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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Departmental cooperation regarding water quality
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 6
§ 104-a. Departmental cooperation regarding water quality. The
secretary of state shall cooperate with the environmental facilities
corporation to establish methods to facilitate loans to eligible
borrowers and to develop educational materials for eligible borrowers
about the low-interest loans available through the water pollution
control linked deposit program, established by article sixteen of the
state finance law, and to develop an application form to be provided to
lenders for linked deposit loan requests. For residential and small
business on-site wastewater treatment systems projects, the department
shall require owners of such systems to submit the results of
inspections of such systems at the time of an application for financial
assistance pursuant to article sixteen of the state finance law. The
department may promulgate rules and regulations necessary and reasonable
for the operation of the program, including but not limited to standards
for the inspection of residential and small business on-site wastewater
treatment systems.