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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Power of cities to provide moneys to replace revenues from excise taxes
General City (GCT) CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE 2
§ 13-c. Power of cities to provide moneys to replace revenues from
excise taxes. The common council or other governing body of any city, in
which the trafficking in liquor is prohibited wholly or partly may
raise, as long as the trafficking in liquor is prohibited, an amount not
exceeding the revenue derived from excise taxes on alcoholic beverages
in the last year in which the excise taxes were received. Such amount
to be raised shall be included in the tax levy in addition to all other
sums which the common council or other governing body is authorized to
raise, any provision of the city charter to the contrary

In a city having a board of estimate and apportionment, action by the
common council or other governing body under this section shall not be
taken except with the consent of such board.