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Board meetings; oaths of office; quorum; expenses
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 11
§ 506. Board meetings; oaths of office; quorum; expenses. 1. The
retirement board shall meet annually at Albany on a business day in the
month of January to be fixed by the board and shall have stated meetings
at the same place at least once in each three months as determined by
the regulations of the board.

2. Each member of the retirement board shall, within ten days after
his appointment or election, take the constitutional oath of office and
cause the same to be filed in the office of the department of state.

3. A majority of the members of the retirement board shall constitute
a quorum for the transaction of any business.

4. The members of the retirement board shall serve without
compensation, but they shall be reimbursed from the expense fund for all
actual necessary expenses and for any loss of salary or wages they may
suffer through serving on the retirement board.

5. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the affirmative vote of
a majority of the board and the concurrence of one member of the board
elected from among the active members of the retirement system shall be
required to adopt, amend or repeal any rule or regulation relating to
member benefits.

6. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a
member of the retirement board who is elected from among the members of
the retirement system shall, upon his request, be granted a leave of
absence without pay by his employer for the period of time he serves as
a member of the retirement board. During the period of said leave of
absence, such member of the retirement board shall receive full credit
in the retirement system for the period of such leave of absence. The
provisions of this subdivision shall not be construed as prohibiting an
employer at its discretion from granting a leave of absence with pay.
The retirement board is authorized to adopt such rules and regulations
as it finds necessary in administering the provisions of this