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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 11-2303
Disposition of moneys
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 11, TITLE 23
§ 11-2303. Disposition of moneys.

1. Moneys received in accordance with the terms of any cooperative
agreement for promoting fish and wildlife conservation practices
pursuant to paragraph d of subdivision 1 of section 11-2101 unless
otherwise expressly provided, shall be deposited in the conservation
fund as provided by section 83 of the State Finance Law to be available,
after appropriation by the Legislature, for any of the purposes
specified in that section.

2. Any moneys received by gift or devise pursuant to subdivision 2 of
section 11-2103 shall be deposited and disbursed as provided by sections
11 and 83 of the State Finance Law.