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Party positions; to be filled at primary election, time for filing statement as to
Election (ELN) CHAPTER 17, ARTICLE 2
§ 2-120. Party positions; to be filled at primary election, time for
filing statement as to. 1. The chairman of the county committee of each
party or such person as may be designated by the rules of the county
committee shall file with the board of elections not later than two
weeks before the first day on which designating petitions for a primary
election may be signed, a statement of the party positions to be filled
by such party at such primary election, and the number of persons to be
elected to each position; provided, however, that failure to file such
statement shall not be construed as a prerequisite to filing designating
petitions for such position.

* 1-a. (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no change shall be
made to an election district line in effect as of February
twenty-seventh, two thousand twenty-four except if such election
district is bisected by a change in a congressional district boundary
line. Such change to an election district line shall be in conformance
with the provisions of this subdivision. Any election district as of
February twenty-seventh, two thousand twenty-four that is not bisected
by a change in a congressional district line shall not be changed nor
renumbered after February twenty-seventh, two thousand twenty-four
unless specifically required by law.

(b) For the year two thousand twenty-four, when a party position is to
be elected from an election district altered pursuant to this
subdivision as a result of a new congressional district line bisecting
such election district, any candidate petitioning for such party
position therefrom shall be deemed to be a candidate from the new
election district created pursuant to this subdivision which has the
largest portion of the population of such original election district.
Such larger portion shall retain the election district number of the
original election district. The portion of such original election
district with the smaller population shall also be a new election
district, but in the year two thousand twenty-four, no party positions
shall be elected therefrom. Party positions from such smaller portion
shall be deemed vacant and shall be filled by the county committee
pursuant to subdivision one of section 2-118 of this article upon the
reorganization of such party committee. Such smaller election district
shall be numbered by the next unused election district number and no
other election district shall be renumbered.

(c) For purposes of the requirement that a county committee shall be
constituted by the election of at least twenty-five percent of its full
complement pursuant to subdivision three of section 2-104 of this
article, any newly created election district created pursuant to this
subdivision shall be excluded from such twenty-five percent computation.

* NB Repealed December 31, 2024

2. If the party positions to be filled are elected from a district
which includes parts of two or more counties, the chairman of the state
committee of each party or such person as may be designated by the rules
of the state committee shall file such statement with the state board of
elections and the board of elections for each county within such

3. In each county within the city of New York, and in each county
outside of such city where the rules of the county committee of a party
provide for the election of assembly district leaders, or one assembly
district leader and one associate assembly district leader from parts of
an assembly district, the statement filed by such committee shall also
set forth the election districts contained within each such part of such
assembly district.