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Tuition assistance program awards
§ 667. Tuition assistance program awards. 1. Recipient
qualifications. Tuition assistance program awards are available for all
students who are enrolled in approved programs and who demonstrate the
ability to complete such courses, in accordance with standards
established by the commissioner provided, however, that no award shall
be made unless tuition (exclusive of educational fees) and, if
applicable, the college fee levied by the state university of New York
pursuant to the April first, nineteen hundred sixty-four financing
agreements with the New York state dormitory authority charged for the
program in which the student is enrolled total at least two hundred
dollars a year, and provided further that, no award can exceed one
hundred percent of the amount of tuition charged.

2. Duration. No undergraduate shall be eligible for more than four
academic years of study, or five academic years if the program of study
normally requires five years. Students enrolled in a program of remedial
study, approved by the commissioner in an institution of higher
education and intended to culminate in a degree in undergraduate study
shall, for purposes of this section, be considered as enrolled in a
program of study normally requiring five years. An undergraduate student
enrolled in an eligible two year program of study approved by the
commissioner shall be eligible for no more than three academic years of
study. An undergraduate student enrolled in an approved two or four-year
program of study approved by the commissioner who must transfer to
another institution as a result of permanent college closure shall be
eligible for up to two additional semesters, or their equivalent, to the
extent credits necessary to complete his or her program of study were
deemed non-transferable from the closed institution or were deemed not
applicable to such student's program of study by the new institution.
Any semester, quarter, or term of attendance during which a student
receives any award under this article, after the effective date of the
former scholar incentive program and prior to academic year nineteen
hundred eighty-nine--nineteen hundred ninety, shall be counted toward
the maximum term of eligibility for tuition assistance under this
section, except that any semester, quarter or term of attendance during
which a student received an award pursuant to section six hundred
sixty-six of this subpart shall be counted as one-half of a semester,
quarter or term, as the case may be, toward the maximum term of
eligibility under this section. Any semester, quarter or term of
attendance during which a student received an award pursuant to section
six hundred sixty-seven-a of this subpart shall not be counted toward
the maximum term of eligibility under this section.

3. Tuition assistance program awards.

a. Amount. The president shall make awards to students enrolled in
degree-granting institutions or registered not-for-profit business
schools qualified for tax exemption under § 501(c)(3) of the internal
revenue code for federal income tax purposes in the following amounts:

(i) For each year of undergraduate study, assistance shall be provided
as computed on the basis of the amount which is the lesser of the

(A) (1) In the case of students who have not been granted an exclusion
of parental income, who have qualified as an orphan, foster child, or
ward of the court for the purposes of federal student financial aid
programs authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as
amended, or had a dependent for income tax purposes during the tax year
next preceding the academic year for which application is made, except
for those students who have been granted exclusion of parental income
who have a spouse but no other dependent:

(a) Five thousand dollars, except starting in two thousand
fourteen-two thousand fifteen such students shall receive five thousand
one hundred sixty-five dollars, and except starting in two thousand
twenty-one--two thousand twenty-two and thereafter such students shall
receive five thousand six hundred sixty-five dollars, provided however
that nothing herein shall be construed as increasing any award made
pursuant to this section for an academic year prior to two thousand
twenty-one--two thousand twenty-two; or

(b) For undergraduate students enrolled in a program of study at a
non-public degree-granting institution that does not offer a program of
study that leads to a baccalaureate degree, or at a registered
not-for-profit business school qualified for tax exemption under section
501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code for federal income tax purposes
that does not offer a program of study that leads to a baccalaureate
degree, four thousand dollars, except starting in two thousand
twenty-one--two thousand twenty-two and thereafter such students shall
receive four thousand five hundred dollars. Provided, however, that this
subitem shall not apply to students enrolled in a program of study
leading to a certificate or degree in nursing.

