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SECTION 17-1735
Violations; service of notice; actions
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 17
* § 17-1735. Violations; service of notice; actions.

1. The board of health of each municipality shall promptly ascertain
every violation of, or noncompliance with, any of the provisions of
section 17-1701 or of the permits for the discharge of sewage or refuse
or waste material into any of the waters of the state herein provided,
which may occur within that municipality, or the commissioner may
ascertain such violations or noncompliance.

2. The local board of health shall on the discovery of every violation
of or noncompliance with any of the provisions of said section or of any
permit duly issued, report the same in writing to the commissioner.

3. Upon receipt of such report from a local board of health the
commissioner shall investigate the matter immediately and shall hold a
hearing and give the person or persons charged with such violation or
noncompliance an opportunity to present evidence on his or their behalf,
and shall ascertain whether a violation or noncompliance exists.

* NB Expired September 1, 1973