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SECTION 11-0935
Deer hunting program
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 11, TITLE 9
* § 11-0935. Deer hunting program.

1. Notwithstanding subdivision one-a of section 11-0701 and the
crossbow prohibition of subdivision one of section 11-0929, a hunting
license holder who is twelve or thirteen years of age may hunt deer with
a crossbow, rifle, shotgun, or muzzle-loading firearm as provided in
this title in an eligible area provided that:

(a) such minor is accompanied by their parent or legal guardian, or by
a person designated in writing by such parent or legal guardian on a
form prescribed by the department who is twenty-one years of age or
older; and

(b) such parent, guardian or person has had at least three year's
experience in hunting deer; and

(i) such parent, guardian or person holds a hunting license; and

(ii) such parent, guardian or person maintains physical control over
the minor at all times while hunting. For the purposes of this paragraph
"physical control" shall mean that the physical proximity of such minor
to the parent, guardian or person is such that the parent, guardian or
person is reasonably able to issue verbal directions and instructions,
maintain constant visual contact, and otherwise provide guidance and
supervision to the minor; and

(iii) such parent, guardian or person and the minor remain at ground
level at all times while hunting; and

(c) such parent, guardian or person and the minor shall each display
either a minimum total of two hundred fifty square inches of solid
fluorescent orange or pink or patterned fluorescent orange or pink
consisting of no less than fifty percent fluorescent orange or pink
material worn above the waist and visible from all directions, or a hat
or cap with no less than fifty percent of the exterior consisting of
solid fluorescent orange or pink material and visible from all

2. For the purposes of this section "eligible area" shall include a
county that has passed a local law authorizing participation in the
pilot program and has notified the department of such participation,
provided, however, that the following counties: Westchester; Richmond;
Bronx; New York; Kings; Queens; Nassau; and Suffolk shall not be deemed
to be eligible.

3. The department shall prepare a report by February first of each
year including the following information at a minimum: number of
violations; hunting related incidents and revocations pursuant to
section 11-0719; the number of counties participating; the number of
minors participating; and the number of deer taken.

* NB Repealed December 31, 2025