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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 5
§ 5. a. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to have the journals,
bills, calendars, messages and other documents printed and distributed
in the manner provided by law. He or she shall present to the Governor,
and enter upon the journals, such bills as shall have originated in the
Senate and shall have been passed by both houses. He or she shall,
subject to the Rules of the Senate, transmit to the Assembly all bills
or concurrent resolutions which have passed the Senate.

b. The Secretary of the Senate shall designate the persons entitled to
admission to the floor as reporters for the news media.

c. The Secretary of the Senate shall have general control, except as
otherwise provided by law or in these rules, of the Senate Chamber and
the lobbies and galleries thereof, and of the rooms, corridors and
passages in that part of the Capitol and Legislative Office Building
assigned to the use of the Senate, and any other property leased or
utilized by the Senate.

d. The Secretary of the Senate shall, to the extent practicable, use
the Internet and other electronic media to provide access to the public
policy debates, decision-making process and legislative records of the