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Powers to police grounds and regulate traffic thereon
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 7, ARTICLE 115
§ 5708. Powers to police grounds and regulate traffic thereon. 1. For
the purpose of providing for the safety of its students, faculty,
employees and visitors, Cornell university is hereby authorized and
empowered through its board of trustees: a. To adopt, make applicable
and enforce, upon the streets, roads and highways owned, controlled or
maintained by said university within the grounds of said university and
constituting a part of the educational and research plant or plants
owned or under the supervision, administration, and control of said
university, such provisions of the vehicle and traffic law, and such
rules of the state department of transportation as control or regulate
vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and parking.

b. To adopt and enforce such additional rules and regulations for the
control of the use of the streets and roads described in the foregoing
subdivision as local authorities are empowered to adopt and enforce
pursuant to said vehicle and traffic law.

c. To adopt and enforce rules and regulations not inconsistent with
law, controlling parking of vehicles and pedestrian traffic over, along
and upon the lands and premises of said university or the streets and
highways therein, and to control or prohibit thereon or therein vending,
hawking, loitering and trespassing.

d. To erect, operate and maintain at the entrance or entrances to any
such grounds and at other appropriate points thereon or therein control
lights, signs and signals.

2. A violation of any section of the vehicle and traffic law or of any
rule of the state department of transportation made applicable as
provided in paragraph a of subdivision one hereof, shall be a
misdemeanor or traffic infraction as designated in such law or rules as
the case may be, and punishable as therein provided, and any violation
of a rule or regulation adopted under paragraph b of subdivision one
hereof shall be a traffic infraction and punishable as provided in the
state vehicle and traffic law.

3. A violation of any rules or regulations of the university adopted
pursuant to paragraph c of subdivision one of this section, shall
constitute a misdemeanor punishable by fine not exceeding fifty dollars
or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both.

4. Notice of any such laws or rules and regulations made applicable or
adopted as hereinbefore provided shall be given either personally or by
reasonable notice conspicuously posted on the said lands and premises,
or by traffic sign, signal or device, and by filing a copy of all such
laws, rules and regulations, and amendments thereof from time to time,
in the office of the clerk of the city, town, or village where they are
to be enforced. Such laws, rules and regulations shall be enforced, and
violations thereof shall be punishable in any court having jurisdiction
in the territory in which such violations shall occur.