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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Criminal slaughter, processing or possession of inedible meat
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 5-C
§ 96-z-9. Criminal slaughter, processing or possession of inedible
meat. A person is guilty of criminal slaughter, processing or possession
of inedible meat when he knowingly and unlawfully (a) slaughters, for
the purpose of human consumption, any animal from which such meat would
be derived, (b) adds, mixes or otherwise combines any such meat with
food intended for human consumption, or bones, cuts, grinds or otherwise
processes such meat for the purpose of human consumption, or (c)
possesses such meat with intent to sell the meat for human consumption.
Criminal slaughter, processing or possession of an inedible meat is a
class E felony.