(2) In the case of students receiving awards pursuant to subparagraph
(iii) of this paragraph and those students who have been granted
exclusion of parental income who have a spouse but no other dependent
beginning in the two thousand twenty-one--two thousand twenty-two
academic year and thereafter, three thousand five hundred twenty-five
dollars, provided that nothing herein shall be construed as increasing
any award made for any prior academic year; or

(B) (1) Ninety-five percent of the amount of tuition (exclusive of
educational fees) charged and, if applicable, the college fee levied by
the state university of New York pursuant to the April first, nineteen
hundred sixty-four financing agreement with the New York state dormitory

(2) For the two thousand one--two thousand two academic year and
thereafter one hundred percent of the amount of tuition (exclusive of
educational fees) charged and, if applicable, the college fee levied by
the state university of New York pursuant to the April first, nineteen
hundred sixty-four financing agreement with the New York state dormitory

(ii) Except for students as noted in subparagraph (iii) of this
paragraph, the base amount as determined from subparagraph (i) of this
paragraph, shall be reduced in relation to income as follows:
Amount of income Schedule of reduction

of base amount
(A) Less than seven thousand None

(B) Seven thousand dollars or Seven per centum of excess

more, but less than eleven over seven thousand dollars

thousand dollars
(C) Eleven thousand dollars or Two hundred eighty dollars

more, but less than eighteen plus ten per centum of excess

thousand dollars over eleven thousand dollars
(D) Eighteen thousand dollars or Nine hundred eighty dollars

more, but not more than one plus twelve per centum of

hundred twenty-five excess over eighteen

thousand dollars thousand dollars

(iii) (A) For students who have been granted exclusion of parental
income and were single with no dependent for income tax purposes during
the tax year next preceding the academic year for which application is
made, the base amount, as determined in subparagraph (i) of this
paragraph, shall be reduced in relation to income as follows:
Amount of income Schedule of reduction

of base amount
(1) Less than three thousand None

(2) Three thousand dollars or Thirty-one per centum of

more, but not more than thirty amount in excess of three

thousand dollars thousand dollars
(B) For those students who have been granted exclusion of parental
income who have a spouse but no other dependent, for income tax purposes
during the tax year next preceding the academic year for which
application is made, the base amount, as determined in subparagraph (i)
of this paragraph, shall be reduced in relation to income as follows:
Amount of income Schedule of reduction

of base amount
(1) Less than seven thousand None

(2) Seven thousand dollars or Seven per centum of excess

more, but less than eleven over seven thousand dollars

thousand dollars
(3) Eleven thousand dollars or Two hundred eighty dollars

more, but less than eighteen plus ten per centum of excess

thousand dollars over eleven thousand dollars
(4) Eighteen thousand dollars or Nine hundred eighty dollars

more, but not more than sixty plus twelve per centum of

thousand dollars excess over eighteen

thousand dollars

(iv) If the amount of reduction is not a whole dollar, it shall be
reduced to the next lowest whole dollar. In the case of any student who
has received four or more payments pursuant to any and all awards
provided for in this subdivision, for the two thousand--two thousand one
academic year the base amount shall be reduced by an additional one
hundred fifty dollars for the two thousand one--two thousand two
academic year and thereafter the base amount shall be reduced by an
additional one hundred dollars.

(v) The award shall be the net amount of the base amount determined
pursuant to subparagraph (i) of this paragraph reduced pursuant to
subparagraph (ii) or (iii) of this paragraph but the award shall not be
reduced for the two thousand--two thousand one and two thousand one--two
thousand two academic years below two hundred seventy-five dollars if
the amount of income is eighty thousand dollars or less and more than
seventy thousand dollars, three hundred twenty-five dollars if the
amount of income is seventy thousand dollars or less and more than sixty
thousand dollars and four hundred twenty-five dollars if the amount of
income is sixty thousand dollars or less.

