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Violations and penalties
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 8
§ 101. Violations and penalties. 1. Any person who shall wilfully
violate or disobey any regulation or order concerning the guarding and
protection of water supplies, railroads, public utility property,
bridges, docks, highways, landing fields, airports, public buildings,
factories, plants, stockpiles, vital and strategic materials, and other
focal points of possible attack, the loss or destruction of which might
menace or endanger the security and safety of the civilian population,
impede the military forces or impede the defense effort, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor.

2. Any person who shall violate or disobey any duly promulgated
regulation or order, or who shall wilfully violate or disobey any
official order by a person duly authorized, concerning (a) the effective
screening or extinguishment of all lights, lighting devices and
appliances, or (b) the conduct of civilians and the movement and
cessation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic shall be guilty of a

3. Any person who shall without authority wear or display any official
brassard or insignia indicative of membership in a municipal or
volunteer agency shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

4. Except for the purpose of any authorized test or drill, any person
who shall wilfully utter any false air raid alarm, signal or warning or
who shall wilfully simulate any official air raid signal or warning or
who shall wilfully break, injure or remove any mechanical warning or
signal devices used therefor, shall be guilty of a felony.

5. Any person who shall wilfully violate or disobey any regulation or
order duly promulgated pursuant to this act, for which a person is not
declared to be guilty of either a misdemeanor or an infraction by this
act shall be guilty of an infraction.

6. The provisions of this section shall not apply to exempt persons to
the extent prescribed by regulation or order of the council or