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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Renewals of licenses and permits
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) CHAPTER 3-B, ARTICLE 8
§ 109. Renewals of licenses and permits. 1. Each license and permit,
except a temporary permit effective for one day only, issued pursuant to
this chapter may be renewed upon application therefor by the licensee or
permittee and the payment of the annual fee for such license or permit
as prescribed by this chapter. In the case of applications for renewals,
the liquor authority may dispense with the requirements of such
statements as it deems unnecessary in view of those contained in the
application made for the original license or permit; provided, however,
that no waiver of paragraph (f) of subdivision one of section one
hundred ten of this article may be made. The submission of photographs
of the licensed premises shall be dispensed with provided the applicant
for such renewal shall file a statement with such authority to the
effect that there has been no alteration of such premises since the
original license was issued. An applicant for a retail license for
on-premises consumption shall also submit to the authority a copy of the
valid certificate of occupancy or such other document issued by the
local code enforcement agency for the premises for which the original
license was issued. The liquor authority may make such rules as may be
necessary not inconsistent with this chapter regarding applications for
renewals of licenses and permits and the time for making the same.

2. The authority shall provide an application for renewal of a license
issued under section sixty-four or sixty-four-a of this chapter not less
than sixty days prior to the expiration of the current license.