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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Attendance at post-secondary institutions by Native American students
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 6, ARTICLE 83
§ 4118. Attendance at post-secondary institutions by Native American
students. 1. The education department shall select students for
attendance at post-secondary institutions from the several Indian tribes
located within this state. In making such selection, due regard shall be
had to a just participation in the privileges of this section by each of
such several tribes. If practicable, reference shall also be had to the
population of each of such tribes in determining such selection.
Eligibility for selection shall not be limited to Native Americans
residing on reservations.

2. No such student may attend a post-secondary institution outside
this state, nor one that has not been approved by the New York state
board of regents, nor may he be supported or educated at such
institutions for a period exceeding four years unless he is enrolled in
a program normally requiring five years of training.

3. Such sum as may be appropriated for the support and education of
Native American students in such institutions shall be paid from the
treasury, upon the audit and warrant of the comptroller, on vouchers
approved by the education department.