funds shall be
expended from this appropriation until the
director of the budget has approved a
spending plan (21426) ....................... 12,370,380
For additional services and expenses related
to the following: centers for advanced
technology, for matching grants to desig-
nated centers for advanced technology,
pursuant to subdivision 3 of section
3102-b of the public authorities law.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to
the contrary, funds may also be used for
initiatives related to the operation and
development of the centers of excellence
or other high technology centers ............... 591,000
Technology development organization matching
grants, to be awarded on a competitive
basis in accordance with the provisions of
section 3102-d of the public authorities
law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, the director of the
budget may suballocate up to the full
amount of this appropriation to any
131 12553-07-1
department, agency or authority. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has
approved a spending plan (21441) ............. 1,382,000
Industrial technology extension service.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the director of the budget may
suballocate up to the full amount of this
appropriation to any department, agency or
authority. No funds shall be expended from
this appropriation until the director of
the budget has approved a spending plan
(21435) ........................................ 921,000
For services and expenses related to the
operation of the SUNY Polytechnic Insti-
tute Colleges of Nanoscale Science and
Engineering focus center and Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute focus center. No
funds shall be expended from this appro-
priation until the director of the budget
has approved a spending plan (21434) ......... 3,006,000
High technology matching grants program,
including the security through advanced
research and technology (START) initiative
to leverage resources from federal or
private sources including but not limited
to the national science foundation, busi-
nesses, industry consortiums, foundations,
and other organizations for efforts asso-
ciated with high technology economic
development, including the payment of
liabilities incurred prior to April 1,
2021. All or portions of the funds appro-
priated hereby may be suballocated or
transferred to any department, agency, or
public authority. No funds shall be
expended from this appropriation until the
director of the budget has approved a
spending plan (21438) ........................ 5,000,000
MARKETING AND ADVERTISING PROGRAM ............................ 2,450,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For a local tourism promotion matching
grants program pursuant to article 5-A of
the economic development law (21417) ......... 2,450,000
132 12553-07-1
RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ................................... 343,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For the science and technology law center
program (81027) ................................ 343,000
TRAINING AND BUSINESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM .................... 13,470,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For services and expenses of state matching
funds for the federal manufacturing exten-
sion partnership program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the director of the budget may
suballocate up to the full amount of this
appropriation to any department, agency or
authority. No funds shall be expended from
this appropriation until the director of
the budget has approved a spending plan
(81053) ...................................... 1,470,000
Program account subtotal ................... 1,470,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program Account -
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the director of the budget may
suballocate up to the full amount of this
appropriation to any department, agency or
authority (81052) ........................... 12,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 12,000,000
133 12553-07-1
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the centers of
excellence pursuant to a plan approved by the director of the budg-
et. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballo-
cated or transferred to any department, agency, or public authority
(21427) ............................................................
8,629,621 ......................................... (re. $8,629,000)
Project Schedule
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in bioinformatics and
life sciences .................... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Syracuse center of
excellence in environmental
and energy systems ............... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Albany center of excel-
lence in nanoelectronics ......... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in wireless and
information technology ........... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Binghamton center of
excellence in small scale
systems integration and
packaging ........................ 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in advanced ener-
gy research ...................... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in materials informat-
ics .............................. 784,511
For services and expenses
134 12553-07-1
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in sustainable
manufacturing .................... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in data science ....... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Rochester Insti-
tute of Technology, and New
York University centers of
excellence in Digital Game
Development ...................... 784,511
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Cornell University's
center of excellence in Food
and Agriculture Innovation
in Geneva, New York .............. 784,511
Total .......................... 8,629,621
For additional services and expenses related to the operation of the
centers of excellence pursuant to a plan approved by the director of
the budget (21677) ... 2,002,164 .................. (re. $2,002,000)
Project Schedule
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in bioinformatics and
life sciences ..................... 82,101
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Syracuse center of
excellence in environmental
and energy systems ................ 82,101
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Albany center of excel-
lence in nanoelectronics .......... 82,101
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in wireless and
135 12553-07-1
information technology ............ 82,101
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Binghamton center of
excellence in small scale
systems integration and
packaging ......................... 82,101
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in advanced ener-
gy research ....................... 82,101
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in materials informat-
ics ............................... 82,101
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in sustainable
manufacturing ..................... 82,101
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in data science ........ 82,101
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Rochester Insti-
tute of Technology, and New
York University centers of
excellence in Digital Game
Development ....................... 82,101
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Cornell University's
center of excellence in Food
and Agriculture Innovation
in Geneva, New York ............... 82,101
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
Albany center of excellence
in data science in atmo-
spheric and environmental
prediction and innovation ........ 250,000
For services and expenses
related to New York Medical
College to create and oper-
ate a Center of Excellence
in precision Responses to
136 12553-07-1
Bioterrorism and Disaster ........ 747,975
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Clarkson - SUNY ESF
center of excellence in
Healthy Water Solutions .......... 101,078
Total .......................... 2,002,164
For services and expenses related to the following: centers for
advanced technology, for matching grants to designated centers for
advanced technology, pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 3102-b of
the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any provision of law to
the contrary, funds may also be used for initiatives related to the
operation and development of the centers of excellence or other high
technology centers. No funds shall be expended from this appropri-
ation until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21426) ... 12,370,380 ........................... (re. $12,370,000)
For additional services and expenses related to the following: centers
for advanced technology, for matching grants to designated centers
for advanced technology, pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 3102-b
of the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds may also be used for initiatives related to
the operation and development of the centers of excellence or other
high technology centers (21678) ... 591,000 ......... (re. $591,000)
Technology development organization matching grants, to be awarded on
a competitive basis in accordance with the provisions of section
3102-d of the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate up
to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agency
or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21441) ... 1,382,000 ............................. (re. $1,382,000)
Industrial technology extension service. Notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate
up to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agen-
cy or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21435) ... 921,000 ................................. (re. $921,000)
For services and expenses related to the operation of the SUNY Poly-
technic Institute Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering
focus center and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute focus center. No
funds shall be expended from this appropriation until the director
of the budget has approved a spending plan (21434) .................
3,006,000 ......................................... (re. $3,006,000)
High technology matching grants program, including the security
through advanced research and technology (START) initiative to
leverage resources from federal or private sources including but not
limited to the national science foundation, businesses, industry
consortiums, foundations, and other organizations for efforts asso-
ciated with high technology economic development, including the
137 12553-07-1
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2020. All or
portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballocated or
transferred to any department, agency, or public authority. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan (21438) ........................
6,000,000 ......................................... (re. $6,000,000)
For services and expenses, loans, and grants, related to the operation
of New York state innovation hot spots and New York state incuba-
tors. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be subal-
located or transferred to any department, agency, or public authori-
ty (21685) ... 5,000,000 .......................... (re. $5,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the centers of
excellence pursuant to a plan approved by the director of the budg-
et. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballo-
cated or transferred to any department, agency, or public authority
(21427) ... 9,595,663 ............................. (re. $8,520,000)
Project Schedule
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in bioinformatics and
life sciences .................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Syracuse center of
excellence in environmental
and energy systems ............... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Albany center of excel-
lence in nanoelectronics ......... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in wireless and
information technology ........... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Binghamton center of
excellence in small scale
systems integration and
packaging ........................ 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in advanced ener-
138 12553-07-1
gy research ...................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in materials informat-
ics .............................. 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in sustainable
manufacturing .................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in data science ....... 872,333
For services and expenses rel-
ated to the operation of the
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst-
itute, Rochester Institute
of Technology, and New York
University centers of excel-
lence in Digital Game Devel-
opment .......................... 872,333
For services and expenses re-
lated to the operation of
the Cornell University's ce-
nter of excellence in Food
and Agriculture Innovation
in Geneva, New York .............. 872,333
Total ........................ 9,595,663
For additional services and expenses related to the operation of the
centers of excellence pursuant to a plan approved by the director of
the budget (21677) ... 2,704,337 .................. (re. $2,322,000)
Project Schedule
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in bioinformatics and
life sciences .................... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Syracuse center of
excellence in environmental
and energy systems ............... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
139 12553-07-1
the Albany center of excel-
lence in nanoelectronics ......... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in wireless and
information technology ........... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Binghamton center of
excellence in small scale
systems integration and
packaging ........................ 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in advanced ener-
gy research ...................... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in materials informat-
ics .............................. 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in sustainable
manufacturing .................... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in data science ....... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Rochester Insti-
tute of Technology, and New
York University centers of
excellence in Digital Game
Development ...................... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Cornell University's
center of excellence in Food
and Agriculture Innovation
in Geneva, New York .............. 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
Albany center of excellence
in data science in atmo-
spheric and environmental
140 12553-07-1
prediction and innovation ........ 250,000
For services and expenses
related to New York Medical
College to create and oper-
ate a Center of Excellence
in prescision Responses to
Bioterrorism and Disaster ........ 925,000
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Clarkson - SUNY ESF
center of excellence in
Healthy Water Solutions .......... 125,000
Total ........................ 2,704,337
For services and expenses related to the following: centers for
advanced technology, for matching grants to designated centers for
advanced technology, pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 3102-b of
the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any provision of law to
the contrary, funds may also be used for initiatives related to the
operation and development of the centers of excellence or other high
technology centers. No funds shall be expended from this appropri-
ation until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21426) ... 13,818,000 ........................... (re. $13,818,000)
For additional services and expenses related to the following: centers
for advanced technology, for matching grants to designated centers
for advanced technology, pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 3102-b
of the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds may also be used for initiatives related to
the operation and development of the centers of excellence or other
high technology centers (21678) ... 591,000 ......... (re. $591,000)
Technology development organization matching grants, to be awarded on
a competitive basis in accordance with the provisions of section
3102-d of the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate up
to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agency
or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21441) ... 1,382,000 ............................. (re. $1,382,000)
For additional services and expenses of the technology development
organization matching grants, to be awarded on a competitive basis
in accordance with the provisions of section 3102-d of the public
authorities law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,
the director of the budget may suballocate up to the full amount of
this appropriation to any department, agency or authority (21670)
... 609,000 ......................................... (re. $254,000)
Industrial technology extension service. Notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate
up to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agen-
cy or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
141 12553-07-1
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21435) ... 921,000 ................................. (re. $921,000)
For services and expenses related to the operation of the SUNY Poly-
technic Institute Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering
focus center and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute focus center. No
funds shall be expended from this appropriation until the director
of the budget has approved a spending plan (21434) .................
3,006,000 ......................................... (re. $3,006,000)
High technology matching grants program, including the security
through advanced research and technology (START) initiative to
leverage resources from federal or private sources including but not
limited to the national science foundation, businesses, industry
consortiums, foundations, and other organizations for efforts asso-
ciated with high technology economic development, including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2018. All or
portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballocated or
transferred to any department, agency, or public authority. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan (21438) ........................
6,000,000 ......................................... (re. $6,000,000)
For services and expenses, loans, and grants, related to the operation
of New York state innovation hot spots and New York state incuba-
tors. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be subal-
located or transferred to any department, agency, or public authori-
ty (21685) ... 5,000,000 .......................... (re. $5,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the centers of
excellence pursuant to a plan approved by the director of the budg-
et. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballo-
cated or transferred to any department, agency, or public authority
(21427) ... 9,595,663 ............................. (re. $3,354,000)
Project Schedule
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in bioinformatics and
life sciences .................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Syracuse center of
excellence in environmental
and energy systems ............... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Albany center of excel-
lence in nanoelectronics ......... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
142 12553-07-1
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in wireless and
information technology ........... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Binghamton center of
excellence in small scale
systems integration and
packaging ........................ 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in advanced ener-
gy research ...................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in materials informat-
ics .............................. 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in sustainable
manufacturing .................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in data science ....... 872,333
For services and expenses rel-
ated to the operation of the
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst-
itute, Rochester Institute
of Technology, and New York
University centers of excel-
lence in Digital Game Devel-
opment .......................... 872,333
For services and expenses re-
lated to the operation of
the Cornell University's ce-
nter of excellence in Food
and Agriculture Innovation
in Geneva, New York .............. 872,333
Total ........................ 9,595,663
For additional services and expenses related to the operation of the
centers of excellence pursuant to a plan approved by the director of
the budget (21677) ... 2,276,670 .................. (re. $1,398,000)
Project Schedule
143 12553-07-1
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in bioinformatics and
life sciences .................... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
Cornell University's center
of excellence in Food and
Agriculture Innovation in
Geneva, New York ................. 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Syracuse center of
excellence in environmental
and energy systems ............... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Albany center of excel-
lence in nanoelectronics ......... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in wireless and
information technology ........... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Binghamton center of
excellence in small scale
systems integration and
packaging ........................ 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in advanced ener-
gy research ...................... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in materials informat-
ics .............................. 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in sustainable
manufacturing .................... 127,667
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in data science ....... 127,667
For services and expenses
144 12553-07-1
related to the operation of
the Albany center of excel-
lence in data science in
atmospheric and environ-
mental prediction and inno-
vation ........................... 250,000
For services and expenses
related to New York Medical
College to operate a Center
of Excellence in Prescision
Responses to Bioterrorism
and Disaster ..................... 750,000
Total ........................ 2,276,670
For services and expenses related to the following: centers for
advanced technology, for matching grants to designated centers for
advanced technology, pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 3102-b of
the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any provision of law to
the contrary, funds may also be used for initiatives related to the
operation and development of the centers of excellence or other high
technology centers. No funds shall be expended from this appropri-
ation until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21426) ... 13,818,000 ............................ (re. $2,715,000)
Technology development organization matching grants, to be awarded on
a competitive basis in accordance with the provisions of section
3102-d of the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate up
to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agency
or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21441) ... 1,382,000 ............................. (re. $1,382,000)
For additional services and expenses of the technology development
organization matching grants, to be awarded on a competitive basis
in accordance with the provisions of section 3102-d of the public
authorities law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,
the director of the budget may suballocate up to the full amount of
this appropriation to any department, agency or authority (21670)
... 609,000 .......................................... (re. $23,000)
For services and expenses related to the operation of the SUNY Poly-
technic Institute Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering
focus center and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute focus center. No
funds shall be expended from this appropriation until the director
of the budget has approved a spending plan (21434) .................
3,006,000 ......................................... (re. $2,491,000)
High technology matching grants program, including the security
through advanced research and technology (START) initiative to
leverage resources from federal or private sources including but not
limited to the national science foundation, businesses, industry
consortiums, foundations, and other organizations for efforts asso-
ciated with high technology economic development, including the
145 12553-07-1
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2018. All or
portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballocated or
transferred to any department, agency, or public authority. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan (21438) ........................
6,000,000 ......................................... (re. $6,000,000)
For services and expenses, loans, and grants, related to the operation
of New York state innovation hot spots and New York state incuba-
tors. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be subal-
located or transferred to any department, agency, or public authori-
ty (21685) ... 5,000,000 .......................... (re. $5,895,000)
For services and expenses of the Small Business Innovation Research
(SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Technical Assist-
ance Program (21651) ... 500,000 .................... (re. $500,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the centers of
excellence pursuant to a plan approved by the director of the budg-
et. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballo-
cated or transferred to any department, agency, or public authority
(21427) ... 7,850,997 ............................. (re. $1,599,000)
Project Schedule
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in bioinformatics and
life sciences .................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Syracuse center of
excellence in environmental
and energy systems ............... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Albany center of excel-
lence in nanoelectronics ......... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in wireless and
information technology ........... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Binghamton center of
excellence in small scale
systems integration and
packaging ........................ 872,333
For services and expenses
146 12553-07-1
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in advanced ener-
gy research ...................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in materials informat-
ics .............................. 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in sustainable
manufacturing .................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in data science ....... 872,333
Total ........................ 7,850,997
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses related to the following: centers for
advanced technology, for matching grants to designated centers for
advanced technology, pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 3102-b of
the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any provision of law to
the contrary, funds may also be used for initiatives related to the
operation and development of the centers of excellence or other high
technology centers. No funds shall be expended from this appropri-
ation until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21426) ... 13,818,000 ............................ (re. $1,783,000)
Technology development organization matching grants, to be awarded on
a competitive basis in accordance with the provisions of section
3102-d of the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate up
to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agency
or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21441) ... 1,382,000 ............................. (re. $1,382,000)
For additional services and expenses of the technology development
organization matching grants, to be awarded on a competitive basis
in accordance with the provisions of section 3102-d of the public
authorities law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,
the director of the budget may suballocate up to the full amount of
this appropriation to any department, agency or authority (21670)
... 609,000 .......................................... (re. $19,000)
Industrial technology extension service. Notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate
up to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agen-
cy or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
147 12553-07-1
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21435) ... 921,000 .................................. (re. $10,000)
For services and expenses related to the operation of the SUNY Poly-
technic Institute Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering
focus center and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute focus center. No
funds shall be expended from this appropriation until the director
of the budget has approved a spending plan (21434) .................
3,006,000 ........................................... (re. $778,000)
High technology matching grants program, including the security
through advanced research and technology (START) initiative to
leverage resources from federal or private sources including but not
limited to the national science foundation, businesses, industry
consortiums, foundations, and other organizations for efforts asso-
ciated with high technology economic development, including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2017. All or
portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballocated or
transferred to any department, agency, or public authority. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan (21438) ........................
6,000,000 ......................................... (re. $5,452,000)
For services and expenses, loans, and grants, related to the operation
of New York state innovation hot spots and New York state incuba-
tors. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be subal-
located or transferred to any department, agency, or public authori-
ty (21685) ... 5,000,000 ............................ (re. $570,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the Albany
center of excellence in atmospheric and environmental prediction and
innovation (21681) ... 250,000 ...................... (re. $250,000)
Technology development organization matching grants, to be awarded on
a competitive basis in accordance with the provisions of section
3102-d of the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate up
to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agency
or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21441) ... 1,382,000 ............................... (re. $128,000)
For services and expenses related to the operation of the SUNY Poly-
technic Institute Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering
focus center and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute focus center. No
funds shall be expended from this appropriation until the director
of the budget has approved a spending plan (21434) .................
3,006,000 ........................................... (re. $916,000)
High technology matching grants program, including the security
through advanced research and technology (START) initiative to
leverage resources from federal or private sources including but not
limited to the national science foundation, businesses, industry
consortiums, foundations, and other organizations for efforts asso-
ciated with high technology economic development, including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2016. All or
portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballocated or
148 12553-07-1
transferred to any department, agency, or public authority. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan (21438) ........................
6,000,000 ......................................... (re. $3,375,000)
For services and expenses, loans, and grants, related to the operation
of New York state innovation hot spots and New York state incuba-
tors. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be subal-
located or transferred to any department, agency, or public authori-
ty (21685) ... 5,000,000 ............................. (re. $76,000)
For services and expenses of Rockland Independent Living Center
(21660) ... 30,000 ................................... (re. $30,000)
For services and expenses of the Merrick Chamber of Commerce (21662)
... 40,000 ........................................... (re. $40,000)
For services and expenses of the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball
Tournament at Buffalo (21665) ... 75,000 ............. (re. $11,000)
For additional local tourism promotion matching grants program pursu-
ant to article 5-A of the economic development law (21669) .........
500,000 ............................................. (re. $500,000)
For three digital gaming hubs to be designated pursuant to proposals
submitted to the department from higher education institutions
offering degree programs in game design or game programming (21400)
... 1,000,000 ....................................... (re. $232,000)
For additional services and expenses of the technology development
organization matching grants, to be awarded on a competitive basis
in accordance with the provisions of section 3102-d of the public
authorities law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,
the director of the budget may suballocate up to the full amount of
this appropriation to any department, agency or authority. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan (21670) ........................
609,000 .............................................. (re. $41,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the centers of
excellence pursuant to a plan approved by the director of the budg-
et. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballo-
cated or transferred to any department, agency, or public authority
(21427) ... 8,723,330 ................................. (re. $3,000)
Project Schedule
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in bioinformatics and
life sciences .................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Greater Rochester center
of excellence in photonics
149 12553-07-1
and microsystems ................. 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Syracuse center of
excellence in environmental
and energy systems ............... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Albany center of excel-
lence in nanoelectronics ......... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in wireless and
information technology ........... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Binghamton center of
excellence in small scale
systems integration and
packaging ........................ 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in advanced ener-
gy research ...................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in materials informat-
ics .............................. 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in sustainable
manufacturing .................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in data science ....... 872,333
Total ........................ 8,723,330
Technology development organization matching grants, to be awarded on
a competitive basis in accordance with the provisions of section
3102-d of the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate up
to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agency
or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21441) ... 1,382,000 ................................ (re. $10,000)
150 12553-07-1
Industrial technology extension service. Notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate
up to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agen-
cy or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21435) ... 921,000 .................................. (re. $29,000)
For services and expenses related to the operation of the SUNY Poly-
technic Institute Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering
focus center and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute focus center. No
funds shall be expended from this appropriation until the director
of the budget has approved a spending plan (21434) .................
3,006,000 ........................................... (re. $590,000)
High technology matching grants program, including the security
through advanced research and technology (START) initiative to
leverage resources from federal or private sources including but not
limited to the national science foundation, businesses, industry
consortiums, foundations, and other organizations for efforts asso-
ciated with high technology economic development, including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2015. All or
portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballocated or
transferred to any department, agency, or public authority. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan (21438) ........................
4,606,000 ........................................... (re. $466,000)
For services and expenses, loans, and grants, related to the operation
of New York state innovation hot spots and New York state incuba-
tors. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be subal-
located or transferred to any department, agency, or public authori-
ty (21685) ... 5,000,000 ............................. (re. $12,000)
For additional services and expenses of the centers for advanced tech-
nology (21678) ... 500,000 .......................... (re. $309,000)
For additional services and expenses, loans and grants for New York
state incubators (21679) ... 1,000,000 ............ (re. $1,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the centers of
excellence pursuant to a plan approved by the director of the budg-
et. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballo-
cated or transferred to any department, agency, or public authority
(21427) ... 8,723,330 ............................... (re. $645,000)
Project Schedule
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in bioinformatics and
life sciences .................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Greater Rochester center
151 12553-07-1
of excellence in photonics
and microsystems ................. 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Syracuse center of
excellence in environmental
and energy systems ............... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Albany center of excel-
lence in nanoelectronics ......... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in wireless and
information technology ........... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Binghamton center of
excellence in small scale
systems integration and
packaging ........................ 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook center of
excellence in advanced ener-
gy research ...................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Buffalo center of excel-
lence in materials informat-
ics .............................. 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in sustainable
manufacturing .................... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Rochester center of
excellence in data science ....... 872,333
Total ........................ 8,723,330
For services and expenses related to the following: centers for
advanced technology, for matching grants to designated centers for
advanced technology, pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 3102-b of
the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any provision of law to
the contrary, funds may also be used for initiatives related to the
operation and development of the centers of excellence or other high
technology centers. No funds shall be expended from this appropri-
152 12553-07-1
ation until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21426) ... 13,818,000 ............................... (re. $29,000)
Industrial technology extension service. Notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate
up to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agen-
cy or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21435) ... 921,000 .................................. (re. $24,000)
High technology matching grants program, including the security
through advanced research and technology (START) initiative to
leverage resources from federal or private sources including but not
limited to the national science foundation, businesses, industry
consortiums, foundations, and other organizations for efforts asso-
ciated with high technology economic development, including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2014. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan (21438) ........................
4,606,000 ......................................... (re. $4,606,000)
For services and expenses, loans, and grants, related to the operation
of New York state innovation hot spots and New York state incuba-
tors. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be subal-
located or transferred to any department, agency, or public authori-
ty (21685) ... 3,750,000 ............................ (re. $754,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2014, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses related to the institute for semiconductor
research corporation (SRC) center for advanced interconnect systems
technologies (CAIST), including the payment of liabilities incurred
prior to April 1, 2014, at The SUNY Polytechnic Institute Colleges
of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE), with its autonomous
operating status as recognized and approved by the SUNY Board of
Trustees in resolution number 2008-165 (21688) .....................
713,000 ............................................... (re. $7,000)
For services and expenses related to the Institute for Nanoelectronics
Discovery and Exploration (INDEX) at The SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE), with its
autonomous operating status as recognized and approved by the SUNY
Board of Trustees in resolution number 2008-165 (21690) ............
775,000 ............................................... (re. $2,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2013:
For services and expenses related to the operation of the centers of
excellence pursuant to a plan approved by the director of the budg-
et. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballo-
cated or transferred to any department, agency, or public authority
(21427) ... 5,234,000 ................................. (re. $5,000)
Project Schedule
For services and expenses
153 12553-07-1
related to the operation of
the Buffalo centers of
excellence in bioinformatics
and life sciences and mate-
rials informatics ................ 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Greater Rochester center
of excellence in photonics
and microsystems ................. 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Syracuse center of
excellence in environmental
and energy systems ............... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Albany center of excel-
lence in nanoelectronics ......... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Stony Brook centers of
excellence in wireless and
information technology and
advanced energy research ......... 872,333
For services and expenses
related to the operation of
the Binghamton Center of
Excellence in small scale
systems integration and
packaging ........................ 872,333
Total ........................ 5,234,000
For services and expenses related to the operation of the Stony Brook
center of excellence in advanced energy research (21687) ...........
500,000 ............................................. (re. $500,000)
For services and expenses related to the operation of the Buffalo
center of excellence in materials informatics (21691) ..............
500,000 ............................................. (re. $500,000)
Industrial technology extension service. Notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate
up to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agen-
cy or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21435) ... 921,000 .................................. (re. $19,000)
High technology matching grants program, including the security
through advanced research and technology (START) initiative to
leverage resources from federal or private sources including but not
limited to the national science foundation, businesses, industry
consortiums, foundations, and other organizations for efforts asso-
154 12553-07-1
ciated with high technology economic development, including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2013. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan (21438) ........................
4,606,000 ......................................... (re. $4,606,000)
For services and expenses, loans, and grants, related to the operation
of New York state innovation hot spots and New York state incuba-
tors. All or portions of the funds appropriated hereby may be subal-
located or transferred to any department, agency, or public authori-
ty (21685) ... 1,250,000 ............................ (re. $125,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2012:
Technology development organization matching grants, to be awarded on
a competitive basis in accordance with the provisions of section
3102-d of the public authorities law. Notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate up
to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agency
or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21441) ... 1,382,000 ................................. (re. $2,000)
Industrial technology extension service. Notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the director of the budget may suballocate
up to the full amount of this appropriation to any department, agen-
cy or authority. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21435) ... 921,000 .................................. (re. $12,000)
High technology matching grants program, including the security
through advanced research and technology (START) initiative to
leverage resources from federal or private sources including but not
limited to the national science foundation, businesses, industry
consortiums, foundations, and other organizations for efforts asso-
ciated with high technology economic development, including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2012. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan (21438) ........................
4,606,000 ......................................... (re. $4,606,000)
Columbia university/NSF materials research science and engineering
center. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation until the
director of the budget has approved a spending plan (21428) ........
245,000 ............................................. (re. $245,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
High technology matching grants program, including the security
through advanced research and technology (START) initiative to
leverage resources from federal or private sources including but not
limited to the national science foundation, businesses, industry
consortiums, foundations, and other organizations for efforts asso-
ciated with high technology economic development, including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2011. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan (21438) ........................
4,606,000 ......................................... (re. $1,371,000)
155 12553-07-1
Cornell university/NSF nanoscale science and engineering center. No
funds shall be expended from this appropriation until the director
of the budget has approved a spending plan (21431) .................
490,000 .............................................. (re. $34,000)
SUNY Albany semiconductor research corporation (SRC)center for
advanced interconnect systems technologies (CAIST), including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2011. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan (21440) ........................
690,000 .............................................. (re. $10,000)
University at Albany Institute for Nanoelectronics Discovery and
Exploration (INDEX). No funds shall be expended from this appropri-
ation until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
(21425) ... 750,000 ................................... (re. $2,000)
Stony Brook University Semiconductor High-Energy Radiation project. No
funds shall be expended from this appropriation until the director
of the budget has approved a spending plan (21439) .................
250,000 ............................................. (re. $250,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
Innovation economy matching grants program to be awarded on a compet-
itive basis to leverage resources from federal or private sources,
including but not limited to, the national science foundation, busi-
nesses, industry consortiums, foundations, and other organizations
for efforts associated with high technology research and economic
development, including the payment of liabilities incurred prior to
April 1, 2010. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law,
the director of the budget may suballocate up to the full amount of
this appropriation to any department, agency or authority. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan submitted by the foundation for
science, technology and innovation in such detail as the director of
the budget may require. Copies of the plan shall be provided to the
Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means (42034) .................
29,500,000 ........................................ (re. $9,212,000)
High technology matching grants program, including the security
through advanced research and technology (START) initiative to
leverage resources from federal or private sources including but not
limited to the national science foundation, businesses, industry
consortiums, foundations, and other organizations for efforts asso-
ciated with high technology economic development, including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2010. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan submitted by the foundation for
science, technology and innovation in such detail as the director of
the budget may require (21438) ... 4,606,000 ........ (re. $744,000)
SUNY Albany semiconductor research corporation (SRC)center for
advanced interconnect systems technologies (CAIST), including the
payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2010. No funds
shall be expended from this appropriation until the director of the
budget has approved a spending plan submitted by the foundation for
156 12553-07-1
science, technology and innovation in such detail as the director of
the budget may require (21440) ... 690,000 .......... (re. $282,000)
University at Albany Institute for Nanoelectronics Discovery and
Exploration (INDEX). No funds shall be expended from this appropri-
ation until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
submitted by the foundation for science, technology and innovation
in such detail as the director of the budget may require (21425) ...
750,000 ............................................. (re. $520,000)
Stony Brook University Semiconductor High-Energy Radiation project. No
funds shall be expended from this appropriation until the director
of the budget has approved a spending plan submitted by the founda-
tion for science, technology and innovation in such detail as the
director of the budget may require (21439) .........................
250,000 ............................................. (re. $250,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
Stony Brook University Semiconductor High-Energy Radiation project.
No funds shall be expended from this appropriation until the direc-
tor of the budget has approved a spending plan submitted by the
foundation for science, technology and innovation in such detail as
the director of the budget may require (21439) .....................
250,000 ............................................. (re. $250,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
Syracuse university sensing, analyzing, interpreting and deciding
center - SAID. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
submitted by the foundation for science, technology and innovation
in such detail as the director of the budget may require (42024) ...
314,000 ............................................. (re. $314,000)
For services and expenses related to the following: college applied
research centers, for matching grants to designated college applied
research centers, pursuant to section 209-t of article 10-B of the
executive law. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
submitted by the foundation for science, technology and innovation
in such detail as the director of the budget may require (42025) ...
932,000 ............................................. (re. $932,000)
For services and expenses of: Center for Remanufacturing (42028) .....
301,000 ............................................... (re. $2,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2007, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
For services and expenses of: New York State Center for Engineering,
Design and Industrial Innovation (42033) ... 250,000 .. (re. $2,000)
For services and expenses related to the following: college applied
research centers, for matching grants to designated college applied
research centers, pursuant to section 209-t of article 10-B of the
executive law. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation
until the director of the budget has approved a spending plan
157 12553-07-1
submitted by the foundation for science, technology and innovation
in such detail as the director of the budget may require (42025) ...
960,000 ............................................. (re. $616,000)
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For a local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to
article 5-A of the economic development law (21417) ................
3,815,000 ......................................... (re. $3,815,000)
For marketing, advertising, and retail operations to promote local
agritourism and New York produced food and beverage goods and
products, including but not limited to up to $375,000 for Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Broome County, up to $350,000 for the Mont-
gomery County Chapter of NYARC, Inc., up to $500,000 for Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Erie County, up to $350,000 for the Lake
George Regional Chamber of Commerce, up to $450,000 for the Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Columbia and Greene Counties, up to
$300,000 for the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority, up to $450,000
for the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Sullivan County, up to
$485,000 for Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County, up to
$400,000 for the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority, and up to
$190,000 for Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County. At
the direction of the director of the budget, all or a portion of
this appropriation may be suballocated to any department, agency, or
public authority or transferred to state operations (21672) ........
3,971,000 ......................................... (re. $3,971,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For a local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to
article 5-A of the economic development law (21417) ................
3,815,000 ......................................... (re. $3,815,000)
For additional local tourism promotion matching grants program pursu-
ant to article 5-A of the economic development law (21282) .........
593,000 ............................................. (re. $593,000)
For operation of a gateway information center at Beekmantown, New York
(21421) ... 196,000 .................................. (re. $83,000)
For operation of a gateway information center at Binghamton, New York
(21422) ... 196,000 ................................. (re. $196,000)
For marketing, advertising, and retail operations to promote local
agritourism and New York produced food and beverage goods and
products, including but not limited to up to $375,000 for Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Broome County, up to $350,000 for the Mont-
gomery County Chapter of NYARC, Inc., up to $500,000 for Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Erie County, up to $350,000 for the Lake
George Regional Chamber of Commerce, up to $450,000 for the Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Columbia and Greene Counties, up to
$300,000 for the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority, up to $450,000
for the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Sullivan County, up to
158 12553-07-1
$485,000 for Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County, up to
$400,000 for the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority, and up to
$190,000 for Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County. At
the direction of the director of the budget, all or a portion of
this appropriation may be suballocated to any department, agency, or
public authority or transferred to state operations (21672) ........
3,971,000 ......................................... (re. $1,819,000)
For services and expenses of the Town of East Hampton for Tourism
Initiatives (21658) ... 100,000 ..................... (re. $100,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For a local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to
article 5-A of the economic development law (21417) ................
3,815,000 ......................................... (re. $3,731,000)
For additional local tourism promotion matching grants program pursu-
ant to article 5-A of the economic development law (21282) .........
593,000 ............................................. (re. $593,000)
For operation of a gateway information center at Binghamton, New York
(21422) ... 196,000 .................................. (re. $60,000)
For marketing, advertising, and retail operations to promote local
agritourism and New York produced food and beverage goods and
products, including but not limited to up to $415,000 for Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Broome County, up to $350,000 for the Mont-
gomery County Chapter of NYARC, Inc., up to $550,000 for Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Erie County, up to $350,000 for the Lake
George Regional Chamber of Commerce, up to $450,000 for the Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Columbia and Greene Counties, up to
$300,000 for the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority, up to $550,000
for the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Sullivan County, and up to
$600,000 for Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County. All or
a portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to any depart-
ment, agency, or public authority (21672) ..........................
3,565,000 ............................................ (re. $54,000)
For services and expenses of the Dream It Do It Western New York, Inc.
(21682) ... 80,000 ................................... (re. $41,000)
For services and expenses of a regional economic gardening program.
Money will be used to contract with regional nonprofit economic
development entities to develop pilot programs that will stimulate
investment in the state economy by providing technical assistance
for expanding businesses in the Finger Lakes region. The economic
development entity must be able to demonstrate it has the ability to
implement the pilot program, has an outreach plan, and has the abil-
ity to provide counseling services, access to technology and infor-
mation, marketing services and advice, business management support
and other similar services (21667) ... 100,000 ....... (re. $12,000)
For services and expenses of the Broome County Community Charities
related to the 2018 professional golf tournament in Broome County.
Funds from this appropriation shall be made available on an annual
basis pursuant to a multi-year plan subject to annual approval by
the director of the division of the budget (21652) .................
3,000,000 ......................................... (re. $2,500,000)
159 12553-07-1
For services and expenses related to the Finger Lake Tourism Alliance
(21404) ... 200,000 .................................. (re. $20,000)
For services and expenses related to Lake Ontario and Thousand Island
tourism promotion efforts (21653) ... 100,000 ........ (re. $70,000)
For additional local tourism promotion matching grants program pursu-
ant to article 5-A of the economic development law (21654) .........
500,000 ............................................. (re. $500,000)
For services and expenses of the North Country Chamber of Commerce
related to the North American Center of Excellence for Transporta-
tion Equipment program (21673) ... 150,000 .......... (re. $150,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For a local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to
article 5-A of the economic development law (21417) ................
