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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public hearing; distribution of tentative budget
§ 359. Public hearing; distribution of tentative budget. Before the
final adoption of the budget, the board of supervisors shall hold a
public hearing on the tentative budget with such changes, alterations
and revisions, as shall have been made therein by such board pursuant to
section three hundred fifty-eight. The clerk of the board of supervisors
shall cause to be printed or otherwise reproduced at least one hundred
copies of such tentative budget as so changed, altered and revised, but
the board of supervisors, by resolution, may direct that a greater
number of copies be so printed or reproduced. The time when and place
where such hearing shall be held shall be fixed by resolution of the
board of supervisors. The clerk of the board of supervisors shall cause
a notice to be published stating the time, place and purpose of the
public hearing and that copies of the tentative budget on which the
public hearing will be held are available at his office and may be
inspected or procured thereat by any interested person during business
hours. There shall be included in the notice of the public hearing on
the tentative budget, or in a separate notice published in the same
manner and at the same time as such notice of hearing, a statement of
the maximum salary, or the maximum rate of per diem compensation, or
both, as the case may be, that may be fixed and payable during the
ensuing fiscal year to the members of the board of supervisors and to
the chairman respectively. The notice of public hearing shall be
published at least once in the official newspaper or newspapers of the
county, and in such other newspapers and for such other times as the
board of supervisors, by resolution, may direct. At least five days
shall elapse between the first publication of such notice and date
specified for the hearing. The hearing shall be held on the date so
specified at which time any person may be heard. The hearing may be
adjourned from day to day, but not later than the twentieth day of