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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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General Construction (GCN) CHAPTER 22, ARTICLE 2
§ 37-b. Population. 1. The term population when used in relation to
this state, or a municipality or other subdivision thereof, or a portion
of such a municipality or subdivision, shall, unless otherwise provided
in relation to such use, mean population as shown by the latest federal
census published as a final population count by the United States bureau
of the census.

2. Unless otherwise specifically provided, the term population when
used in relation to payments of aid or assistance by the state to a
municipality or other subdivision thereof shall mean population as shown
by the latest federal census of such municipality or subdivision
published as a final population count by the United States bureau of the
census prior to the commencement of the state fiscal year during which
such aid or assistance is payable.