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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Records to be kept by the state department of health and the city clerk of the city of New York
Domestic Relations (DOM) CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE 3
§ 20. Records to be kept by the state department of health and the
city clerk of the city of New York. All original affidavits, statements,
consents and licenses with certificates attached, and also all written
contracts of marriages outside of the city of New York shall be kept on
file and properly indexed by the state department of health, and such
similar evidences of marriage in the city of New York shall be kept on
file and properly indexed by the city clerk of the city of New York.
They shall be carefully examined, and if any such are incomplete or
unsatisfactory the state commissioner of health and in the city of New
York the city clerk shall require such further information to be
supplied as may be necessary to make the record complete and
satisfactory. Whenever it is claimed that a mistake has been made
through inadvertence in any of the statements, affidavits or other
papers required by this section to be filed with the state department of
health, and in the city of New York with the city clerk's office, the
state commissioner of health and in the city of New York the city clerk
may file with the same, affidavits upon the part of the person claiming
to be aggrieved by such mistake, showing the true facts and the reason
for the mistake and may make a note upon such original paper, statement
or affidavit showing that a mistake is claimed to have been made and the
nature thereof.