(vi) For the two thousand two--two thousand three through two thousand
twenty-three--twenty-four academic years, the award shall be the net
amount of the base amount determined pursuant to subparagraph (i) of
this paragraph reduced pursuant to subparagraph (ii) or (iii) of this
paragraph but the award shall not be reduced below five hundred dollars.

(vii) For the two thousand twenty-four--two thousand twenty-five
academic year and thereafter, the award shall be the net amount of the
base amount determined pursuant to subparagraph (i) of this paragraph
reduced pursuant to subparagraph (ii) or (iii) of this paragraph but the
award shall not be reduced below one thousand dollars.

b. Amount. The president shall make awards to students enrolled in two
year programs offered in registered private business schools except for
registered not-for-profit business schools qualified for tax exemption
under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code for federal income
tax purposes in the following amounts:

(i) For each year of study, assistance shall be provided as computed
on the basis of the amount which is the lesser of the following:

(A) (1) one thousand three hundred dollars, or

(2) for students receiving awards pursuant to subparagraph (iii) of
this paragraph, one thousand one hundred forty dollars; or

(B) (1) Ninety-five percent of the amount of tuition (exclusive of
educational fees) charged.

(2) For the two thousand one--two thousand two academic year and
thereafter one hundred percent of the amount of tuition (exclusive of
educational fees).

(ii) Except for students as noted in subparagraph (iii) of this
paragraph, the base amount as determined in subparagraph (i) of this
paragraph, shall be reduced in relation to income as follows:
Amount of income Schedule of reduction

of base amount
(A) Less than seven thousand None

(B) Seven thousand dollars or Seven per centum of the excess

more, but less than eleven over seven thousand dollars

thousand dollars

(iii) For students who have been granted exclusion of parental income
and were single with no dependent for income tax purposes during the tax
year next preceding the academic year for which application is made, the
base amount, as determined in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph, shall
be reduced in relation to income as follows:
Amount of income Schedule of reduction of

base amount
(A) Less than three thousand None

(B) Three thousand dollars or Thirty-one per centum of the ex-

more, but not more than ten cess over three thousand dollars

thousand dollars

(iv) If the amount of reduction is not a whole dollar, it shall be
reduced to the next lowest whole dollar. In the case of any student who
has received four or more payments pursuant to any and all awards
provided for in this subdivision, for the two thousand--two thousand one
academic year the base amount shall be reduced by an additional one
hundred fifty dollars for the two thousand one--two thousand two
academic year and thereafter the base amount shall be reduced by an
additional one hundred dollars.

(v) The award shall be the net amount of the base amount determined
pursuant to subparagraph (i) of this paragraph reduced pursuant to
subparagraph (ii) or (iii) of this paragraph but the award shall not be
reduced below one hundred dollars. If the income exceeds the maximum
amount of income allowable under subparagraph (ii) or (iii) of this
paragraph, no award shall be made.

c. Restrictions. In no even shall shall any award:

(i) be made unless the annual tuition (exclusive of educational fees)
and, if applicable, the college fee levied by the state university of
New York pursuant to the April first, nineteen hundred sixty-four
financing agreement with the New York state dormitory authority charged
for the program in which the student is enrolled total at least two
hundred dollars; or

(ii) exceed the amount by which such annual tuition (exclusive of
educational fees) and, if applicable, the college fee levied by the
state university of New York pursuant to the April first, nineteen
hundred sixty-four financing agreement with the New York state dormitory
authority exceed the total of all other state, federal, or other
educational aid that is received or receivable by such student during
the school year for which such award is applicable and that, in the
judgment of the commissioner, would duplicate the purposes of the award;

(iii) be made when income exceeds the maximum income set forth in this
subdivision. The commissioner shall list in his regulations all major
state and federal financial aid available to New York state students and
identify any forms of aid that are duplicative of the purposes of the
tuition assistance program. For the purposes of this subdivision,
neither United States war orphan educational benefits nor benefits under
the veterans' readjustment act of nineteen hundred sixty-six shall be
considered as federal or other educational aid.