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This entry was published on 2019-01-11
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Optional appropriations for public benefit services administered by the board
§ 225. Optional appropriations for public benefit services
administered by the board. 1. The board of supervisors shall have power
to appropriate county funds and to permit the use of county property of
all kinds for the following public benefit, objects and purposes:

(a) Propagation of game, game birds and fish. The amount appropriated
under this paragraph for any fiscal year may equal but not exceed in any
county one-half of one per centum of the total amount of the last
preceding annual budget for county purposes, but in no event an amount
in excess of ten thousand dollars;

(b) Eradication or prevention of bovine tuberculosis or other
infectious or communicable diseases affecting domestic animals and

(c) Publicizing the advantages of the county or region, or for
commemoration programs of historical events;

(d) Care of burial lots of deceased members of the armed forces of the
United States located in a cemetery within the county and owned and
maintained by an incorporated cemetery association;

(e) Suppression or control of white pine blister rust and other forest
tree diseases and forest insects under the direction and supervision of
the state conservation department. Employees engaged in such work upon
public or private lands shall not be liable for trespass and no action
shall lie therefor;

(f) Suppression or control of the Japanese beetle infestation under
the direction and supervision of the state department of agriculture and
markets. Employees engaged in such work upon public or private lands
shall not be liable for trespass and no action shall lie therefor; and

(g) Establishment and maintenance of fire training schools for
training firefighters.

(h) Establishment and maintenance of a central fire alarm system.

(i) In the county of Washington for the destruction of bobcats,
porcupines, wolves, coyotes, coydogs and rattlesnakes, and in the county
of Hamilton for the destruction of bobcats, porcupines, wolves, and
coyotes, the funds appropriated therefor to be expended in payment of
bounties to be established by the board of supervisors.

(j) In the counties of Essex, Saratoga, St. Lawrence and Warren for
the destruction of bobcats, wolves, coyotes, coydogs, foxes, porcupines
and rattlesnakes, the funds appropriated therefor to be expended in
payment of bounties to be established by the board of supervisors.

(k) Conservation education, including the promotion of better public
understanding of problems and desirable practices in conservation of
natural resources.

(l) Establishment and maintenance of a county zoo, or the expenditure
of county funds for the support, in whole or in part, of an existing zoo
in the county, owned by a municipal corporation.

(m) eradication or control of the golden nematode infestation under
the direction and supervision of the state department of agriculture and
markets. Employees engaged in such work upon public or private lands
shall not be liable for trespass and no action shall lie therefor.

(n) Without limitation of the foregoing for any of the public
benefits, objects and purposes which are set forth in section two
hundred twenty-four of this county law as amended.

2. The board shall provide for the expenditure for wages, equipment
and supplies, under the direction of a committee from its membership.
Authority may be granted to the chairman of such committee to issue
orders upon the county treasurer for such expenditures. The board shall
require a report of such expenditures with verified or certified
vouchers attached. The board of supervisors may adopt such rules as it
may deem necessary governing the expenditure of such moneys and may
require a bond in such amount as it shall determine.

3. The board may authorize the expenditure of county funds for any or
all of such public benefit objects and purposes jointly with another
county or counties. The board of each participating county shall appoint
a committee to act for it in connection with such project. Such
committees in joint sessions shall select one of their members to be
chairman and shall designate the county treasurer of one of the
participating counties to be custodian of the project fund. Each county
treasurer shall pay to the designated county treasurer whatever portion
of the total estimated cost of the project its board of supervisors has
determined to contribute. Such joint fund shall be deemed the fund of
all participating counties in proportion to the contribution made by
each. Orders upon the fund shall be signed by the chairman. Reports of
expenditures with verified or certified vouchers attached shall be made
annually to the board of supervisors of each participating county.