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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 8
§ 100. Definitions. As used in this article the following terms shall
mean and include:

1. "Exempt person." A member of a municipal or volunteer agency or a
member of the armed forces and military services acting within the scope
and in the proper performance of his duties as such; a clergyman or a
member of a religious order while engaged in duties for a recognized
church or religious organization; and such other class of persons as may
be exempted by regulation of the commission or the council.

2. "Person duly authorized." A member of a municipal or volunteer
agency wearing or displaying a distinguishing brassard or other insignia
indicative of authority.

3. "Peace officer." An officer mentioned in subdivision thirty-three
of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law and such other officers
duly authorized pursuant to this act to act as peace officers during
attack or drill.

4. "Infraction." A violation of any law or duly promulgated regulation
or order (a) which is expressly declared to be an infraction by this
act, or (b) which is not expressly declared by this act to be either a
misdemeanor or an infraction but where a penalty or other punishment is
prescribed by this act. An infraction is not a crime and the penalty or
punishment imposed therefor shall not be deemed for any purpose a penal
or criminal penalty or punishment, and shall not impose any disability
upon or affect or impair the credibility as a witness, or otherwise, of
any person convicted thereof.