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SECTION 17-1733
Record of permits; inspection of local boards of health
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 17
* § 17-1733. Record of permits; inspection of local boards of health.

1. Each local board of health shall preserve in its office and on a
form prescribed by the commissioner, a permanent record of the

a. Each permit issued by the commissioner granting the right to
discharge sewage or refuse or waste matter into any of the waters of the
state within the municipality;

b. Each revocation of a permit; and

c. Each report received by the local board of health concerning each
sewer system and each shop, factory, mill or industrial establishment
which on May 7, 1903, was discharging sewage or refuse or waste matter
into any of the waters of the state within the municipality.

2. Each local board of health shall make and maintain such inspection
as will, at all times, enable it to determine whether section 17-1701 is
being complied with in respect to the discharge of sewage, refuse or
waste matter or other materials prohibited by said section, into any of
the waters of the state within that municipality.

3. For the purpose of such inspection every member of such local board
of health, or its health officer, or any person duly authorized by it,
shall have the right to make all necessary examinations of any premises,
building, shop, factory, mill, industrial establishment, process or
sewer system.

* NB Expired September 1, 1973