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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Use of legislative printing, mail and mass communication facilities
Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , RULE 5
§ 10. Use of legislative printing, mail and mass communication
facilities. a. The use of legislative printing and mail facilities for
newsletters and other forms of mass mailings which bear the name or
likeness of a candidate in a local, special, primary or general election
shall be prohibited within thirty days of such local, special, or
primary election and be prohibited within sixty days of such general
election. Members may not utilize other forms of Assembly-funded mass
communication media during such thirty day and sixty day periods,

b. The Assembly shall maintain a file containing a copy of each
newsletter provided by Assembly facilities which file shall be available
to the public.

c. The provisions of this section shall be applicable to all
communications addressed to the geographic area in which the member is
running for election.