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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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New York City Criminal Court Act (CRC) CHAPTER 697, ARTICLE 2
§ 21. Administration. (1) As provided by section twenty-eight of
article six of the constitution and article seven-A of the judiciary
law, the appellate divisions of the supreme court in the first and
second judicial departments shall supervise the administration and
operation of the court in their respective departments, either
separately or jointly; provided, however, that if the administrative
board shall so direct, a single administrative judge shall be designated
by the appellate divisions or the administrative board as provided by
law to administer and regulate the operations of the court.

(2) All salaries of the judicial and non-judicial personnel of the
court and all other expenses of the court whatsoever shall be a city
charge. The governing body of the city shall annually include in its
final estimate such sums as may be necessary to pay such salaries and
expenses. All budgetary appropriations made by the city for the use and
requirements of the court of special sessions of the city of New York
and the city magistrates' courts of the city of New York for the fiscal
year of the city in which this act shall take effect, and unexpended
balances thereof for prior years, shall be, so far as needed, vested in
and transferred to the use of the court. The court shall continue to
occupy and use the courtrooms and other parts of court and other
buildings occupied by such other courts until such time as other proper
and adequate quarters are provided; and all furniture, equipment,
supplies and other property and services in the custody or use of or
allotted to such other courts on the effective date of this act shall
respectively be vested in and transferred to the use of the court.