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Transmission of fire alarm to fire department
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 17
§ 807-c. Transmission of fire alarm to fire department. 1. The school
authorities designated in subdivision eight of section eight hundred
seven-a of this article in charge of the operation of any public school
or of any private school designated in subdivision nine of such section,
located in an area within which a fire department or fire company is
responsible for fire protection and within which there is no
electrically or electronically operated fire alarm reporting system
provided for public use may cause the internal fire alarm, fire
detection, or fire extinguishing system of each building in which is
contained classroom, dormitory, laboratory, physical education, dining
or recreational facilities for student use to be interconnected with the
fire alarm reporting location or system which is provided for such fire
department or fire company to receive alarms from the public so that
upon activation of such internal fire alarm, fire detection, or fire
extinguishing system a signal will be automatically transmitted to such
fire alarm reporting location or system.

2. School authorities and the governing body having jurisdiction of
any fire department or fire company are hereby authorized, by agreement
between them, to apportion the costs of installing and maintaining any
such interconnection, and such costs are hereby deemed appropriate
expenditures from the funds of such school authorities and governing