3,815,000 ......................................... (re. $1,051,000)
For marketing, advertising, and retail operations to promote local
agritourism and New York produced food and beverage goods and
products, including but not limited to up to $500,000 for Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Broome County, up to $350,000 for the Mont-
gomery County Chapter of NYARC, Inc., and up to $600,000 for Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Nassau County. All or a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to any department, agency, or
public authority (21672) ... 1,450,000 .............. (re. $184,000)
For services and expenses of the Long Island Regional Planning Council
related to Fiber Optic Robotic Feasibility Study on Long Island
(21675) ... 125,000 ................................. (re. $125,000)
For services and expenses of Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce (21659) ....
50,000 ............................................... (re. $50,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For a local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to
article 5-A of the economic development law (21417) ................
3,815,000 ............................................. (re. $4,000)
For services and expenses of the Long Island Farm Bureau for tourism
promotion (21684) ... 50,000 ......................... (re. $50,000)
For services and expenses of the Long Island Wine Council for tourism
promotion (21686) ... 50,000 .......................... (re. $2,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For services and expenses of the Michigan Street African American
Heritage Corridor Commission (21683) ... 75,000 ...... (re. $43,000)
For services and expenses of the Long Island Farm Bureau for tourism
promotion (21684) ... 50,000 ......................... (re. $50,000)
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For the science and technology law center program (81027) ............
343,000 ............................................. (re. $343,000)
160 12553-07-1
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For the science and technology law center program (81027) ............
343,000 ............................................. (re. $343,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For the science and technology law center program (81027) ............
343,000 ............................................. (re. $343,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For the science and technology law center program (81027) ............
343,000 ............................................. (re. $343,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For the science and technology law center program (81027) ............
343,000 ............................................. (re. $101,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses of the faculty development program and the
incentive program (21407) ... 650,000 ............... (re. $650,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
Faculty development program (81046) ... 2,685,000 ... (re. $2,685,000)
For expenses related to the incentive program (81047) ................
2,920,000 ......................................... (re. $2,920,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
Incentive program in accordance with the following:
For expenses related to the incentive program (81047) ................
2,920,000 ......................................... (re. $2,920,000)
Faculty development program (81046) ... 2,685,000 ... (re. $2,450,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2007, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
Incentive program in accordance with the following:
Faculty development program, provided, however, that the amount of
this appropriation available for expenditure and disbursement on and
after September 1, 2008 shall be reduced by six percent of the
amount that was undisbursed as of August 15, 2008 (81046) ..........
4,000,000 ......................................... (re. $3,760,000)
For services and expenses of the James D. Watson investigator program,
provided, however, that the amount of this appropriation available
for expenditure and disbursement on and after September 1, 2008
shall be reduced by six percent of the amount that was undisbursed
as of August 15, 2008 (81048) ... 1,000,000 ......... (re. $429,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2006, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
Incentive program in accordance with the following:
For additional expenses related to the incentive program (81047) .....
4,000,000 ......................................... (re. $2,777,000)
161 12553-07-1
Faculty development program, provided, however, that the amount of
this appropriation available for expenditure and disbursement on and
after September 1, 2008 shall be reduced by six percent of the
amount that was undisbursed as of August 15, 2008 (81046) ..........
4,000,000 ......................................... (re. $1,955,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2005, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
Incentive program in accordance with the following:
For additional expenses related to the incentive program (81047) .....
4,000,000 ........................................... (re. $629,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2004, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
Incentive program in accordance with the following:
For additional expenses related to the incentive program (81047) .....
4,650,000 ........................................... (re. $928,000)
Centers for advanced technology development fund (81049) .............
10,000,000 ........................................ (re. $7,433,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2003, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
Incentive program in accordance with the following: Centers for
advanced technology development fund (81049) .......................
10,000,000 .......................................... (re. $658,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Small Business Credit Initiative Account - 22202
By chapter 103, section 3, of the laws of 2011:
For programs and activities authorized pursuant to section sixteen-f
of the new york state urban development corporation act, including
any services and costs associated with administration of such
programs and activities, subject to the limitations imposed by
federal funding requirements. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, such moneys shall be paid by the department of
economic development to the new york state urban development corpo-
ration from federal operating grant moneys deposited in the state
treasury for the federal state small business credit initiative.
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, funds
appropriated herein may be interchanged with any other item of
appropriation to be funded from the small business credit initiative
account (21694) ... 10,405,173 ...................... (re. $214,000)
For programs and activities authorized pursuant to section sixteen-u
of the new york state urban development corporation act, including
any services and costs associated with administration of such
programs and activities, subject to the limitations imposed by
federal funding requirements. Notwithstanding any provision of law
162 12553-07-1
to the contrary, such moneys shall be paid by the department of
economic development to the new york state urban development corpo-
ration from federal operating grant moneys deposited in the state
treasury for the federal state small business credit initiative.
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, funds
appropriated herein may be inter changed with any other item of
appropriation to be funded from the small business credit initiative
account (21692) ... 25,952,157 ...................... (re. $432,000)
By chapter 103, section 3, of the laws of 2011, as amended by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2013:
For programs and activities (i) authorized pursuant to section
sixteen-k of the new york state urban development corporation act,
including any services and costs associated with administration of
such programs and activities, subject to the limitations imposed by
federal funding requirements, or (ii) that provide small businesses
loans, loan guarantees, grants, including interest subsidy grants,
and equity investments to small businesses. Notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, such moneys shall be paid by the
department of economic development to the new york state urban
development corporation from federal operating grant moneys deposit-
ed in the state treasury for the federal state small business credit
initiative. Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, subject to the approval of the director of the
budget, funds appropriated herein may be interchanged with any other
item of appropriation to be funded from the small business credit
initiative account (21693) ... 18,994,204 ........... (re. $735,000)
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses of state matching funds for the federal
manufacturing extension partnership program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the director of the
budget may suballocate up to the full amount of this appropriation
to any department, agency or authority. No funds shall be expended
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a spending plan (81053) ... 1,470,000 .... (re. $1,470,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of state matching funds for the federal
manufacturing extension partnership program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the director of the
budget may suballocate up to the full amount of this appropriation
to any department, agency or authority. No funds shall be expended
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a spending plan (81053) ... 1,470,000 ...... (re. $200,000)
163 12553-07-1
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses of state matching funds for the federal
manufacturing extension partnership program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the director of the
budget may suballocate up to the full amount of this appropriation
to any department, agency or authority. No funds shall be expended
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a spending plan (81053) ... 1,470,000 ........ (re. $6,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses of state matching funds for the federal
manufacturing extension partnership program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the director of the
budget may suballocate up to the full amount of this appropriation
to any department, agency or authority. No funds shall be expended
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a spending plan (81053) ... 1,470,000 ...... (re. $139,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2012:
For services and expenses of state matching funds for the federal
manufacturing extension partnership program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the director of the
budget may suballocate up to the full amount of this appropriation
to any department, agency or authority. No funds shall be expended
from this appropriation until the director of the budget has
approved a spending plan (81053) ... 1,470,000 ........ (re. $4,000)
By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2007, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
For services and expenses related to development of emerging technolo-
gy workforce training programs at community colleges (81050) .......
2,100,000 ........................................... (re. $240,000)
Project Schedule
For services and expenses related to emerg-
ing technolgy workforce training at Onon-
daga county community college .................. 700,000
For services and expenses related to emerg-
ing technolgy workforce training at Monroe
county community college ....................... 700,000
For services and expenses related to emerg-
ing technolgy workforce training at Hudson
Valley community college ....................... 700,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program Account - 25517
164 12553-07-1
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the director of the
budget may suballocate up to the full amount of this appropriation
to any department, agency or authority (81052) .....................
12,000,000 ....................................... (re. $12,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the director of the
budget may suballocate up to the full amount of this appropriation
to any department, agency or authority (81052) .....................
12,000,000 ........................................ (re. $6,025,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018:
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the director of the
budget may suballocate up to the full amount of this appropriation
to any department, agency or authority (81052) .....................
8,000,000 ........................................... (re. $626,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017:
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the director of the
budget may suballocate up to the full amount of this appropriation
to any department, agency or authority (81052) .....................
8,000,000 ............................................. (re. $9,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015:
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the director of the
budget may suballocate up to the full amount of this appropriation
to any department, agency or authority (81052) .....................
6,000,000 ............................................ (re. $12,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2013:
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the director of the
budget may suballocate up to the full amount of this appropriation
to any department, agency or authority (81052) .....................
6,000,000 ............................................ (re. $38,000)
165 12553-07-1
For payment according to the following schedule, net of
disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits:
General Fund ....................... 27,630,817,850 4,261,275,350
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 9,115,605,000 9,417,843,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 5,236,464,000 422,978,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 41,982,886,850 15,993,418,200
================ ================
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For case services provided on or after Octo-
ber 1, 2019 to disabled individuals in
accordance with economic eligibility
criteria developed by the department
(21713) ..................................... 54,000,000
For services and expenses of independent
living centers (21856) ...................... 13,361,000
For additional services and expenses of
existing independent living centers ............ 500,000
For college readers aid payments (21854) ......... 294,000
For services and expenses of supported
employment and integrated employment
opportunities provided on or after October
1, 2019:
For services and expenses of programs
providing or leading to the provision of
time-limited services or long-term support
services (21741) ............................ 15,160,000
For grants to schools for programs involving
literacy and basic education for public
assistance recipients for the 2021-22
school year for those programs adminis-
tered by the state education department
(23411) ...................................... 1,843,000
For competitive grants for adult
literacy/education aid to public and
private not-for-profit agencies, including
but not limited to, 2 and 4 year colleges,
community based organizations, libraries,
and volunteer literacy organizations and
institutions which meet quality standards
promulgated by the commissioner of educa-
166 12553-07-1
tion to provide programs of basic litera-
cy, high school equivalency, and English
as a second language to persons 16 years
of age or older for the remaining payments
of the 2020-21 school year and for the
2021-22 school year, provided further that
no more than $300,000 shall be available
for remaining payments for the 2020-21
school year (23410) .......................... 6,293,000
For additional competitive grants for adult
literacy/education aid to public and
private not-for-profit agencies, including
but not limited to, 2 and 4 year colleges,
community based organizations, libraries,
and volunteer literacy organizations and
institutions which meet quality standards
promulgated by the commissioner of educa-
tion to provide programs of basic litera-
cy, high school equivalency, and English
as a second language to persons 16 years
of age or older for the remaining payments
of the 2020-21 school year and for the
2021-22 school year, provided further that
no more than $300,000 shall be available
for remaining payments for the 2020-21
school year .................................. 1,500,000
Program account subtotal .................. 92,951,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Federal Department of Education Account - 25210
For case services provided to individuals
with disabilities (21713) ................... 70,000,000
For the independent living program (21856) ..... 2,572,000
For the supported employment program (21741) ... 2,500,000
For grants to schools and other eligible
entities for adult basic education, liter-
acy, and civics education pursuant to the
workforce investment act (21734) ............ 48,704,000
Program account subtotal ................. 123,776,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
VESID Social Security Account - 22001
For the rehabilitation of social security
disability beneficiaries (21852) ............ 11,760,000
167 12553-07-1
Program account subtotal .................. 11,760,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Vocational Rehabilitation Fund
Vocational Rehabilitation Account - 23051
For services and expenses of the special
workers' compensation program (21852) .......... 698,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 698,000
CULTURAL EDUCATION PROGRAM ................................. 125,161,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
Aid to public libraries including aid to New
York public library (NYPL) and NYPL's
science industry and business library.
Provided that, notwithstanding any
provision of law, rule or regulation to
the contrary, such aid, and the state's
liability therefor, shall represent
fulfillment of the state's obligation for
this program (21846) ........................ 87,046,000
For additional aid to public libraries ......... 9,581,000
For services and expenses of the Schomburg
Center for Research in Black Culture ........... 250,000
For services and expenses of the Langston
Hughes Community Library and Cultural
Center of Queens Library ........................ 75,000
Aid to educational television and radio.
Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule
or regulation to the contrary, the amount
appropriated herein shall represent
fulfillment of the state's obligation for
this program (21848) ........................ 13,302,000
For additional aid to educational television
and radio ...................................... 700,000
Program account subtotal ................. 110,954,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Operating Grants Account - 25456
For aid to public libraries pursuant to
168 12553-07-1
various federal laws including the library
services technology act (21851) .............. 5,400,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,400,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
New York State Local Government Records Management
Improvement Fund
Local Government Records Management Account - 20501
Grants to individual local governments or
groups of cooperating local governments as
provided in section 57.35 of the arts and
cultural affairs law (21849) ................. 8,346,000
Aid for documentary heritage grants and aid
to eligible archives, libraries, histor-
ical societies, museums, and to certain
organizations including the state educa-
tion department that provide services to
such programs (21850) .......................... 461,000
Program account subtotal ................... 8,807,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
For liberty partnerships program awards as
prescribed by section 612 of the education
law as added by chapter 425 of the laws of
1988. Notwithstanding any other section of
law to the contrary, funding for such
programs in the 2021-22 fiscal year shall
be limited to the amount appropriated
herein (21830) .............................. 18,361,860
For additional liberty partnerships program
awards as prescribed by section 612 of the
education law as added by chapter 425 of
the laws of 1988 ............................. 3,700,000
Unrestricted aid to independent colleges and
universities, notwithstanding any other
section of law to the contrary, aid other-
wise due and payable in the 2021-22 fiscal
year shall be limited to the amount appro-
priated herein (21831) ...................... 35,129,000
For higher education opportunity program
awards. Funds appropriated herein shall be
used by independent colleges to expand
169 12553-07-1
opportunities for the educationally and
economically disadvantaged at independent
institutions of higher learning, and may
be used to support currently enrolled HEOP
students in projects that phase out
(21832) ..................................... 35,526,920
For additional higher education opportunity
program awards. Funds appropriated herein
shall be used by independent colleges to
expand opportunities for the educationally
and economically disadvantaged at inde-
pendent institutions of higher learning ...... 7,100,000
For science and technology entry program
(STEP) awards (21834) ....................... 15,811,180
For additional science and technology entry
program (STEP) awards ........................ 3,200,000
For collegiate science and technology entry
program (CSTEP) awards (21835) .............. 11,981,890
For additional collegiate science and tech-
nology entry program (CSTEP) awards .......... 2,400,000
For teacher opportunity corps program awards
(21837) ........................................ 450,000
For services and expenses of a foster youth
initiative, to provide additional services
and expenses to expand opportunities
through existing postsecondary opportunity
programs at the State University of New
York, City University of New York, and
other degree-granting institutions for
foster youth; and to provide any necessary
supplemental financial aid for foster
youth, which may include the cost of
tuition and fees, books, transportation,
housing and other expenses as determined
by the commissioner to be necessary for
such foster youth to attend college;
financial aid outreach to foster youth;
summer college preparation programs to
help foster youth transition to college,
prepare them to navigate on-campus
systems, and provide preparation in read-
ing, writing, and mathematics for foster
youth who need it; advisement, counseling,
tutoring, and academic assistance for
foster youth; and supplemental housing and
meals for foster youth. A portion of these
funds may be suballocated to other state
departments, agencies, the State Universi-
ty of New York, and the City University of
New York. Notwithstanding any law, rule,
or regulation to the contrary, funds
170 12553-07-1
provided to the State University of New
York may be utilized to support state-op-
erated campuses, statutory colleges, or
community colleges as appropriate (55913)..... 6,000,000
For additional services and expenses of a
foster youth initiative ...................... 1,200,000
For state financial assistance to expand
high needs nursing programs at private
colleges and universities in accordance
with section 6401-a of the education law
(21838) ........................................ 941,000
For services and expenses of the national
board for professional teaching standards
certification grant program for the 2021-
22 school year (21785) ......................... 400,000
For enhancing supports and services for
students with disabilities enrolled in New
York State degree granting colleges and
universities ................................. 2,000,000
Program account subtotal ................. 144,201,850
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Federal Department of Education Account - 25210
For grants to schools and other eligible
entities for programs pursuant to various
federal laws including, but not limited
to: title II supporting effective instruc-
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, funds appropriated herein may be
suballocated, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, to any state
agency or department, and interchanged to
other accounts, to accomplish the purpose
of this appropriation. A portion of this
appropriation may be interchanged to other
accounts, as needed to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation (23419) ......... 5,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000
OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROGRAM ........................ 5,214,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
Grants Account - 20191
171 12553-07-1
For services and expenses related to the
administration of funds, including grants
to local recipients, paid to the education
department from private foundations,
corporations and individuals and from
public or private funds received as
payment in lieu of honorarium for services
rendered by employees which are related to
such employees' official duties or respon-
Provided further that, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, funds
appropriated herein may be transferred to
any other combined expendable trust fund,
subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation (21744) ......... 5,214,000
PROGRAM ............................................... 39,535,260,000
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, for general support for public
schools for the 2021-22 state fiscal year.
Provided that notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, for the purposes of
this appropriation and of calculating the
allocable growth amount for the 2021-22
school year pursuant to paragraph gg of
subdivision 1 of section 3602 of the
education law, the allowable growth amount
shall equal the sum of (i) the product of
the positive difference of the personal
income growth index minus one, multiplied
by the statewide total of the sum of (1)
of the apportionments due and owing during
the base year to school districts and
boards of cooperative educational services
from the general support for public
schools as computed based on an electronic
data file use to produce the school aid
computer listing produced by the commis-
sioner in support of the enacted budget
for the base year, excluding any such
apportionments appropriated for such
purpose from the commercial gaming revenue
fund plus (2) the competitive awards
172 12553-07-1
amount for the base year, and (ii)
Provided further than, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et, funds appropriated herein may be
interchanged with any other item of appro-
priation for general support for public
schools within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergar-
ten through grade 12 education program.
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21701) .......................... 15,229,823,000
For additional general support for public
schools for the 2021-22 state fiscal year,
including aid payable pursuant to section
3609-d of the education law .............. 1,556,976,000
For remaining 2020-21 and prior school year
obligations, including aid for such school
years payable pursuant to section 3609-d
of the education law, provided that
notwithstanding any provision of law to
the contrary, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, funds appro-
priated herein may be interchanged with
any other item of appropriation for gener-
al support for public schools within the
general fund local assistance account
office of prekindergarten through grade
twelve education program.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, transportation provided in the
2019-20 school year during the state
disaster emergency declared pursuant to
executive order 202 of 2020 shall be aida-
ble provided that transportation was
provided during the time period of school
closures ordered pursuant to executive
order 202 of 2020. Such aidable transpor-
tation shall include transportation of
173 12553-07-1
meals, educational materials and supplies
to students and transportation to provide
students with internet access.
Provided further that for the computation of
transportation aid pursuant to the
requirements of subdivision 7 of section
3602 of the education law, allowable
transportation expense shall also include
transportation operating expenses
described in subdivision 1 of section
3623-a of the education law and transpor-
tation capital, debt service and lease
expenses described in subdivision 2 of
section 3623-a of the education law
incurred during the state disaster emer-
gency declared pursuant to executive order
202 of 2020, including expenses incurred
during the time period schools were
directed to close pursuant to executive
order 202 of 2020 or otherwise necessi-
tated by such state disaster emergency.
Such expenses shall be allowable transpor-
tation expenses even where aidable regular
transportation as defined in section
3622-a of the education law was not
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21882) ........................... 7,330,602,000
For additional remaining 2020-21 and prior
school year obligations ..................... 62,102,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for reimbursement for the education of
homeless children and youth for the 2021-
22 school year pursuant to section 3209 of
the education law, including reimbursement
for expenditures for the transportation of
homeless children pursuant to paragraph b
of subdivision 4 of section 3209 of the
education law, up to the amount of the
approved costs of the most cost-effective
174 12553-07-1
mode of transportation, in accordance with
a plan prepared by the commissioner of
education and approved by the director of
the budget provided that in the 2021-22
state fiscal year the sum of $30,000 may
be transferred to the credit of the state
purposes account of the state education
department to carry out the purposes of
such section relating to reimbursement of
youth shelters transporting such pupils
and provided further that, notwithstanding
any inconsistent provision of law, subject
to the approval of the director of the
budget, funds appropriated herein may be
interchanged with any other item of appro-
priation for general support for public
schools within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergar-
ten through grade twelve education
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21746) .............................. 23,258,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
during the 2021-22 school year for bilin-
gual education grants to school districts,
boards of cooperative educational
services, colleges and universities, and
an entity, chosen through a competitive
procurement process, to assist schools and
districts to conduct self assessments to
identify areas that need to be strength-
ened and to ensure compliance with the
various federal, state and local laws that
govern limited English proficiency and
English language learning education,
provided, however, that the sum of such
grants shall not exceed $18,500,000 for
the 2021-22 school year, and provided
further that, notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, subject to the
175 12553-07-1
approval of the director of the budget,
funds appropriated herein may be inter-
changed with any other item of appropri-
ation for general support for public
schools within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergar-
ten through grade twelve education
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21747) .............................. 12,950,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
in the 2021-22 school year for school
districts and boards of cooperative educa-
tional services applications for funding
of approved learning technology programs
approved by the commissioner of education,
including services benefiting nonpublic
school students, pursuant to regulations
promulgated by the commissioner of educa-
tion and approved by the director of the
budget. Provided, however, that the sum of
such grants shall not exceed $3,285,000
for the 2021-22 school year, and provided
further that, notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget,
funds appropriated herein may be inter-
changed with any other item of appropri-
ation for general support for public
schools within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergar-
ten through grade twelve education
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
176 12553-07-1
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21748) ............................... 2,300,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for the voluntary interdistrict urban-su-
burban transfer program aid pursuant to
subdivision 15 of section 3602 of the
education law for the 2021-22 school year,
provided that notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget,
funds appropriated herein may be inter-
changed with any other item of appropri-
ation for general support for public
schools within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergar-
ten through grade twelve education
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21749) ............................... 8,200,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for additional apportionments of building
aid for school districts educating pupils
residing on Indian reservations calculated
pursuant to subdivision 6-a of section
3602 of the education law for the 2021-22
school year provided that, notwithstanding
any inconsistent provision of law, subject
to the approval of the director of the
budget, funds appropriated herein may be
interchanged with any other item of appro-
priation for general support for public
schools within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergar-
ten through grade twelve education
177 12553-07-1
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21750) ............................... 3,500,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
during the 2021-22 school year for the
education of youth incarcerated in county
correctional facilities pursuant to subdi-
vision 13 of section 3602 of the education
law, provided that notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et, funds appropriated herein may be
interchanged with any other item of appro-
priation for general support for public
schools within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergar-
ten through grade twelve education
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21751) ............................... 7,175,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for the 2021-22 school year for the educa-
tion of students who reside in a school
operated by the office of mental health or
the office for people with developmental
disabilities pursuant to subdivision 5 of
section 3202 of the education law,
provided that notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, subject to the
178 12553-07-1
approval of the director of the budget,
funds appropriated herein may be inter-
changed with any other item of appropri-
ation for general support for public
schools within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergar-
ten through grade twelve education
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21752) .............................. 37,800,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for building aid payable in the 2021-22
school years to special act school
districts, provided that, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget,
such funds may be used for payments to the
dormitory authority on behalf of eligible
special act school districts pursuant to
chapter 737 of the laws of 1988 provided
that, notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, subject to the approval
of the director of the budget, funds
appropriated herein may be interchanged
with any other item of appropriation for
general support for public schools within
the general fund local assistance account
office of prekindergarten through grade
twelve education program.
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
179 12553-07-1
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21753) ............................... 1,890,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for school bus driver training grants,
provided that for aid payable in the
2021-22 school year, the commissioner of
education shall allocate school bus driver
training grants, not to exceed $400,000 in
the 2021-22 school year, to school
districts and boards of cooperative educa-
tional services pursuant to sections
3650-a, 3650-b and 3650-c of the education
law, or for contracts directly with not-
for-profit educational organizations for
the purposes of this appropriation,
provided that notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget,
funds appropriated herein may be inter-
changed with any other item of appropri-
ation for general support for public
schools within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergar-
ten through grade twelve education
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21754) ................................. 280,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for services and expenses of a $2,000,000
teacher mentor intern program in the
2021-22 school year, provided that,
notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, funds appropriated
herein may be interchanged with any other
item of appropriation for general support
for public schools within the general fund
local assistance account office of prekin-
dergarten through grade twelve education
program. Notwithstanding any other law,
180 12553-07-1
rule or regulation to the contrary, funds
appropriated herein shall be available for
payment of financial assistance net of any
disallowances, refunds, reimbursement and
credits, and may be suballocated to other
departments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (23485) ............................... 1,400,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for services and expenses of a $12,000,000
special academic improvement grants
program in the 2021-22 school year payable
pursuant to subdivision 11 of section 3641
of the education law, provided that
notwithstanding any provisions of law to
the contrary, such funds shall be paid in
accordance with a schedule developed by
the commissioner of education and approved
by the director of the budget provided
that, notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, subject to the approval
of the director of the budget, funds
appropriated herein may be interchanged
with any other item of appropriation for
general support for public schools within
the general fund local assistance account
office of prekindergarten through grade
twelve education program.
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21755) ............................... 8,400,000
For the education of Native Americans in the
2021-22 or prior school years. Funds
appropriated herein shall be considered
general support for public schools and
shall be paid in accordance with a sched-
181 12553-07-1
ule developed by the commissioner of
education and approved by the director of
the budget. Notwithstanding any provision
of law to the contrary, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget,
funds appropriated herein may be inter-
changed with any other item of appropri-
ation for general support for public
schools within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergar-
ten through grade twelve education
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21756) .............................. 50,584,000
For school health services grants to public
schools totaling $13,840,000 in the 2021-
22 school year; provided that, notwith-
standing any provisions of law to the
contrary, in addition to any other appor-
tionment, such grants shall only be paya-
ble to any city school district in a city
having a population in excess of 125,000,
and less than 1,000,000 inhabitants, and
such district shall be eligible to receive
the same amount it was eligible to receive
for the 2010-11 school year. Funds appro-
priated herein shall be considered general
support for public schools and shall be
paid in accordance with a schedule devel-
oped by the commissioner of education and
approved by the director of the budget.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, funds appropriated
herein may be interchanged with any other
item of appropriation for general support
for public schools within the general fund
local assistance account office of prekin-
dergarten through grade twelve education
182 12553-07-1
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
financial assistance net of any disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursement and credits,
and may be suballocated to other depart-
ments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue (21757) ............................... 9,688,000
For additional school health services grants
to the Buffalo City School District for
the 2021-22 school year ...................... 1,200,000
For additional school health services grants
to the Rochester City School District for
the 2021-22 school year ...................... 1,200,000
For the teachers of tomorrow awards to
school districts for the 2021-22 school
year in the amount of $25,000,000,
provided that $5,000,000 of this total
amount in such school year shall be made
available for a program to be developed by
the commissioner of education to attract
qualified teachers that have received or
will receive a transitional certificate
and agree to teach mathematics, science,
or bilingual education in a low performing
school, further provided that of this
$5,000,000, a total of up to $500,000 in
each such school year shall be made avail-
able for demonstration programs in the
Yonkers and Syracuse city school districts
to increase the number of teachers in such
districts who teach math, science and
related areas and who have such a transi-
tional certificate, and provided further
that notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law of this $5,000,000, a
total of $1,000,000 shall be made avail-
able as a matching grant to colleges and
universities to support programs designed
to recruit and train math and science
teachers based on a proven national model
that results in improved student achieve-
ment and enhanced teacher retention in the
classroom. Funds appropriated herein
shall be considered general support for
public schools. Notwithstanding any
183 12553-07-1
provision of law to the contrary, funds
appropriated herein may be interchanged
with any other item of appropriation for
general support for public schools within
the general fund local assistance account
office of prekindergarten through grade
twelve education program. Notwithstanding
any other law, rule or regulation to the
contrary, funds appropriated herein shall
be available for payment of financial
assistance net of any disallowances,
refunds, reimbursement and credits, and
may be suballocated to other departments
and agencies to accomplish the intent of
this appropriation subject to the approval
of the director of the budget. Notwith-
standing any provision of law to the
contrary, funds appropriated herein shall
be available for payment of liabilities
heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue
(21759) ..................................... 17,500,000
For payment of employment preparation educa-
tion aid for the 2021-22 school year
pursuant to paragraph e of subdivision 11
of section 3602 of the education law.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, funds appropriated herein may be
suballocated, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, to other
departments and agencies to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation and subject
to the approval of the director of the
budget, such funds shall be available to
the department net of disallowances,
refunds, reimbursements and credits.
Funds appropriated herein shall be consid-
ered general support for public schools.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to
the contrary, funds appropriated herein
may be interchanged with any other item of
appropriation for general support for
public schools within the general fund
local assistance account office of prekin-
dergarten through grade twelve education
program. Notwithstanding any provision of
law to the contrary, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of
liabilities heretofore accrued or hereaft-
er to accrue (21762) ........................ 96,000,000
For continuation of a statewide universal
full-day pre-kindergarten program in
accordance with section 3602-ee of the
184 12553-07-1
education law to reimburse school
districts and/or eligible entities for the
cost of awarded programs operating in the
2021-22 school year and prior school
years; provided that up to 25 percent of a
school district's and/or eligible entity's
awarded funds shall be made available in
the final quarter of the year in which
services are provided as an advance on
subsequent school year liabilities;
provided further that funds appropriated
herein shall only be awarded to school
districts and/or eligible entities which
meet requirements provided for in section
3602-ee of the education law.
Provided further that funds appropriated
herein shall only be used to supplement
and not supplant current local expendi-
tures of federal, state or local funds on
pre-kindergarten programs and the number
of placements in such programs from such
sources and that current local expendi-
tures shall include any local expenditures
of federal, state or local funds used to
supplement or extend services provided
directly or via contract to eligible chil-
dren enrolled in a universal pre-kinder-
garten program in accordance with section
3602-e of the education law. Notwith-
standing any provision of law to the
contrary, the funds appropriated herein
shall only be available for a statewide
universal full-day pre-kindergarten
program and, as of July 1, 2022, may be
suballocated or transferred to any other
appropriation for the sole purpose of
administering such program. Notwithstand-
ing any provision of law to the contrary,
programs that provide services for fewer
than 180 days will be subject to the
provisions of subdivision 16 of section
3602-e of the education law (56138) ........ 340,000,000
For reimbursement of supplemental basic
tuition payments to charter schools made
by school districts in the 2020-21 school
year, as defined by paragraph (a-1) of
subdivision 1 of section 2856 of the
education law (55907) ...................... 132,000,000
For additional reimbursement of supplemental
basic tuition payments to charter schools
made by school districts in the 2020-21
school year, as defined by paragraph (a)
185 12553-07-1
of subdivision 1 of section 2856 of the
education law (55907) ....................... 35,000,000
For charter schools facilities aid for the
2020-21 school year and prior school years
pursuant to subdivision 6-g of section
3602 of the education law (55971) ........... 47,000,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be used to
provide awards to school districts, boards
of cooperative educational services, and
other eligible entities based on a plan
developed by the commissioner of education
and approved by the director of the budg-
et. Provided that at least the following
amounts of the funds appropriated herein
shall be made available as follows:
(i) $21,590,000 for the continuation of
school-wide extended learning grants to
school districts or school districts in
collaboration with not-for-profit communi-
ty-based organizations pursuant to the
guidelines set forth and the awards made
pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of
(ii) $8,495,000 for grants awarded based on
responses to the 2013-20 NYS pathways in
technology early college high schools
request for proposals, pursuant to chapter
53 of the laws of 2013.
(iii) $3,545,000 for grants awarded based on
responses to the 2014-21 NYS pathways in
technology early college high schools
request for proposals, pursuant to chapter
53 of the laws of 2014.
(iv) $3,465,000 for grants awarded based on
responses to the 2015-2022 NYS pathways in
technology early college high schools
request for proposals, pursuant to chapter
53 of the laws of 2015.
(v) $3,300,000 for grants awarded based on
responses to the 2018-2024 NYS pathways in
technology early college high school
request for proposals, pursuant to chapter
53 of the laws of 2017.
(vi) $1,651,000 for grants awarded based on
responses to the 2019-2025 NYS pathways in
technology early college high school
request for proposals, pursuant to chapter
53 of the laws of 2018.
(vii) $4,058,000 for the continuation of
early college high school awards made
based on responses to the New York state
early college high school ECHS program
186 12553-07-1
request for proposals pursuant to chapter
53 of the laws of 2017.
(viii) $9,000,000 for early college high
school grants awarded based on responses
to a request for proposals, pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2019.
(ix) $1,364,000 for the continuation of
smart scholars early college high school
grants, provided that funds shall be used
pursuant to the guidelines set forth and
the awards made pursuant to chapter 53 of
the laws of 2013.
(x) $1,150,000 for the continuation of smart
scholars early college high school grants,
provided that funds shall be used pursuant
to the guidelines set forth and the awards
made pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of
(xi) $1,798,000 for the continuation of
smart transfer early college high school
program grants awarded based on responses
to the New York state smart transfer ECHS
program request for proposals pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2016.
(xii) $20,500,000 for the continuation of
the master teacher program, pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2013, chapter 53
of the laws of 2015, chapter 53 of the
laws of 2017, chapter 53 of the laws of
2018, and chapter 53 of the laws of 2019;
notwithstanding any provision of law to
the contrary, upon approval of the direc-
tor of the budget, the funds hereby made
available for master teacher program fund-
ing may be suballocated, interchanged,
transferred or otherwise made available to
the state university of New York for the
services and expenses of administering
such program.
(xiii) $5,000,000 for the continuation of
QUALITYstarsNY, pursuant to chapter 53 of
the laws of 2015 and chapter 53 of the
laws of 2016; notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, upon
approval of the director of the budget,
the funds hereby made available for QUALI-
TYstarsNY may be suballocated, inter-
changed, transferred or otherwise made
available to the office of children and
family services for the sole purpose of
administering such system.
187 12553-07-1
(xiv) $3,000,000 for the continuation of New
York state masters-in-education teacher
incentive scholarship program, pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2015; notwith-
standing any provision of law to the
contrary, upon approval of the director of
the budget, the funds hereby made avail-
able for the masters-in-education teacher
incentive scholarship program may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or
otherwise made available to the higher
education services corporation for the
sole purpose of administering such
(xv) $35,000,000 for the continuation of
awards made based on responses to the
empire state after-school program request
for proposals pursuant to chapter 53 of
the laws of 2017; notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, upon
approval of the director of the budget,
the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or
otherwise made available to the office of
children and family services for the sole
purpose of administering such grants.
(xvi) $10,000,000 for the continuation of
awards made based on responses to the
empire state after-school program request
for proposals pursuant to chapter 53 of
the laws of 2018; notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, upon
approval of the director of the budget,
the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or
otherwise made available to the office of
children and family services for the sole
purpose of administering such grants.
(xvii) $10,000,000 for the continuation of
awards made based on responses to the
empire state after-school program request
for proposals pursuant to chapter 53 of
the laws of 2019; notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, upon
approval of the director of the budget,
the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or
otherwise made available to the office of
children and family services for the sole
purpose of administering such grants.
(xviii) $5,800,000 for services and expenses
to subsidize the remaining cost of
188 12553-07-1
advanced placement and international
baccalaureate exam fees for low-income
students, as determined by free and
reduced price lunch eligibility, pursuant
to a plan developed by the commissioner of
education and approved by the director of
the budget.
(xix) $1,500,000 for grants for the advanced
courses access program pursuant to chapter
53 of the laws of 2018 and chapter 53 of
the laws of 2019, provided that such
grants shall be awarded to school
districts and/or boards of cooperative
educational services in order to increase
advanced course offerings for students,
particularly in districts with no or very
limited advanced course offerings.
(xx) $400,000 for empire state excellence in
teaching awards pursuant to chapter 53 of
the laws of 2017; notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, upon
approval of the director of the budget,
the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or
otherwise made available to the state
university of New York for the services
and expenses of administering such awards.
(xxi) $6,000,000 for grants for the smart
start computer science program pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2018.
(xxii) $5,000,000 for additional funds to
reimburse sponsors of school breakfast
programs pursuant to chapter 53 of the
laws of 2018.
(xxiii) $750,000 for additional services and
expenses of a program to develop farm to
school initiatives, pursuant to chapter 53
of the laws of 2018; notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, upon
approval of the director of the budget,
the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or
otherwise made available to the department
of agriculture and markets for the
services and expenses of administering
such awards.
