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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Revision and engrossing
Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , RULE 3
§ 8. Revision and engrossing.

a. The Office of Assembly Revision shall examine and correct all
bills, for the purpose of avoiding repetitions, insuring accuracy in the
text and references, and consistency with the language of the existing
statutes. Any recommendation of the Office of Assembly Revision which
requires further amendment of the bill shall be handled by the member
introducing it or by the Majority or Minority Leader as a regular
amendment to the bill.

b. All bills when ordered to a third reading except Senate bills which
have not been amended in the House, or bills, which have been made a
special order on second and third reading, shall be sent to the Index
Clerk to be jacketed with the proper jurat for certification of final
passage. Each such bill shall, after passage by both Houses, be
engrossed, if so ordered by the Speaker, or stamped "Official Copy" in
which case it shall be deemed to have been engrossed.