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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Superintendent of schools authorized to require medical examination of certain employees of certain boards of education
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 2, ARTICLE 52
§ 2568. Superintendent of schools authorized to require medical
examination of certain employees of certain boards of education. The
superintendent of schools of a city having a population of one million
or more shall be empowered to require any person employed by the board
of education of such city to submit to a medical examination by a
physician or school medical inspector of the board, in order to
determine the mental or physical capacity of such person to perform his
duties, whenever it has been recommended in a report in writing that
such examination should be made. Such report to the superintendent may
be made only by a person under whose supervision or direction the person
recommended for such medical examination is employed. The person
required to submit to such medical examination shall be entitled to be
accompanied by a physician or other person of his own choice. The
findings upon such examination shall be reported to the superintendent
of schools and may be referred to and considered for the evaluation of
service of the person examined or for disability retirement.