(xxiv) $250,000 for grants to school
districts to allow community schools to
expand mental health services and capacity
of community school programs pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2018.
189 12553-07-1
(xxv) $1,500,000 for the continuation of the
refugee and immigrant student welcome
grants program, pursuant to chapter 53 of
the laws of 2019; notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, upon
approval of the director of the budget,
the funds hereby made available for the
refugee and immigrant student welcome
grants program may be suballocated, inter-
changed, transferred or otherwise made
available to the office of temporary and
disability assistance for the services and
expenses of administering such awards.
(xxvi) $3,000,000 for grants to school
districts to allow districts to increase
the use of alternative approaches to
student discipline, pursuant to chapter 53
of the laws of 2019.
(xxvii) $1,500,000 for services and expenses
of school mental health programs pursuant
to a plan developed by the commissioner of
education and approved by the director of
the budget, pursuant to chapter 53 of the
laws of 2019. Provided further, that of
the amount appropriated herein, up to
$500,000 may be used to support the School
Mental Health Resource and Training
(xxviii) $3,000,000 for the continuation of
the we teach NY grant program, pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2019; notwith-
standing any provision of law to the
contrary, upon approval of the director of
the budget, the funds hereby made avail-
able for the we teach NY grant may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or
otherwise made available to the state
university of New York for the services
and expenses of administering such awards.
(xxix) $1,500,000 for the continuation of
the expanded mathematics access program,
pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of
2019; notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, upon approval of the
director of the budget, the funds hereby
made available for the expanded mathemat-
ics access program may be suballocated,
interchanged, transferred or otherwise
made available to the state university of
New York for the services and expenses of
administering such awards.
190 12553-07-1
(xxx) $200,000 for the continuation of the
New York state youth council, pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2019; notwith-
standing any provision of law to the
contrary, upon approval of the director of
the budget, the funds hereby made avail-
able for the New York state youth council
may be suballocated, interchanged, trans-
ferred or otherwise made available to the
office of children and family services for
the services and expenses of administering
such council.
(xxxi) $10,000,000 for student mental health
support grants to school districts, pursu-
ant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2020;
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, upon approval of the director of
the budget, the funds hereby made avail-
able may be suballocated, interchanged,
transferred or otherwise made available to
the office of mental health for the sole
purpose of administering such grants
(23306) .................................... 230,113,000
For additional funds for a $75,000,000
universal prekindergarten expansion pursu-
ant to subdivision 18 of section 3602-ee
of the education law ........................ 52,500,000
$10,000,000 for student mental health
support grants to school districts. A
portion of this appropriation may be
transferred to any other account within
the state education department, as needed
to accomplish the intent of this appropri-
ation, provided further that up to five
percent of the funds appropriated herein
may be transferred to the credit of the
state purposes account of the state educa-
tion department to carry out the purposes
of this appropriation ....................... 10,000,000
For support to homeless students including
support for trauma informed practices
pursuant to a plan developed by the State
Education Department ........................ 10,000,000
For reimbursement to the East Ramapo central
school district to support students
attending public schools in such district,
provided that the district is in compli-
ance with the requirements set forth in
chapter 89 of the laws of 2016 ............... 1,000,000
For services and expenses of the Hempstead
Union Free School District ...................... 87,500
191 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of the Wyandanch
Union Free School District ...................... 87,500
For services and expenses of the Rochester
City School District ........................... 175,000
For services and expenses of community
school regional technical assistance
centers for the 2021-22 school year. Funds
appropriated herein shall be used to oper-
ate three regional centers that shall
provide technical assistance to school
districts establishing or operating commu-
nity school programs, pursuant to a plan
developed by the commissioner of education
and approved by the director of the budg-
et. Provided, further, that such plan
shall establish a process for selection of
nonprofit entities with expertise in
community school programs and technical
assistance to operate such centers (55962) ... 1,200,000
For services and expenses of the my broth-
er's keeper initiative. A portion of this
appropriation may be transferred to any
other program or fund within the state
education department for these purposes
(55928) ..................................... 18,000,000
For services and expenses of remaining obli-
gations for the 2020-21 school year for
support for the operation of targeted
pre-kindergarten for those providers not
eligible to receive funding pursuant to
section 3602-e of the education law and
for support for providers continuing to
operate such programs in the 2021-22
school year. Such funds shall be expended
pursuant to a plan developed by the
commissioner of education and approved by
the director of the budget (21763) ........... 1,303,000
For services and expenses of remaining obli-
gations of a $14,260,000 teacher resources
and computer training centers program for
the 2020-21 school year (55985) .............. 4,278,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for services and expenses of a $14,260,000
teacher resources and computer training
center program for the 2021-22 school year
.............................................. 9,982,000
For education of children of migrant workers
for the 2021-22 school year (21764) ............. 89,000
For the school lunch and breakfast program.
Funds for the school lunch and breakfast
program shall be expended subject to the
limitation of funds available and may be
192 12553-07-1
used to reimburse sponsors of non-profit
school lunch, breakfast, or other school
child feeding programs based upon the
number of federally reimbursable break-
fasts and lunches served to students under
such program agreements entered into by
the state education department and such
sponsors, in accordance with an act of
Congress entitled the "National School
Lunch Act," P.L. 79-396, as amended, or
the provisions of the "Child Nutrition Act
of 1966," P.L. 89-642, as amended, in the
case of school breakfast programs to reim-
burse sponsors in excess of the federal
rates of reimbursement. Notwithstanding
any provision of law to the contrary, the
moneys hereby appropriated, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, are to be
available for the purposes herein speci-
fied for obligations heretofore accrued or
hereafter to accrue for the school years
beginning July 1, 2019, July 1, 2020 and
July 1, 2021.
Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation
to the contrary, the amount appropriated
herein represents the maximum amount paya-
ble during the 2021-22 state fiscal year
for state reimbursement for school lunch
and breakfast programs (21702) .............. 34,400,000
For additional funds to reimburse sponsors
of school lunch programs that have
purchased at least 30 percent of their
total food products for its school lunch
service program from New York State farm-
ers, growers, producers, or processors,
based upon the number of federally reim-
bursable lunches served to students under
such program agreements entered into by
the state education department and such
sponsors, in accordance with the
provisions of the "National School Lunch
Act," P.L. 79-396, as amended, to reim-
burse sponsors in excess of the federal
and State rates of reimbursement,
provided, that the total State subsidy
shall not exceed twenty-five cents per
school lunch meal, which shall include any
annual state subsidy received by such
sponsor under any other provision of State
law, provided further that funds appropri-
ated herein shall be made available on or
after April 1, 2022 (55986) ................. 10,000,000
193 12553-07-1
For additional services of the school lunch
and breakfast program to pay the student
cost of reduced price meals effective July
1, 2021 (23316) .............................. 2,300,000
For nonpublic school aid payable in the
2021-22 school year to reimburse 2020-21
school year expenses. Provided that
nonpublic schools shall continue to
receive aid based on either a 5.0/5.5 hour
standard instructional day, or another
work day as certified by the nonpublic
school officials, in accordance with the
methodology for computing salary and bene-
fits applied by the department in paying
aid for the 2012-13 and prior school
years. Notwithstanding any provision of
law, rule or regulation to the contrary,
each nonpublic school which seeks aid
payable in the 2021-22 school year shall
submit a claim for such aid to the state
education department no later than April
1, 2022. Provided further that such
claims shall be paid by the Department no
later than May 31, 2022. Provided further
that funds appropriated herein shall be
made available on or after April 1, 2022
(21769) .................................... 113,339,000
For aid payable in the 2021-22 school year
for additional nonpublic school aid to
reimburse 2020-21 school year expenses.
Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule
or regulation to the contrary, each
nonpublic school which seeks aid payable
in the 2021-22 school year shall submit a
claim for such aid to the state education
department no later than April 1, 2022.
Provided further that funds appropriated
herein shall be made available on or after
April 1, 2022 (21770) ....................... 75,926,000
For additional nonpublic school aid ............ 9,863,000
For academic intervention for nonpublic
schools based on a plan to be developed by
the commissioner of education and approved
by the director of the budget (21771) .......... 904,000
For additional academic intervention for
nonpublic schools ............................... 18,000
For services and expenses related to nonpub-
lic school STEM programs (55964) ............ 29,400,000
For additional services and expenses related
to nonpublic school STEM programs ............ 5,600,000
For costs associated with schools for the
blind and deaf and other students with
194 12553-07-1
disabilities subject to article 85 of the
education law, including state aid for
blind and deaf pupils in certain insti-
tutions to be paid for the purposes
provided under section 4204-a of the
education law for the education of deaf
children under 3 years of age, including
transfers to the miscellaneous special
revenue fund Rome school for the deaf
account pursuant to a plan to be developed
by the commissioner and approved by the
director of the budget.
Of the amounts appropriated herein, up to
$84,700,000 shall be available for
reimbursement to school districts for the
tuition costs of students attending
schools for the blind and deaf during the
2020-21 school year pursuant to subdivi-
sion 2 of section 4204 of the education
law and subdivision 2 of section 4207 of
the education law, and up to $9,000,000
shall be available for remaining allowable
Provided further that, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, upon
disbursement of funds appropriated for
allowances to schools for the blind and
deaf in the individuals with disabilities
program special revenue funds-federal/aid
to localities for purposes of this appro-
priation, funds appropriated herein shall
be reduced in an amount equivalent to such
disbursement and the portion of this
appropriation so affected shall have no
further force or effect.
Notwithstanding any provision of the law to
the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue and, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, such funds shall
be available to the department net of
disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and
credits (21705) ............................. 93,700,000
For costs associated with schools for the
blind and deaf and other students with
disabilities subject to article 85 of the
education law for the 2021-22 school year.
Funds appropriated herein shall be
distributed directly to the schools for
the blind and deaf and other students with
disabilities subject to article 85 of the
195 12553-07-1
education law based on a three year aver-
age of the schools' FTE enrollment (55909) .. 10,200,000
For additional costs associated with schools
for the blind and deaf and other students
with disabilities subject to article 85 of
the education law, provided that funds
appropriated herein shall support an
increase for the 2021-22 school year ......... 3,000,000
For services and expenses of the New York
School for the Deaf for the 2021-22 school
year ........................................... 903,000
For services and expenses of the Henry
Viscardi School for the 2021-22 school
year ........................................... 903,000
For services and expenses of the Cleary
School for the Deaf for the 2021-22 school
year ........................................... 500,000
For July and August programs for school-aged
children with handicapping conditions
pursuant to section 4408 of the education
law. Moneys appropriated herein shall be
used as follows: (i) for remaining base
year and prior school years obligations,
(ii) for the purposes of subdivision 4 of
section 3602 of the education law for
schools operated under articles 87 and 88
of the education law, and (iii) notwith-
standing any inconsistent provision of
law, for payments made pursuant to this
appropriation for current school year
obligations, provided, however, that such
payments shall not exceed 70 percent of
the state aid due for the sum of the
approved tuition and maintenance rates and
transportation expense provided for here-
in; provided, however, that eligible
claims shall be payable in the order that
such claims have been approved for payment
by the commissioner of education, but in
no case shall a single payee draw down
more than 45 percent of this appropri-
ation, and provided further that no claim
shall be set aside for insufficiency of
funds to make a complete payment, but
shall be eligible for a partial payment in
one year and shall retain its priority
date status for subsequent appropriations
designated for such purposes. Notwith-
standing any inconsistent provision of
law, funds appropriated herein shall only
be available for liabilities incurred
prior to July 1, 2022, shall be used to
196 12553-07-1
pay 2020-21 school year claims in the
first instance, and represent the maximum
amount payable during the 2021-22 state
fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, funds appropriated herein shall
be available for payment of liabilities
heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue
and, subject to the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget, such funds shall be
available to the department net of disal-
lowances, refunds, reimbursements and
credits (21707) ............................ 364,500,000
For the state's share of the costs of the
education of preschool children with disa-
bilities pursuant to section 4410 of the
education law. Notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law to the contrary,
the amount appropriated herein shall
support a state share of preschool hand-
icapped education costs for the 2020-21
school year limited to 59.5 percent of
such total approved expenditures, and
furthermore, notwithstanding any other
provision of law, local claims for
reimbursement of costs incurred prior to
the 2019-20 school year and during the
2019-20 school year that have been
approved for payment by the education
department as of March 31, 2021 shall be
the first claims paid from this appropri-
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, funds appropriated herein shall
be available for payment of liabilities
heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue
and, subject to the approval of the direc-
tor of the budget, such funds shall be
available to the department net of disal-
lowances, refunds, reimbursements and
credits (21706) .......................... 1,035,000,000
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, funding made available by this
appropriation shall support direct salary
costs and related fringe benefits associ-
ated with any minimum wage increase that
takes effect on or after December 31,
2016, pursuant to section 652 of the labor
law. Organizations eligible for funding
made available by this appropriation shall
be limited to special act school districts
and those that are required to file a
197 12553-07-1
consolidated fiscal report with the state
education department and provide preschool
and school-age special education services
under articles 81, 85 and 89 of the educa-
tion law. Each eligible organization in
receipt of funding made available by this
appropriation shall submit written certif-
ication, in such form and at such time as
the commissioner shall prescribe, attest-
ing to how such funding will be or was
used for purposes eligible under this
appropriation. Notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, and subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et, the amounts appropriated herein may be
increased or decreased by interchange or
transfer to any local assistance appropri-
ation of the state education department
(55938) ..................................... 17,180,000
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the funds appropriated herein,
subject to an allocation plan developed by
the commissioner of education and approved
by the director of the budget, shall be
available for the payment of prior year
claims and/or fiscal stabilization grants
for remaining payments for the 2020-21
school year and for payments prior to
March 31, 2021 for the 2021-22 school
year, provided, however, notwithstanding
any provisions of law to the contrary, the
New York city school district shall be
eligible for a fiscal stabilization grant
in the amount of $26,404,000 (21773) ........ 45,068,000
For services and expenses of the New York
state center for school safety for the
2021-22 school year. Funds appropriated
herein shall be used to operate a state-
wide center and shall be subject to an
expenditure plan approved by the director
of the budget (21774) .......................... 466,000
For services and expenses of the health
education program for the 2021-22 school
year. Funds appropriated herein shall be
available for health-related programs
including, but not limited to, those
providing instruction and supportive
services in comprehensive health education
and/or acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS) education. Of the amounts appropri-
ated herein, $86,000 shall be available
for the program previously operated as the
198 12553-07-1
school health demonstration program.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, funds appropriated herein
may be suballocated, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, to
any state agency or department to accom-
plish the purpose of this appropriation
(21775) ........................................ 691,000
For competitive grants for the 2021-22
school year for extended day programs and
school violence prevention programs pursu-
ant to section 2814 of the education law
provided, however, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provisions of law, eligible
entities receiving funds for extended day
programs may include not-for-profit organ-
izations working in collaboration with a
public school or school district (21776) .... 24,344,000
For aid payable for the 2021-22 school year
for support of county vocational education
and extension boards pursuant to section
1104 of the education law, provided,
however, that notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, rule, or regu-
lation, any apportionment of aid shall be
based on a quota amounting to one-half of
the salary paid each teacher, director,
assistant, and supervisor, where such
salary is attributable to a course of
study first submitted to the commissioner
for approval pursuant to section 1103 of
the education law on or before July 1,
2010, but not to exceed the amount
computed by the commissioner based upon an
assumed annualized salary equal to ten
thousand five hundred dollars per school
year on account of the employment of such
teacher, director, assistant or supervisor
and provided further that payment from
this appropriation shall first be made for
approved claims for salary expenses for
the 2021-22 school year, and any amount
remaining after payment of such claims
shall be available for payment of unpaid
claims for prior school years (21781) .......... 932,000
For services and expenses of the primary
mental health project at the children's
institute for the 2021-22 school year
(21778) ........................................ 894,000
For services and expenses associated with
the math and science high schools for the
2021-22 school year in the amount of
199 12553-07-1
$1,382,000, provided that such funds shall
be allocated equally among those entities
that received program funding for the
2007-08 school year (21779) .................. 1,382,000
For additional services and expenses associ-
ated with the Bard High School Early
College Queens for the 2021-22 school year ..... 461,000
Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for educational services and expenses of
the Syracuse city school district for the
say yes to education program (21800) ........... 350,000
For services and expenses of the center for
autism and related disabilities at the
state university of New York at Albany
(21782) ........................................ 740,000
For postsecondary aid to Native Americans to
fund awards to eligible students.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, the amount herein made
available shall constitute the state's
entire obligation for all costs incurred
under section 4118 of the education law in
state fiscal year 2021-22 (21833) .............. 800,000
For services and expenses of the summer food
program for the 2021-22 school year
(21784) ...................................... 3,049,000
Work Force Education. For partial reimburse-
ment of services and expenses per contract
hour of work force education conducted by
the consortium for worker education (CWE),
a private not-for-profit corporation
program approved by the commissioner of
education that enable adults who are 21
years of age or older to obtain or retain
employment or improve their work skills
capacity to enhance their opportunities
for increased earnings and advancement
(21801) ..................................... 11,500,000
For additional workforce education for the
consortium for worker education .............. 1,500,000
For services and expenses of the Executive
Leadership Institute ........................... 475,000
For services and expenses related to the
development, implementation and operation
of charter schools for the 2021-22 school
year including an amount sufficient to
support administrative/technical support
services provided by the charter school
institute of the state university of New
York, pursuant to a plan submitted by the
charter school institute and approved by
the board of trustees of the state univer-
200 12553-07-1
sity of New York. This appropriation shall
only be available for expenditure upon the
approval of an expenditure plan by the
director of the budget and funds appropri-
ated herein shall be transferred to the
miscellaneous special revenue fund - char-
ter schools stimulus account (21803) ......... 4,837,000
For the early college high schools program
for the 2021-22 school year, provided,
however, that expenditure of funds appro-
priated herein shall support the continua-
tion and expansion of the early college
high schools program pursuant to a plan
developed by the commissioner of education
and approved by the director of the budget
provided, further, that a portion of the
payment to the early college high schools
program awarded from this appropriation
shall be available on a sliding scale
based upon the number of college credits
earned annually by participating students
consistent with guidelines established by
the commissioner. Provided further that,
notwithstanding any provision of law to
the contrary, higher education partners
participating in an early college high
schools program, or the entity/entities
responsible for setting tuition at the
institution, shall be authorized to set a
reduced rate of tuition and/or fees, or to
waive tuition and/or fees entirely, for
students enrolled in such early college
high schools program with no reduction in
other state, local or other support for
such students earning college credit that
such higher education partner would other-
wise be eligible to receive (56139) .......... 1,465,000
For services and expense of the clinically
rich intensive teacher institute bilingual
extension and English to speakers of other
languages program .............................. 385,000
For services and expense of a teacher diver-
sity pipeline pilot operated by the State
University College at Buffalo for the
Buffalo City School District to assist
teacher aides and teaching assistants in
attaining the necessary educational and
professional credentials to obtain teacher
certification .................................. 500,000
For services and expenses of a $490,000
2021-22 school year program for mentoring
and tutoring operated by the Hillside
201 12553-07-1
Work-Scholarship Connection program, which
is based on model programs proven to be
effective in producing outcomes that
include, but are not limited to, improved
graduation rates, provided that such
services shall be provided to students in
one or more city school districts located
in a city having a population in excess of
125,000 and less than 1,000,000 inhabit-
ants (21804) ................................... 490,000
For payment of small government assistance
to school districts pursuant to subdivi-
sion 7 of section 3641 of the education
law on or before March 31, 2022 upon audit
and warrant of the comptroller in the
amount that small government assistance
was paid to school districts in state
fiscal year 2010-11 (23449) .................. 1,868,000
For purposes of the Just for Kids program at
the State University of New York at Albany
(56005) ........................................ 235,000
For educational services and expenses for
DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals) eligible out of school youth and
young adults (56045) ......................... 1,000,000
For services and expenses of the Long Island
Pre-K Initiative operated by Nassau BOCES ...... 500,000
For services and expenses of dyslexia
screening ...................................... 500,000
Less expenditure savings due to the with-
holding of a portion of employment prepa-
ration education aid due to the city of
New York equal to the reimbursement costs
of the work force education program from
aid payable to such city school district
payable on or after April 1, 2021; such
moneys shall be credited to the office of
pre-kindergarten through grade twelve
education general fund-local assistance
account and which shall not exceed the
amount appropriated herein (21701) ........ (13,000,000)
Program account subtotal .............. 27,282,711,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Education Stabilization Fund
For support of elementary and secondary
education from the elementary and second-
ary emergency relief fund and the gover-
202 12553-07-1
nor's emergency relief fund, as funded by
the Coronavirus Response and Relief
Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L.
116-260) providing support for elementary
and/or secondary education in response to
the COVID-19 public health emergency.
Provided that each school district eligi-
ble for an apportionment pursuant to
subdivision 4 of section 3602 of education
law shall be eligible to receive an allo-
cation equal to the amount set forth for
such school district as "COVID-19 SUPPL.
STIMULUS" in the school aid computer list-
ing produced by the commissioner in
support of the executive budget request
for the 2021-22 school year entitled
"BT212-2". Provided further that these
funds shall remain available to school
districts over multiple school years
pursuant to federal law. Funds appropri-
ated herein shall be subject to all appli-
cable reporting and accountability
requirements contained in such act ....... 4,069,958,000
For services and assistance to nonpublic
schools through the emergency assistance
to nonpublic schools program, funded
through the coronavirus response and
relief supplemental appropriations act,
2021, P.L. 116-260 ("CRRSA act").
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, funds appropriated herein shall be
available subject to a plan developed by
the commissioner of education and approved
by the director of the budget. Provided
that such plan shall comport with any
minimum federal requirements for the
expenditure of such funds and shall
include at a minimum (1) an allocation
methodology which shall consider total
student enrollment, low-income student
enrollment, and the degree to which each
school seeking services and assistance
through this program has been impacted by
the COVID-19 pandemic, and (2) application
materials to be completed by schools seek-
ing services and assistance through this
Provided that prior to development of such
plan, the state education department shall
require nonpublic schools to submit a
notice of intent to seek services and
assistance through this program, based on
203 12553-07-1
a form developed by the commissioner of
education and approved by the director of
the budget. Initial allocations shall be
determined based on notices of intent
submitted by nonpublic schools, and only
those schools that submit such notice
shall be eligible for an allocation. In
the event that not all schools that
submitted a notice of intent submit an
application by the deadline established in
such plan, allocations may be revised
based on the approved allocation methodol-
ogy after all applications are received.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, rule, or regulation, the state
education department shall be authorized
to reimburse each participating eligible
nonpublic school for approved expenses of
any eligible services or assistance
requested by the school, and to provide
eligible services or assistance to a
nonpublic school either directly or
through one or more non-competitive agree-
ments, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, provided that any
services and assistance purchased by the
state education department on behalf of a
nonpublic school through this program
shall be exempt from the requirements of
sections 112 and 163 of the state finance
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, rule or regulation, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, a
portion of this appropriation may be
interchanged with any other appropriation
within the education stabilization fund to
accomplish the intent of the CRRSA act, or
to any other program or fund within the
state education department for purposes of
administration of this program, provided
that within amounts transferred for
program administration, a portion may be
used to enter into sole-source contracts
with one or more boards of cooperative
educational services to assist the state
education department in administering this
program .................................... 250,114,000
Program account subtotal ............... 4,320,072,000
204 12553-07-1
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Federal Department of Education Account - 25210
For grants to schools for specific programs
including, but not limited to, grants for
purposes under title I of the elementary
and secondary education act. Provided
further that, notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the commissioner
of education shall provide to the director
of the budget, the chairperson of the
senate finance committee and the chair-
person of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal
government with respect to the use of any
funds appropriated by the federal govern-
ment including state grants administered
by the department. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, a portion
of this appropriation may be suballocated
to other state departments and agencies,
subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation (21740) ..... 1,771,819,000
For grants to schools and other eligible
entities for specific programs including,
but not limited to, state grants for
supporting effective instruction pursuant
to title II of the elementary and second-
ary education act. Provided further that,
notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the commissioner of education
shall provide to the director of the budg-
et, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the
assembly ways and means committee copies
of any spending plans and/or budgets
submitted to the federal government with
respect to the use of any funds appropri-
ated by the federal government including
state grants administered by the Depart-
ment. Notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, a portion of this appro-
priation may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies, subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et, as needed to accomplish the intent of
this appropriation (23418) ................. 256,841,000
For grants to schools and other eligible
entities for specific programs including,
205 12553-07-1
but not limited to, the English language
acquisition program pursuant to title III
of the elementary and secondary education
act. Provided further that, notwithstand-
ing any inconsistent provision of law, the
commissioner of education shall provide to
the director of the budget, the chair-
person of the senate finance committee and
the chairperson of the assembly ways and
means committee copies of any spending
plans and/or budgets submitted to the
federal government with respect to the use
of any funds appropriated by the federal
government including state grants adminis-
tered by the department. Notwithstanding
any inconsistent provision of law, a
portion of this appropriation may be
suballocated to other state departments
and agencies, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, as needed to
accomplish the intent of this appropri-
ation (23417) ............................... 65,331,000
For grants to schools and other eligible
entities for specific programs including,
but not limited to, the 21st century
community learning centers, and student
support and academic enrichment pursuant
to title IV of the elementary and second-
ary education act. Provided further that,
notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, the commissioner of education
shall provide to the director of the budg-
et, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the
assembly ways and means committee copies
of any spending plans and/or budgets
submitted to the federal government with
respect to the use of any funds appropri-
ated by the federal government including
state grants administered by the Depart-
ment. Notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, a portion of this appro-
priation may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies, subject to
the approval of the director of the budg-
et, as needed to accomplish the intent of
this appropriation (23416) ................. 178,326,000
For grants to schools and other eligible
entities for specific programs including,
but not limited to, the charter schools
program pursuant to title IV of the
elementary and secondary education act.
206 12553-07-1
Provided further that, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, the commis-
sioner of education shall provide to the
director of the budget, the chairperson of
the senate finance committee and the
chairperson of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal
government with respect to the use of any
funds appropriated by the federal govern-
ment including state grants administered
by the department. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, a portion
of this appropriation may be suballocated
to other state departments and agencies,
subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation (23415) ........ 28,000,000
For grants to schools and other eligible
entities for specific programs including,
but not limited to, the rural education
initiative pursuant to title V of the
elementary and secondary education act.
Provided further that, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, the commis-
sioner of education shall provide to the
director of the budget, the chairperson of
the senate finance committee and the
chairperson of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans
and/or budgets submitted to the federal
government with respect to the use of any
funds appropriated by the federal govern-
ment including state grants administered
by the department. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, a portion
of this appropriation may be suballocated
to other state departments and agencies,
subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation (23414) ......... 5,000,000
For grants to schools and other eligible
entities for specific programs including,
but not limited to, the homeless education
program pursuant to title VII of the
McKinney Vento homeless assistance act.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
207 12553-07-1
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23413) ........................ 8,000,000
For grants to schools and other eligible
entities for specific programs including,
but not limited to, the Carl D. Perkins
vocational and applied technology educa-
tion act (VTEA).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation
may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments and agencies, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23477) ....................... 68,578,000
For various grants to schools and other
eligible entities. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, a portion
of this appropriation may be suballocated
to other state departments and agencies,
subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the
intent of this appropriation (23407) ........ 34,425,000
For the education of individuals with disa-
bilities including up to $3,000,000 for
services and expenses of early childhood
family and community engagement centers
and $500,000 for services and expenses of
the center for autism and related disabil-
ities at the state university of New York
at Albany. Notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, a portion of the
funds appropriated herein shall be avail-
able, subject to a plan developed by the
commissioner of education and approved by
the director of the budget, for grants to
ensure appropriately certified teachers in
schools providing special services or
programs as defined in paragraphs e, g, i
and l of subdivision 2 of section 4401 of
the education law to children placed by
school districts and in approved preschool
programs that provide full and half-day
educational programs in accordance with
section 4410 of the education law for
children placed by school district.
Provided further that, in the allocation
of funds, priority shall be given to those
programs with a demonstrated need to
increase the number of certified teachers
to comply with state and federal require-
ments. Such funds shall be made available
for such activities as certification prep-
208 12553-07-1
aration, training, assisting schools with
personnel shortages and supporting activ-
ities that improve the delivery of
services to improve results for children
with disabilities. Provided further that
notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, of the funds appropriated herein:
up to $10,000,000 shall be available for
costs associated with schools operated
under article 85 of the education law
which otherwise would be payable through
the department's general fund aid to
localities appropriation, provided further
that notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, any disbursements
against this $10,000,000 shall immediately
reduce the amounts appropriated in the
education department's general fund aid to
localities for costs associated with
schools operated under article 85 of the
education law by an equivalent amount, and
the portion of such general fund appropri-
ation so affected shall have no further
force or effect.
Notwithstanding any provision of the law to
the contrary, funds appropriated herein
shall be available for payment of liabil-
ities heretofore accrued or hereafter to
accrue and subject to the approval of the
director of budget, such funds shall be
available to the department net of disal-
lowances, refunds, reimbursements and
credits. Notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, a portion of this appro-
priation may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies, as needed,
to accomplish the intent of this appropri-
ation (21737) .............................. 815,347,000
Program account subtotal ............... 3,231,667,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25122
For grants to schools for specific programs
(21742) ...................................... 5,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000
209 12553-07-1
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Operating Grants Account - 25456
For grants to schools for specific programs
(21826) ...................................... 5,000,000
Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25026
For grants to schools and other eligible
entities for programs funded through the
national school lunch act (21703) ........ 1,419,690,000
Program account subtotal ............... 1,419,690,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Charter School Stimulus Fund
Charter School Stimulus Account - 20601
For services and expenses related to devel-
opment, implementation and operation of
charter schools, including facility costs
and loans to authorized schools, and
including funds available for transfer for
the administrative/technical support
services provided by the charter school
institute of the state university of New
York. This appropriation shall only be
available for expenditure upon the
approval of an expenditure plan by the
director of the budget (21700) .............. 20,000,000
Program account subtotal .................. 20,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Combined Expendable Trust Fund
New York State Teen Health Education Account - 20200
For teen health education, pursuant to
section 99-u of the state finance law
(55926) ........................................ 120,000
Program account subtotal ..................... 120,000
210 12553-07-1
Special Revenue Funds - Other
State Lottery Fund
State Lottery Account - 20901
For general support for public schools for
the 2021-22 school year, provided that,
notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, in computing the addi-
tional lottery grant pursuant to subpara-
graph (4) of paragraph b of subdivision 4
of section 92-c of the state finance law
for the 2021-22 school year, the base
grant shall not exceed $2,279,980,000
(21735) .................................. 2,264,980,000
For allowances to private schools for the
blind and deaf for the 2021-22 school year
(23460) ......................................... 20,000
For general support for public schools, for
the June 2020-21 school year payment
(23495) .................................... 240,000,000
Program account subtotal ............... 2,505,000,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
State Lottery Fund
VLT Education Account - 20904
For general support for public schools for
the 2021-22 school year, for grants
awarded pursuant to subparagraph (2-a) of
paragraph b of subdivision 4 of section
92-c of the state finance law (23494) ...... 746,000,000
Program account subtotal ................. 746,000,000
SCHOOL TAX RELIEF PROGRAM ................................ 1,938,865,000
Special Revenue Funds - Other
School Tax Relief Fund
School Tax Relief Account - 20551
For payments to local governments relating
to the school tax relief (STAR) program
including state aid pursuant to section
1306-a of the real property tax law,
provided however, notwithstanding any
other law to the contrary, the monies
hereby appropriated shall not be disbursed
until such time a law or laws are enacted
211 12553-07-1
providing that 1) the enhanced STAR
exemption authorized by subdivision 4 of
section 425 of the real property tax law
is closed to new applicants, who may
receive in its place the enhanced STAR
credit authorized by paragraph (4) of
subsection (eee) of section 606 of the tax
law if eligible, and 2) owners of certain
mobile homes shall be transitioned from
the STAR exemption to the STAR credit
effective with assessment rolls used to
levy school district taxes for the
2022-2023 school year.
Up to $5,000,000 of the funds appropriated
hereby may be suballocated or transferred
to the department of taxation and finance
for the purpose of making direct payments
to certain property owners from the
account established pursuant to subpara-
graph (iii) of paragraph (a) of subdivi-
sion 14 of section 425 of the real proper-
ty tax law (21709) ....................... 1,938,865,000
212 12553-07-1
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For case services provided on or after October 1, 2018 to disabled
individuals in accordance with economic eligibility criteria devel-
oped by the department (21713) .....................................
54,000,000 ....................................... (re. $27,362,000)
For services and expenses of independent living centers (21856) ......
13,361,000 ....................................... (re. $12,408,000)
For additional services and expenses of existing independent living
centers ... 500,000 ................................. (re. $500,000)
For college readers aid payments (21854) .............................
294,000 ............................................. (re. $294,000)
For services and expenses of supported employment and integrated
employment opportunities provided on or after October 1, 2018:
For services and expenses of programs providing or leading to the
provision of time-limited services or long-term support services
(21741) ... 15,160,000 ........................... (re. $15,087,000)
For grants to schools for programs involving literacy and basic educa-
tion for public assistance recipients for the 2020-21 school year
for those programs administered by the state education department
(23411) ... 1,843,000 ............................. (re. $1,843,000)
For competitive grants for adult literacy/education aid to public and
private not-for-profit agencies, including but not limited to, 2 and
4 year colleges, community based organizations, libraries, and
volunteer literacy organizations and institutions which meet quality
standards promulgated by the commissioner of education to provide
programs of basic literacy, high school equivalency, and English as
a second language to persons 16 years of age or older for the
remaining payments of the 2019-20 school year and for the 2020-21
school year, provided further that no more than $300,000 shall be
available for remaining payments for the 2019-20 school year (23410)
... 6,293,000 ..................................... (re. $6,293,000)
For additional competitive grants for adult literacy/education aid to
public and private not-for-profit agencies, including but not limit-
ed to, 2 and 4 year colleges, community based organizations,
libraries, and volunteer literacy organizations and institutions
which meet quality standards promulgated by the commissioner of
education to provide programs of basic literacy, high school equiv-
alency, and English as a second language to persons 16 years of age
or older for the remaining payments of the 2019-20 school year and
for the 2020-21 school year, provided further that no more than
$300,000 shall be available for remaining payments for the 2019-20
school year ... 1,500,000 ......................... (re. $1,500,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For case services provided on or after October 1, 2017 to disabled
individuals in accordance with economic eligibility criteria devel-
213 12553-07-1
oped by the department (21713) .....................................
54,000,000 .......................................... (re. $144,000)
For services and expenses of independent living centers (21856) ......
