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Merger of local teachers' retirement and pension systems with the state system
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 11
§ 526. Merger of local teachers' retirement and pension systems with
the state system. 1. On April ninth, nineteen hundred twenty-three, the
public school teachers' retirement fund or system or the teachers
retirement or pension system of every city of the state having a
population of less than one million, created, established or maintained
under and pursuant to the provisions of any local act, having been
dissolved and discontinued and said systems at such time having become a
part of and been merged with the New York state teachers' retirement
system created, established and maintained as provided in this article,
on and after such date the provisions of this article shall apply,
except as herein otherwise provided, to the city in and for which such
local system was created, established and maintained and to the teachers
employed in the public schools therein, to the same extent and with the
same purpose and effect as though the said system in every such city had
been dissolved and discontinued and had become a part of the state
teachers' retirement system under the provisions of former section
eleven hundred nine-b of the education law, as added by chapter four
hundred forty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred eleven, prior to
August first, nineteen hundred twenty-one.

Within thirty days after April ninth, nineteen hundred twenty-three,
the trustees or other officers of any public school teachers' retirement
fund or system dissolved and discontinued shall cause to be transferred
to the state treasurer as ex officio treasurer and custodian of the
funds of the New York state teachers' retirement system all the funds to
the credit of such retirement fund or system so dissolved or
discontinued. The treasurer or other custodian of any such public school
teachers' retirement fund or system dissolved and discontinued shall pay
and account for all moneys or funds in his possession, at such time,
belonging to such retirement fund or system to the said state treasurer
as ex officio treasurer and custodian of the funds of the New York state
teachers' retirement system, and the funds so paid over shall thereupon
become a part of the retirement fund of New York state teachers'
retirement system.

2. All members of any public school teachers' retirement system or
fund, dissolved and discontinued as herein provided, who are eligible to
membership under the provisions of this article, may become members of
the state teachers' retirement system, upon complying with the
provisions of this article.

3. All persons who had been placed upon the retirement list in
accordance with the provisions of the act creating any now dissolved and
discontinued teachers' retirement system or fund, prior to April ninth,
nineteen hundred twenty-three, shall be entitled to receive the same
amounts which they would have been entitled to receive under the
provisions of this article if the said retirement fund or system had
been dissolved or discontinued as provided by law prior to August first,
nineteen hundred twenty-one. And the amount paid to such annuitants
shall in no case be less than the amount which they would have
respectively received had the retirement system or fund of which they
were members not been dissolved and discontinued as herein provided.