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This entry was published on 2017-04-21
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Order of procedure
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 3, PART 5
§ 350.4. Order of procedure. The order of the dispositional hearing
shall be as follows:

1. The court, with the consent of the parties, may direct the
probation service to summarize its investigation report if one has been
prepared and, in its discretion, deliver any further statement
concerning the advisability of specific dispositional alternatives.

2. The court may in its discretion call witnesses, including the
preparer of probation reports or diagnostic studies, to offer evidence
concerning the advisability of specific dispositional alternatives. Such
witnesses may be cross-examined by the presentment agency and the

3. The presentment agency may call witnesses to offer such evidence,
including the preparer of a probation report or a diagnostic study.

4. The respondent may call witnesses, to offer such evidence,
including the preparer of a probation report or a diagnostic study.

5. The court may permit the presentment agency or respondent to offer
such rebuttal or surrebuttal evidence as it may deem appropriate.

5-a. The victim shall be allowed to make an oral or written statement.

6. The presentment agency may deliver a statement concerning the
advisability of specific dispositional alternatives.

7. The respondent may deliver such a statement.

8. The court shall then permit rebuttal statements by both the
presentment agency and the respondent.

9. The court shall then consider the case and enter a dispositional