13,361,000 ........................................... (re. $41,000)
For college readers aid payments (21854) ... 294,000 ... (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of supported employment and integrated
employment opportunities provided on or after October 1, 2017:
For services and expenses of programs providing or leading to the
provision of time-limited services or long-term support services
(21741) ... 15,160,000 ............................ (re. $8,012,000)
For grants to schools for programs involving literacy and basic educa-
tion for public assistance recipients for the 2019-20 school year
for those programs administered by the state education department
(23411) ... 1,843,000 ............................. (re. $1,227,000)
For competitive grants for adult literacy/education aid to public and
private not-for-profit agencies, including but not limited to, 2 and
4 year colleges, community based organizations, libraries, and
volunteer literacy organizations and institutions which meet quality
standards promulgated by the commissioner of education to provide
programs of basic literacy, high school equivalency, and English as
a second language to persons 16 years of age or older for the
remaining payments of the 2018-19 school year and for the 2019-20
school year, provided further that no more than $300,000 shall be
available for remaining payments for the 2018-19 school year (23410)
... 6,293,000 ..................................... (re. $2,974,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as added by chapter 54,
section 2, of the laws of 2018:
For case services provided on or after October 1, 2016 to disabled
individuals in accordance with economic eligibility criteria devel-
oped by the department (21713) ... 54,000,000 ........ (re. $67,000)
For college readers aid payments (21854) ... 294,000 ... (re. $12,000)
For services and expenses of supported employment and integrated
employment opportunities provided on or after October 1, 2016:
For services and expenses of programs providing or leading to the
provision of time-limited services or long-term support services
(21741) ... 15,160,000 .............................. (re. $534,000)
For grants to schools for programs involving literacy and basic educa-
tion for public assistance recipients for the 2018-19 school year
for those programs administered by the state education department
(23411) ... 1,843,000 ................................ (re. $24,000)
For competitive grants for adult literacy/education aid to public and
private not-for-profit agencies, including but not limited to, 2 and
4 year colleges, community based organizations, libraries, and
volunteer literacy organizations and institutions which meet quality
standards promulgated by the commissioner of education to provide
programs of basic literacy, high school equivalency, and English as
a second language to persons 16 years of age or older for the
remaining payments of the 2017-18 school year and for the 2018-19
school year, provided further that no more than $300,000 shall be
available for remaining payments for the 2017-18 school year (23410)
... 6,293,000 ....................................... (re. $155,000)
214 12553-07-1
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as added by chapter 50,
section 2, of the laws of 2017:
For competitive grants for adult literacy/ education aid to public and
private not-for-profit agencies, including but not limited to, 2 and
4 year colleges, community based organizations, libraries, and
volunteer literacy organizations and institutions which meet quality
standards promulgated by the commissioner of education to provide
programs of basic literacy, high school equivalency, and English as
a second language to persons 16 years of age or older for the
remaining payments of the 2016-17 school year and for the 2017-18
school year, provided further that no more than $300,000 shall be
available for remaining payments for the 2016-17 school year (23410)
... 6,293,000 ....................................... (re. $207,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For grants to schools for programs involving literacy and basic educa-
tion for public assistance recipients for the 2016-17 school year
for those programs administered by the state education department
(23411) ... 1,843,000 ............................... (re. $322,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Federal Department of Education Account - 25210
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For case services provided to individuals with disabilities (21713)
... 70,000,000 ................................... (re. $70,000,000)
For the independent living program (21856) ...........................
2,572,000 ......................................... (re. $2,572,000)
For the supported employment program (21741) .........................
2,500,000 ......................................... (re. $2,500,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for adult basic
education, literacy, and civics education pursuant to the workforce
investment act (21734) ... 48,704,000 ............ (re. $48,704,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For case services provided to individuals with disabilities (21713)
... 70,000,000 ................................... (re. $50,896,000)
For the independent living program (21856) ...........................
2,572,000 ......................................... (re. $2,381,000)
For the supported employment program (21741) .........................
2,500,000 ......................................... (re. $2,317,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for adult basic
education, literacy, and civics education pursuant to the workforce
investment act (21734) ... 48,704,000 ............ (re. $37,667,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as added by chapter 54,
section 2, of the laws of 2018:
For case services provided to individuals with disabilities (21713)
... 70,000,000 ................................... (re. $37,861,000)
For the independent living program (21856) ...........................
2,572,000 ......................................... (re. $2,079,000)
215 12553-07-1
For the supported employment program (21741) .........................
2,500,000 ......................................... (re. $1,486,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for adult basic
education, literacy, and civics education pursuant to the workforce
investment act (21734) ... 48,704,000 ............ (re. $13,996,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
VESID Social Security Account - 22001
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For the rehabilitation of social security disability beneficiaries
(21852) ... 11,760,000 ............................ (re. $9,860,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For the rehabilitation of social security disability beneficiaries
(21852) ... 11,760,000 ........................... (re. $11,760,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as added by chapter 54,
section 2, of the laws of 2018:
For the rehabilitation of social security disability beneficiaries
(21852) ... 11,760,000 ............................ (re. $7,881,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as added by chapter 50,
section 2, of the laws of 2017:
For the rehabilitation of social security disability beneficiaries
(21852) ... 11,760,000 ........................... (re. $10,959,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For the rehabilitation of social security disability beneficiaries
(21852) ... 11,760,000 ............................ (re. $9,772,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Vocational Rehabilitation Fund
Vocational Rehabilitation Account - 23051
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For services and expenses of the special workers' compensation program
(21852) ... 698,000 ................................. (re. $698,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For services and expenses of the special workers' compensation program
(21852) ... 698,000 ................................. (re. $698,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as added by chapter 54,
section 2, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses of the special workers' compensation program
(21852) ... 698,000 ................................. (re. $698,000)
General Fund
216 12553-07-1
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
Aid to public libraries including aid to New York public library
(NYPL) and NYPL's science industry and business library. Provided
that, notwithstanding any provision of law, rule or regulation to
the contrary, such aid, and the state's liability therefor, shall
represent fulfillment of the state's obligation for this program
(21846) ... 91,627,000 ........................... (re. $35,012,000)
For additional aid to public libraries ...............................
2,500,000 ......................................... (re. $2,500,000)
For services and expenses of the Schomburg Center for Research in
Black Culture ... 250,000 ........................... (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of the Langston Hughes Community Library and
Cultural Center of Queens Library ... 75,000 ......... (re. $75,000)
For services and expenses of the Queens Public Library ...............
10,000 ............................................... (re. $10,000)
Aid to educational television and radio. Notwithstanding any provision
of law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the amount appropriated
herein shall represent fulfillment of the state's obligation for
this program (21848) ... 14,002,000 ............... (re. $3,921,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
Aid to public libraries including aid to New York public library
(NYPL) and NYPL's science industry and business library. Provided
that, notwithstanding any provision of law, rule or regulation to
the contrary, such aid, and the state's liability therefor, shall
represent fulfillment of the state's obligation for this program
(21846) ... 91,627,000 .............................. (re. $240,000)
For services and expenses of the Schomburg Center for Research in
Black Culture ... 250,000 ........................... (re. $250,000)
For services and expenses of the Langston Hughes Community Library and
Cultural Center of Queens Library ... 75,000 ......... (re. $75,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as added by chapter 54,
section 2, of the laws of 2018:
For services and expenses of the Langston Hughes Community Library and
Cultural Center of Queens Library ... 75,000 ......... (re. $57,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as added by chapter 50,
section 2, of the laws of 2017:
For services and expenses of the Langston Hughes Community Library and
Cultural Center of Queens Library ... 75,000 ......... (re. $75,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Operating Grants Account - 25456
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For aid to public libraries pursuant to various federal laws including
the library services technology act (21851) ........................
5,400,000 ......................................... (re. $5,400,000)
217 12553-07-1
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For aid to public libraries pursuant to various federal laws including
the library services technology act (21851) ........................
5,400,000 ......................................... (re. $4,385,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as added by chapter 54,
section 2, of the laws of 2018:
For aid to public libraries pursuant to various federal laws including
the library services technology act (21851) ........................
5,400,000 ......................................... (re. $3,054,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
New York State Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund
Local Government Records Management Account - 20501
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
Grants to individual local governments or groups of cooperating local
governments as provided in section 57.35 of the arts and cultural
affairs law (21849) ... 8,346,000 ................. (re. $8,346,000)
Aid for documentary heritage grants and aid to eligible archives,
libraries, historical societies, museums, and to certain organiza-
tions including the state education department that provide services
to such programs (21850) ... 461,000 ................ (re. $461,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
Grants to individual local governments or groups of cooperating local
governments as provided in section 57.35 of the arts and cultural
affairs law (21849) ... 8,346,000 ................. (re. $6,818,000)
Aid for documentary heritage grants and aid to eligible archives,
libraries, historical societies, museums, and to certain organiza-
tions including the state education department that provide services
to such programs (21850) ... 461,000 ................ (re. $448,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as added by chapter 54,
section 2, of the laws of 2018:
Grants to individual local governments or groups of cooperating local
governments as provided in section 57.35 of the arts and cultural
affairs law (21849) ... 8,346,000 ................. (re. $2,586,000)
Aid for documentary heritage grants and aid to eligible archives,
libraries, historical societies, museums, and to certain organiza-
tions including the state education department that provide services
to such programs (21850) ... 461,000 ................ (re. $380,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as added by chapter 50,
section 2, of the laws of 2017:
Grants to individual local governments or groups of cooperating local
governments as provided in section 57.35 of the arts and cultural
affairs law (21849) ... 8,346,000 ................. (re. $4,124,000)
Aid for documentary heritage grants and aid to eligible archives,
libraries, historical societies, museums, and to certain organiza-
tions including the state education department that provide services
to such programs (21850) ... 461,000 ................ (re. $166,000)
218 12553-07-1
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
Grants to individual local governments or groups of cooperating local
governments as provided in section 57.35 of the arts and cultural
affairs law (21849) ... 8,346,000 ................. (re. $5,346,000)
Aid for documentary heritage grants and aid to eligible archives,
libraries, historical societies, museums, and to certain organiza-
tions including the state education department that provide services
to such programs (21850) ... 461,000 .................. (re. $4,000)
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For liberty partnerships program awards as prescribed by section 612
of the education law as added by chapter 425 of the laws of 1988.
Notwithstanding any other section of law to the contrary, funding
for such programs in the 2020-21 fiscal year shall be limited to the
amount appropriated herein (21830) .................................
18,361,860 ....................................... (re. $18,361,860)
Unrestricted aid to independent colleges and universities, notwith-
standing any other section of law to the contrary, aid otherwise due
and payable in the 2020-21 fiscal year shall be limited to the
amount appropriated herein (21831) .................................
35,129,000 ....................................... (re. $16,862,000)
For higher education opportunity program awards. Funds appropriated
herein shall be used by independent colleges to expand opportunities
for the educationally and economically disadvantaged at independent
institutions of higher learning, and may be used to support current-
ly enrolled HEOP students in projects that phase out (21832) ...
35,526,920 ....................................... (re. $35,526,920)
For science and technology entry program (STEP) awards (21834) .......
15,811,180 ....................................... (re. $15,811,180)
For collegiate science and technology entry program (CSTEP) awards
(21835) ... 11,981,890 ........................... (re. $11,981,890)
For teacher opportunity corps program awards (21837) .................
450,000 ............................................. (re. $450,000)
For services and expenses of a foster youth initiative, to provide
additional services and expenses to expand opportunities through
existing postsecondary opportunity programs at the State University
of New York, City University of New York, and other degree-granting
institutions for foster youth; and to provide any necessary supple-
mental financial aid for foster youth, which may include the cost of
tuition and fees, books, transportation, housing and other expenses
as determined by the commissioner to be necessary for such foster
youth to attend college; financial aid outreach to foster youth;
summer college preparation programs to help foster youth transition
to college, prepare them to navigate on-campus systems, and provide
preparation in reading, writing, and mathematics for foster youth
who need it; advisement, counseling, tutoring, and academic assist-
ance for foster youth; and supplemental housing and meals for foster
219 12553-07-1
youth. A portion of these funds may be suballocated to other state
departments, agencies, the State University of New York, and the
City University of New York. Notwithstanding any law, rule, or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds provided to the State University of
New York may be utilized to support state-operated campuses, statu-
tory colleges, or community colleges as appropriate (55913) ...
6,000,000 ......................................... (re. $6,000,000)
For state financial assistance to expand high needs nursing programs
at private colleges and universities in accordance with section
6401-a of the education law (21838) ... 941,000 ..... (re. $941,000)
For services and expenses of the national board for professional
teaching standards certification grant program for the 2020-21
school year (21785) ... 368,000 ..................... (re. $368,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For liberty partnerships program awards as prescribed by section 612
of the education law as added by chapter 425 of the laws of 1988.
Notwithstanding any other section of law to the contrary, funding
for such programs in the 2019-20 fiscal year shall be limited to the
amount appropriated herein (21830) .................................
15,301,860 ....................................... (re. $12,194,000)
For science and technology entry program (STEP) awards (21834) .......
13,176,180 ........................................ (re. $7,853,000)
For collegiate science and technology entry program (CSTEP) awards
(21835) ... 9,984,890 ............................. (re. $5,247,000)
For teacher opportunity corps program awards (21837) .................
450,000 ............................................. (re. $450,000)
For services and expenses of a foster youth initiative, to provide
additional services and expenses to expand opportunities through
existing postsecondary opportunity programs at the State University
of New York, City University of New York, and other degree-granting
institutions for foster youth; and to provide any necessary supple-
mental financial aid for foster youth, which may include the cost of
tuition and fees, books, transportation, housing and other expenses
as determined by the commissioner to be necessary for such foster
youth to attend college; financial aid outreach to foster youth;
summer college preparation programs to help foster youth transition
to college, prepare them to navigate on-campus systems, and provide
preparation in reading, writing, and mathematics for foster youth
who need it; advisement, counseling, tutoring, and academic assist-
ance for foster youth; and supplemental housing and meals for foster
youth. A portion of these funds may be suballocated to other state
departments, agencies, the State University of New York, and the
City University of New York. Notwithstanding any law, rule, or regu-
lation to the contrary, funds provided to the State University of
New York may be utilized to support state-operated campuses, statu-
tory colleges, or community colleges as appropriate (55913) ...
1,500,000 ......................................... (re. $1,500,000)
For services and expenses of the national board for professional
teaching standards certification grant program for the 2019-20
school year (21785) ... 368,000 ..................... (re. $193,000)
220 12553-07-1
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For higher education opportunity program awards. Funds appropriated
herein shall be used by independent colleges to expand opportunities
for the educationally and economically disadvantaged at independent
institutions of higher learning, and may be used to support current-
ly enrolled HEOP students in projects that phase out (21832) .......
29,605,920 ....................................... (re. $13,294,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as added by chapter 54,
section 2, of the laws of 2018:
For liberty partnerships program awards as prescribed by section 612
of the education law as added by chapter 425 of the laws of 1988.
Notwithstanding any other section of law to the contrary, funding for
such programs in the 2018-19 fiscal year shall be limited to the
amount appropriated herein (21830) .................................
15,301,860 ........................................ (re. $3,219,000)
For higher education opportunity program awards. Funds appropriated
herein shall be used by independent colleges to expand opportunities
for the educationally and economically disadvantaged at independent
institutions of higher learning (21832) ............................
29,605,920 ........................................ (re. $2,399,000)
For science and technology entry program (STEP) awards (21834) .......
13,176,180 ........................................ (re. $1,631,000)
For collegiate science and technology entry program (CSTEP) awards
(21835) ... 9,984,890 ............................... (re. $594,000)
For services and expenses of a foster youth initiative to ensure
support is available through current post-secondary opportunity
programs at public and independent institutions for foster youth
including summer transition programs, and to provide foster youth
with financial aid outreach, counseling services, and direct finan-
cial support. Provided however, a portion of these funds may be used
to provide supplemental housing and meals for foster youth not
currently enrolled in a post-secondary opportunity program at SUNY.
A portion of these funds may be suballocated to other state depart-
ments, agencies, the State University of New York, and the City
University of New York. Notwithstanding any law, rule, or regulation
to the contrary, funds provided to the State University of New York
may be utilized to support state-operated campuses, statutory
colleges, or community colleges as appropriate (55913) .............
1,500,000 ........................................... (re. $254,000)
For services and expenses of the national board for professional
teaching standards certification grant program for the 2018-19
school year (21785) ... 368,000 ..................... (re. $118,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as added by chapter 50,
section 2, of the laws of 2017:
For liberty partnerships program awards as prescribed by section 612
of the education law as added by chapter 425 of the laws of 1988.
Notwithstanding any other section of law to the contrary, funding for
such programs in the 2017-18 fiscal year shall be limited to the
221 12553-07-1
amount appropriated herein (21830) .................................
15,301,860 .......................................... (re. $676,000)
For higher education opportunity program awards. Funds appropriated
herein shall be used by independent colleges to expand opportunities
for the educationally and economically disadvantaged at independent
institutions of higher learning (21832) ............................
29,605,920 .......................................... (re. $818,000)
For science and technology entry program (STEP) awards (21834) .......
13,176,180 .......................................... (re. $224,000)
For collegiate science and technology entry program (CSTEP) awards
(21835) ... 9,984,890 ............................... (re. $300,000)
For teacher opportunity corps program awards (21837) .................
450,000 ............................................. (re. $402,000)
For services and expenses of a foster youth initiative to ensure
support is available through current post-secondary opportunity
programs at public and independent institutions for foster youth
including summer transition programs, and to provide foster youth
with financial aid outreach, counseling services, and direct finan-
cial support. A portion of these funds may be suballocated to other
state departments, agencies, the State University of New York, and
the City University of New York (55913) ............................
1,500,000 ........................................... (re. $800,000)
For services and expenses of the national board for professional
teaching standards certification grant program for the 2017-18
school year (21785) ... 368,000 ...................... (re. $13,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For liberty partnerships program awards as prescribed by section 612
of the education law as added by chapter 425 of the laws of 1988.
Notwithstanding any other section of law to the contrary, funding for
such programs in the 2016-17 fiscal year shall be limited to the
amount appropriated herein (21830) .................................
15,301,860 .......................................... (re. $211,000)
For higher education opportunity program awards. Funds appropriated
herein shall be used by independent colleges to expand opportunities
for the educationally and economically disadvantaged at independent
institutions of higher learning (21832) ............................
29,605,920 .......................................... (re. $201,000)
For science and technology entry program (STEP) awards (21834) .......
13,176,180 ........................................... (re. $72,000)
For collegiate science and technology entry program (CSTEP) awards
(21835) ... 9,984,890 ............................... (re. $421,000)
For teacher opportunity corps program awards (21837) .................
450,000 .............................................. (re. $29,000)
For services and expenses of a foster youth initiative to ensure
support is available through current post-secondary opportunity
programs at public and independent institutions for foster youth
including summer transition programs, and to provide foster youth
with financial aid outreach, counseling services, and direct finan-
cial support. A portion of these funds may be suballocated to other
state departments, agencies, the State University of New York, and
222 12553-07-1
the City University of New York (55913) ............................
1,500,000 ............................................ (re. $43,000)
For services and expenses of the national board for professional
teaching standards certification grant program for the 2016-17
school year (21785) ... 368,000 ..................... (re. $133,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015, as added by chapter 61,
section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For science and technology entry program (STEP)awards (21834)
11,845,180 .......................................... (re. $161,000)
For services and expenses of the national board for professional
teaching standards certification grant program for the 2015-16
school year (21785) ... 368,000 ..................... (re. $168,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For liberty partnerships program awards as prescribed by section 612
of the education law as added by chapter 425 of the laws of 1988.
Notwithstanding any other section of law to the contrary, funding for
such programs in the 2014-15 fiscal year shall be limited to the
amount appropriated herein (21830) ... 12,918,260 .... (re. $31,000)
For services and expenses of the national board for professional
teaching standards certification grant program for the 2014-15
school year (21785) ... 368,000 ..................... (re. $111,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2013, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses of the national board for professional
teaching standards certificate grant program (56044) ...............
250,000 ............................................. (re. $202,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2012:
For services and expenses of the national board for professional
teaching standards certification grant program (21785) .............
368,000 ............................................. (re. $144,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Federal Department of Education Account - 25210
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for programs pursu-
ant to various federal laws including, but not limited to: title II
supporting effective instruction.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, funds appropri-
ated herein may be suballocated, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, to any state agency or department, and
interchanged to other accounts, to accomplish the purpose of this
appropriation. A portion of this appropriation may be interchanged
to other accounts, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appro-
priation (23419) ... 5,000,000 .................... (re. $5,000,000)
223 12553-07-1
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
The appropriation made by chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020, is
hereby amended and reappropriated to read:
For continuation of a statewide universal full-day pre-kindergarten
program in accordance with section 3602-ee of the education law to
reimburse school districts and/or eligible entities for the cost of
awarded programs operating in the 2020-21 school year and prior
school years; provided that up to 25 percent of a school district's
and/or eligible entity's awarded funds shall be made available in
the final quarter of the year in which services are provided as an
advance on subsequent school year liabilities; provided further that
funds appropriated herein shall only be awarded to school districts
and/or eligible entities which meet requirements provided for in
section 3602-ee of the education law.
Provided further that funds appropriated herein shall only be used to
supplement and not supplant current local expenditures of federal,
state or local funds on pre-kindergarten programs and the number of
placements in such programs from such sources and that current local
expenditures shall include any local expenditures of federal, state
or local funds used to supplement or extend services provided
directly or via contract to eligible children enrolled in a
universal pre-kindergarten program in accordance with section 3602-e
of the education law. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the funds appropriated herein shall only be available for
a statewide universal full-day pre-kindergarten program and, as of
July 1, [2021] 2022, may be suballocated or transferred to any other
appropriation for the sole purpose of administering such program.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, programs that
provide services for fewer than 180 days will be subject to the
provisions of subdivision 16 of section 3602-e of the education law
(56138) ... 340,000,000 ......................... (re. $340,000,000)
For additional school health services grants to the Buffalo City
School District for the 2020-21 school year ........................
1,200,000 ......................................... (re. $1,200,000)
For additional school health services grants to the Rochester City
School District for the 2020-21 school year ........................
1,200,000 ......................................... (re. $1,200,000)
For reimbursement of supplemental basic tuition payments to charter
schools made by school districts in the 2019-20 school year, as
defined by paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 2856 of the
education law (55907) ... 161,000,000 ............ (re. $74,024,000)
For charter schools facilities aid for the 2019-20 school year and
prior school years pursuant to subdivision 6-g of section 3602 of
the education law (55971) ... 50,000,000 ......... (re. $50,000,000)
Funds appropriated herein shall be used to provide awards to school
districts, boards of cooperative educational services, and other
eligible entities based on a plan developed by the commissioner of
education and approved by the director of the budget. Provided that
at least the following amounts of the funds appropriated herein
shall be made available as follows:
224 12553-07-1
(i) $21,590,000 for the continuation of school-wide extended learning
grants to school districts or school districts in collaboration with
not-for-profit community-based organizations pursuant to the guide-
lines set forth and the awards made pursuant to chapter 53 of the
laws of 2013.
(ii) $6,095,000 for grants awarded based on responses to the 2013-20
NYS pathways in technology early college high schools request for
proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2013.
(iii) $4,598,000 for grants awarded based on responses to the 2014-21
NYS pathways in technology early college high schools request for
proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2014.
(iv) $3,437,000 for grants awarded based on responses to the 2015-2022
NYS pathways in technology early college high schools request for
proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2015.
(v) $2,700,000 for grants awarded based on responses to the 2018-2024
NYS pathways in technology early college high school request for
proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2017.
(vi) $1,450,000 for grants awarded based on responses to the 2019-2025
NYS pathways in technology early college high school request for
proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2018.
(vii) $3,656,000 for the continuation of early college high school
awards made based on responses to the New York state early college
high school ECHS program request for proposals pursuant to chapter
53 of the laws of 2017.
(viii) $9,000,000 for early college high school grants awarded based
on responses to a request for proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of
the laws of 2019.
(ix) $1,910,000 for the continuation of smart scholars early college
high school grants, provided that funds shall be used pursuant to
the guidelines set forth and the awards made pursuant to chapter 53
of the laws of 2013.
(x) $950,000 for the continuation of smart scholars early college high
school grants, provided that funds shall be used pursuant to the
guidelines set forth and the awards made pursuant to chapter 53 of
the laws of 2018.
(xi) $1,798,000 for the continuation of smart transfer early college
high school program grants awarded based on responses to the New
York state smart transfer ECHS program request for proposals pursu-
ant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2016.
(xii) $20,500,000 for the continuation of the master teacher program,
pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2013, chapter 53 of the laws
of 2015, chapter 53 of the laws of 2017, chapter 53 of the laws of
2018, and chapter 53 of the laws of 2019; notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the director of
the budget, the funds hereby made available for master teacher
program funding may be suballocated, interchanged, transferred or
otherwise made available to the state university of New York for the
services and expenses of administering such program.
(xiii) $5,000,000 for the continuation of QUALITYstarsNY, pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2015 and chapter 53 of the laws of 2016;
notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval
of the director of the budget, the funds hereby made available for
225 12553-07-1
QUALITYstarsNY may be suballocated, interchanged, transferred or
otherwise made available to the office of children and family
services for the sole purpose of administering such system.
(xiv) $3,000,000 for the continuation of New York state masters-in-e-
ducation teacher incentive scholarship program, pursuant to chapter
53 of the laws of 2015; notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, upon approval of the director of the budget, the funds
hereby made avail- able for the masters-in-education teacher incen-
tive scholarship program may be suballocated, interchanged, trans-
ferred or otherwise made available to the higher education services
corporation for the sole purpose of administering such program.
(xv) $35,000,000 for the continuation of awards made based on
responses to the empire state after-school program request for
proposals pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2017; notwithstand-
ing any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the
director of the budget, the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the office of children and family services for the sole purpose
of administering such grants.
(xvi) $10,000,000 for the continuation of awards made based on
responses to the empire state after-school program request for
proposals pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2018; notwithstand-
ing any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the
director of the budget, the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the office of children and family services for the sole purpose
of administering such grants.
(xvii) $10,000,000 for the continuation of awards made based on
responses to the empire state after-school program request for
proposals pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2019; notwithstand-
ing any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the
director of the budget, the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the office of children and family services for the sole purpose
of administering such grants.
(xviii) $5,800,000 for services and expenses to subsidize the remain-
ing cost of advanced placement and international baccalaureate exam
fees for low-income students, as determined by free and reduced
price lunch eligibility, pursuant to a plan developed by the commis-
sioner of education and approved by the director of the budget.
(xix) $1,500,000 for grants for the advanced courses access program
pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2018 and chapter 53 of the
laws of 2019, provided that such grants shall be awarded to school
districts and/or boards of cooperative educational services in order
to increase advanced course offerings for students, particularly in
districts with no or very limited advanced course offerings.
(xx) $400,000 for empire state excellence in teaching awards pursuant
to chapter 53 of the laws of 2017; notwithstanding any provision of
law to the contrary, upon approval of the director of the budget,
the funds hereby made available may be suballocated, interchanged,
transferred or otherwise made available to the state university of
New York for the services and expenses of administering such awards.
226 12553-07-1
(xxi)$6,000,000 for grants for the smart start computer science
program pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2018.
(xxii) $5,000,000 for additional funds to reimburse sponsors of school
breakfast programs pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2018.
(xxiii) $750,000 for additional services and expenses of a program to
develop farm to school initiatives, pursuant to chapter 53 of the
laws of 2018; notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,
upon approval of the director of the budget, the funds hereby made
available may be suballocated, interchanged, transferred or other-
wise made available to the department of agriculture and markets for
the services and expenses of administering such awards.
(xxiv) $250,000 for grants to school districts to allow community
schools to expand mental health services and capacity of community
school programs pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2018.
(xxv) $1,500,000 for the continuation of the refugee and immigrant
student welcome grants program, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws
of 2019; notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon
approval of the director of the budget, the funds hereby made avail-
able for the refugee and immigrant student welcome grants program
may be suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made
available to the office of temporary and disability assistance for
the services and expenses of administering such awards.
(xxvi) $3,000,000 for grants to school districts to allow districts to
increase the use of alternative approaches to student discipline,
pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2019.
(xxvii) $1,500,000 for services and expenses of school mental health
programs pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of educa-
tion and approved by the director of the budget, pursuant to chapter
53 of the laws of 2019. Provided further, that of the amount appro-
priated herein, up to $500,000 may be used to support the School
Mental Health Resource and Training Center.
(xxviii) $3,000,000 for the continuation of the we teach NY grant
program, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2019; notwithstanding
any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the director
of the budget, the funds hereby made available for the we teach NY
grant may be suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise
made available to the state university of New York for the services
and expenses of administering such awards.
(xxix) $1,500,000 for the continuation of the expanded mathematics
access program, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2019; notwith-
standing any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the
director of the budget, the funds hereby made available for the
expanded mathematics access program may be suballocated, inter-
changed, transferred or otherwise made available to the state
university of New York for the services and expenses of administer-
ing such awards.
(xxx) $200,000 for the continuation of the New York state youth coun-
cil, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2019; notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the director of
the budget, the funds hereby made available for the New York state
youth council may be suballocated, interchanged, transferred or
otherwise made available to the office of children and family
227 12553-07-1
services for the services and expenses of administering such coun-
(xxxi) $1,000,000 for services and expenses related to the development
of curriculum on civic education and values, the state's shared
history of diversity, and the role of religious tolerance in this
country. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon
approval of the director of the budget, the funds hereby made avail-
able may be transferred to the credit of the state purposes account
of the state education department to carry out such development.
(xxxii) $10,000,000 for student mental health support grants to school
districts, pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of the
office of mental health in consultation with the commissioner of
education and approved by the director of the budget.
Provided further that no school district shall receive more than 40
percent of the total grant allocation.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of
the director of the budget, the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the office of mental health for the sole purpose of administering
such grants.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the $11,000,000
made available in items (xxxi) to (xxxii) herein appropriated herein
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2020-21 school year[. Notwithstanding section 40 of the state
finance law or any provision of law to the contrary, this appropri-
ation shall lapse on March 31, 2022] (23306) .......................
245,113,000 ..................................... (re. $245,090,000)
For reimbursement to the East Ramapo central school district to
support students attending public schools in such district, provided
that the district is in compliance with the requirements set forth
in chapter 89 of the laws of 2016.
The East Ramapo central school district shall be eligible to receive
reimbursement from the funds appropriated herein for its approved
expenditures in the 2020-2021 school year on services to improve and
enhance the educational opportunities of students attending the
public schools in such district. Such services shall include, but
not be limited to, reducing class sizes, expanding academic and
enrichment opportunities, establishing and expanding kindergarten
programs, expanding extracurricular opportunities and providing
student support services, provided, however, transportation services
and expenses shall not be eligible for reimbursement from such
In order to receive such funds, the school district in consultation
with the monitor or monitors pursuant to chapter 89 of the laws of
2016 shall revise its long term strategic academic and fiscal
improvement plan by October 1, 2020. Such revised plan shall be
submitted to the commissioner for approval and shall include a set
of goals with appropriate benchmarks and measurable objectives and
identify strategies to address areas where improvements are needed
in the district, including but not limited to its financial stabili-
ty, academic opportunities and outcomes, education of students with
disabilities, and education of English language learners, and shall
228 12553-07-1
ensure compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and
regulations. Such revised improvement plan shall also include a
comprehensive expenditure plan that will describe how the funds made
available to the district from this appropriation will be spent.
Such comprehensive expenditure plan shall ensure that funds supple-
ment, not supplant, expenditures from local, state and federal funds
for services provided to public school students, except that such
funds may be used to continue services funded pursuant to chapter 89
of the laws of 2016 in prior years. Such expenditure plan shall be
revised in consultation with the monitor or monitors appointed by
the commissioner. The board of education of the East Ramapo central
school district shall conduct a public hearing on the expenditure
plan and shall consider the input of the community before adopting
such plan. Such expenditure plan shall also be made publicly avail-
able and shall be submitted along with comments made by the communi-
ty to the commissioner for approval once the plan is finalized. Upon
review of such improvement plan and such expenditure plan, the
commissioner shall approve or deny such plan in writing and, if
denied, shall include the reasons therefor. The district in consul-
tation with the monitors may resubmit such plan or plans with any
needed modifications thereto.
The commissioner shall disburse the funds appropriated herein after
receiving satisfactory evidence from the East Ramapo central school
district that the district has complied with the approved comprehen-
sive expenditure plan and spent such funds pursuant to the approved
expenditure plan as set forth in chapter 89 of the laws of 2016.
The commissioner of education shall have 30 days from the receipt of
such evidence to confirm whether the school district has complied
with the requirements of chapter 89 of the laws of 2016 and shall
determine whether such funds were spent in conformance with the
provisions of such chapter. Upon finding compliance and determining
that the funds were properly expended, the commissioner shall certi-
fy the amount of the approved expenditures to the state comptroller
for payment no later than 60 days after such determinations. The
East Ramapo central school district shall not receive reimbursement
for funds authorized herein that are not spent for the direct bene-
fit of students attending public schools in such district in a
manner consistent with its approved comprehensive expenditure plan
or prior written approval from the commissioner.
The board of education in consultation with the monitor or monitors
shall submit the school district's proposed budget for the next
succeeding school year to the commissioner no later than 45 days
before the date scheduled for the school district's budget vote. The
commissioner shall review the budget to ensure that it, to the
greatest extent possible, expands educational programming for
students including but not limited to extracurricular activities,
course offerings, non-mandated support services, non-mandated art
and music classes, programs and services for English language lear-
ners and students with disabilities, and maintaining class size.
The commissioner shall also review the proposed budget to ensure
that it is balanced within the context of revenue and expenditure
estimates and mandated programs. The commissioner shall present his
229 12553-07-1
or her findings to the board of education no later than 30 days
prior to the date scheduled for the school district's budget vote.
The board of education shall make adjustments to the proposed budget
consistent with any recommendations made by the commissioner. The
school district shall make available on the district's website: the
initial proposed budget, the commissioner's findings, and the final
proposed budget prior to the date of the school district's budget
The monitor or monitors appointed by the commissioner shall quarterly,
and the district shall annually provide to the commissioner reports
on the fiscal and operational status of the school district to
ensure compliance with the budgeting requirements herein. In addi-
tion, monitors shall provide an annual report to the commissioner
and comptroller on contracts that the district entered into through-
out the year. All reports shall be subject to review by the comp-
troller at the request of the commissioner.
In the event the district plans to reduce budget appropriations for
programs restored or created under the comprehensive expenditure
plan or the strategic academic and fiscal improvement plan as well
as the sale of school buildings or other real property and capital
improvement contracts in excess of $100,000, the district shall
submit a plan to the commissioner for approval (55949) .............
2,000,000 ......................................... (re. $2,000,000)
For services and expenses of the Hempstead Union Free School District
... 87,500 ........................................... (re. $87,500)
For services and expenses of the Wyandanch Union Free School District
... 87,500 ........................................... (re. $87,500)
For services and expenses of the Rochester City School District ......
175,000 ............................................. (re. $175,000)
For services and expenses of community school regional technical
assistance centers for the 2020-21 school year. Funds appropriated
herein shall be used to operate three regional centers that shall
provide technical assistance to school districts establishing or
operating community school programs, pursuant to a plan developed by
the commissioner of education and approved by the director of the
budget. Provided, further, that such plan shall establish a process
for selection of nonprofit entities with expertise in community
school programs and technical assistance to operate such centers
(55962) ... 1,200,000 ............................. (re. $1,200,000)
For services and expenses of the my brother's keeper initiative. A
portion of this appropriation may be transferred to any other
program or fund within the state education department for these
purposes (55928) ... 18,000,000 .................. (re. $18,000,000)
For services and expenses of remaining obligations for the 2019-20
school year for support for the operation of targeted pre-kindergar-
ten for those providers not eligible to receive funding pursuant to
section 3602-e of the education law and for support for providers
continuing to operate such programs in the 2020-21 school year. Such
funds shall be expended pursuant to a plan developed by the commis-
sioner of education and approved by the director of the budget
(21763) ... 1,303,000 ............................. (re. $1,303,000)
230 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of remaining obligations of a $14,260,000
teacher resources and computer training centers program for the
2019-20 school year (55985) ... 4,278,000 ......... (re. $3,762,000)
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for services and expenses
of a $14,260,000 teacher resources and computer training center
program for the 2020-21 school year (23445) ........................
9,982,000 ......................................... (re. $9,982,000)
For education of children of migrant workers for the 2020-21 school
year (21764) ... 89,000 .............................. (re. $89,000)
For the school lunch and breakfast program. Funds for the school
lunch and breakfast program shall be expended subject to the limita-
tion of funds available and may be used to reimburse sponsors of
non-profit school lunch, breakfast, or other school child feeding
programs based upon the number of federally reimbursable breakfasts
and lunches served to students under such program agreements entered
into by the state education department and such sponsors, in accord-
ance with an act of Congress entitled the "National School Lunch
Act," P.L. 79-396, as amended, or the provisions of the "Child
Nutrition Act of 1966," P.L. 89-642, as amended, in the case of
school breakfast programs to reimburse sponsors in excess of the
federal rates of reimbursement. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, the moneys hereby appropriated, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, are to be available for the purposes herein
specified for obligations heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue
for the school years beginning July 1, 2018, July 1, 2019 and July
1, 2020.
Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the
amount appropriated herein represents the maximum amount payable
during the 2020-21 state fiscal year for state reimbursement for
school lunch and breakfast programs (21702) ........................
34,400,000 ....................................... (re. $22,514,000)
For additional funds to reimburse sponsors of school lunch programs
that have purchased at least 30 percent of their total food products
for its school lunch service program from New York State farmers,
growers, producers, or processors, based upon the number of feder-
ally reimbursable lunches served to students under such program
agreements entered into by the state education department and such
sponsors, in accordance with the provisions of the "National School
Lunch Act," P.L. 79-396, as amended, to reimburse sponsors in excess
of the federal and State rates of reimbursement, provided, that the
total State subsidy shall not exceed twenty-five cents per school
lunch meal, which shall include any annual state subsidy received by
such sponsor under any other provision of State law, provided
further that funds appropriated herein shall be made available on or
after April 1, 2021 (55986) ... 10,000,000 ....... (re. $10,000,000)
For nonpublic school aid payable in the 2020-21 [state fiscal] SCHOOL
year. Provided that nonpublic schools shall continue to receive aid
based on either a 5.0/5.5 hour standard instructional day, or anoth-
er work day as certified by the nonpublic school officials, in
accordance with the methodology for computing salary and benefits
applied by the department in paying aid for the 2012-13 and prior
school years. Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule or regu-
231 12553-07-1
lation to the contrary, the amount appropriated herein represents
the maximum amount payable during the 2020-21 [state fiscal] SCHOOL
year (21769) ... 115,652,000 .................... (re. $115,652,000)
For aid payable for the 2019-20 school year for additional nonpublic
school aid. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds
appropriated herein shall be available for payment of aid heretofore
accrued and hereafter to accrue (21770) ............................
77,476,000 ....................................... (re. $77,476,000)
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 922,000 .......... (re. $922,000)
For services and expenses related to nonpublic school STEM programs
(55964) ... 30,000,000 ........................... (re. $30,000,000)
For additional services of the school lunch and breakfast program to
pay the student cost of reduced price meals effective July 1, 2020
(23316) ... 2,300,000 ............................. (re. $2,300,000)
For additional mandated services and expenses of the costs of comply-
ing with the State School Immunization Program (SSIP) for the 2019-
20 school year; provided, further that the department of health, in
consultation with the state education department, shall create a
process to certify compliance with the SSIP and such process shall
be in place July 1, 2020. Schools shall certify compliance with such
process prior to receiving the funds appropriated herein ...........
1,000,000 ......................................... (re. $1,000,000)
For costs associated with schools for the blind and deaf and other
students with disabilities subject to article 85 of the education
law, including state aid for blind and deaf pupils in certain insti-
tutions to be paid for the purposes provided under section 4204-a of
the education law for the education of deaf children under 3 years
of age, including transfers to the miscellaneous special revenue
fund Rome school for the deaf account pursuant to a plan to be
developed by the commissioner and approved by the director of the
Of the amounts appropriated herein, up to $84,700,000 shall be avail-
able for reimbursement to school districts for the tuition costs of
students attending schools for the blind and deaf during the 2019-20
school year pursuant to subdivision 2 of section 4204 of the educa-
tion law and subdivision 2 of section 4207 of the education law, and
up to $9,000,000 shall be available for remaining allowable
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, upon disbursement of funds appropriated for allowances to
schools for the blind and deaf in the individuals with disabilities
program special revenue funds-federal/aid to localities for purposes
of this appropriation, funds appropriated herein shall be reduced in
an amount equivalent to such disbursement and the portion of this
appropriation so affected shall have no further force or effect.
Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the
232 12553-07-1
department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
(21705) ... 93,700,000 ........................... (re. $70,577,000)
For costs associated with schools for the blind and deaf and other
students with disabilities subject to article 85 of the education
law for the 2020-21 school year. Funds appropriated herein shall be
distributed directly to the schools for the blind and deaf and other
students with disabilities subject to article 85 of the education
law based on a three year average of the schools' FTE enrollment
(55909) ... 10,200,000 ........................... (re. $10,200,000)
For services and expenses of the Mill Neck Manor School for the Deaf
for the 2020-21 school year ... 500,000 ............. (re. $500,000)
For services and expenses of the Cleary School for the Deaf for the
2020-21 school year ... 500,000 ..................... (re. $500,000)
For July and August programs for school-aged children with handicap-
ping conditions pursuant to section 4408 of the education law.
Moneys appropriated herein shall be used as follows: (i) for remain-
ing base year and prior school years obligations, (ii) for the
purposes of subdivision 4 of section 3602 of the education law for
schools operated under articles 87 and 88 of the education law, and
(iii) notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, for
payments made pursuant to this appropriation for current school year
obligations, provided, however, that such payments shall not exceed
70 percent of the state aid due for the sum of the approved tuition
and maintenance rates and transportation expense provided for here-
in; provided, however, that payment of eligible claims shall be
payable in the order that such claims have been approved for payment
by the commissioner of education, but in no case shall a single
payee draw down more than 45 percent of this appropriation, and
provided further that no claim shall be set aside for insufficiency
of funds to make a complete payment, but shall be eligible for a
partial payment in one year and shall retain its priority date
status for subsequent appropriations designated for such purposes.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the contrary,
funds appropriated herein shall only be available for liabilities
incurred prior to July 1, 2021, shall be used to pay 2019-20 school
year claims in the first instance, and represent the maximum amount
payable during the 2020-21 state fiscal year.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, funds appropri-
ated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities heretofore
accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the depart-
ment net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
(21707) ... 364,500,000 ......................... (re. $315,496,000)
For the state's share of the costs of the education of preschool chil-
dren with disabilities pursuant to section 4410 of the education
law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the
contrary, the amount appropriated herein shall support a state share
of preschool handicapped education costs for the 2019-20 school year
limited to 59.5 percent of such total approved expenditures, and
furthermore, notwithstanding any other provision of law, local
claims for reimbursement of costs incurred prior to the 2018-19
school year and during the 2018-19 school year that have been
233 12553-07-1
approved for payment by the education department as of March 31,
2020 shall be the first claims paid from this appropriation.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, funds appropri-
ated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities heretofore
accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the depart-
ment net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
(21706) ... 1,035,000,000 ....................... (re. $671,790,000)
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funding made avail-
able by this appropriation shall support direct salary costs and
related fringe benefits associated with any minimum wage increase
that takes effect on or after December 31, 2016, pursuant to section
652 of the labor law. Organizations eligible for funding made avail-
able by this appropriation shall be limited to special act school
districts and those that are required to file a consolidated fiscal
report with the state education department and provide preschool and
school-age special education services under articles 81, 85 and 89
of the education law. Each eligible organization in receipt of fund-
ing made available by this appropriation shall submit written
certification, in such form and at such time as the commissioner
shall prescribe, attesting to how such funding will be or was used
for purposes eligible under this appropriation. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, and subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, the amounts appropriated herein may be
increased or decreased by interchange or transfer to any local
assistance appropriation of the state education department (55938)
... 17,180,000 ................................... (re. $17,180,000)
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, subject to an allocation plan developed by the
commissioner of education and approved by the director of the budg-
et, shall be available for the payment of prior year claims and/or
fiscal stabilization grants for remaining payments for the 2019-20
school year and for payments prior to March 31, 2021 for the 2020-21
school year, provided, however, notwithstanding any provisions of
law to the contrary, the New York city school district shall be
eligible for a fiscal stabilization grant in the amount of
$26,404,000 (21773) ... 45,068,000 ............... (re. $45,068,000)
For services and expenses of the New York state center for school
safety for the 2020-21 school year. Funds appropriated herein shall
be used to operate a statewide center and shall be subject to an
expenditure plan approved by the director of the budget (21774) ....
466,000 ............................................. (re. $466,000)
For services and expenses of the health education program for the
2020-21 school year. Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for health-related programs including, but not limited to, those
providing instruction and supportive services in comprehensive
health education and/or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
education. Of the amounts appropriated herein, $86,000 shall be
available for the program previously operated as the school health
demonstration program. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to
the contrary, funds appropriated herein may be suballocated, subject
to the approval of the director of the budget, to any state agency
234 12553-07-1
or department to accomplish the purpose of this appropriation
(21775) ... 691,000 ................................. (re. $684,000)
For competitive grants for the 2020-21 school year for extended day
programs and school violence prevention programs pursuant to section
2814 of the education law provided, however, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provisions of law, eligible entities receiving funds
for extended day programs may include not-for-profit organizations
working in collaboration with a public school or school district
(21776) ... 24,344,000 ........................... (re. $24,344,000)
For aid payable for the 2020-21 school year for support of county
vocational education and extension boards pursuant to section 1104
of the education law, provided, however, that notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, rule, or regulation, any apportion-
ment of aid shall be based on a quota amounting to one-half of the
salary paid each teacher, director, assistant, and supervisor, where
such salary is attributable to a course of study first submitted to
the commissioner for approval pursuant to section 1103 of the educa-
tion law on or before July 1, 2010, but not to exceed the amount
computed by the commissioner based upon an assumed annualized salary
equal to ten thousand five hundred dollars per school year on
account of the employment of such teacher, director, assistant or
supervisor and provided further that payment from this appropriation
shall first be made for approved claims for salary expenses for the
2020-21 school year, and any amount remaining after payment of such
claims shall be available for payment of unpaid claims for prior
school years (21781) ... 932,000 .................... (re. $833,000)
For services and expenses of the primary mental health project at the
children's institute for the 2020-21 school year (21778) ...........
894,000 ............................................. (re. $894,000)
For services and expenses associated with the math and science high
schools for the 2020-21 school year in the amount of $1,382,000,
provided that such funds shall be allocated equally among those
entities that received program funding for the 2007-08 school year
(21779) ... 1,382,000 ............................. (re. $1,382,000)
For additional services and expenses associated with the Bard High
School Early College Queens for the 2020-21 school year (55939) ....
461,000 ............................................. (re. $461,000)
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for educational services
and expenses of the Syracuse city school district for the say yes to
education program (21800) ... 350,000 ............... (re. $350,000)
For services and expenses of the center for autism and related disa-
bilities at the state university of New York at Albany (21782) ...
740,000 ............................................. (re. $740,000)
For additional services and expenses of the center for autism and
related disabilities at the state university of New York at Albany
... 500,000 ......................................... (re. $500,000)
For postsecondary aid to Native Americans to fund awards to eligible
students. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contra-
ry, the amount herein made available shall constitute the state's
entire obligation for all costs incurred under section 4118 of the
education law in state fiscal year 2020-21 (21833) .................
800,000 ............................................. (re. $800,000)
235 12553-07-1
Work Force Education. For partial reimbursement of services and
expenses per contract hour of work force education conducted by the
consortium for worker education (CWE), a private not-for-profit
corporation program approved by the commissioner of education that
enable adults who are 21 years of age or older to obtain or retain
employment or improve their work skills capacity to enhance their
opportunities for increased earnings and advancement (21801) .......
11,500,000 ....................................... (re. $11,500,000)
For additional workforce education for the consortium for worker
education (21802) ... 1,500,000 ................... (re. $1,500,000)
For services and expenses of the Executive Leadership Institute ...
475,000 ............................................. (re. $475,000)
For services and expenses of the Magellan Foundation, Inc. ... 475,000
..................................................... (re. $475,000)
For services and expenses of the Consortium for Worker Education
Credential Initiative (55967) ... 500,000 ........... (re. $500,000)
For the early college high schools program for the 2020-21 school
year, provided, however, that expenditure of funds appropriated
herein shall support the continuation and expansion of the early
college high schools program pursuant to a plan developed by the
commissioner of education and approved by the director of the budget
provided, further, that a portion of the payment to the early
college high schools program awarded from this appropriation shall
be available on a sliding scale based upon the number of college
credits earned annually by participating students consistent with
guidelines established by the commissioner. Provided further that,
notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, higher educa-
tion partners participating in an early college high schools
program, or the entity/entities responsible for setting tuition at
the institution, shall be authorized to set a reduced rate of
tuition and/or fees, or to waive tuition and/or fees entirely, for
students enrolled in such early college high schools program with no
reduction in other state, local or other support for such students
earning college credit that such higher education partner would
otherwise be eligible to receive (56139) ...........................
1,465,000 ......................................... (re. $1,465,000)
For services and expense of the clinically rich intensive teacher
institute bilingual extension and English to speakers of other
languages program (55998) ... 385,000 ............... (re. $385,000)
For services and expense of a teacher diversity pipeline pilot oper-
ated by the State University College at Buffalo for the Buffalo City
School District to assist teacher aides and teaching assistants in
attaining the necessary educational and professional credentials to
obtain teacher certification (55997) ...............................
500,000 ............................................. (re. $500,000)
For services and expenses of a $490,000 2020-21 school year program
for mentoring and tutoring operated by the Hillside Work-Scholarship
Connection program, which is based on model programs proven to be
effective in producing outcomes that include, but are not limited
to, improved graduation rates, provided that such services shall be
provided to students in one or more city school districts located in
236 12553-07-1
a city having a population in excess of 125,000 and less than
1,000,000 inhabitants (21804) ... 490,000 ........... (re. $490,000)
For payment of small government assistance to school districts pursu-
ant to subdivision 7 of section 3641 of the education law on or
before March 31, 2021 upon audit and warrant of the comptroller in
the amount that small government assistance was paid to school
districts in state fiscal year 2010-11 (23449) .....................
1,868,000 ......................................... (re. $1,868,000)
For services and expenses of the New York City Community Learning
Schools Initiative ... 450,000 ...................... (re. $450,000)
For services and expenses of the Center for Educational Innovation ...
80,000 ............................................... (re. $80,000)
For services and expenses of the Long Island Pre-K Initiative operated
by Nassau BOCES ... 500,000 ......................... (re. $500,000)
For services and expenses of the National Association of Social Work-
ers - NYC Chapter to develop and distribute test preparation materi-
als ... 150,000 ..................................... (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses of the NIA Community Sevices Network ...
100,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000)
For services and expenses of the YMCA of Greater New York - Castle
Hill ... 20,000 ...................................... (re. $20,000)
For services and expenses of the Cornell Cooperative Extension Sulli-
van County ... 200,000 .............................. (re. $200,000)
For services and expenses of the Turkish Cultural Center .............
5,000 ................................................. (re. $5,000)
For purposes of the Just for Kids program at the State University of
New York at Albany (56005) ... 235,000 .............. (re. $235,000)
For educational services and expenses for DACA (Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals) eligible out of school youth and young adults
(56045) ... 1,000,000 ............................. (re. $1,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For reimbursement of supplemental basic tuition payments to charter
schools made by school districts in the 2018-19 school year, as
defined by paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 2856 of the
education law (55907) ... 151,000,000 ............. (re. $7,140,000)
For charter schools facilities aid for the 2018-19 school year and
prior school years pursuant to subdivision 6-g of section 3602 of
the education law (55971) ... 31,500,000 ............. (re. $83,000)
For services and expenses of community school regional technical
assistance centers for the 2019-20 school year. Funds appropriated
herein shall be used to operate three regional centers that shall
provide technical assistance to school districts establishing or
operating community school programs, pursuant to a plan developed by
the commissioner of education and approved by the director of the
budget. Provided, further, that such plan shall establish a process
for selection of nonprofit entities with expertise in community
school programs and technical assistance to operate such centers
(55962) ... 1,200,000 ............................. (re. $1,200,000)
For services and expenses of the my brother's keeper initiative. A
portion of this appropriation may be transferred to any other
237 12553-07-1
program or fund within the state education department for these
purposes (55928) ... 18,000,000 .................. (re. $16,578,000)
For services and expenses of remaining obligations for the 2018-19
school year for support for the operation of targeted pre-kindergar-
ten for those providers not eligible to receive funding pursuant to
section 3602-e of the education law and for support for providers
continuing to operate such programs in the 2019-20 school year. Such
funds shall be expended pursuant to a plan developed by the commis-
sioner of education and approved by the director of the budget
(21763) ... 1,303,000 ............................... (re. $173,000)
For services and expenses of remaining obligations of a $14,260,000
teacher resources and computer training centers program for the
2018-19 school year (55985) ... 4,278,000 ......... (re. $1,615,000)
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for services and expenses
of a $14,260,000 teacher resources and computer training center
program for the 2019-20 school year (23445) ........................
9,982,000 ........................................... (re. $123,000)
For the school lunch and breakfast program. Funds for the school lunch
and breakfast program shall be expended subject to the limitation of
funds available and may be used to reimburse sponsors of non-profit
school lunch, breakfast, or other school child feeding programs
based upon the number of federally reimbursable breakfasts and
lunches served to students under such program agreements entered
into by the state education department and such sponsors, in accord-
ance with an act of Congress entitled the "National School Lunch
Act," P.L. 79-396, as amended, or the provisions of the "Child
Nutrition Act of 1966," P.L. 89-642, as amended, in the case of
school breakfast programs to reimburse sponsors in excess of the
federal rates of reimbursement. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, the moneys hereby appropriated, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, are to be available for the purposes herein
specified for obligations heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue
for the school years beginning July 1, 2017, July 1, 2018 and July
1, 2019.
Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the
amount appropriated herein represents the maximum amount payable
during the 2019-20 state fiscal year for state reimbursement for
school lunch and breakfast programs (21702) ........................
34,400,000 ........................................ (re. $6,761,000)
For additional funds to reimburse sponsors of school lunch programs
that have purchased at least 30 percent of their total food products
for its school lunch service program from New York State farmers,
growers, producers, or processors, based upon the number of feder-
ally reimbursable lunches served to students under such program
agreements entered into by the state education department and such
sponsors, in accordance with the provisions of the "National School
Lunch Act," P.L. 79-396, as amended, to reimburse sponsors in excess
of the federal and State rates of reimbursement, provided, that the
total State subsidy shall not exceed twenty-five cents per school
lunch meal, which shall include any annual state subsidy received by
such sponsor under any other provision of State law, provided
238 12553-07-1
further that funds appropriated herein shall be made available on or
after April 1, 2020 (55986) ... 10,000,000 ....... (re. $10,000,000)
For additional services of the school lunch and breakfast program to
pay the student cost of reduced price meals effective July 1, 2019
(23316) ... 2,300,000 ............................. (re. $2,300,000)
For aid payable for the 2018-19 school year for additional nonpublic
school aid. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds
appropriated herein shall be available for payment of aid heretofore
accrued and hereafter to accrue (21770) ............................
77,476,000 ........................................ (re. $7,960,000)
For services and expenses related to nonpublic school STEM programs
(55964) ... 20,000,000 ........................... (re. $20,000,000)
For additional services and expenses related to nonpublic school STEM
programs (23317) ... 10,000,000 .................. (re. $10,000,000)
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 922,000 .......... (re. $922,000)
For costs associated with schools for the blind and deaf and other
students with disabilities subject to article 85 of the education
law, including state aid for blind and deaf pupils in certain insti-
tutions to be paid for the purposes provided under section 4204-a of
the education law for the education of deaf children under 3 years
of age, including transfers to the miscellaneous special revenue
fund Rome school for the deaf account pursuant to a plan to be
developed by the commissioner and approved by the director of the
Of the amounts appropriated herein, up to $84,700,000 shall be avail-
able for reimbursement to school districts for the tuition costs of
students attending schools for the blind and deaf during the 2018-19
school year pursuant to subdivision 2 of section 4204 of the educa-
tion law and subdivision 2 of section 4207 of the education law, and
up to $9,000,000 shall be available for remaining allowable
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, upon disbursement of funds appropriated for allowances to
schools for the blind and deaf in the individuals with disabilities
program special revenue funds-federal/aid to localities for purposes
of this appropriation, funds appropriated herein shall be reduced in
an amount equivalent to such disbursement and the portion of this
appropriation so affected shall have no further force or effect.
Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the
department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
(21705) ... 93,700,000 .............................. (re. $223,000)
For July and August programs for school-aged children with handicap-
ping conditions pursuant to section 4408 of the education law.
Moneys appropriated herein shall be used as follows: (i) for remain-
ing base year and prior school years obligations, (ii) for the
purposes of subdivision 4 of section 3602 of the education law for
schools operated under articles 87 and 88 of the education law, and
239 12553-07-1
(iii) notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, for
payments made pursuant to this appropriation for current school year
obligations, provided, however, that such payments shall not exceed
70 percent of the state aid due for the sum of the approved tuition
and maintenance rates and transportation expense provided for here-
in; provided, however, that payment of eligible claims shall be
payable in the order that such claims have been approved for payment
by the commissioner of education, but in no case shall a single
payee draw down more than 45 percent of this appropriation, and
provided further that no claim shall be set aside for insufficiency
of funds to make a complete payment, but shall be eligible for a
partial payment in one year and shall retain its priority date
status for subsequent appropriations designated for such purposes.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the contrary,
funds appropriated herein shall only be available for liabilities
incurred prior to July 1, 2020, shall be used to pay 2018-19 school
year claims in the first instance, and represent the maximum amount
payable during the 2019-20 state fiscal year. Notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, funds appropriated herein shall be
available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter
to accrue and, subject to the approval of the director of the budg-
et, such funds shall be available to the department net of disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursements and credits (21707) .................
364,500,000 .......................................... (re. $28,000)
For the state's share of the costs of the education of preschool chil-
dren with disabilities pursuant to section 4410 of the education
law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the
contrary, the amount appropriated herein shall support a state share
of preschool handicapped education costs for the 2018-19 school year
limited to 59.5 percent of such total approved expenditures, and
furthermore, notwithstanding any other provision of law, local
claims for reimbursement of costs incurred prior to the 2017-18
school year and during the 2017-18 school year that have been
approved for payment by the education department as of March 31,
2019 shall be the first claims paid from this appropriation.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the
department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
(21706) ... 1,035,000,000 ....................... (re. $243,136,000)
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funding made avail-
able by this appropriation shall support direct salary costs and
related fringe benefits associated with any minimum wage increase
that takes effect on or after December 31, 2016, pursuant to section
652 of the labor law. Organizations eligible for funding made avail-
able by this appropriation shall be limited to special act school
districts and those that are required to file a consolidated fiscal
report with the state education department and provide preschool and
school-age special education services under articles 81, 85 and 89
of the education law. Each eligible organization in receipt of fund-
ing made available by this appropriation shall submit written
240 12553-07-1
certification, in such form and at such time as the commissioner
shall prescribe, attesting to how such funding will be or was used
for purposes eligible under this appropriation. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, and subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, the amounts appropriated herein may be
increased or decreased by interchange or transfer to any local
assistance appropriation of the state education department (55938)
... 17,180,000 ................................... (re. $17,180,000)
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, subject to an allocation plan developed by the
commissioner of education and approved by the director of the budg-
et, shall be available for the payment of prior year claims and/or
fiscal stabilization grants for remaining payments for the 2018-19
school year and for payments prior to March 31, 2020 for the 2019-20
school year, provided, however, notwithstanding any provisions of
law to the contrary, the New York city school district shall be
eligible for a fiscal stabilization grant in the amount of
$26,404,000 (21773) ... 45,068,000 ................ (re. $5,281,000)
For services and expenses of the supportive schools grant program and
technical assistance to promote safe and supportive school environ-
ments free from bullying, harassment, and discrimination. Up to
$300,000 of this appropriation shall be available for the New York
center for school safety. A portion of this appropriation may be
transferred to any other account within the state education depart-
ment, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation,
provided further that up to five percent of the funds appropriated
herein may be transferred to the credit of the state purposes
account of the state education department to carry out the purposes
of this appropriation (55996) ... 2,000,000 ....... (re. $1,900,000)
For services and expenses of the New York state center for school
safety for the 2019-20 school year. Funds appropriated herein shall
be used to operate a statewide center and shall be subject to an
expenditure plan approved by the director of the budget (21774) ...
466,000 .............................................. (re. $72,000)
For services and expenses of the health education program for the
2019-20 school year. Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for health-related programs including, but not limited to, those
providing instruction and supportive services in comprehensive
health education and/or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
education. Of the amounts appropriated herein, $86,000 shall be
available for the program previously operated as the school health
demonstration program. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to
the contrary, funds appropriated herein may be suballocated, subject
to the approval of the director of the budget, to any state agency
or department to accomplish the purpose of this appropriation
(21775) ... 691,000 ................................. (re. $269,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries, and not-for-profit institutions. Notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, funds from this appropriation
shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan developed by the director
of the budget which sets forth either an itemized list of grantees
241 12553-07-1
with the amount to be received by each, or the methodology for allo-
cating such appropriation (23318) ... 5,000,000 ... (re. $3,900,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries, and not-for-profit institutions. Notwithstanding section
twenty-four of the state finance law or any provision of law to the
contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated only
pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the speaker of the assembly and
the director of the budget which sets forth either an itemized list
of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or the methodol-
ogy for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is thereafter
included in an assembly resolution calling for the expenditure of
such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of
all members elected to the assembly upon a roll call vote ..........
5,000,000 ......................................... (re. $5,000,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries, and not-for-profit institutions. Notwithstanding section
twenty-four of the state finance law or any provision of law to the
contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated only
pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the temporary president of the
senate and the director of the budget which sets forth either an
itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or
the methodology for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is
thereafter included in a senate resolution calling for the expendi-
ture of such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote ....
5,000,000 ......................................... (re. $1,811,000)
For competitive grants for the 2019-20 school year for extended day
programs and school violence prevention programs pursuant to section
2814 of the education law provided, however, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provisions of law, eligible entities receiving funds
for extended day programs may include not-for-profit organizations
working in collaboration with a public school or school district
(21776) ... 24,344,000 ........................... (re. $19,056,000)
For aid payable for the 2019-20 school year for support of county
vocational education and extension boards pursuant to section 1104
of the education law, provided, however, that notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, rule, or regulation, any apportion-
ment of aid shall be based on a quota amounting to one-half of the
salary paid each teacher, director, assistant, and supervisor, where
such salary is attributable to a course of study first submitted to
the commissioner for approval pursuant to section 1103 of the educa-
tion law on or before July 1, 2010, but not to exceed the amount
computed by the commissioner based upon an assumed annualized salary
equal to ten thousand five hundred dollars per school year on
account of the employment of such teacher, director, assistant or
supervisor and provided further that payment from this appropriation
shall first be made for approved claims for salary expenses for the
2019-20 school year, and any amount remaining after payment of such
claims shall be available for payment of unpaid claims for prior
school years (21781) ... 932,000 .................... (re. $120,000)
242 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of the primary mental health project at the
children's institute for the 2019-20 school year (21778) ...........
894,000 .............................................. (re. $82,000)
For services and expenses associated with the math and science high
schools for the 2019-20 school year in the amount of $1,382,000,
provided that such funds shall be allocated equally among those
entities that received program funding for the 2007-08 school year
(21779) ... 1,382,000 ............................... (re. $177,000)
For additional services and expenses associated with the Bard High
School Early College Queens for the 2019-20 school year (55939) ...
461,000 ............................................. (re. $461,000)
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for educational services
and expenses of the Syracuse city school district for the say yes to
education program (21800) ... 350,000 ................ (re. $12,000)
For services and expenses of the center for autism and related disa-
bilities at the state university of New York at Albany (21782) ...
740,000 ............................................. (re. $740,000)
For additional services and expenses of the center for autism and
related disabilities at the state university of New York at Albany
... 500,000 ......................................... (re. $500,000)
For postsecondary aid to Native Americans to fund awards to eligible
students. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contra-
ry, the amount herein made available shall constitute the state's
entire obligation for all costs incurred under section 4118 of the
education law in state fiscal year 2019-20 (21833) .................
800,000 ............................................. (re. $197,000)
Work Force Education. For partial reimbursement of services and
expenses per contract hour of work force education conducted by the
consortium for worker education (CWE), a private not-for-profit
corporation program approved by the commissioner of education that
enable adults who are 21 years of age or older to obtain or retain
employment or improve their work skills capacity to enhance their
opportunities for increased earnings and advancement (21801) .......
11,500,000 .......................................... (re. $630,000)
For services and expenses of the Executive Leadership Institute ...
475,000 ............................................. (re. $475,000)
For services and expenses of the Magellan Foundation, Inc ............
475,000 ............................................. (re. $475,000)
For services and expenses of the Consortium for Worker education
Credential Initiative (55967) ... 500,000 ........... (re. $500,000)
For the early college high schools program for the 2019-20 school
year, provided, however, that expenditure of funds appropriated
herein shall support the continuation and expansion of the early
college high schools program pursuant to a plan developed by the
commissioner of education and approved by the director of the budget
provided, further, that a portion of the payment to the early
college high schools program awarded from this appropriation shall
be available on a sliding scale based upon the number of college
credits earned annually by participating students consistent with
guidelines established by the commissioner. Provided further that,
notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, higher educa-
tion partners participating in an early college high schools
243 12553-07-1
program, or the entity/entities responsible for setting tuition at
the institution, shall be authorized to set a reduced rate of
tuition and/or fees, or to waive tuition and/or fees entirely, for
students enrolled in such early college high schools program with no
reduction in other state, local or other support for such students
earning college credit that such higher education partner would
otherwise be eligible to receive (56139) ...........................
1,465,000 ......................................... (re. $1,230,000)
For services and expenses of a $490,000 2019-20 school year program
for mentoring and tutoring operated by the Hillside Work-Scholarship
Connection program, which is based on model programs proven to be
effective in producing outcomes that include, but are not limited
to, improved graduation rates, provided that such services shall be
provided to students in one or more city school districts located in
a city having a population in excess of 125,000 and less than
1,000,000 inhabitants (21804) ... 490,000 ........... (re. $490,000)
For services and expenses of a teacher diversity pipeline pilot oper-
ated by the State University College at Buffalo for the Buffalo City
School District to assist teacher aides and teaching assistants in
attaining the necessary educational and professional credentials to
obtain teacher certification (55997) ...............................
500,000 ............................................. (re. $481,000)
For services and expenses of the clinically rich intensive teacher
institute bilingual extension and English to speakers of other
languages program (55998) ... 770,000 ............... (re. $770,000)
For services and expenses of the New York City Community Learning
Schools Initiative ... 450,000 ...................... (re. $450,000)
For services and expenses of the Long Island Latino Teachers Associ-
ation in the 2019-20 school year ... 25,000 .......... (re. $25,000)
For payments to the board of cooperative educational services of the
sole supervisory district of the county of Westchester (Southern
Westchester BOCES) for costs incurred in carrying out its adminis-
trative duties under Chapter 446 of the laws of 2014. Provided that,
subject to the approval of the director of the budget, the state
education department shall make an advance of 100 percent of the
funds appropriated herein to the Southern Westchester BOCES.
Provided further that the Southern Westchester BOCES shall provide
the state education department with documentation of actual costs
incurred in carrying out its duties under Chapter 446 of the laws of
2014, and the difference between such actual costs incurred and the
100 percent advance of the funds appropriated herein shall be
recouped from BOCES Aid otherwise due to Southern Westchester BOCES.
Provided however, that during the closedown process, the Southern
Westchester BOCES shall prioritize outstanding debts and costs owed
to previous employees of the union free school district number 13,
town of Greenburgh, county of Westchester ..........................
250,000 ............................................. (re. $250,000)
For purposes of the Just for Kids program at the State University of
New York at Albany (56005) ... 235,000 .............. (re. $133,000)
For services and expenses of the National Association of Social Work-
ers - NYC Chapter to develop and distribute test preparation materi-
als ... 150,000 ..................................... (re. $150,000)
244 12553-07-1
For educational services and expenses for DACA (Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals) eligible out of school youth and young adults
(56045) ... 1,000,000 ............................. (re. $1,000,000)
The appropriation made by chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019, as
amended by chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020, is hereby
amended and reappropriated to read:
For continuation of a statewide universal full-day pre-kindergarten
program in accordance with section 3602-ee of the education law to
reimburse school districts and/or eligible entities for the cost of
awarded programs operating in the 2019-20 school year and prior
school years; provided that up to 25 percent of a school district's
and/or eligible entity's awarded funds shall be made available in
the final quarter of the year in which services are provided as an
advance on subsequent school year liabilities; provided further that
funds appropriated herein shall only be awarded to school districts
and/or eligible entities which meet requirements provided for in
section 3602-ee of the education law.
Provided further that funds appropriated herein shall only be used to
supplement and not supplant current local expenditures of federal,
state or local funds on pre-kindergarten programs and the number of
placements in such programs from such sources and that current local
expenditures shall include any local expenditures of federal, state
or local funds used to supplement or extend services provided
directly or via contract to eligible children enrolled in a
universal pre-kindergarten program in accordance with section 3602-e
of the education law. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the funds appropriated herein shall only be available for
a statewide universal full-day pre-kindergarten program and, as of
July 1, [2021] 2022, may be suballocated or transferred to any other
appropriation for the sole purpose of administering such program.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, programs that
provide services for fewer than 180 days will be subject to the
provisions of subdivision 16 of section 3602-e of the education law
(56138) ... 340,000,000 ......................... (re. $169,218,000)
Funds appropriated herein shall be used to provide awards to school
districts, boards of cooperative educational services, and other
eligible entities based on a plan developed by the commissioner of
education and approved by the director of the budget. Provided that
at least the following amounts of the funds appropriated herein
shall be made available as follows:
(i) $21,590,000 shall be used for the continuation of school-wide
extended learning grants to school districts or school districts in
collaboration with not-for-profit community-based organizations
pursuant to the guidelines set forth and the awards made pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2013.
(ii) $6,095,000 shall be used for grants awarded based on responses to
the 2013-20 NYS pathways in technology early college high schools
request for proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2013.
(iii) $4,505,000 shall be used for grants awarded based on responses
to the 2014-21 NYS pathways in technology early college high schools
request for proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2014.
245 12553-07-1
(iv) $3,050,000 shall be used for grants awarded based on responses to
the 2015-2022 NYS pathways in technology early college high schools
request for proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2015.
(v) $2,100,000 shall be used for grants awarded based on responses to
the 2018-2024 NYS pathways in technology early college high school
request for proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2017.
(vi) $9,000,000 shall be used for early college high school grants
awarded based on responses to a request for proposals, pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2018.
(vii) $1,900,000 shall be used for the continuation of early college
high school awards made based on responses to the New York state
early college high school ECHS program request for proposals pursu-
ant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2017.
(viii) $1,910,000 shall be used for the continuation of smart scholars
early college high school grants, provided that funds shall be used
pursuant to the guidelines set forth and the awards made pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2013.
(ix) $1,350,000 shall be used for the continuation of smart transfer
early college high school program grants awarded based on responses
to the New York state smart transfer ECHS program request for
proposals pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2016.
(x) $19,000,000 shall be used for the continuation of the master
teacher program, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2013, chapter
53 of the laws of 2015, chapter 53 of the laws of 2017, and chapter
53 of the laws of 2018; notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, upon approval of the director of the budget, the funds
hereby made available for master teacher program funding may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the state university of New York for the services and expenses of
administering such program.
(xi) $5,000,000 shall be used for the continuation of QUALITYstarsNY,
pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2015 and chapter 53 of the
laws of 2016; notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,
upon approval of the director of the budget, the funds hereby made
available for QUALITYstarsNY may be suballocated, interchanged,
transferred or otherwise made available to the office of children
and family services for the sole purpose of administering such
(xii) $3,000,000 shall be used for the continuation of New York state
masters-in-education teacher incentive scholarship program, pursuant
to chapter 53 of the laws of 2015; notwithstanding any provision of
law to the contrary, upon approval of the director of the budget,
the funds hereby made available for the masters-in-education teacher
incentive scholarship program may be suballocated, interchanged,
transferred or otherwise made available to the higher education
services corporation for the sole purpose of administering such
(xiii) $35,000,000 shall be used for the continuation of awards made
based on responses to the empire state after-school program request
for proposals pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2017; notwith-
standing any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the
director of the budget, the funds hereby made available may be
246 12553-07-1
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the office of children and family services for the sole purpose
of administering such grants.
(xiv) $10,000,000 shall be used for the continuation of awards made
based on responses to the empire state after-school program request
for proposals pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2018; notwith-
standing any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the
director of the budget, the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the office of children and family services for the sole purpose
of administering such grants.
