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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 7
Section 1. Introduction. Bills and resolutions shall be introduced by
a Senator, or on the report of a committee, or by message from the
Assembly, or by order of the Senate, or by the Governor pursuant to
Article VII of the Constitution. Every bill introduced shall be in
duplicate and shall have endorsed thereon a title and the name of the
bill's sponsor and shall be accompanied by the introducer's memorandum
in quadruplicate. Such memorandum shall contain a statement of the
purposes and intent of the bill and, if the member deems it appropriate,
may set forth such other statements that the member feels necessary
including, but not limited to, statements relating to economic impact,
environmental impact or the impact on the judicial system of the bill. A
Committee, where it deems necessary, may require that the introducer's
memorandum be amended to include such appropriate statements.

Bills introduced by Senators shall be deposited with the Revision
Clerk for the purpose of having such clerk examine and correct bills to
avoid repetition of introduction and ensure accuracy in the text and
references. Upon introduction, each bill shall be deemed to have had its
first and second reading, unless otherwise ordered and shall be given a
number and immediately referred to the appropriate standing committee by
the Majority Coalition Leaders or an officer designated by the Majority
Coalition Leaders in accordance with a set of guidelines to be published
annually by the Majority Coalition Leaders setting forth the respective
statutes over which each of the standing committees shall have subject
matter jurisdiction for purposes of referral. Such referrals shall
reflect the subject matter having predominance in the bill as determined
by the Majority Coalition Leaders.