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This entry was published on 2021-12-24
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Renewal of professional license, certification, or registration
§ 6502-a. Renewal of professional license, certification, or
registration. 1. This section shall apply to healthcare professionals
licensed, certified, registered or authorized pursuant to this title
other than those licensed or registered pursuant to article one hundred
thirty-one of this title.

2. In conjunction with and as a condition of each registration
renewal, the professionals described in subdivision one of this section
shall provide to the department, and the department shall collect, such
information and documentation required by the department, in
consultation with the department of health, as is necessary to enable
the department of health to evaluate access to needed services in this
state, including, but not limited to, the location and type of setting
in which the professional practices and other relevant information. The
department of health, in consultation with the department, shall make
such data available in aggregate, de-identified form on a publicly
accessible website.

3. The dates by which the professionals described in subdivision one
of this section must comply with the requirements of subdivision two of
this section shall be determined by the department and may vary by
profession, to allow the development and refinement of necessary program
features and to allow sufficient advanced notice to be provided to
affected professionals. The provisions of this section shall be
effective only if and for so long as an appropriation is made for the
purposes of its implementation.