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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 5
§ 6. The Sergeant at Arms, under the jurisdiction of the Secretary,
shall be the security officer of the Senate, and, except when absent in
the discharge of his or her duties, shall be in constant attendance upon
the sessions of the Senate and shall assign Assistant Sergeants at Arms
to act as doorkeepers and, under the direction of the Presiding Officer,
aid in enforcing order on the floor of the Senate, in the lobbies, and
in the rooms adjoining the Senate Chamber, and also see that no person
remains on the floor unless entitled to the privileges of the same. He
or she shall also assist in maintaining order at hearings of the Senate
and in that part of the Capitol and Legislative Office Building assigned
to the use of the Senate and on sites in New York State where members
are conducting the business of the Senate and security is deemed
necessary by the Secretary.