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SECTION 17-1729
Permits for conduit or discharge pipes
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 17
* § 17-1729. Permits for conduit or discharge pipes.

1. Before any conduit or discharge pipe, or other means of discharging
or casting any refuse or waste matter from any shop, factory, mill or
industrial establishment not constructed or in process of construction
on May 7, 1903, shall be put in or constructed for the purposes of
discharging any refuse or waste matter therefrom into any waters in this
state, a statement of the purpose for which the same is to be used shall
be submitted to the commissioner. If the same is not detrimental to the
public health he shall issue a permit therefore to the applicant.

2. Before such permit becomes effective the plan or plans for any such
conduit or discharge pipe or other means of discharging or casting any
refuse or waste matter shall be submitted to and approved by the

3. No such conduit, discharge pipe or other means of discharging or
casting any refuse or waste matter from any such shop, factory, mill or
establishment into any of the waters of this state shall be put in or
constructed before such permit is granted.

* NB Expired September 1, 1973