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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Employment of teachers, salaries, et cetera
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 6, ARTICLE 83
§ 4104. Employment of teachers, salaries, et cetera. 1. The
commissioner of education shall employ all necessary teachers,
attendance officers and other assistants and employees, and fix their
salaries within the amount of the appropriations made therefor, as shall
be necessary for the proper enforcement of the statutes relating to
Indian education.

2. The personnel of the faculty of each state Indian school shall be
classified as follows:

a. Principal

b. Vice principal

c. Teacher

3. Each member of the faculty shall receive an annual salary to be
paid over a ten month period, except that the principal shall receive an
annual salary to be paid over a twelve month period.

4. Any contribution of food, lodging or maintenance by the state, or
any commutation in lieu of maintenance, except traveling expenses and
field allowances, shall be considered as part of the salary to be paid.
The fair value of such food, lodging, maintenance or commutation shall
be determined by the director of the budget and may in his discretion be
deducted from the salary to which a member of the faculty would
otherwise be entitled.