(xv) $4,000,000 shall be used for services and expenses to subsidize
the remaining cost of advanced placement and international baccalau-
reate exam fees for low-income students, as determined by free and
reduced price lunch eligibility, pursuant to a plan developed by the
commissioner of education and approved by the director of the budg-
(xvi) $500,000 shall be used for grants for the advanced courses
access program pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2018, provided
that such grants shall be awarded to school districts and/or boards
of cooperative educational services in order to increase advanced
course offerings for students, particularly in districts with no or
very limited advanced course offerings.
(xvii) $400,000 shall be used for empire state excellence in teaching
awards pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2017; notwithstanding
any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the director
of the budget, the funds hereby made available may be suballocated,
interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available to the state
university of New York for the services and expenses of administer-
ing such awards.
(xviii) $6,000,000 shall be used for grants for the smart start
computer science program pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2018.
(xix) $5,000,000 shall be used for additional funds to reimburse spon-
sors of school breakfast programs pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws
of 2018.
(xx) $750,000 shall be used for additional services and expenses of a
program to develop farm to school initiatives, pursuant to chapter
53 of the laws of 2018; notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, upon approval of the director of the budget, the funds
hereby made available may be suballocated, interchanged, transferred
or otherwise made available to the department of agriculture and
markets for the services and expenses of administering such awards.
(xxi) $500,000 shall be used for services and expenses of locally run
gang prevention and education programs, pursuant to chapter 53 of
the laws of 2018; notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, upon approval of the director of the budget, the funds
hereby made available may be suballocated, interchanged, transferred
or otherwise made available to the department of criminal justice
services for the services and expenses of administering such awards.
(xxii) $250,000 shall be used for grants to school districts to allow
community schools to expand mental health services and capacity of
247 12553-07-1
community school programs pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of
(xxiii) $9,000,000 shall be used for early college high school grants,
pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of education and
approved by the director of the budget, provided that such plan
shall prioritize (a) programs serving students in schools with grad-
uation rates below the state average which are not currently engaged
in a school-wide turnaround plan, and (b) programs that lead
students to a career in computer science. Provided further that
school districts or boards of cooperative educational services
awarded such grants shall agree to offer opportunities for every
student in the school to graduate with at least one college credit,
through programs including but not limited to an early college high
school, dual enrollment, or advanced placement courses.
Provided further that a portion of the payments to early college high
school programs awarded funding from this appropriation shall be
made on a sliding scale based upon the number of college credits
earned annually by participating students, consistent with guide-
lines established by the commissioner of education, provided that
the maximum annual grant award shall be $500,000.
Provided further that in connection with such guidelines, the commis-
sioner of education shall execute a memorandum of understanding with
the state university of New York and the city university of New York
to develop common data collection, sharing and reporting mechanisms
based on student-level data for students enrolled in early college
high school programs.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, higher education
partners participating in an early college high school program, or
the entity/entities responsible for setting tuition at the institu-
tion, shall be authorized to set a reduced rate of tuition and/or
fees, or to waive tuition and/or fees entirely, for students
enrolled in such an early college high school program with no
reduction in other state, local or other support for such students
earning college credit that such higher education partner would
otherwise be eligible to receive.
(xxiv) $1,500,000 shall be used for master teacher awards to support
awards to individual high-performing teachers in any grade teaching
in schools with high rates of teacher turnover or in schools with
high rates of teachers with fewer than three years of teaching expe-
Provided further that the funds hereby made available shall support
the award of stipends of $15,000 per annum over four years to such
individual teachers, and of related costs, administered by the state
university of New York pursuant to a plan developed in consultation
with the commissioner of education, who shall consult with appropri-
ate state organizations representing K-12 public school teachers,
and approved by the director of the budget, to build a corps of
outstanding teachers in order to improve the quality of instruction
at public schools. Such plan for use of funding hereby made avail-
able shall: (i) establish an application process; (ii) include
guidelines by which applications from eligible teachers shall be
evaluated, which shall include, but not be limited to, achievement
248 12553-07-1
of a rating of highly effective on the annual professional perform-
ance review; and (iii) provide periodic opportunities for profes-
sional development for successful applicants. Provided, further,
that priority shall be given to applicants in regions where a simi-
lar program is not otherwise offered.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of
the director of the budget, the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the state university of New York for the services and expenses of
administering such awards. Nothing herein shall be construed to
limit the rights of labor organizations representing teachers to
collectively bargain terms and conditions pursuant to article 14 of
the civil service law.
(xxv) $10,000,000 shall be used for empire state after-school grants
pursuant to a plan developed by the office of children and family
services in consultation with the commissioner of education and
approved by the director of the budget, to support the establishment
and/or expansion of after-school programs by school districts or
not-for-profit community-based organizations which are (A) located
in a school district with high rates of student homelessness, or (B)
located in a school district in at-risk areas identified by the
office of children and family services, division of criminal justice
services, division of state police, county executive, or local law
Provided that such grants shall be awarded based on factors including,
but not limited to, the following: (i) measures of school district
need, (ii) measures of the need of students to be served, (iii) the
applicant's proposal to target the highest-need schools and
students, (iv) the applicant's program design to meet the specific
needs of students, including homeless students or students affected
by violence, and (v) proposal quality.
Provided, further, that an empire state after-school grant shall equal
the product of (i) the approved number of student placements multi-
plied by (ii) $1,600; provided, however, that no applicant shall
receive a grant in excess of the total actual grant expenditures
incurred by the applicant in the current school year as approved by
the office of children and family services.
Provided, further, that $2,000,000 of such funds shall be initially
made available to applicants located in high-need school districts
in Nassau County or Suffolk County.
Provided, further, an awardee shall agree to adopt approved quality
indicators including, but not limited to, valid and reliable meas-
ures of environmental quality, and the quality of staff-student
interactions and student outcomes. Provided further, that all
programs shall agree to offer gang-prevention programming. Provided,
further, that no school district shall receive more than 40 percent
of the total empire state after-school program grant allocation.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval
of the director of the budget, the funds hereby made available may
be suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made avail-
able to the office of children and family services for the sole
purpose of administering such grants.
249 12553-07-1
(xxvi) $1,800,000 shall be used for services and expenses to subsidize
the remaining cost of advanced placement and international baccalau-
reate exam fees for low-income students, as determined by free and
reduced price lunch eligibility, pursuant to a plan developed by the
commissioner of education and approved by the director of the budg-
(xxvii) $1,000,000 shall be used for grants for the advanced courses
access program, provided that such grants shall be awarded to school
districts with no or very limited advanced course offerings for
students or to boards of cooperative educational services containing
such school districts. Provided further, that such grants shall be
awarded, based on a plan developed by the commissioner of education
and approved by the director of the budget, to school districts and
boards of cooperative educational services to establish advanced
placement courses or other equally rigorous advanced courses in
subjects including but not limited to English, history, science,
mathematics, engineering, computer science, or world languages.
Provided further that, such grants may be used for teacher training
and development, materials and supplies, or equipment and services
for digital learning. Provided, further, that no awardee shall
receive a grant in excess of the total actual grant expenditures
incurred in the current school year as approved by the commissioner
and provided further that such grants shall only be used to supple-
ment, not supplant existing funding for advanced courses. Provided
further that no awardee shall receive more than 40 percent of the
total grant allocation.
(xxviii) $15,000,0000 shall be used for additional grants for prekin-
dergarten; provided that grants shall be awarded pursuant to subdi-
vision 18 of section 3602-e of the education law, based on a request
for proposals developed by the commissioner of education and
approved by the director of the budget, to school districts to
establish new full-day and half-day prekindergarten placements for
three-year-olds and four-year-olds; provided, further, that such
grants shall only be used to supplement, not supplant existing prek-
indergarten programs; and provided, further, that any portion of the
funds hereby made available that is not awarded shall remain avail-
able for subsequent awards in the 2020-21 school year or for full-
day and half-day prekindergarten grants to be awarded in subsequent
school years.
Provided, further, that such grants from funds hereby made available
shall be awarded based on factors including, but not limited to, the
following: (i) measures of school district need, (ii) measures of
the need of students to be served by the school district, (iii) the
school district's proposal to target the highest-need schools and
students, (iv) the extent to which the district's proposal would
prioritize funds to maximize the total number of eligible children
in the district served in prekindergarten programs, (v) the school
district's proposal to include students of all learning and physical
abilities in integrated settings and (vi) proposal quality; provided
further that preference for the 2019-20 awards shall be given to
high-need school districts without a current state-funded prekinder-
garten program.
250 12553-07-1
Provided, however, that full-day and half-day prekindergarten grants
funded hereby shall only be available to support programs (i) that
provide instruction for at least five hours per school day for full-
day prekindergarten programs and at least two and one-half hours per
school day for half-day prekindergarten programs; (ii) that agree to
offer instruction consistent with applicable New York state prekin-
dergarten early learning standards; and (iii) that otherwise comply
with all of the same rules and requirements as universal prekinder-
garten programs pursuant to section 3602-e of the education law
except as modified herein; provided that notwithstanding paragraph c
of subdivision 1 of section 3602-e of the education law notwith-
standing, for the purposes of this appropriation, an eligible child
shall be a resident child who is three years of age on or before
December first of the year in which he or she is enrolled.
Provided, further, that as a condition of eligibility for receipt of
such funding for three-year-olds, a school district must currently
offer a prekindergarten program for four-year-old children, or chil-
dren who would otherwise be eligible under paragraph c of subdivi-
sion 1 of section 3602-e of the education law; provided, further,
that a school district may apply for only as many full-day or half-
day placements for three-year-old children as it currently offers
for four-year-old children, or children who would otherwise be
eligible under paragraph c of subdivision 1 of section 3602-e of the
education law.
Provided, further, that a school district's grant shall equal the
product of (A) (i) two multiplied by the approved number of new
full-day prekindergarten placements plus (ii) the approved number of
half-day prekindergarten placement conversions and the approved
number of new half-day prekindergarten placements, and (B) the
district's selected aid per prekindergarten pupil pursuant to
subparagraph (i) of paragraph b of subdivision 10 of section 3602-e
of the education law; provided, however, that no district shall
receive a grant in excess of the total actual grant expenditures
incurred by the district in the current school year as approved by
the commissioner of education.
Provided, further, a school district shall agree to adopt approved
quality indicators within two years, including, but not limited to,
valid and reliable measures of environmental quality, the quality of
teacher-student interactions and child outcomes, and ensure that any
such assessment of child outcomes shall not be used to make highs-
takes educational decisions for individual children.
Provided, further, a school district shall agree to maximize partner-
ships with community-based organizations in developing new pre-kin-
dergarten slots, and shall agree to maximize the inclusion of
students with disabilities.
(xxix) $1,500,000 shall be used for the refugee and immigrant student
welcome grants program, pursuant to a plan developed by the commis-
sioner of education and approved by the director of the budget,
provided that such plan shall prioritize awards to school districts
with increased refugee and immigrant populations, including unaccom-
panied minor students.
251 12553-07-1
Provided further that such funds shall be used for activities includ-
ing but not limited to expanded community school activities, the
provision of school supplies for incoming students, training oppor-
tunities for staff on trauma and cultural sensitivity, employment of
counselors and psychologists, and parental and family engagement and
Provided further that such funds shall only be used to supplement, and
not supplant, current local expenditures of federal, state or local
Provided, further, that no district shall receive a grant in excess of
the total actual grant expenditures incurred by the district in the
current school year as approved by the commissioner of education.
Provided, further, that no school district shall receive more than 40
percent of the total grant allocation.
Provided, further, that $500,000 of such funds shall be initially made
available to applicants located in high-need school districts in
Nassau County or Suffolk County.
Provided further that school districts receiving such grants shall
agree to partner with state agencies to provide information on
English as a New Language (ENL) and naturalization services.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of
the director of the budget, the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the office of temporary and disability assistance for the
services and expenses of administering such awards.
(xxx) $3,000,000 shall be used for alternative discipline grants
pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of education and
approved by the director of the budget, provided that such plan
shall prioritize awards to school districts identified by the
commissioner of education as being high need or identified as having
high numbers of student suspensions or exclusions. Provided further
that such funds shall be used to increase the use of alternative
approaches to student discipline through activities including but
not limited to restorative justice techniques, therapeutic crisis
intervention, staff training on alternative discipline, and trauma
informed education; provided, however, the commissioner of education
shall submit to the governor, the temporary president of the senate
and speaker of the assembly a report setting forth recommendations
for alternative discipline based on best practices from the use of
such funds provided that such report shall be developed with consul-
tation from stakeholders including but not limited to educators and
civil rights organizations.
Provided further that such funds shall only be used to supplement, and
not supplant, current local expenditures of federal, state or local
Provided, further, that no district shall receive a grant in excess of
the total actual grant expenditures incurred by the district in the
current school year as approved by the commissioner of education.
Provided, further, that no school district shall receive more than
40 percent of the total grant allocation.
(xxxi) $1,500,000 shall be used for services and expenses of school
mental health programs pursuant to a plan developed by the commis-
252 12553-07-1
sioner of education and approved by the director of the budget,
provided that such plan shall provide grants to school districts for
middle or junior high schools for the purposes of supporting student
mental health or school climate through activities including but not
limited to school mental health centers, teacher training and
support, school-wide anti-bullying programs, school climate surveys
and tools, and school and family engagement resources. Provided
further, that of the amount appropriated herein, up to $500,000 may
be used to support the school mental health technical assistance
Provided further that such funds shall only be used to supplement, and
not supplant, current local expenditures of federal, state or local
Provided, further, that no district shall receive a grant in excess of
the total actual grant expenditures incurred by the district in the
current school year as approved by the commissioner of education.
Provided, further, that no school district shall receive more than
40 percent of the total grant allocation.
(xxxii) $3,000,000 shall be used for services and expenses of the we
teach NY grant program to address the teacher shortage in identified
subject areas pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of
education and approved by the director of the budget in order to
recruit a corps of outstanding teacher candidates in high-need shor-
tage areas.
Provided that, such plan for use of funding hereby made available
shall: (i) prioritize recruiting teacher candidates as incoming
college freshmen in hard to staff subject areas, (ii) award funds to
school districts partnering with an institution of higher education,
(iii) require that awarded school districts provide mentors and paid
internship opportunities for teaching candidates, and (iv) require
that teachers will have a guaranteed job opportunity at the end of
the program if they meet all program requirements.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of
the director of the budget, the funds hereby made available may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the state university of New York for the services and expenses of
administering such awards. Provided further that such funds shall
only be used to supplement, and not supplant, current local expendi-
tures of federal, state or local funds.
Provided, further, that no district shall receive a grant in excess of
the total actual grant expenditures incurred by the district in the
current school year as approved by the commissioner of education.
Provided, further, that no school district shall receive more than 40
percent of the total grant allocation.
(xxxiii) $1,000,000 shall be used for services and expenses of recov-
ery high schools, pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner
of education in consultation with the office of addiction services
and supports and approved by the director of the budget. Provided
further that such grants shall be made to boards of cooperative
educational services in order to help facilitate the implementation
of a recovery high school. Provided further that such grants shall
only be made to such programs with a demonstrated partnership with a
253 12553-07-1
program licensed pursuant to article thirty-two of the mental
hygiene law; that offer a safe and supportive learning environment
for students diagnosed with or at risk of substance use disorder;
incorporate recovery supports into the normal school day to facili-
tate personal, academic, vocational and recovery success for the
student; and are recognized by the commissioner of education.
(xxxiv) $1,500,000 shall be used for the expanded mathematics access
program, pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of educa-
tion and approved by the director of the budget. Provided further
that the funds hereby made available shall be awarded to a qualified
organization to provide additional math instruction through the use
of internet accessible learning games to build basic math fluency
for elementary school students. Provided further that such an organ-
ization shall have been independently evaluated for its efficacy in
improving early math skills. Provided further that up to $500,000 of
the amount hereby made available shall be allocated for the services
and expenses of a state-wide math tournament for students in grades
one through five. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, upon approval of the director of the budget, the funds
hereby made available may be suballocated, interchanged, transferred
or otherwise made available to the state university of New York for
the services and expenses of administering such awards.
(xxxv) $200,000 shall be used for services and expenses of the New
York state youth council. Notwithstanding any provision of law to
the contrary, upon approval of the director of the budget, the funds
hereby made available may be suballocated, interchanged, transferred
or otherwise made available to office of children and family
services for the services and expenses of administering such coun-
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the $50,000,000
made available in items (xxiii) to (xxxv) herein appropriated herein
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2019-20 school year[. Notwithstanding section 40 of the state
finance law or any provision of law to the contrary, this appropri-
ation shall lapse on March 31, 2022] (23306) .......................
234,113,000 ..................................... (re. $198,681,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as added by chapter 54,
section 2, of the laws of 2018:
For charter schools facilities aid for the 2017-18 school year pursu-
ant to subdivision 6-g of section 3602 of the education law (55971)
... 6,100,000 ........................................ (re. $83,000)
For reimbursement of supplemental basic tuition payments to charter
schools made by school districts in the 2017-18 school year, as
defined by paragraph a of subdivision 1 of section 2856 of the
education law (55907) ... 139,000,000 ............. (re. $3,036,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries, and not-for-profit institutions. Notwithstanding section
twenty-four of the state finance law or any provision of law to the
contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated only
pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the speaker of the assembly and
the director of the budget which sets forth either an itemized list
254 12553-07-1
of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or the methodol-
ogy for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is thereafter
included in an assembly resolution calling for the expenditure of
such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of
all members elected to the assembly upon a roll call vote, provided,
however, that no more than $25,000,000 of the funds appropriated
herein shall be made available prior to April 1, 2019 ..............
40,000,000 ....................................... (re. $11,876,000)
For additional empire state after-school grants; provided that
$35,000,000 of the amount appropriated herein shall support the
continuation of awards made based on responses to the empire state
after-school program request for proposals pursuant to chapter 53 of
the laws of 2017; and provided further that $10,000,000 of the
amount appropriated herein shall be awarded pursuant to a plan
developed by the office of children and family services in consulta-
tion with the commissioner of education and approved by the director
of the budget, to support the establishment and/or expansion of
after-school programs by school districts or not-for-profit communi-
ty-based organizations (A) located in school districts eligible to
participate in the empire state after-school program pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2017, or (B) located in a school district
with high rates of student homelessness, or (C) located in a school
district in at-risk areas in Nassau County or Suffolk County identi-
fied by the office of children and family services, division of
criminal justice services, division of state police, county execu-
tive, or local law enforcement, or (D) located in high-need school
districts in Nassau County or Suffolk County.
Provided that such grants shall be awarded based on factors including,
but not limited to, the following: (i) measures of school district
need, (ii) measures of the need of students to be served, (iii) the
applicant's proposal to target the highest-need schools and
students, (iv) the applicant's program design to meet the specific
needs of students, including homeless students or students displaced
by natural disasters, and (v) proposal quality.
Provided, further, that $2,000,000 of such funds shall be initially
made available to applicants (A) located in a school district in
at-risk areas in Nassau County or Suffolk County identified by the
office of children and family services, division of criminal justice
services, division of state police, county executive, or local law
enforcement, or (B) located in high-need school districts in Nassau
County or Suffolk County.
Provided, further, that an empire state after-school grant shall equal
the product of (i) the approved number of students served in such
program and (ii) $1,600; provided, however, that no applicant shall
receive a grant in excess of the total actual grant expenditures
incurred by the applicant in the current school year as approved by
the office of children and family services.
Provided, further, a school district shall agree to adopt approved
quality indicators including, but not limited to, valid and reliable
measures of environmental quality, and the quality of staff-student
interactions and student outcomes. Provided, further, that no school
district shall receive more than 40 percent of the total empire
255 12553-07-1
state after-school program grant allocation. Notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the director of
the budget, the funds appropriated herein may be suballocated,
interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available to the office
of children and family services for the sole purpose of administer-
ing such grants.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, $10,000,000 of
the funds appropriated herein, plus any other amounts so designated
in other items of appropriation within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergarten through grade twelve
education program, shall constitute the competitive awards amount
authorized for the 2018-19 school year (55973) .....................
45,000,000 ....................................... (re. $38,323,000)
For additional grants for prekindergarten; provided that $5,000,000 of
the amount appropriated herein shall support the continuation of
awards made based on responses to the additional grants for the
expanded prekindergarten for three- and four-year old students in
high-need school districts request for proposals pursuant to chapter
53 of the laws of 2017; and provided further that $15,000,000 of
such grants shall be awarded pursuant to subdivision 18 of section
3602-e of the education law, based on a request for proposals devel-
oped by the commissioner of education and approved by the director
of the budget, to school districts to establish new full-day and
half-day prekindergarten placements for three-year-olds and four-
year-olds; provided, further, that such grants shall only be used to
supplement, not supplant existing prekindergarten programs; and
provided, further, that any portion of the funds appropriated herein
that is not awarded shall remain available for subsequent awards in
the 2019-20 school year or for full-day and half-day prekindergarten
grants to be awarded in subsequent school years.
Provided, further, that such grants from funds appropriated herein
shall be awarded based on factors including, but not limited to, the
following: (i) measures of school district need, (ii) measures of
the need of students to be served by the school district, (iii) the
school district's proposal to target the highest-need schools and
students, (iv) the extent to which the district's proposal would
prioritize funds to maximize the total number of eligible children
in the district served in prekindergarten programs, (v) the school
district's proposal to include students of all learning and physical
abilities in integrated settings and (vi) proposal quality; provided
further that preference for the 2018-19 awards shall be given to
high-need school districts without a current state-funded prekinder-
garten program.
Provided, however, that full-day and half-day prekindergarten grants
appropriated herein shall only be available to support programs (i)
that provide instruction for at least five hours per school day for
full-day prekindergarten programs and at least two and one-half
hours per school day for half-day prekindergarten programs; (ii)
that agree to offer instruction consistent with applicable New York
state prekindergarten early learning standards; and (iii) that
otherwise comply with all of the same rules and requirements as
universal prekindergarten programs pursuant to section 3602-e of the
256 12553-07-1
education law except as modified herein; provided that notwithstand-
ing paragraph c of subdivision 1 of section 3602-e of the education
law notwithstanding, for the purposes of this appropriation, an
eligible child shall be a resident child who is three years of age
on or before December first of the year in which he or she is
Provided, further, that as a condition of eligibility for receipt of
such funding for three-year-olds, a school district must currently
offer a prekindergarten program for four-year-old children, or chil-
dren who would otherwise be eligible under paragraph c of subdivi-
sion 1 of section 3602-e of the education law; provided, further,
that a school district may apply for only as many full-day or half-
day placements for three-year-old children as it currently offers
for four-year-old children, or children who would otherwise be
eligible under paragraph c of subdivision 1 of section 3602-e of the
education law.
Provided, further, that a school district's grant shall equal the
product of (A) (i) two multiplied by the approved number of new
full-day prekindergarten placements plus (ii) the approved number of
half-day prekindergarten placement conversions and the approved
number of new half-day prekindergarten placements, and (B) the
district's selected aid per prekindergarten pupil pursuant to
subparagraph i of paragraph b of subdivision 10 of section 3602-e of
the education law; provided, however, that no district shall receive
a grant in excess of the total actual grant expenditures incurred by
the district in the current school year as approved by the commis-
Provided, further, a school district shall agree to adopt approved
quality indicators within two years, including, but not limited to,
valid and reliable measures of environmental quality, the quality of
teacher-student interactions and child outcomes, and ensure that any
such assessment of child outcomes shall not be used to make highs-
takes educational decisions for individual children.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, $15,000,000 of
the funds appropriated herein, plus any other amounts so designated
in other items of appropriation within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergarten through grade twelve
education program, shall constitute the competitive awards amount
authorized for the 2018-19 school year (55950) .....................
20,000,000 ........................................ (re. $9,830,000)
For early college high school grants, pursuant to a plan developed by
the commissioner of education and approved by the director of the
budget, provided that such plan shall prioritize programs serving
students in schools with graduation rates below the state average,
which are not currently engaged in a school-wide turnaround plan.
Provided further that school districts awarded such grants shall
agree to offer opportunities for every student in the school to
graduate with at least one college credit, through programs includ-
ing but not limited to an early college high school, dual enroll-
ment, or advanced placement courses.
Provided further that a portion of the payments to early college high
school programs awarded funding from this appropriation shall be
257 12553-07-1
made on a sliding scale based upon the number of college credits
earned annually by participating students, consistent with guide-
lines established by the commissioner, provided that the maximum
annual grant award shall be $500,000, and provided further that such
maximum may be increased by $100,000 if the program partners with an
employer in an industry identified as having a very favorable job
outlook according to department of labor projections. Provided
further that in connection with such guidelines, the commissioner
shall execute a memorandum of understanding with the state universi-
ty of New York and the city university of New York to develop common
data collection, sharing and reporting mechanisms based on student-
level data for students enrolled in early college high school
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, higher education
partners participating in an early college high school program, or
the entity/entities responsible for setting tuition at the institu-
tion, shall be authorized to set a reduced rate of tuition and/or
fees, or to waive tuition and/or fees entirely, for students
enrolled in such an early college high school program with no
reduction in other state, local or other support for such students
earning college credit that such higher education partner would
otherwise be eligible to receive.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, plus any other amounts so designated in other items
of appropriation within the general fund local assistance account
office of pre-kindergarten through grade twelve education program,
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2018-19 school year (55974) ... 9,000,000 ......... (re. $9,000,000)
For the smart start computer science program, pursuant to a plan
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget, provided that such plan shall prioritize
awards to high need school districts. Provided further that such
funds shall be used to provide professional development and support,
offered by qualified non-profit partners or institutions of higher
education, to increase expertise in computer science, engineering,
or educational technology among teachers in grades K-8 to allow such
teachers to become in-house experts in the school. Provided further
that such funds shall only be used to supplement, and not supplant,
current local expenditures of federal, state or local funds.
Provided, further, that no district shall receive a grant in excess of
the total actual grant expenditures incurred by the district in the
current school year as approved by the commissioner. Provided,
further, that no school district shall receive more than 40 percent
of the total grant allocation.
Provided further that school districts receiving such grants shall
agree to partner with their respective regional economic development
council to tailor the program to regional business or future employ-
er needs.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, plus any other amounts so designated in other items
of appropriation within the general fund local assistance account
office of pre-kindergarten through grade twelve education program,
258 12553-07-1
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2018-19 school year (55975) ... 6,000,000 ......... (re. $6,000,000)
For additional master teacher awards, provided that $2,000,000 of the
amount appropriated herein shall support awards made to individual
high-performing teachers in any grade in the field of computer
science or a related subject pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of
2017, and provided further that $1,000,000 of the amount appropri-
ated herein shall support awards to individual high-performing
teachers in any grade teaching in school districts designated as
high need by the commissioner.
Provided further that the funds appropriated herein shall support the
award of stipends of $15,000 per annum over four years to such indi-
vidual teachers, and of related costs, administered by the state
university of New York pursuant to a plan developed in consultation
with the commissioner, who shall consult with appropriate state
organizations representing K-12 public school teachers, and approved
by the director of the budget, to build a corps of outstanding
teachers in order to improve the quality of instruction at public
schools. Such plan for use of funding appropriated herein shall:
(i) establish an application process; (ii) include guidelines by
which applications from eligible teachers shall be evaluated, which
shall include, but not be limited to, achievement of a rating of
highly effective on the annual professional performance review; and
(iii) provide periodic opportunities for professional development
for successful applicants. Provided, further, that priority shall be
given to applicants in regions where a similar program is not other-
wise offered.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of
the director of the budget, the funds appropriated herein may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the state university of New York for the services and expenses of
administering such awards. Nothing herein shall be construed to
limit the rights of labor organizations representing teachers to
collectively bargain terms and conditions pursuant to article 14 of
the civil service law.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, $1,000,000 of
the funds appropriated herein, plus any other amounts so designated
in other items of appropriation within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergarten through grade twelve
education program, shall constitute the competitive awards amount
authorized for the 2018-19 school year (55954) .....................
3,000,000 ......................................... (re. $3,000,000)
For services and expenses of locally run gang prevention and education
programs targeted to middle and high school students. Funds shall be
used to provide in-school training and support to help students
avoid gang recruitment, peer pressure, violence, and delinquent
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of
the director of the budget, the funds appropriated herein may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the department of criminal justice services for the services and
expenses of administering such awards.
259 12553-07-1
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, plus any other amounts so designated in other items
of appropriation within the general fund local assistance account
office of pre-kindergarten through grade twelve education program,
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2018-19 school year (55977) ... 500,000 ............. (re. $325,000)
For grants to school districts to allow community schools to expand
mental health services and capacity of community school programs.
Provided that such grants shall support inclusion of mental health
activities in wrap-around services, improving school climate,
combating bullying or school violence, and promotion of social-emo-
tional learning. Provided further that such grants shall be awarded
to school districts for community schools identified by the commis-
sioner of education as candidates for improving school climate or
mental health supports, subject to the approval of the director of
the budget.
Provided further that the maximum grant per community school shall be
$25,000, provided however, that no district shall receive a grant in
excess of the total actual grant expenditures incurred by the
district in the current school year as approved by the commissioner.
Provided further that no school district shall receive more than 40
percent of the total grant allocation.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, plus any other amounts so designated in other items
of appropriation within the general fund local assistance account
office of pre-kindergarten through grade twelve education program,
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2018-19 school year (55978) ... 250,000 .............. (re. $74,000)
For additional services and expenses of a program to develop farm to
school initiatives that will help schools purchase more food from
local farmers and expand access to healthy local food for school
children. The funds shall be awarded through a competitive process.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of
the director of the budget, the funds appropriated herein may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the department of agriculture and markets for the services and
expenses of administering such awards.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, plus any other amounts so designated in other items
of appropriation within the general fund local assistance account
office of pre-kindergarten through grade twelve education program,
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2018-19 school year (55979) ... 750,000 ............. (re. $750,000)
For additional funds to reimburse sponsors of school breakfast
programs, including those required to implement a breakfast after
the bell program beginning in the 2018-19 school year pursuant to a
chapter of the laws of 2018, based upon the number of federally
reimbursable breakfasts served to students under such program agree-
ments entered into by the state education department and such spon-
sors, in accordance with the provisions of the "Child Nutrition Act
of 1966," P.L. 89-642, as amended, in excess of the federal rates of
reimbursement. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,
260 12553-07-1
the funds appropriated herein, plus any other amounts so designated
in other items of appropriation within the general fund local
assistance account office of prekindergarten through grade twelve
education program, shall constitute the competitive awards amount
authorized for the 2018-19 school year (55980) .....................
5,000,000 ......................................... (re. $5,000,000)
For continuation of early college high school awards made based on
responses to the New York state early college high school ECHS
program request for proposals pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of
2017 (55953) ... 1,900,000 .......................... (re. $965,000)
For empire state excellence in teaching awards, provided that such
awards shall support stipends of $5,000 to allow individual high
performing teachers in each region of the state to continue their
professional development and educational endeavors.
Provided further that stipends shall be used to support expenses
including, but not limited to, application and/or certification
costs related to the national board professional teacher certif-
ication, participation in institutes and/or workshops, tuition,
and/or attendance at a content area convention and/or conference;
provided further that such awards shall be administered by the state
university of New York pursuant to a plan developed in consultation
with the commissioner of education and approved by the director of
the budget.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of
the director of the budget, the funds appropriated herein may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the state university of New York for the services and expenses of
administering such awards. Nothing herein shall be construed to
limit the rights of labor organizations representing teachers to
collectively bargain terms and conditions pursuant to article 14 of
the civil service law (55955) ... 400,000 ........... (re. $400,000)
For the continuation of school-wide extended learning grants to school
districts or school districts in collaboration with not-for-profit
community-based organizations, provided that funds shall be used
pursuant to the guidelines set forth and the awards made pursuant to
chapter 53 of the laws of 2013 (55981) .............................
21,590,000 ........................................ (re. $1,417,000)
For the continuation of pathways in technology early college high
school (P-TECH) program grants. Provided that the funds appropriated
herein shall be made available as follows: $5,680,000 for grants
awarded based on responses to the 2013-20 NYS pathways in technology
early college high schools request for proposals, pursuant to chap-
ter 53 of the laws of 2013; $4,180,000 for grants awarded based on
responses to the 2014-21 NYS pathways in technology early college
high schools request for proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of the
laws of 2014; $2,480,000 for grants awarded based on responses to
the 2015-2022 NYS pathways in technology early college high schools
request for proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2015;
and $1,750,000 for grants awarded based on responses to the
2018-2024 NYS pathways in technology early college high school
request for proposals, pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of 2017
(55982) ... 14,090,000 ............................ (re. $1,758,000)
261 12553-07-1
For the continuation of smart scholars early college high school
grants, provided that funds shall be used pursuant to the guidelines
set forth and the awards made pursuant to chapter 53 of the laws of
2013 (55983) ... 1,910,000 .......................... (re. $443,000)
For the continuation of smart transfer early college high school
program grants awarded based on responses to the New York state
smart transfer ECHS program request for proposals pursuant to chap-
ter 53 of the laws of 2016 (55984) ... 882,000 ...... (re. $202,000)
For services and expenses of community school regional technical
assistance centers for the 2018-19 school year. Funds appropriated
herein shall be used to operate three regional centers that shall
provide technical assistance to school districts establishing or
operating community school programs, pursuant to a plan developed by
the commissioner and approved by the director of the budget.
Provided, further, that such plan shall establish a process for
selection of nonprofit entities with expertise in community school
programs and technical assistance to operate such centers (55962)
... 1,200,000 ....................................... (re. $888,000)
For services and expenses of the my brother's keeper initiative. A
portion of this appropriation may be transferred to any other
program or fund within the state education department for these
purposes (55928) ... 18,000,000 ................... (re. $6,190,000)
For services and expenses of remaining obligations of a $20,000,000
teacher resources and computer training centers program for the
2017-18 school year (55985) ... 6,000,000 ......... (re. $3,978,000)
For nonpublic school aid payable in the 2018-19 state fiscal year.
Provided that nonpublic schools shall continue to receive aid based
on either a 5.0/5.5 hour standard instructional day, or another work
day as certified by the nonpublic school officials, in accordance
with the methodology for computing salary and benefits applied by
the department in paying aid for the 2012-13 and prior school years.
Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule or regulation to the
contrary, the amount appropriated herein represents the maximum
amount payable during the 2018-19 state fiscal year (21769) ........
111,633,000 ......................................... (re. $221,000)
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 922,000 .......... (re. $922,000)
For costs associated with schools for the blind and deaf and other
students with disabilities subject to article 85 of the education
law, including state aid for blind and deaf pupils in certain insti-
tutions to be paid for the purposes provided under section 4204-a of
the education law for the education of deaf children under 3 years
of age, including transfers to the miscellaneous special revenue
fund Rome school for the deaf account pursuant to a plan to be
developed by the commissioner and approved by the director of the
Of the amounts appropriated herein, up to $84,700,000 shall be avail-
able for reimbursement to school districts for the tuition costs of
students attending schools for the blind and deaf during the 2017-18
school year pursuant to subdivision 2 of section 4204 of the educa-
tion law and subdivision 2 of section 4207 of the education law, up
262 12553-07-1
to $2,500,000 shall be available for debt service on capital
construction projects financed through the state dormitory authori-
ty, and up to $9,000,000 shall be available for remaining allowable
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, upon disbursement of funds appropriated for allowances to
schools for the blind and deaf in the individuals with disabilities
program special revenue funds-federal/aid to localities for purposes
of this appropriation, funds appropriated herein shall be reduced in
an amount equivalent to such disbursement and the portion of this
appropriation so affected shall have no further force or effect.
Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the
department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
(21705) ... 96,200,000 ............................ (re. $7,374,000)
For July and August programs for school-aged children with handicap-
ping conditions pursuant to section 4408 of the education law.
