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SECTION 17-1727
Permission to discharge refuse or waste matter from industrial establishments
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 17
* § 17-1727. Permission to discharge refuse or waste matter from

industrial establishments.

1. Upon application duly made to the commissioner by the proprietor,
lessee or tenant of any shop, factory, mill or industrial establishment
from which the discharge of refuse or waste matter into any of the
waters of the state is otherwise prohibited by section 17-1701, the
commissioner shall have power to consider the case of the said shop,
factory, mill or industrial establishment, and whenever the public
health and purity of the waters shall warrant it, he shall issue a
permit for the discharge of refuse or waste matter from such shop,
factory, mill or industrial establishment into any of the waters of the
state, and may stipulate in the permit such modification, regulations
and conditions as the public health may require.

2. Such permit before being operative shall be recorded in the county
clerk's office of the county where such shop, factory, mill or
industrial establishment is located and a copy of such permit shall be
transmitted by the commissioner to the board of health of the
municipality wherein the outlet discharging refuse or waste matter from
such shop, factory, mill or industrial establishment shall be located.

* NB Expired September 1, 1973