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This entry was published on 2021-04-09
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Amendments; changes in ownership and organizational structure
§ 67. Amendments; changes in ownership and organizational structure.
1. Licenses issued pursuant to this article shall specify:

(a) the name and address of the licensee;

(b) the activities permitted by the license;

(c) the land, buildings and facilities that may be used for the
licensed activities of the licensee;

(d) a unique license number issued by the board to the licensee; and

(e) such other information as the board shall deem necessary to assure
compliance with this chapter.

2. Upon application of a licensee to the board, a license may be
amended to allow the licensee to relocate within the state, to add or
delete licensed activities or facilities, or to amend the ownership or
organizational structure of the entity that is the licensee. The board
shall establish a fee for such amendments.

3. A license shall become void by a change in ownership, substantial
corporate change or location without prior written approval of the
board. The board may promulgate regulations allowing for certain types
of changes in ownership without the need for prior written approval.

4. For purposes of this section, "substantial corporate change" shall

(a) for a corporation, a change of fifty-one percent or more of the
officers and/or directors, or a transfer of fifty-one percent or more of
stock of such corporation, or an existing stockholder obtaining
fifty-one percent or more of the stock of such corporation; or

(b) for a limited liability company, a change of fifty-one percent or
more of the managing members of the company, or a transfer of fifty-one
percent or more of ownership interest in said company, or an existing
member obtaining a cumulative of fifty-one percent or more of the
ownership interest in said company; or

(c) for a partnership, a change of fifty-one percent or more of the
managing partners of the company, or a transfer of fifty-one percent or
more of ownership interest in said company, or an existing member
obtaining a cumulative of fifty-one percent or more of the ownership
interest in said company.