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This entry was published on 2017-08-18
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Opioid overdose prevention
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 19
§ 922. Opioid overdose prevention. 1. School districts, public
libraries, boards of cooperative educational services, county vocational
education and extension boards, charter schools, and non-public
elementary and secondary schools in this state may provide and maintain
on-site in each instructional school facility or library, opioid
antagonists, as defined in section three thousand three hundred nine of
the public health law, in quantities and types deemed by the
commissioner, in consultation with the commissioner of health, to be
adequate to ensure ready and appropriate access for use during
emergencies to any student, individual on library premises or staff
suspected of having opioid overdose whether or not there is a previous
history of opioid abuse.

2. School districts, public libraries, boards of cooperative
educational services, county vocational education and extension boards,
charter schools, and non-public elementary and secondary schools in this
state may elect to participate as an opioid antagonist recipient and any
person employed by any such entity that has elected to participate may
administer an opioid antagonist in the event of an emergency, provided
that such person shall have been trained by a program approved under
section three thousand three hundred nine of the public health law. Any
school district, public library, board of cooperative educational
services, county vocational education and extension board, charter
school, and non-public elementary and secondary school that has
employees trained in accordance with this section shall comply with the
requirements of section three thousand three hundred nine of the public
health law including, but not limited to, appropriate clinical
oversight, record keeping and reporting. No person shall be required to
participate in the program and any participation by an individual shall
be voluntary.