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Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-L
§ 548-b. Definitions. As used in this article:

1. "Committee" shall mean the neighborhood based initiatives oversight
committee established in accordance with section five hundred
forty-eight-e of this article.

2. "Eligible applicant" shall mean a not-for-profit private or public
agency, a school district, a local governmental agency, or a combination
of such entities.

3. "Project" shall mean a neighborhood based initiatives project
established in accordance with section five hundred forty-eight-c of
this article.

4. "Department" shall mean the department of social services.

5. "Neighborhood based initiatives unified contract" or "contract"
shall mean the sole written agreement for a project between the
department, as representative of the committee, and the approved
applicant, providing for the terms under which funds may be used to
finance allowable project costs as defined in section five hundred
forty-eight-f of this article.

6. "Neighborhood based initiatives advisory council" or "council"
shall mean a voluntary group representing, to the greatest extent
possible, the following: neighborhood residents, local government, the
business and economic development community, service providers,
charitable organizations, the legal community, and educational
institutions, who shall be responsible for development of the plan
required in section five hundred forty-eight-c of this article.

7. "Action plan" shall mean the strategic neighborhood action plan as
described in subdivision three of section five hundred forty-eight-c of
this article.