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Expenditure and contribution statement
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 2, ARTICLE 32
§ 1528. Expenditure and contribution statement. 1. (a) Any candidate
for election to the board of education, except a candidate for member of
the community district education council of a New York city community
school district, shall file sworn statements with the clerk of the
school district in which he or she is a candidate and the commissioner
setting forth all moneys or other valuable things, paid, given, expended
or promised by him or her, or incurred for or on his or her behalf with
his or her approval to be filed with the aforesaid clerk and
commissioner by any person, firm, association or corporation, to aid his
or her own nomination or election, or to aid or influence the nomination
or defeat of any candidate to be voted for at the election. Any
candidate for election, if he or she expended nothing or his or her only
expenditures were for personal expenses which when taken together with
the total expenditures incurred by others on his or her behalf and with
his or her approval do not exceed five hundred dollars, and if the
aggregate amount of all contributions made to such candidate do not
exceed five hundred dollars, shall not be required to file any
statements with the commissioner; however such candidate shall file with
the clerk of the school district a sworn statement to the effect that
his or her election expenditures did not exceed five hundred dollars and
contributions received did not exceed five hundred dollars.

(b) Any required contribution statements shall include the dollar
amount of any receipt, contribution or transfer, or the fair market
value of any receipt, contribution or transfer, which is other than of
money, the name and address of the transferor, contributor or person
from whom received, and if the transferor, contributor or person is a
political committee as defined in subdivision one of section 14-100 of
the election law; the name of and the political unit represented by the
committee, the date of its receipt, the dollar amount of every
expenditure, the name and address of the person to whom it was made or
the name of and the political unit represented by the committee to which
it was made and the date thereof.

(c) No person or persons shall make expenditures on behalf of a
candidate without his or her approval unless such person or persons
files a sworn statement with the clerk and commissioner stating that the
candidate did not approve such expenditure. Such expenditure shall be
limited to twenty-five dollars and shall not be included in determining
the five hundred dollars as set forth in paragraph (a) of this

2. For the purposes of this section, personal expenses shall include
only payments for traveling expenses and expenses incidental thereto,
for writing, printing and preparing for transmission any letter,
circular, or other publication not issued at regular intervals,
containing a statement of the position or views of the candidate or
person upon public or other questions, for stationery and postage and
for telegraph, telephone and other public messenger service; but all
such expenses shall be limited to those which are directly and
personally incurred and paid by the candidate.