Moneys appropriated herein shall be used as follows: (i) for remain-
ing base year and prior school years obligations, (ii) for the
purposes of subdivision 4 of section 3602 of the education law for
schools operated under articles 87 and 88 of the education law, and
(iii) notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, for
payments made pursuant to this appropriation for current school year
obligations, provided, however, that such payments shall not exceed
70 percent of the state aid due for the sum of the approved tuition
and maintenance rates and transportation expense provided for here-
in; provided, however, that payment of eligible claims shall be
payable in the order that such claims have been approved for payment
by the commissioner of education, but in no case shall a single
payee draw down more than 45 percent of this appropriation, and
provided further that no claim shall be set aside for insufficiency
of funds to make a complete payment, but shall be eligible for a
partial payment in one year and shall retain its priority date
status for subsequent appropriations designated for such purposes.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the contrary,
funds appropriated herein shall only be available for liabilities
incurred prior to July 1, 2019, shall be used to pay 2017-18 school
year claims in the first instance, and represent the maximum amount
payable during the 2018-19 state fiscal year. Notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, funds appropriated herein shall be
available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter
to accrue and, subject to the approval of the director of the budg-
et, such funds shall be available to the department net of disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursements and credits (21707) .................
330,500,000 ...................................... (re. $49,511,000)
For the state's share of the costs of the education of preschool chil-
dren with disabilities pursuant to section 4410 of the education
law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the
contrary, the amount appropriated herein shall support a state share
of preschool handicapped education costs for the 2017-18 school year
263 12553-07-1
limited to 59.5 percent of such total approved expenditures, and
furthermore, notwithstanding any other provision of law, local
claims for reimbursement of costs incurred prior to the 2016-17
school year and during the 2016-17 school year that have been
approved for payment by the education department as of March 31,
2018 shall be the first claims paid from this appropriation.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the
department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
(21706) ... 1,035,000,000 ....................... (re. $162,837,000)
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funding made avail-
able by this appropriation shall support direct salary costs and
related fringe benefits associated with any minimum wage increase
that takes effect on or after December 31, 2016, pursuant to section
652 of the labor law. Organizations eligible for funding made avail-
able by this appropriation shall be limited to special act school
districts and those that are required to file a consolidated fiscal
report with the state education department and provide preschool and
school-age special education services under articles 81, 85 and 89
of the education law. Each eligible organization in receipt of fund-
ing made available by this appropriation shall submit written
certification, in such form and at such time as the commissioner
shall prescribe, attesting to how such funding will be or was used
for purposes eligible under this appropriation. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, and subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, the amounts appropriated herein may be
increased or decreased by interchange or transfer to any local
assistance appropriation of the state education department (55938)
... 17,180,000 ................................... (re. $17,111,000)
For services and expenses of the supportive schools grant program and
technical assistance to promote safe and supportive school environ-
ments free from bullying, harassment, and discrimination. Up to
$300,000 of this appropriation shall be available for the New York
center for school safety. A portion of this appropriation may be
transferred to any other account within the state education depart-
ment, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation,
provided further that up to five percent of the funds appropriated
herein may be transferred to the credit of the state purposes
account of the state education department to carry out the purposes
of this appropriation (55996) ... 2,000,000 ....... (re. $1,302,000)
For services and expenses of the health education program for the
2018-19 school year. Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for health-related programs including, but not limited to, those
providing instruction and supportive services in comprehensive
health education and/or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
education. Of the amounts appropriated herein, $86,000 shall be
available for the program previously operated as the school health
demonstration program. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to
the contrary, funds appropriated herein may be suballocated, subject
to the approval of the director of the budget, to any state agency
264 12553-07-1
or department to accomplish the purpose of this appropriation
(21775) ... 691,000 ................................. (re. $247,000)
For competitive grants for the 2018-19 school year for extended day
programs and school violence prevention programs pursuant to section
2814 of the education law provided, however, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provisions of law, eligible entities receiving funds
for extended day programs may include not-for-profit organizations
working in collaboration with a public school or school district
(21776) ... 24,344,000 .............................. (re. $904,000)
For services and expenses of the primary mental health project at the
children's institute for the 2018-19 school year (21778) ...........
894,000 .............................................. (re. $31,000)
For services and expenses associated with the math and science high
schools for the 2018-19 school year in the amount of $1,382,000,
provided that such funds shall be allocated equally among those
entities that received program funding for the 2007-08 school year
(21779) ... 1,382,000 ................................ (re. $95,000)
For services and expenses of the center for autism and related disa-
bilities at the state university of New York at Albany (21782)
740,000 ............................................. (re. $315,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries, and not-for-profit institutions. Notwithstanding section
twenty-four of the state finance law or any provision of law to the
contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated only
pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the temporary president of the
Senate and the director of the budget which sets forth either an
itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or
the methodology for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is
thereafter included in a senate resolution calling for the expendi-
ture of such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote ...
17,848,900 ........................................ (re. $5,700,000)
For services and expenses of the Consortium for Worker Education
Credential Initiative (55967) ... 500,000 ............ (re. $34,000)
For services and expenses of the Executive Leadership Institute ...
475,000 ............................................. (re. $475,000)
For services and expenses of the clinically rich intensive teacher
institute bilingual extension and english to speakers of other
languages program (55998) ... 770,000 ............... (re. $478,000)
For an English Language Learner class reduction pilot program. Such
funds shall be used in New York City and the Hudson Valley for
initiatives to decrease the size of ELL classes by encouraging more
teachers to become dual certified in compliance with applicable law
and regulations, as well as assisting teachers in learning the char-
acteristics of ELLs, including the stages of language development,
how these stages affect instruction, and approaches to differentiate
content and language development for ELLs (55999) ..................
500,000 ............................................. (re. $500,000)
For the early college high schools program for the 2018-19 school
year, provided, however, that expenditure of funds appropriated
herein shall support the continuation and expansion of the early
college high schools program pursuant to a plan developed by the
265 12553-07-1
commissioner and approved by the director of the budget provided,
further, that a portion of the payment to the early college high
schools program awarded from this appropriation shall be available
on a sliding scale based upon the number of college credits earned
annually by participating students consistent with guidelines estab-
lished by the commissioner. Provided further that, notwithstanding
any provision of law to the contrary, higher education partners
participating in an early college high schools program, or the
entity/entities responsible for setting tuition at the institution,
shall be authorized to set a reduced rate of tuition and/or fees, or
to waive tuition and/or fees entirely, for students enrolled in such
early college high schools program with no reduction in other state,
local or other support for such students earning college credit that
such higher education partner would otherwise be eligible to receive
(56139) ... 1,465,000 ............................... (re. $315,000)
For services and expenses of a $490,000 2018-19 school year program
for mentoring and tutoring operated by the Hillside Work-Scholarship
Connection program, which is based on model programs proven to be
effective in producing outcomes that include, but are not limited
to, improved graduation rates, provided that such services shall be
provided to students in one or more city school districts located in
a city having a population in excess of 125,000 and less than
1,000,000 inhabitants (21804) ... 490,000 ........... (re. $490,000)
For services and expenses of a teacher diversity pipeline pilot to
assist teacher aides and teaching assistants in attaining the neces-
sary educational and professional credentials to obtain teacher
certification (55997) ... 500,000 ................... (re. $475,000)
For services and expenses of the New York City Community Learning
Schools initiative ... 500,000 ...................... (re. $500,000)
For purposes of the Just for Kids program at the State University of
New York at Albany (56005) ... 235,000 ............... (re. $20,000)
For educational services and expenses for DACA (Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals) eligible out of school youth and young adults
(56045) ... 1,000,000 ............................. (re. $1,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For grants for the advanced courses access program, provided that such
grants shall be awarded to school districts and/or boards of cooper-
ative educational services in order to increase advanced course
offerings for students, particularly in districts with no or very
limited advanced course offerings. Provided further, that such
grants shall be awarded, based on a request for proposals developed
by the commissioner of education and approved by the director of the
budget, to school districts and/or boards of cooperative educational
services to establish advanced placement courses or other equally
rigorous advanced courses in subjects including but not limited to
English, history, science, mathematics, engineering, computer
science, or world languages.
Provided, further, that such grants from funds appropriated herein
shall be awarded based on factors including, but not limited to, the
following: (i) measures of school district need; (ii) the unavail-
266 12553-07-1
ability of current advanced course offerings; (iii) measures of the
need of students to be served by the school district and/or boards
of cooperative educational services; and (iv) proposal quality.
Provided further that, such grants may be used for teacher training
and development, materials and supplies, or equipment and services
for digital learning. Such grants shall only be used to supplement,
not supplant existing funding for advanced courses.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, plus any other amounts so designated in other items
of appropriation within the general fund local assistance account
office of pre-kindergarten through grade twelve education program,
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2018-19 school year (55976) ... 500,000 ............. (re. $500,000)
For additional funds to reimburse sponsors of school lunch programs
that have purchased at least 30 percent of their total food products
for its school lunch service program from New York State farmers,
growers, producers, or processors, based upon the number of feder-
ally reimbursable lunches served to students under such program
agreements entered into by the state education department and such
sponsors, in accordance with the provisions of the "National School
Lunch Act," P.L. 79-396, as amended, to reimburse sponsors in excess
of the federal and State rates of reimbursement, provided, that the
total State subsidy shall not exceed twenty-five cents per school
lunch meal, which shall include any annual state subsidy received by
such sponsor under any other provision of State law, provided
further that funds appropriated herein shall be made available on or
after April 1, 2019 (55986) ... 10,000,000 ........ (re. $9,359,000)
For aid payable for the 2017-18 school year for additional nonpublic
school aid. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds
appropriated herein shall be available for payment of aid heretofore
accrued and hereafter to accrue (21770) ............................
74,784,000 ........................................ (re. $1,179,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as added by chapter 50,
section 2, of the laws of 2017:
For reimbursement of supplemental basic tuition payments to charter
schools made by school districts in the 2016-17 school year, as
defined by paragraph a of subdivision 1 of section 2856 of the
education law (55907) ... 64,000,000 ................ (re. $650,000)
For empire state after-school grants, pursuant to a plan developed by
the office of children and family services in consultation with the
commissioner of education and approved by the director of the budg-
et, to support the establishment and/or expansion of after-school
programs by school districts or school districts in collaboration
with not-for-profit community-based organizations (A) located in
municipalities participating in the empire state poverty reduction
initiative pursuant to chapter 55 of the laws of 2016 or (B) located
in counties or school districts with a child poverty rate in excess
of 30 percent, or located in a school district with a child poverty
count greater than 5,000 but less than 20,000, as determined by the
2015 small area income and poverty estimates produced by the United
States census bureau.
267 12553-07-1
Provided that such grants shall be awarded based on factors including,
but not limited to, the following: (i) measures of school district
need, (ii) measures of the need of students to be served by each of
the school districts, (iii) the school district's proposal to target
the highest-need schools and students, and (iv) proposal quality.
Provided, further, that a school district's empire state after-school
grant shall equal the product of (i) the approved number of students
served in such program and (ii) $1,600; provided, however, that no
district shall receive a grant in excess of the total actual grant
expenditures incurred by the district in the current school year as
approved by the office of children and family services.
Provided, further, a school district shall agree to adopt approved
quality indicators including, but not limited to, valid and reliable
measures of environmental quality, and the quality of staff-student
interactions and student outcomes. Provided, further, that no school
district shall receive more than 40 percent of the total empire
state after school program grant allocation. Notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the director of
the budget, the funds appropriated herein may be suballocated,
interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available to the office
of children and family services for the sole purpose of administer-
ing such grants.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, plus any other amounts so designated in other items
of appropriation within the general fund local assistance account
office of pre-kindergarten through grade twelve education program,
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2017-18 school year (55951) ... 35,000,000 ....... (re. $25,043,000)
For early college high school programs, pursuant to a plan developed
by the commissioner of education and approved by the director of the
budget, provided that such plan shall prioritize programs serving
students in high-need school districts and in high schools desig-
nated by the commissioner pursuant to paragraph a or b of subdivi-
sion 1 of section 211-f of the education law throughout the 2017-18
school year; provided further that such plan shall also prioritize
programs that lead students to a career in computer science.
Provided further that a portion of the payments to early college high
school programs awarded funding from this appropriation shall be
made on a sliding scale based upon the number of college credits
earned annually by participating students, consistent with guide-
lines established by the commissioner. Provided further that in
connection with such guidelines, the commissioner shall execute a
memorandum of understanding with the state university of New York
and the city university of New York to develop common data
collection, sharing and reporting mechanisms based on student level
data for students enrolled in early college high school programs.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, higher education
partners participating in an early college high school program, or
the entity/entities responsible for setting tuition at the institu-
tion, shall be authorized to set a reduced rate of tuition and/or
fees, or to waive tuition and/or fees entirely, for students
enrolled in such an early college high school program with no
268 12553-07-1
reduction in other state, local or other support for such students
earning college credit that such higher education partner would
otherwise be eligible to receive.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, plus any other amounts so designated in other items
of appropriation within the general fund local assistance account
office of pre-kindergarten through grade twelve education program,
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2017-18 school year (55953) ... 5,300,000 ......... (re. $3,141,000)
For additional master teacher awards to individual high-performing
teachers in any grade in the field of computer science or a related
Provided further that the funds appropriated herein shall support the
award of stipends of $15,000 per annum over four years to such indi-
vidual teachers, and of related costs, administered by the state
university of New York pursuant to a plan developed in consultation
with the commissioner, who shall consult with appropriate state
organizations representing K-12 public school teachers, and approved
by the director of the budget, to build a corps of outstanding
teachers in order to improve the quality of instruction at public
schools. Such plan for use of funding appropriated herein shall:
(i) establish an application process; (ii) include guidelines by
which applications from eligible teachers shall be evaluated, which
shall include, but not be limited to, achievement of a rating of
highly effective on the annual professional performance review; and
(iii) provide periodic opportunities for professional development
for successful applicants. Provided, further, that priority shall be
given to applicants in regions where a similar program is not other-
wise offered.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of
the director of the budget, the funds appropriated herein may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the state university of New York for the services and expenses of
administering such awards. Nothing herein shall be construed to
limit the rights of labor organizations representing teachers to
collectively bargain terms and conditions pursuant to article 14 of
the civil service law.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, plus any other amounts so designated in other items
of appropriation within the general fund local assistance account
office of pre-kindergarten through grade twelve education program,
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2017-18 school year (55954) ... 2,000,000 ......... (re. $2,000,000)
For empire state excellence in teaching awards, provided that such
awards shall support stipends of $5,000 to allow individual high
performing teachers in each region of the state to continue their
professional development and educational endeavors.
Provided further that stipends shall be used to support expenses
including, but not limited to, application and/or certification
costs related to the national board professional teacher certif-
ication, participation in institutes and/or workshops, tuition,
and/or attendance at a content area convention and/or conference;
269 12553-07-1
provided further that such awards shall be administered by the state
university of New York pursuant to a plan developed in consultation
with the commissioner of education and approved by the director of
the budget.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of
the director of the budget, the funds appropriated herein may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the state university of New York for the services and expenses of
administering such awards. Nothing herein shall be construed to
limit the rights of labor organizations representing teachers to
collectively bargain terms and conditions pursuant to article 14 of
the civil service law.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, plus any other amounts so designated in other items
of appropriation within the general fund local assistance account
office of pre-kindergarten through grade twelve education program,
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2017-18 school year (55955) ... 400,000 ............. (re. $150,000)
For services and expenses to support the prevent cyberbullying initi-
ative, pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of educa-
tion, in consultation with the commissioner of children and family
services and the commissioner of mental health, and approved by the
director of the budget, provided that such plan shall support the
prevention of cyberbullying through activities including, but not
limited to, public awareness campaigns and school counselor train-
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of
the director of the budget, the funds appropriated herein may be
suballocated, interchanged, transferred or otherwise made available
to the office of children and family services or the office of
mental health for the sole purpose of administering such program.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the funds appro-
priated herein, plus any other amounts so designated in other items
of appropriation within the general fund local assistance account
office of pre-kindergarten through grade twelve education program,
shall constitute the competitive awards amount authorized for the
2017-18 school year (55956) ... 300,000 ............. (re. $256,000)
For services and expenses of independent receivers appointed to manage
and operate a failing school or persistently failing school pursuant
to subdivision 2 of section 211-f of the education law, subject to
approval of the director of the budget (55961) .....................
2,000,000 ......................................... (re. $2,000,000)
For services and expenses of community school regional technical
assistance centers for the 2017-18 school year. Funds appropriated
herein shall be used to operate three regional centers that shall
provide technical assistance to school districts establishing or
operating community school programs, pursuant to a plan developed by
the commissioner and approved by the director of the budget.
Provided, further, that such plan shall establish a process for
selection of nonprofit entities with expertise in community school
programs and technical assistance to operate such centers (55962)
... 1,200,000 ......................................... (re. $2,000)
270 12553-07-1
For services and expenses of the my brother's keeper initiative. A
portion of this appropriation may be transferred to any other
program or fund within the state education department for these
purposes (55928) ... 18,000,000 ................... (re. $4,074,000)
For services and expenses of remaining obligations of a $14,260,000
teacher resources and computer training centers program for the
2016-17 school year (55963) ... 4,278,000 ........... (re. $947,000)
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for services and expenses
of a $20,000,000 teacher resources and computer training center
program for the 2017-18 school year (23445) ........................
14,000,000 ........................................... (re. $16,000)
Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the
amount appropriated herein represents the maximum amount payable
during the 2017-18 state fiscal year for state reimbursement for
school lunch and breakfast programs (21702) ........................
34,400,000 ....................................... (re. $12,576,000)
Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the
department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
(21705) ... 96,200,000 ............................ (re. $7,051,000)
For July and August programs for school-aged children with handicap-
ping conditions pursuant to section 4408 of the education law.
Moneys appropriated herein shall be used as follows: (i) for remain-
ing base year and prior school years obligations, (ii) for the
purposes of subdivision 4 of section 3602 of the education law for
schools operated under articles 87 and 88 of the education law, and
(iii) notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, for
payments made pursuant to this appropriation for current school year
obligations, provided, however, that such payments shall not exceed
70 percent of the state aid due for the sum of the approved tuition
and maintenance rates and transportation expense provided for here-
in; provided, however, that payment of eligible claims shall be
payable in the order that such claims have been approved for payment
by the commissioner of education, but in no case shall a single
payee draw down more than 45 percent of this appropriation, and
provided further that no claim shall be set aside for insufficiency
of funds to make a complete payment, but shall be eligible for a
partial payment in one year and shall retain its priority date
status for subsequent appropriations designated for such purposes.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the contrary,
funds appropriated herein shall only be available for liabilities
incurred prior to July 1, 2018, shall be used to pay 2016-17 school
year claims in the first instance, and represent the maximum amount
payable during the 2017-18 state fiscal year. Notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, funds appropriated herein shall be
available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter
to accrue and, subject to the approval of the director of the budg-
et, such funds shall be available to the department net of disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursements and credits (21707) .................
364,500,000 ...................................... (re. $55,429,000)
271 12553-07-1
For the state's share of the costs of the education of preschool chil-
dren with disabilities pursuant to section 4410 of the education
law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the
contrary, the amount appropriated herein shall support a state share
of preschool handicapped education costs for the 2016-17 school year
limited to 59.5 percent of such total approved expenditures, and
furthermore, notwithstanding any other provision of law, local
claims for reimbursement of costs incurred prior to the 2015-16
school year and during the 2015-16 school year that have been
approved for payment by the education department as of March 31,
2017 shall be the first claims paid from this appropriation.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the
department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
(21706) ... 1,035,000,000 ....................... (re. $185,983,000)
For nonpublic school aid payable in the 2017-18 state fiscal year.
Provided that nonpublic schools shall continue to receive aid based
on either a 5.0/5.5 hour standard instructional day, or another work
day as certified by the nonpublic school officials, in accordance
with the methodology for computing salary and benefits applied by
the department in paying aid for the 2012-13 and prior school years.
Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule or regulation to the
contrary, the amount appropriated herein represents the maximum
amount payable during the 2017-18 state fiscal year (21769) ........
108,382,000 .......................................... (re. $27,000)
For aid payable for the 2015-16 school year for additional nonpublic
school aid. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds
appropriated herein shall be available for payment of aid heretofore
accrued and hereafter to accrue (21770) ............................
72,606,000 ........................................ (re. $3,965,000)
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 922,000 .......... (re. $922,000)
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funding made avail-
able by this appropriation shall support direct salary costs and
related fringe benefits associated with any minimum wage increase
that takes effect on or after December 31, 2016, pursuant to section
652 of the labor law. Organizations eligible for funding made avail-
able by this appropriation shall be limited to special act school
districts and those that are required to file a consolidated fiscal
report with the state education department and provide preschool and
school-age special education services under articles 81, 85 and 89
of the education law. Each eligible organization in receipt of fund-
ing made available by this appropriation shall submit written
certification, in such form and at such time as the commissioner
shall prescribe, attesting to how such funding will be or was used
for purposes eligible under this appropriation. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, and subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, the amounts appropriated herein may be
increased or decreased by interchange or transfer to any local
272 12553-07-1
assistance appropriation of the state education department (55938)
... 6,200,000 ..................................... (re. $6,181,000)
For services and expenses of the health education program for the
2017-18 school year. Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for health-related programs including, but not limited to, those
providing instruction and supportive services in comprehensive
health education and/or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
education. Of the amounts appropriated herein, $86,000 shall be
available for the program previously operated as the school health
demonstration program. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to
the contrary, funds appropriated herein may be suballocated, subject
to the approval of the director of the budget, to any state agency
or department to accomplish the purpose of this appropriation
(21775) ... 691,000 ................................. (re. $147,000)
For services and expenses associated with the math and science high
schools for the 2017-18 school year in the amount of $1,382,000,
provided that such funds shall be allocated equally among those
entities that received program funding for the 2007-08 school year
(21779) ... 1,382,000 ................................ (re. $37,000)
For services and expenses of the center for autism and related disa-
bilities at the state university of New York at Albany (21782) ...
740,000 .............................................. (re. $14,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries, and not-for-profit institutions. Notwithstanding section
24 of the state finance law or any provision of law to the contrary,
funds from this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant to a
plan (i) approved by the temporary president of the senate and the
director of the budget which sets forth either in an itemized list
of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or the methodol-
ogy for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is thereafter
included in a senate resolution calling for the expenditure of such
funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of all
members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote ................
18,579,000 ........................................ (re. $2,930,000)
For the early college high schools program for the 2017-18 school
year, provided, however, that expenditure of funds appropriated
herein shall support the continuation and expansion of the early
college high schools program pursuant to a plan developed by the
commissioner and approved by the director of the budget provided,
further, that a portion of the payment to the early college high
schools program awarded from this appropriation shall be available
on a sliding scale based upon the number of college credits earned
annually by participating students consistent with guidelines estab-
lished by the commissioner. Provided further that, notwithstanding
any provision of law to the contrary, higher education partners
participating in an early college high schools program, or the
entity/entities responsible for setting tuition at the institution,
shall be authorized to set a reduced rate of tuition and/or fees, or
to waive tuition and/or fees entirely, for students enrolled in such
early college high schools program with no reduction in other state,
local or other support for such students earning college credit that
273 12553-07-1
such higher education partner would otherwise be eligible to receive
(56139) ... 1,465,000 ............................... (re. $958,000)
For educational services and expenses for DACA (Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals) eligible out of school youth and young adults
(56045) ... 1,000,000 ............................. (re. $1,000,000)
For services and expenses of the Consortium for Workforce Education
Credential Initiative (55967) ... 250,000 ............. (re. $1,500)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2018:
Fenimore Art Museum for services and expenses of National History Day
... 125,000 ......................................... (re. $125,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2016:
For the New York City Department of Education to distribute $350,000
among specialized high schools requiring the Specialized High
Schools Admissions Test for admission to fund outreach coordinators
with relevant outreach material at each specialized high school to
conduct outreach in underrepresented middle schools, and that
$650,000 of the amount appropriated herein shall be distributed
among specialized high schools requiring the Specialized High
Schools Admissions Test to provide middle school students from
underrepresented populations at such schools test preparatory
programs in preparation for the Specialized High School Admissions
Test in the 2016-2017 school year (55936) ..........................
1,000,000 ......................................... (re. $1,000,000)
For community schools grants to school districts with schools desig-
nated by the commissioner of education pursuant to paragraphs a or b
of subdivision 1 of section 211-f of the education law throughout
the 2016-17 school year to support the operating and capital costs
associated with the transformation of such schools into community
hubs to deliver co-located or school-linked academic, health, mental
health, nutrition, counseling, legal and/or other services to
students and their families, including but not limited to providing
a community school site coordinator, improving parent engagement,
providing early childhood education programs, offering professional
development specific to the unique needs of students and their fami-
lies enrolled in a community school, conducting community-wide needs
assessments, creating a steering committee made up of various school
and community stakeholders to provide feedback and guidance, and
constructing or renovating spaces within such school buildings to
serve as health suites, adult education spaces, guidance suites,
resource rooms, remedial rooms, parent/community rooms, and career
and technical education classrooms. Provided that such grants shall
be awarded pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of
education and approved by the director of the budget. Provided
further the commissioner shall promulgate regulations that set forth
the requirements for use of such grants including, but not limited
to, requiring that such school districts demonstrate substantial
parent, teacher, and community engagement in the planning, implemen-
tation and operation of a community school. Provided further that of
the amount hereby appropriated, $50,000,000 shall support such oper-
274 12553-07-1
ating costs and $25,000,000 shall support such capital costs.
Provided further that notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, any portion of the funds hereby appropriated may be transferred
or suballocated without limit by the director of the budget to any
other program or fund within the state education department to
accomplish the intent of this appropriation (55932) ................
75,000,000 ....................................... (re. $18,233,000)
For services and expenses of the my brother's keeper initiative. A
portion of this appropriation may be transferred to any other
program or fund within the state education department for these
purposes (55928) ... 18,000,000 ................... (re. $1,119,000)
For services and expenses of remaining obligations of a $14,260,000
teacher resources and computer training centers program for the
2015-16 school year (55927) ... 4,278,000 ........... (re. $712,000)
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for services and expenses
of a $14,260,000 teacher resources and computer training center
program for the 2016-17 school year (23445) ........................
9,982,000 ............................................. (re. $4,000)
For nonpublic school aid payable in the 2016-17 state fiscal year.
Provided that nonpublic schools shall continue to receive aid based
on either a 5.0/5.5 hour standard instructional day, or another work
day as certified by the nonpublic school officials, in accordance
with the methodology for computing salary and benefits applied by
the department in paying aid for the 2012-13 and prior school years.
Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule or regulation to the
contrary, the amount appropriated herein represents the maximum
amount payable during the 2016-17 state fiscal year (21769) ........
104,214,000 .......................................... (re. $12,000)
For aid payable for the 2014-15 school year for additional nonpublic
school aid. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds
appropriated herein shall be available for payment of aid heretofore
accrued and hereafter to accrue (21770) ............................
69,813,000 .......................................... (re. $627,000)
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 922,000 .......... (re. $922,000)
For costs associated with schools for the blind and deaf and other
students with disabilities subject to article 85 of the education
law, including state aid for blind and deaf pupils in certain insti-
tutions to be paid for the purposes provided under section 4204-a of
the education law for the education of deaf children under 3 years
of age, including transfers to the miscellaneous special revenue
fund Rome school for the deaf account pursuant to a plan to be
developed by the commissioner and approved by the director of the
Of the amounts appropriated herein, up to $84,700,000 shall be avail-
able for reimbursement to school districts for the tuition costs of
students attending schools for the blind and deaf during the 2015-16
school year pursuant to subdivision 2 of section 4204 of the educa-
tion law and subdivision 2 of section 4207 of the education law, up
to $2,500,000 shall be available for debt service on capital
construction projects financed through the state dormitory authori-
275 12553-07-1
ty, and up to $9,000,000 shall be available for remaining allowable
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, upon disbursement of funds appropriated for allowances to
schools for the blind and deaf in the individuals with disabilities
program special revenue funds-federal/aid to localities for purposes
of this appropriation, funds appropriated herein shall be reduced in
an amount equivalent to such disbursement and the portion of this
appropriation so affected shall have no further force or effect.
Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the
department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
(21705) ... 96,200,000 ............................ (re. $4,161,000)
For July and August programs for school-aged children with handicap-
ping conditions pursuant to section 4408 of the education law.
Moneys appropriated herein shall be used as follows: (i) for remain-
ing base year and prior school years obligations, (ii) for the
purposes of subdivision 4 of section 3602 of the education law for
schools operated under articles 87 and 88 of the education law, and
(iii) notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, for
payments made pursuant to this appropriation for current school year
obligations, provided, however, that such payments shall not exceed
70 percent of the state aid due for the sum of the approved tuition
and maintenance rates and transportation expense provided for here-
in; provided, however, that payment of eligible claims shall be
payable in the order that such claims have been approved for payment
by the commissioner of education, but in no case shall a single
payee draw down more than 45 percent of this appropriation, and
provided further that no claim shall be set aside for insufficiency
of funds to make a complete payment, but shall be eligible for a
partial payment in one year and shall retain its priority date
status for subsequent appropriations designated for such purposes.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the contrary,
funds appropriated herein shall only be available for liabilities
incurred prior to July 1, 2017, shall be used to pay 2015-16 school
year claims in the first instance, and represent the maximum amount
payable during the 2016-17 state fiscal year. Notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, funds appropriated herein shall be
available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter
to accrue and, subject to the approval of the director of the budg-
et, such funds shall be available to the department net of disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursements and credits (21707) .................
364,500,000 ...................................... (re. $11,500,000)
For the state's share of the costs of the education of preschool chil-
dren with disabilities pursuant to section 4410 of the education
law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the
contrary, the amount appropriated herein shall support a state share
of preschool handicapped education costs for the 2015-16 school year
limited to 59.5 percent of such total approved expenditures, and
furthermore, notwithstanding any other provision of law, local
276 12553-07-1
claims for reimbursement of costs incurred prior to the 2014-15
school year and during the 2014-15 school year that have been
approved for payment by the education department as of March 31,
2016 shall be the first claims paid from this appropriation.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the
department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
(21706) ... 1,035,000,000 ....................... (re. $156,498,000)
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funding made avail-
able by this appropriation shall support direct salary costs and
related fringe benefits associated with any minimum wage increase
that takes effect during the 2016-17 state fiscal year, pursuant to
section 652 of the labor law. Organizations eligible for funding
made available by this appropriation shall be limited to special act
school districts and those that are required to file a consolidated
fiscal report with the state education department and provide
preschool and school-age special education services under articles
81, 85 and 89 of the education law. Each eligible organization in
receipt of funding made available by this appropriation shall submit
written certification, in such form and at such time as the commis-
sioner shall prescribe, attesting to how such funding will be or was
used for purposes eligible under this appropriation. Notwithstand-
ing any inconsistent provision of law, and subject to the approval
of the director of the budget, the amounts appropriated herein may
be increased or decreased by interchange or transfer without limit
to any local assistance appropriation of the state education depart-
ment (55938) ... 1,100,000 ........................ (re. $1,096,000)
For services and expenses associated with the math and science high
schools for the 2016-17 school year in the amount of $1,382,000,
provided that such funds shall be allocated equally among those
entities that received program funding for the 2007-08 school year
(21779) ... 1,382,000 ............................... (re. $170,000)
For additional services and expenses for math and science high schools
associated with the Bard High School Early College Queens for the
2016-17 school year (55939) ... 461,000 .............. (re. $16,000)
For services and expenses of the center for autism and related disa-
bilities at the state university of New York at Albany (21782) ...
740,000 .............................................. (re. $21,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries, and not-for-profit institutions. Notwithstanding section
twenty-four of the state finance law or any provision of law to the
contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated only
pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the temporary president of the
Senate and the director of the budget which sets forth either an
itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by each, or
the methodology for allocating such appropriation, and (ii) which is
thereafter included in a senate resolution calling for the expendi-
ture of such funds, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote ....
24,995,000 ........................................ (re. $1,365,000)
277 12553-07-1
For educational services and expenses for DACA (Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals) eligible out of school youth and young adults
(56045) ... 1,000,000 ............................. (re. $1,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015, as added by chapter 61,
section 1, of the laws of 2015:
For aid payable for the 2013-14 school year for additional nonpublic
school aid. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds
appropriated herein shall be available for payment of aid heretofore
accrued and hereafter to accrue (21770) ............................
47,374,000 ........................................... (re. $15,000)
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 922,000 .......... (re. $922,000)
For costs associated with schools for the blind and deaf and other
students with disabilities subject to article 85 of the education
law, including state aid for blind and deaf pupils in certain insti-
tutions to be paid for the purposes provided under section 4204-a of
the education law for the education of deaf children under 3 years
of age, including transfers to the miscellaneous special revenue
fund Rome school for the deaf account pursuant to a plan to be
developed by the commissioner and approved by the director of the
Of the amounts appropriated herein, up to $84,700,000 shall be avail-
able for reimbursement to school districts for the tuition costs of
students attending schools for the blind and deaf during the 2014-15
school year pursuant to subdivision 2 of section 4204 of education
law and subdivision 2 of section 4207 of the education law, up to
$2,500,000 shall be available for debt service on capital
construction projects financed through the state dormitory authori-
ty, and up to $9,000,000 shall be available for remaining allowable
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, upon disbursement of funds appropriated for allowances to
schools for the blind and deaf in the individuals with disabilities
program special revenue funds-federal/aid to localities for purposes
of this appropriation, funds appropriated herein shall be reduced in
an amount equivalent to such disbursement and the portion of this
appropriation so affected shall have no further force or effect.
Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the
department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
... 96,200,000 .................................... (re. $3,763,000)
For services and expenses of the Henry Viscardi School for the 2015-16
School Year ... 903,000 .............................. (re. $73,000)
For July and August programs for school-aged children with handicap-
ping conditions pursuant to section 4408 of the education law.
Moneys appropriated herein shall be used as follows: (i) for remain-
ing base year and prior school years obligations, (ii) for the
purposes of subdivision 4 of section 3602 of the education law for
278 12553-07-1
schools operated under articles 87 and 88 of the education law, and
(iii) notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, for
payments made pursuant to this appropriation for current school year
obligations, provided, however, that such payments shall not exceed
70 percent of the state aid due for the sum of the approved tuition
and maintenance rates and transportation expense provided for here-
in; provided, however, that payment of eligible claims shall be
payable in the order that such claims have been approved for payment
by the commissioner of education, but in no case shall a single
payee draw down more than 45 percent of this appropriation, and
provided further that no claim shall be set aside for insufficiency
of funds to make a complete payment, but shall be eligible for a
partial payment in one year and shall retain its priority date
status for subsequent appropriations designated for such purposes.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the contrary,
funds appropriated herein shall only be available for liabilities
incurred prior to July 1, 2016, shall be used to pay 2014-15 school
year claims in the first instance, and represent the maximum amount
payable during the 2015-16 state fiscal year. Notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, funds appropriated herein shall be
available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter
to accrue and, subject to the approval of the director of the budg-
et, such funds shall be available to the department net of disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursements and credits .........................
364,500,000 ...................................... (re. $11,500,000)
For the state's share of the costs of the education of preschool chil-
dren with disabilities pursuant to section 4410 of the education
law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the
contrary, the amount appropriated herein shall support a state share
of preschool handicapped education costs for the 2014-15 school year
limited to 59.5 percent of such total approved expenditures, and
furthermore, notwithstanding any other provision of law, local
claims for reimbursement of costs incurred prior to the 2013-14
school year and during the 2013-14 school year that have been
approved for payment by the education department as of March 31,
2015 shall be the first claims paid from this appropriation,
provided further that, notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, no single payee may draw down more than 51 percent of this
appropriation, however, in the event that no other payees' claims
received during the current state fiscal year are approved for
payment by the commissioner and remain outstanding as of February 1,
2016, such limitation shall not apply. Notwithstanding any provision
of law to the contrary, funds appropriated herein shall be available
for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue
and, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, such
funds shall be available to the department net of disallowances,
refunds, reimbursements and credits ................................
