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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , RULE 3
§ 6. Amendments.

a. No amendment to a bill may be offered unless the member proposing
the amendment delivers three copies of the bill with the proposed
amendment correctly marked thereon and six copies of the detailed
description of such amendment to the Clerk of the Assembly.

b. A copy of each amendment offered by the sponsor of a bill shall be
provided by Journal Operations to the chairperson and ranking minority
member of any standing committee that previously reported such bill.

c. Prior to the commencement of debate on a bill to which an amendment
is offered by a member other than the introducer, the Clerk of the
Assembly shall make copies thereof and cause one copy to be placed on
the desk of each member of the House. When there is more than one
amendment to a bill and one of such amendments is adopted, any of the
other amendments so offered shall, if so requested by the member
offering same, be debated and voted upon immediately after such
adoption, provided, however, that such other amendments are offered to
those provisions of the bill not changed by the adopted amendment and
are consistent with the provisions of the adopted amendment.

d. If a motion to amend prevails, the Clerk of the Assembly shall
distribute copies of the bill with the amendment correctly marked
thereon together with copies of the detailed description of the
amendment to the appropriate Assembly offices for purposes of
renumbering and printing the bill as amended.

e. No amendment shall be allowed to any bill which is not germane to
the original object or purpose thereof.