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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Sale of gospel or school lots on division of town
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 5, ARTICLE 75
§ 3711. Sale of gospel or school lots on division of town. 1.
Whenever a town having lands assigned to it for the support of the
gospel or of schools, shall be divided into two or more towns, or shall
be altered in its limits by the annexing of a part of its territory to
other towns, such lands shall be sold by the supervisor of the town, in
which such lands were included immediately before such division or
alteration; and the proceeds thereof shall be apportioned between the
towns interested therein, in the same manner as the other public moneys
of towns, so divided or altered, are apportioned.

2. The shares of such moneys, to which the towns shall be respectively
entitled, shall be paid to the supervisors of the respective towns, and
shall thereafter be subject to the provisions of section twenty-one
hundred forty-two.