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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , RULE 5
Section 1. Attendance. a. Attendance of members in the bar of the
House during sessions of the House shall be continuously recorded
electronically unless otherwise ordered by the Speaker.

b. The bar of the House shall be deemed to include the entire Assembly
Chamber and lobbies contiguous thereto as designated by the Speaker.

c. In all cases of the absence of members during the session of the
House, the members present may take such measures as they shall deem
necessary to secure their presence, and in addition to suspending them
from the service of the House for a given period, may inflict such
censure or pecuniary penalty as they may deem just on those who, on
being called on for that purpose, shall not render a sufficient excuse
for their absence. For the purpose of securing the attendance of
members, a call of the House may be made, but such call shall not be in
order after voting on the question has commenced, unless the roll call
has been withdrawn by the introducer. While a call of the House is in
progress no other business shall be transacted except by order of the