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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 7
§ 2. Multi-sponsorship. Any Senator may join together in the
multi-sponsorship of a bill. If two or more Senators join together when
a bill is first introduced and before it is printed, the names of all
multi-sponsors shall appear on the printed bill upon the following

a. Multi-sponsors shall file a written request in duplicate to act as
such, on forms provided, with the Revision Clerk of the Senate. The
first name appearing on the bill shall be deemed the introducer and all
others deemed multi-sponsors.

b. The introducer shall at all times retain exclusive control of the
bill until formally acted upon by the Senate and any motion to discharge
a bill out of committee by a member who is not the introducer of the
bill shall be out of order.

c. After a multi-sponsored bill has been printed, any multi-sponsor
desiring to withdraw from such multi-sponsorship shall file a written
request on a form provided so that his or her name will be stricken as a
multi-sponsor from the records of the Revision Clerk. The printed bill,
however, shall not be reprinted.

d. Senators and Senators-elect may multi-sponsor bills that have been
pre-filed and bills introduced after the opening of each legislative
session upon the following conditions:

(1) After a bill has been introduced and printed and before it has
been reported favorably out of the Committee to which it was referred,
any Senator or Senators may file with the Revision Clerk a request on a
form provided to become a multi-sponsor of such bill. Such forms must be
signed by the multi-sponsor.

(2) Such bill shall not be reprinted solely for the purpose of adding
or deleting names of multi-sponsors.

(3) Any Senator, having become a multi-sponsor of a bill, may withdraw
from such by filing a request on a form provided to the Revision Clerk
requesting that his or her name be stricken as a multi-sponsor from the

(4) Any Senator who has become a multi-sponsor of a bill in the manner
set forth herein shall have the right to distribute such bill bearing an
endorsement by rubber stamp or otherwise the words "multi-sponsored by"
and insert his or her own name as multi-sponsor.