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This entry was published on 2022-03-04
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Advisory group for improving urban and rural consumer access to locally produced, healthy foods
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 2
* § 28. Advisory group for improving urban and rural consumer access
to locally produced, healthy foods. The commissioner shall convene an
advisory group with representatives from agriculture, food access
organizations, food retailers and economic development agencies to
identify strategies and opportunities to expand access for underserved,
nutritionally deficient urban and rural communities to healthy, locally
produced food in New York state, including identifying new and
innovative methods to increase the production, marketing and
distribution of locally produced, fresh food in such communities in New
York state.

Not later than one year after the effective date of this section, a
report shall be delivered by the commissioner to the governor and the
legislature on the findings and recommendations of such advisory group.

* NB Repealed after the report required to this section has been