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Certificate of physical fitness
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 4, ARTICLE 65, PART 1
§ 3220. Certificate of physical fitness. 1. A certificate of physical
fitness shall be issued to a minor if a thorough physical examination
made within twelve months of his or her application for an employment
certificate shows that such minor is of sound health, and if there are
no known health problems at the time of issuance of the certificate, and
if the applicant is physically qualified for lawful employment. If a
known health problem exists at the time of the application for such
certificate, another examination may be required by the issuing
authority. Such certificate shall be issued and such physical
examination shall be made, in a city of over three hundred thousand
population, by a physician designated by the board of health, and
elsewhere by the director of school health services charged with the
duty of making physical examinations of all school children or by any
physician duly licensed to practice medicine in this state. A new
certificate of physical fitness shall not be required if one had been
issued to the minor within twelve months.

2. If the physician authorized to issue certificates of physical
fitness shall find that a minor from fourteen to eighteen years of age
is not physically sound but that in the physician's opinion the minor
may safely engage in certain occupations as specified by the regulations
of the commissioner of education, the physician shall require a pledge
of employment and may issue to the minor a certificate of limited
physical fitness, and shall describe therein the physical disability of
the minor and shall indicate the particular employer and the occupation
in which the minor may engage. A limited employment certificate issued
to a minor from fourteen to eighteen years of age who has presented a
certificate of limited physical fitness shall be valid for not more than
six months from the date of its issuance and shall bear on the face of
the certificate the date of its expiration and the particular employer
and occupation to which the employment of the minor is limited;
provided, however, that the examining physician may indicate upon the
certificate of limited physical fitness that the physical disability of
the minor is of a permanent nature, in which case such certificate shall
not expire at the end of six months but shall remain valid for so long
as the nature and type of work set forth in the pledge of employment
remain substantially the same.

3. A record made of the physical examination shall show whether a
certificate of physical fitness has been issued or withheld. Such record
shall be sent to the certificating official.

4. A certificate of physical fitness issued in another state to a
minor seeking employment in this state may be accepted in lieu of the
certificate of physical fitness required by subdivision one of this
section, provided the standards for issuing such certificates in the
other state are deemed substantially equivalent to those of this state
in accordance with regulations adopted by the commissioner of education.