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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Abandonment of certain animals
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 25-B
§ 331. Abandonment of certain animals. An animal is deemed to be
abandoned when it is placed in the custody of a veterinarian, veterinary
hospital, boarding kennel owner or operator, stable owner or operator,
or any other person for treatment, board, or care and:

1. Having been placed in such custody for a specified period of time
the animal is not removed at the end of such specified period and a
notice to remove the animal within ten days thereafter has been given to
the person who placed the animal in such custody, by means of registered
letter mailed to the last known address of such person, or:

2. Having been placed in such custody for an unspecified period of
time the animal is not removed within twenty days after notice to remove
the animal has been given to the person who placed the animal in such
custody, by means of a registered letter mailed to the last known
address of such person.

3. The giving of notice as prescribed in this section shall be deemed
a waiver of any lien on the animal for the treatment, board or care of
the animal but shall not relieve the owner of the animal removed of his
contractual liability for such treatment, board or care furnished.