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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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Credit cards and payment for health care services
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 29-A
* § 519-a. Credit cards and payment for health care services. 1. For
purposes of this section, the term "credit card" shall have the same
meaning as in section five hundred eleven of this article.

2. No hospital or health care provider shall require credit card
pre-authorization nor require the patient to have a credit card on file
prior to providing emergency or medically necessary medical services to
such patient.

3. Hospitals and health care providers shall notify all patients about
the risks of paying for medical services with a credit card. Such
notification shall highlight the fact that by using a credit card to pay
for medical services, the patient is forgoing state and federal
protections that regard medical debt. The commissioner of health shall
have the authority and sole discretion to set requirements for the
contents of such notices.

* NB Effective October 20, 2024