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This entry was published on 2022-07-08
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Posting of license or certificate
Arts and Cultural Affairs (ACA) CHAPTER 11-C, TITLE G, ARTICLE 25
* § 25.19. Posting of license or certificate. Immediately upon the
receipt of the license or certificate issued pursuant to this article by
the secretary of state, the licensee named therein shall cause such
license to be posted and at all times displayed in a conspicuous place
in the principal office of such business for which it is issued, and
shall cause the certificate for each branch office, bureau, agency or
sub-agency to be posted and at all times displayed in a conspicuous
place in such branch office, bureau, agency or sub-agency for which it
is issued, so that all persons visiting such principal office, branch
office, bureau, agency or sub-agency may readily see the same, and if
such licensee does business on the internet, including via a retail
ticket purchasing platform, to provide a license number displayed in a
conspicuous manner or a hyperlink displayed in a conspicuous manner to a
scanned copy of such license. Such license or certificate shall at all
reasonable times be subject to inspection by the secretary of state or
his or her authorized inspectors. It shall be unlawful for any person,
firm, partnership or corporation holding such license or certificate to
post such license or certificate or to permit such certificate to be
posted upon premises other than those described therein or to which it
has been transferred pursuant to the provisions of this article or
unlawfully to alter, deface or destroy any such license or certificate.
For purposes of this section, the term "retail ticket purchasing
platform" shall mean a retail ticket purchasing website, application,
phone system, or other technology platform used to sell tickets.

* NB Effective until July 1, 2025

* § 25.19. Posting of price lists; information to purchaser. In every
principal office or branch office, bureau, agency or sub-agency of any
licensee under this article, there shall be conspicuously posted and at
all times displayed a price list showing the price charged by the
person, firm or corporation owning, operating or controlling the
theatre, place of amusement or entertainment, or the place where the
public exhibition, game, contest or performance for which a ticket is
being sold by such licensee, together with the price being charged by
such licensee for the resale of such ticket, so that all persons
visiting such place may readily see the same. The licensee shall also on
request furnish each purchaser of a ticket with a receipt showing the
same information.

* NB Effective July 1, 2025