1,020,000,000 .................................... (re. $21,269,000)
For services and expenses of the New York state center for school
safety for the 2015-16 school year. Funds appropriated herein shall
be used to operate a statewide center and shall be subject to an
279 12553-07-1
expenditure plan approved by the director of the budget (21774)
466,000 .............................................. (re. $40,000)
For services and expenses of the health education program for the
2015-16 school year. Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for health-related programs including, but not limited to, those
providing instruction and supportive services in comprehensive
health education and/or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
education. Of the amounts appropriated herein, $86,000 shall be
available for the program previously operated as the school health
demonstration program. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to
the contrary, funds appropriated herein may be suballocated, subject
to the approval of the director of the budget, to any state agency
or department to accomplish the purpose of this appropriation
(21775) ... 691,000 ................................. (re. $284,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries and not-for-profit institutions. Notwithstanding any
provision of law this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant
to a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation. Such plan shall be subject to the approval of the
speaker of the assembly and the director of the budget and thereaft-
er shall be included in a resolution calling for the expenditure of
such monies, which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of
all members elected to the assembly upon a roll call vote ..........
14,350,000 ........................................... (re. $16,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries, and not-for-profit institutions. Notwithstanding any
provision of law this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant
to a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation. Such plan shall be subject to the approval of the
temporary president of the senate and the director of the budget and
thereafter shall be included in a resolution calling for the expend-
iture of such monies, which resolution must be approved by a majori-
ty vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote
... 15,500,000 ...................................... (re. $600,000)
For services and expenses of the center for autism and related disa-
bilities at the state university of New York at Albany (21782) ...
740,000 .............................................. (re. $10,000)
For the early college high schools program for the 2015-16 school
year, provided, however, that expenditure of funds appropriated
herein shall support the continuation and expansion of the early
college high schools program pursuant to a plan developed by the
commissioner and approved by the director of the budget provided,
further, that a portion of the payment to the early college high
schools program awarded from this appropriation shall be available
on a sliding scale based upon the number of college credits earned
annually by participating students consistent with guidelines estab-
lished by the commissioner. Provided further that, notwithstanding
any provision of law to the contrary, higher education partners
participating in an early college high schools program, or the
entity/entities responsible for setting tuition at the institution,
280 12553-07-1
shall be authorized to set a reduced rate of tuition and/or fees, or
to waive tuition and/or fees entirely, for students enrolled in such
early college high schools program with no reduction in other state,
local or other support for such students earning college credit that
such higher education partner would otherwise be eligible to receive
(56139) ... 2,000,000 ............................... (re. $536,000)
For educational services and expenses for DACA (Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals) eligible out of school youth and young adults
(56045) ... 1,000,000 ............................. (re. $1,000,000)
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for services and expenses
of a $14,260,000 teacher resources and computer training center
program for the 2015-16 school year (23445) ........................
9,982,000 ............................................ (re. $36,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2015, as amended by chapter 50,
section 2, of the laws of 2017:
For persistently failing schools transformation grants to school
districts pursuant to a spending plan developed by the commissioner
of education and approved by the director of the budget.
Eligibility for such grants shall be limited to school districts
containing a school or schools designated as persistently failing
pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision 1 of section 211-f of the
education law, provided that separate applications shall be required
for each such school for which the school district requests a grant.
Such grants shall support activities including but not limited to the
following: (i) use of school buildings as community hubs to deliver
co-located or school-linked academic, health, mental health, nutri-
tion, counseling, legal and/or other services to students and their
families; (ii) expansion, alteration or replacement of the school's
curriculum and program offerings; (iii) extension of the school day
and/or school year; (iv) professional development of teachers and
administrators; (v) mentoring of at-risk students; and (vi) the
actual and necessary expenses of the external receiver of the
school. Provided that the commissioner shall confirm that any such
eligible activity is aligned with the school's approved intervention
model, comprehensive education plan or school intervention plan.
In determining the amount of such grants, the commissioner shall
consider factors including but not limited to the enrollment of the
school. Provided that for each of the persistently failing schools,
the maximum annual grant in the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years
shall be established by the state education department in the spend-
ing plan for such grants. A portion of such grants shall be avail-
able by July 1 of each such school year. (55906) ...................
75,000,000 ....................................... (re. $11,505,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2014:
For services and expenses of remaining obligations of a $14,260,000
teacher resources and computer training centers program for the
2013-14 school year (56148) ... 4,278,000 ........... (re. $393,000)
Funds appropriated herein shall be available for services and expenses
of a $14,260,000 teacher resources and computer training center
281 12553-07-1
program for the 2014-15 school year (23445) ........................
9,982,000 ............................................. (re. $6,000)
For services and expenses of remaining obligations of a $14,260,000
teacher resources and computer training centers program for the
2013-14 school year (56148) ... 4,278,000 ........... (re. $338,000)
For costs associated with schools for the blind and deaf and other
students with disabilities subject to article 85 of the education
law, including state aid for blind and deaf pupils in certain insti-
tutions to be paid for the purposes provided under section 4204-a of
the education law for the education of deaf children under 3 years
of age, including transfers to the miscellaneous special revenue
fund Rome school for the deaf account pursuant to a plan to be
developed by the commissioner and approved by the director of the
Of the amounts appropriated herein, up to $84,700,000 shall be avail-
able for reimbursement to school districts for the tuition costs of
students attending schools for the blind and deaf during the 2013-14
school year pursuant to subdivision 2 of section 4204 of education
law and subdivision 2 of section 4207 of the education law, up to
$2,500,000 shall be available for debt service on capital
construction projects financed through the state dormitory authori-
ty, and up to $9,000,000 shall be available for remaining allowable
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, upon disbursement of funds appropriated for allowances to
schools for the blind and deaf in the individuals with disabilities
program special revenue funds-federal/aid to localities for purposes
of this appropriation, funds appropriated herein shall be reduced in
an amount equivalent to such disbursement and the portion of this
appropriation so affected shall have no further force or effect.
Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the
department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
... 96,200,000 .................................... (re. $6,950,000)
For July and August programs for school-aged children with handicap-
ping conditions pursuant to section 4408 of the education law.
Moneys appropriated herein shall be used as follows: (i) for remain-
ing base year and prior school years obligations, (ii) for the
purposes of subdivision 4 of section 3602 of the education law for
schools operated under articles 87 and 88 of the education law, and
(iii) notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, for
payments made pursuant to this appropriation for current school year
obligations, provided, however, that such payments shall not exceed
70 percent of the state aid due for the sum of the approved tuition
and maintenance rates and transportation expense provided for here-
in; provided, however, that payment of eligible claims shall be
payable in the order that such claims have been approved for payment
by the commissioner of education, but in no case shall a single
payee draw down more than 45 percent of this appropriation, and
provided further that no claim shall be set aside for insufficiency
282 12553-07-1
of funds to make a complete payment, but shall be eligible for a
partial payment in one year and shall retain its priority date
status for subsequent appropriations designated for such purposes.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the contrary,
funds appropriated herein shall only be available for liabilities
incurred prior to July 1, 2015, shall be used to pay 2013-14 school
year claims in the first instance, and represent the maximum amount
payable during the 2014-15 state fiscal year. Notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, funds appropriated herein shall be
available for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued or hereafter
to accrue and, subject to the approval of the director of the budg-
et, such funds shall be available to the department net of disallow-
ances, refunds, reimbursements and credits .........................
362,500,000 ...................................... (re. $11,500,000)
For the state's share of the costs of the education of preschool chil-
dren with disabilities pursuant to section 4410 of the education
law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the
contrary, the amount appropriated herein shall support a state share
of preschool handicapped education costs for the 2013-14 school year
limited to 59.5 percent of such total approved expenditures, and
furthermore, notwithstanding any other provision of law, local
claims for reimbursement of costs incurred prior to the 2012-13
school year and during the 2012-13 school year that have been
approved for payment by the education department as of March 31,
2014 shall be the first claims paid from this appropriation.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the
department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits
... 1,042,500,000 ................................ (re. $33,086,000)
For services and expenses of the New York state center for school
safety for the 2014-15 school year. Funds appropriated herein shall
be used to operate a statewide center and shall be subject to an
expenditure plan approved by the director of the budget (21774) ....
466,000 .............................................. (re. $92,000)
For services and expenses of the health education program for the
2014-15 school year. Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for health-related programs including, but not limited to, those
providing instruction and supportive services in comprehensive
health education and/or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
education. Of the amounts appropriated herein, $86,000 shall be
available for the program previously operated as the school health
demonstration program. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to
the contrary, funds appropriated herein may be suballocated, subject
to the approval of the director of the budget, to any state agency
or department to accomplish the purpose of this appropriation
(21775) ... 691,000 ................................. (re. $107,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries and not-for-profit institutions. Notwithstanding any
provision of law this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant
to a plan setting forth.an itemized list of grantees with the amount
283 12553-07-1
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation. Such plan shall be subject to the approval of the
speaker of the assembly and the director of the budget and thereaft-
er shall be included in a resolution calling for the expenditure of
such monies, which resolution shall be approved by a majority vote
of all members elected to the assembly upon a roll call vote ...
23,420,000 ........................................ (re. $2,539,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries, and not-for-profit institutions. Notwithstanding any
provision of law this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant
to a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation. Such plan shall be subject to the approval of the
temporary president of the senate and the director of the budget and
thereafter shall be included in a resolution calling for he expendi-
ture of such monies, which resolution must be approved by a majority
vote of all members elected to the senate upon a roll call vote ....
19,050,000 .......................................... (re. $637,000)
For educational services and expenses for DACA (Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals) eligible out of school youth and young adults
(56045) ... 1,000,000 ............................. (re. $1,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2014, as added by chapter 73,
section 1 of part D, of the laws of 2016:
For aid payable for the 2012-13 school year for additional nonpublic
school aid. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds
appropriated herein shall be available for payment of aid heretofore
accrued and hereafter to accrue (21770) ............................
45,204,000 ............................................ (re. $2,000)
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 922,000 .......... (re. $922,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2013:
For aid payable for the 2011-12 school year for additional nonpublic
school aid. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds
appropriated herein shall be available for payment of aid heretofore
accrued and hereafter to accrue (21770) ............................
34,549,000 ........................................... (re. $15,000)
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 922,000 .......... (re. $922,000)
For educational services and expenses for DACA (Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals) eligible out of school youth and young adults
(56045) ... 1,000,000 ............................. (re. $1,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2012:
For aid payable for additional nonpublic school aid.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds appropriated
herein shall be available for payment of aid heretofore accrued and
hereafter to accrue provided that, notwithstanding any provision of
law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the amount appropriated
284 12553-07-1
herein represents the maximum amount payable during the 2012-13
state fiscal year (21770) ... 26,220,000 .............. (re. $2,000)
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 922,000 .......... (re. $922,000)
For purposes of the missing children program (21806) .................
1,000,000 ........................................... (re. $701,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries, and not-for-profit institutions. Notwithstanding any
provision of law this appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant
to a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees with the amount
to be received by each, or the methodology for allocating such
appropriation. Such plan shall be subject to the approval of the
speaker of the assembly and the director of the budget and thereaft-
er shall be included in a resolution calling for the expenditure of
such monies, which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of
all members elected to the assembly upon a roll call vote ...
9,121,000 ........................................... (re. $523,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2012, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2019:
After School Programs for New York City. Notwithstanding section twen-
ty-four of the state finance law or any provision of law to the
contrary, funds from this appropriation shall be allocated only
pursuant to a plan (i) approved by the speaker of the assembly and
the director of the budget which sets forth an itemized list of
grantees with the amount to be received by each and (ii) which is
thereafter included in an assembly resolution calling for the
expenditure of such funds, which resolution must be approved to the
assembly upon a roll call vote .....................................
1,500,000 ......................................... (re. $1,500,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 922,000 .......... (re. $922,000)
For the smart scholars early college high school program, provided,
however that expenditure of funds herein shall be subject to a
payment schedule developed by the commissioner and approved by the
director of budget (23451) ... 6,000,000 .......... (re. $1,147,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2011, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2013:
For grants in aid to school districts, libraries, not for profits and
educational institutions, notwithstanding any provision of law this
appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan setting
forth an itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by
each, or the methodology for allocating such appropriation. Such
plan shall be subject to the approval of the temporary president of
the senate and the director of the budget and thereafter shall be
included in a resolution calling for the expenditure of such monies,
which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of all members
285 12553-07-1
elected to the senate upon a roll call vote ........................
16,226,000 ........................................... (re. $94,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010, as transferred by chapter
53, section 1, of the laws of 2011:
For aid payable for additional nonpublic school aid. Notwithstanding
any inconsistent provision of law, funds appropriated herein shall
be available for payment of aid heretofore accrued and hereafter to
accrue provided that, notwithstanding any provision of law, rule or
regulation to the contrary, the amount appropriated herein repres-
ents the maximum amount payable during the 2010-11 state fiscal year
(21770) ... 28,500,000 ................................ (re. $2,000)
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 922,000 .......... (re. $920,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2009:
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 922,000 .......... (re. $888,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2008:
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget, provided, however, that the amount of this
appropriation available for expenditure and disbursement on and
after September 1, 2008 shall be reduced by six percent of the
amount that was undisbursed as of August 15, 2008 (21771) ..........
980,000 ............................................. (re. $698,000)
For services and expenses of the health education program for the
2008-09 school year. Funds appropriated herein shall be available
for health-related programs including, but not limited to, those
providing instruction and supportive services in comprehensive
health education and/or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
education, provided, however, that the amount of this appropriation
available for expenditure and disbursement on and after September 1,
2008 shall be reduced by six percent of the amount that was undis-
bursed as of August 15, 2008 ... 735,000 ............ (re. $183,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2008, as amended by chapter
496, section 3, of the laws of 2008:
For nonpublic school aid for the 2008-09 school year program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds appropri-
ated herein shall be available for payment of aid heretofore accrued
and hereafter to accrue provided that, notwithstanding any provision
of law, rule or regulation to the contrary, reimbursement, and the
State's liability for such reimbursement, shall be limited to nine-
ty-eight percent of the actual cost incurred by the nonpublic school
as approved by the commissioner of education; provided further that
on and after September 1, 2008, notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, rule or regulation, the amount of state reimburse-
ment and liability for costs and activities funded through this
286 12553-07-1
appropriation shall be further reduced by six percent of such
reduced amount, and that the amount of this appropriation available
for expenditure and disbursement on and after such date shall be
reduced by six percent of the amount that was undisbursed as of
August 15, 2008 (21769) ... 85,750,000 .............. (re. $191,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2007, as amended by chapter 53,
section 1, of the laws of 2012:
For nonpublic school aid for the 2007-08 school year program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds appropri-
ated herein shall be available for payment of aid heretofore accrued
and hereafter to accrue (21769) ... 87,500,000 .... (re. $4,918,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2006:
For academic intervention for nonpublic schools based on a plan to be
developed by the commissioner of education and approved by the
director of the budget (21771) ... 1,000,000 .......... (re. $2,000)
For nonpublic school aid for the 2006-07 school year program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds shall be
available for payment of aid heretofore accrued and hereafter to
accrue (21769) ... 87,500,000 ..................... (re. $7,750,000)
For grants in aid to school districts, libraries, not for profits and
educational institutions, notwithstanding any provision of law this
appropriation shall be allocated only pursuant to a plan setting
forth an itemized list of grantees with the amount to be received by
each, or the methodology for allocating such appropriation. Such
plan shall be subject to the approval of the temporary president of
the senate and the director of the budget and thereafter shall be
included in a resolution calling for the expenditure of such monies,
which resolution must be approved by a majority vote of all members
elected to the senate upon a roll call vote ........................
250,000 ............................................. (re. $102,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries and not-for-profit institutions. Such funds shall be
apportioned pursuant to subdivision 5 of section 24 of the state
finance law ... 12,995,000 .......................... (re. $530,000)
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries and not-for-profit institutions including seventy percent
of a $26,670,000 2006-07 school year teacher resource and computer
training center program, seventy percent of a $4,000,000 2006-07
school year teacher mentor intern program, and $500,000 for the
national board for professional teaching standards program .........
81,456,250 ........................................ (re. $6,868,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2005:
For nonpublic school aid for the 2005-06 school year program.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, funds shall be
available for payment of aid heretofore accrued and hereafter to
accrue (21769) ... 87,500,000 ..................... (re. $3,202,000)
For additional grants-in-aid to certain school districts, public
libraries and not for profit institutions including 50 percent of a
$500,000 school year program for the 2005-06 NYC peer intervention
287 12553-07-1
program and 50 percent of a $500,000 school year program for the
national board for professional teaching standards certification ...
27,110,400 ........................................ (re. $1,020,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2003, as amended by chapter
684, section 1, of the laws of 2003:
For additional grants in aid to certain school districts, public
libraries and not for profit educational institutions, in addition
to services and expenses of the teacher resources and computer
training centers programs ... 41,498,700 ............ (re. $507,000)
By chapter 382, part C, section 1, of the laws of 2001:
For fiscal stabilization grants in aid of up to $25,000,000 for the
2001-02 school year to certain school districts, public libraries
and not-for-profit educational institutions. Notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, funds appropriated herein shall be
available for payment of aid hereafter to accrue ...................
25,000,000 ........................................... (re. $14,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
[Education Stabilization Fund]
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For support of elementary and secondary education from the elementary
and secondary emergency relief fund and the governor's emergency
relief fund, as funded by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic
Security Act of 2020 and any other federal action providing support
for elementary and/or secondary education in response to the COVID-
19 public health emergency. Such funds shall be available to school
districts with a pandemic adjustment reduction in an amount equal to
the pandemic adjustment as computed on a schedule produced by the
commissioner of education pursuant to subdivision 19 of section 3602
of the education law. Funds appropriated herein shall be subject to
all applicable reporting and accountability requirements contained
in such act (23335) ... 1,210,000,000 ......... (re. $1,210,000,000)
[Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Education Fund
Federal Department of Education Account - 25210]
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For grants to schools for specific programs including, but not limited
to, grants for purposes under title I of the elementary and second-
ary education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the commissioner of education shall
provide to the director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate
finance committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to
the federal government with respect to the use of any funds appro-
priated by the federal government including state grants adminis-
288 12553-07-1
tered by the department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21740) ..............................................
1,771,819,000 ................................. (re. $1,771,819,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, state grants for supporting
effective instruction pursuant to title II of the elementary and
secondary education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner of education shall
provide to the director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate
finance committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to
the federal government with respect to the use of any funds appro-
priated by the federal government including state grants adminis-
tered by the Department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23418) ..............................................
256,841,000 ..................................... (re. $256,841,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the English language acqui-
sition program pursuant to title III of the elementary and secondary
education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, the commissioner of education shall provide to
the director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means commit-
tee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the
federal government with respect to the use of any funds appropriated
by the federal government including state grants administered by the
department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a
portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state
departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation
(23417) ............................................................
65,331,000 ....................................... (re. $65,331,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the 21st century community
learning centers, and student support and academic enrichment pursu-
ant to title IV of the elementary and secondary education act.
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, the commissioner of education shall provide to the director of
the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance committee and the
chairperson of the assembly ways and means committee copies of any
spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the federal government
with respect to the use of any funds appropriated by the federal
government including state grants administered by the Department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
289 12553-07-1
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23416) ......
178,326,000 ..................................... (re. $178,326,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the charter schools program
pursuant to title IV of the elementary and secondary education act.
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, the commissioner of education shall provide to the director of
the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance committee and the
chairperson of the assembly ways and means committee copies of any
spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the federal government
with respect to the use of any funds appropriated by the federal
government including state grants administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23415) ......
28,000,000 ....................................... (re. $28,000,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the rural education initi-
ative pursuant to title V of the elementary and secondary education
act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, the commissioner of education shall provide to the
director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means commit-
tee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the
federal government with respect to the use of any funds appropriated
by the federal government including state grants administered by the
department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a
portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state
departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation
(23414) ............................................................
5,000,000 ......................................... (re. $5,000,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the homeless education
program pursuant to title VII of the McKinney Vento homeless assist-
ance act. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a
portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state
departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation
(23413) ... 8,000,000 ............................. (re. $8,000,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the Carl D. Perkins voca-
tional and applied technology education act (VTEA).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23477) ......
68,578,000 ....................................... (re. $68,578,000)
For various grants to schools and other eligible entities. Notwith-
standing any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this appro-
priation may be suballocated to other state departments and agen-
290 12553-07-1
cies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23407) ......
34,425,000 ....................................... (re. $34,425,000)
For the education of individuals with disabilities including up to
$3,000,000 for services and expenses of early childhood family and
community engagement centers and $500,000 for services and expenses
of the center for autism and related disabilities at the state
university of New York at Albany. Notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, a portion of the funds appropriated herein shall
be available, subject to a plan developed by the commissioner of
education and approved by the director of the budget, for grants to
ensure appropriately certified teachers in schools providing special
services or programs as defined in paragraphs e, g, i and l of
subdivision 2 of section 4401 of the education law to children
placed by school districts and in approved preschool programs that
provide full and half-day educational programs in accordance with
section 4410 of the education law for children placed by school
district. Provided further that, in the allocation of funds, priori-
ty shall be given to those programs with a demonstrated need to
increase the number of certified teachers to comply with state and
federal requirements. Such funds shall be made available for such
activities as certification preparation, training, assisting schools
with personnel shortages and supporting activities that improve the
delivery of services to improve results for children with disabili-
ties. Provided further that notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, of the funds appropriated herein: up to
$10,000,000 shall be available for costs associated with schools
operated under article 85 of the education law which otherwise would
be payable through the department's general fund aid to localities
appropriation, provided further that notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, any disbursements against this $10,000,000
shall immediately reduce the amounts appropriated in the education
department's general fund aid to localities for costs associated
with schools operated under article 85 of the education law by an
equivalent amount, and the portion of such general fund appropri-
ation so affected shall have no further force or effect.
Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, funds appro-
priated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities hereto-
fore accrued or hereafter to accrue and subject to the approval of
the director of budget, such funds shall be available to the depart-
ment net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, as needed, to accomplish the intent of this appropriation
(21737) ... 815,347,000 ......................... (re. $807,312,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For grants to schools for specific programs including, but not limited
to, grants for purposes under title I of the elementary and second-
ary education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the commissioner of education shall
provide to the director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate
291 12553-07-1
finance committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to
the federal government with respect to the use of any funds appro-
priated by the federal government including state grants adminis-
tered by the department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21740) ... 1,771,819,000 ....... (re. $1,111,739,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, state grants for supporting
effective instruction pursuant to title II of the elementary and
secondary education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner of education shall
provide to the director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate
finance committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to
the federal government with respect to the use of any funds appro-
priated by the federal government including state grants adminis-
tered by the Department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23418) ... 256,841,000 ........... (re. $200,982,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the English language acqui-
sition program pursuant to title III of the elementary and secondary
education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, the commissioner of education shall provide to
the director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means commit-
tee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the
federal government with respect to the use of any funds appropriated
by the federal government including state grants administered by the
department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a
portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state
departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation
(23417) ... 65,331,000 ........................... (re. $58,937,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the 21st century community
learning centers, and student support and academic enrichment pursu-
ant to title IV of the elementary and secondary education act.
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, the commissioner of education shall provide to the director of
the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance committee and the
chairperson of the assembly ways and means committee copies of any
spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the federal government
with respect to the use of any funds appropriated by the federal
government including state grants administered by the Department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
292 12553-07-1
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23416) ......
169,526,000 ..................................... (re. $139,011,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the charter schools program
pursuant to title IV of the elementary and secondary education act.
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, the commissioner of education shall provide to the director of
the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance committee and the
chairperson of the assembly ways and means committee copies of any
spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the federal government
with respect to the use of any funds appropriated by the federal
government including state grants administered by the department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23415) ......
28,000,000 ....................................... (re. $28,000,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the rural education initi-
ative pursuant to title V of the elementary and secondary education
act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, the commissioner of education shall provide to the
director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means commit-
tee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the
federal government with respect to the use of any funds appropriated
by the federal government including state grants administered by the
department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a
portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state
departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation
(23414) ... 5,000,000 ............................. (re. $4,084,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the homeless education
program pursuant to title VII of the McKinney Vento homeless assist-
ance act. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a
portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state
departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation
(23413) ... 8,000,000 ............................. (re. $7,363,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the Carl D. Perkins voca-
tional and applied technology education act (VTEA).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23477) ......
68,578,000 ....................................... (re. $40,709,000)
For the education of individuals with disabilities including up to
$3,000,000 for services and expenses of early childhood family and
community engagement centers and $500,000 for services and expenses
293 12553-07-1
of the center for autism and related disabilities at the state
university of New York at Albany. Notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, a portion of the funds appropriated herein shall
be available, subject to a plan developed by the commissioner of
education and approved by the director of the budget, for grants to
ensure appropriately certified teachers in schools providing special
services or programs as defined in paragraphs e, g, i and l of
subdivision 2 of section 4401 of the education law to children
placed by school districts and in approved preschool programs that
provide full and half-day educational programs in accordance with
section 4410 of the education law for children placed by school
district. Provided further that, in the allocation of funds, priori-
ty shall be given to those programs with a demonstrated need to
increase the number of certified teachers to comply with state and
federal requirements. Such funds shall be made available for such
activities as certification preparation, training, assisting schools
with personnel shortages and supporting activities that improve the
delivery of services to improve results for children with disabili-
ties. Provided further that notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, of the funds appropriated herein: up to
$10,000,000 shall be available for costs associated with schools
operated under article 85 of the education law which otherwise would
be payable through the department's general fund aid to localities
appropriation, provided further that notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, any disbursements against this $10,000,000
shall immediately reduce the amounts appropriated in the education
department's general fund aid to localities for costs associated
with schools operated under article 85 of the education law by an
equivalent amount, and the portion of such general fund appropri-
ation so affected shall have no further force or effect. Notwith-
standing any provision of the law to the contrary, funds appropri-
ated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities heretofore
accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, such funds shall be available to the depart-
ment net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, as needed, to accomplish the intent of this appropriation
(21737) ... 815,347,000 ......................... (re. $269,757,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as added by chapter 54,
section 2, of the laws of 2018:
For grants to schools for specific programs including, but not limited
to, grants for purposes under title I of the elementary and second-
ary education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the commissioner of education shall
provide to the director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate
finance committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to
the federal government with respect to the use of any funds appro-
priated by the federal government including state grants adminis-
tered by the Department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
294 12553-07-1
of law, a portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21740) ... 1,771,819,000 ......... (re. $584,509,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, state grants for supporting
effective instruction pursuant to title II of the elementary and
secondary education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, the commissioner of education shall
provide to the director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate
finance committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to
the federal government with respect to the use of any funds appro-
priated by the federal government including state grants adminis-
tered by the Department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (23418) ... 256,841,000 ........... (re. $111,181,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the English language acqui-
sition program pursuant to title III of the elementary and secondary
education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsist-
ent provision of law, the commissioner of education shall provide to
the director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means commit-
tee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the
federal government with respect to the use of any funds appropriated
by the federal government including state grants administered by the
Department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a
portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state
departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation
(23417) ... 65,331,000 ........................... (re. $15,158,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the 21st century community
learning centers, and student support and academic enrichment pursu-
ant to title IV of the elementary and secondary education act.
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, the commissioner of education shall provide to the director of
the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance committee and the
chairperson of the assembly ways and means committee copies of any
spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the federal government
with respect to the use of any funds appropriated by the federal
government including state grants administered by the Department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23416) ......
132,526,000 ...................................... (re. $21,048,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the charter schools program
295 12553-07-1
pursuant to title IV of the elementary and secondary education act.
Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of
law, the commissioner of education shall provide to the director of
the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance committee and the
chairperson of the assembly ways and means committee copies of any
spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the federal government
with respect to the use of any funds appropriated by the federal
government including state grants administered by the Department.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23415) ......
28,000,000 ....................................... (re. $26,408,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the rural education initi-
ative pursuant to title V of the elementary and secondary education
act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of law, the commissioner of education shall provide to the
director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate finance
committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means commit-
tee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to the
federal government with respect to the use of any funds appropriated
by the federal government including state grants administered by the
Department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a
portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state
departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation
(23414) ... 5,000,000 ............................. (re. $3,693,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the homeless education
program pursuant to title VII of the McKinney Vento homeless assist-
ance act. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a
portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state
departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation
(23413) ... 8,000,000 ............................. (re. $3,841,000)
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for specific
programs including, but not limited to, the Carl D. Perkins voca-
tional and applied technology education act (VTEA).
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23477) ......
68,578,000 ....................................... (re. $18,633,000)
For various grants to schools and other eligible entities.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23407) ......
34,425,000 ....................................... (re. $18,826,000)
For the education of individuals with disabilities including up to
$3,000,000 for services and expenses of early childhood direction
296 12553-07-1
centers and $500,000 for services and expenses of the center for
autism and related disabilities at the state university of New York
at Albany. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a
portion of the funds appropriated herein shall be available, subject
to a plan developed by the commissioner of education and approved by
the director of the budget, for grants to ensure appropriately
certified teachers in schools providing special services or programs
as defined in paragraphs e, g, i and l of subdivision 2 of section
4401 of the education law to children placed by school districts and
in approved preschool programs that provide full and half-day educa-
tional programs in accordance with section 4410 of the education law
for children placed by school district. Provided further that, in
the allocation of funds, priority shall be given to those programs
with a demonstrated need to increase the number of certified teach-
ers to comply with state and federal requirements. Such funds shall
be made available for such activities as certification preparation,
training, assisting schools with personnel shortages and supporting
activities that improve the delivery of services to improve results
for children with disabilities. Provided further that notwithstand-
ing any inconsistent provision of law, of the funds appropriated
herein: up to $10,000,000 shall be available for costs associated
with schools operated under article 85 of the education law which
otherwise would be payable through the department's general fund aid
to localities appropriation, provided further that notwithstanding
any inconsistent provision of law, any disbursements against this
$10,000,000 shall immediately reduce the amounts appropriated in the
education department's general fund aid to localities for costs
associated with schools operated under article 85 of the education
law by an equivalent amount, and the portion of such general fund
appropriation so affected shall have no further force or effect.
Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, funds
appropriated herein shall be available for payment of liabilities
heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue and, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, such funds shall be avail-
able to the department net of disallowances, refunds, reimbursements
and credits.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this
appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and
agencies, as needed, to accomplish the intent of this appropriation
(21737) ... 815,347,000 .......................... (re. $40,069,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2017, as added by chapter 50,
section 2, of the laws of 2017:
For grants to schools for specific programs including, but not limited
to, grants for purposes under title I of the elementary and second-
ary education act. Provided further that, notwithstanding any incon-
sistent provision of law, the commissioner of education shall
provide to the director of the budget, the chairperson of the senate
finance committee and the chairperson of the assembly ways and means
committee copies of any spending plans and/or budgets submitted to
the federal government with respect to the use of any funds appro-
priated by the federal government including state grants adminis-
297 12553-07-1
tered by the Department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision
of law, a portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other
state departments and agencies, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, as needed to accomplish the intent of this
appropriation (21740) ... 1,771,819,000 ......... (re. $574,527,000)
For various grants to schools and other eligible entities. Notwith-
standing any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this appro-
priation may be suballocated to other state departments and agen-
cies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as
needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation (23407) ......
34,425,000 ....................................... (re. $11,403,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Health and Human Services Fund
Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25122
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For grants to schools for specific programs (21742) ..................
5,000,000 ......................................... (re. $5,000,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For grants to schools for specific programs (21742) ..................
5,000,000 ......................................... (re. $4,900,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as added by chapter 54,
section 2, of the laws of 2018:
For grants to schools for specific programs (21742) ..................
5,000,000 ......................................... (re. $4,110,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Federal Operating Grants Account - 25456
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For grants to schools for specific programs (21826) ..................
5,000,000 ......................................... (re. $5,000,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund
Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25026
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020:
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for programs funded
through the national school lunch act (21703) ......................
1,259,690,000 ................................. (re. $1,259,690,000)
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for programs funded
through the national school lunch act (21703) ......................
1,223,000,000 .................................... (re. $84,564,000)
298 12553-07-1
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2018, as added by chapter 54,
section 2, of the laws of 2018:
For grants to schools and other eligible entities for programs funded
through the national school lunch act (21703) ......................
1,211,000,000 .................................... (re. $40,771,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Other
Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund
Commercial Gaming Revenue Account - 23701
The appropriation made by chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2014, as
amended by chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2020, is hereby
amended and reappropriated to read:
For payment, pursuant to section 97-nnnn of the state finance law, of
additional aid to school districts otherwise eligible for an appor-
tionment pursuant to subdivision 4 of section 3602 of the education
law, in order to support elementary and secondary education, which,
notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, shall for
purposes of this appropriation mean support through after-school
programs, gap elimination adjustment restoration apportionments
and/or foundation aid; provided that, for the 2014-15 school year,
$81,000,000 shall be available from the funds appropriated herein
and shall be payable, on or after April 1, 2015, as a portion of the
gap elimination adjustment restoration in such year. Provided
further that, $81,000,000 of the funds appropriated herein shall be
available for the 2015-16 school year and no more than 70 percent of
such $81,000,000 shall be available for the 2015-16 state fiscal
year. Provided further that, $81,000,000 of the funds appropriated
herein shall be available for the 2016-17 school year and no more
than 70 percent of such $81,000,000 shall be available for the
2016-17 state fiscal year. Provided further that, $81,000,000 of the
funds appropriated herein shall be available for the 2017-18 school
year and no more than 70 percent of such $81,000,000 shall be avail-
able for the 2017-18 state fiscal year. Provided further that, of
the funds appropriated herein, no more than $140,040,000 shall be
available for the 2018-19 state fiscal year. Provided further that,
of the funds appropriated herein, no more than $161,600,000 shall be
available for the 2019-20 state fiscal year and notwithstanding
section 3609-h of the education law, one hundred percent of such
funds shall be paid on the same date as the payment computed pursu-
ant to clause (ii) of subparagraph three of paragraph b of subdivi-
sion one of section thirty-six hundred nine-a of the education law.
Provided further that, of the funds appropriated herein, no more
than $160,000,000 shall be available for the 2020-21 state fiscal
FISCAL YEAR; and provided further that, notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein
shall only be available to support such purposes and shall not be
interchanged with any other item of appropriation; and provided that
notwithstanding section 40 of the state finance law or any provision
of law to the contrary, this appropriation shall remain in full
299 12553-07-1
force and effect to the maximum extent allowed by law (56140) ......
720,000,000 ..................................... (re. $341,973,000)
300 12553-07-1
General Fund ....................... 0 3,915,000
Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 0 16,516,000
---------------- ----------------
All Funds ........................ 0 20,431,000
================ ================
General Fund
Local Assistance Account - 10000
By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2019:
The amounts appropriated herein shall be made available to local
boards of elections for reimbursement of costs related to the imple-
mentation of early voting for eligible expenses pursuant to a plan
subject to the approval of the director of the division of the budg-
et (23521) ... 10,000,000 ......................... (re. $2,777,000)
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2006, as amended by chapter
496, section 1, of the laws of 2008:
The sum of five million dollars ($5,000,000) is hereby appropriated
for services and expenses related to the alteration of poll sites to
provide accessibility for disabled voters. Such funds shall be allo-
cated to local boards of elections in proportion to the percentage
of the state's registered voters residing in each local board's
jurisdiction on December 31, 2004. Local boards of elections shall
submit an alteration plan to improve handicap accessibility to the
state board of elections. Such moneys shall be payable on the audit
and warrant of the state comptroller, on vouchers certified or
approved by the state board of elections pursuant to subdivision
four of section 3-100 of the election law, in the manner provided by
law, provided, however, that the amount of this appropriation avail-
able for expenditure and disbursement on and after September 1, 2008
shall be reduced by six percent of the amount that was undisbursed
as of August 15, 2008 (23504) ... 4,990,000 ....... (re. $1,138,000)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal
Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund
Help America Vote Act Implementation Account - 25497
By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2009:
Additional funding for services and expenses related to the implemen-
tation of the help America vote act of 2002, including the purchase
of new voting machines and disability accessible ballot marking
devices for use by the local boards of elections pursuant to the
help America vote act of 2002. Such moneys shall be allocated to the
local boards of elections in proportion to the percentage of the
state's registered voters residing in each local board's jurisdic-
tion on December 31, 2004 (23509) ... 7,000,000 ..... (re. $480,000)
301 12553-07-1