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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Sales with "money back guarantee" and with "limited guarantee"
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 26
§ 396-n. Sales with "money back guarantee" and with "limited
guarantee". 1. Definitions. As used in this section:

(a) "Seller" shall include any person, firm, partnership or

(b) "Goods" shall mean merchandise that is bought for use primarily
for personal, family or household purposes.

(c) "Money back guarantee" shall mean a promise made by a seller to a
purchaser to repay, within the time period specified by the seller and
upon the return of the merchandise, the full purchase price thereof.

(d) "Limited guarantee" shall mean a promise made by a seller to a
purchaser to repay, within the time period specified by the seller and
upon the return of the merchandise, a portion of the purchase price, the
computation of which shall be described in the terms of the guarantee.

2. Whenever a seller offers or advertises for sale goods with a
guarantee that promises the return of the purchase price, upon the
return of the merchandise, such guarantee shall be deemed to be a money
back guarantee unless the term "limited guarantee" is used and the terms
of limitation of such guarantee are specified.